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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. As a man, I'd like to agree with Julietta.

    It's a shame other people don't see it this way. However, the people I count as my genuine true friends know about me and my shoes, and they don't mind. Other people don't seem to notice, or if they do, they don't seem to give me any crap about it - so that'll do. Actually, some of my true friends think that I'm a TV, rather than a hh enthusiast - and that doesn't bother them either. I recently found out, for instance, that someone I'd not spoken to for months thought that I was a TV, and wasn't bothered about it, and was just wondering where I'd been. We're now best mates again, and although I don't think I'd wear hh around him, he knows, and he doesn't care at all. Oh, and to explode the myth about older people, he's two years older than my father, and he's cool with it all.

    For me - I like people, and if I can relate to someone positively, that's all that matters. Like Julietta said, they can be or do whatever the heck they want, but if we can have a positive relationship, then that's fine. If not, then I'll move on. I've got quite enough negatives to be going on with (this is most definitely not a swipe at anyone on this board, before I get my donkey flamed off).

  2. Is it just me or was anyone else ever so slightly misled by the forum title here :lol: ? But I'd like to see them on sale in Barratts too (nice one, Dr. Shoe) or, failing that, anywhere with reasonable prices! I don't think we'll see them in the mainstream soon, tho', but you never know (crosses fingers) :(

  3. Best way to be 'smart' and have several windows open is to use tabbed browsing in Mozilla. This is what I do, and it works very well. I never have problems with my logged-in state, even when I don't use the 'log me in automatically' option. And I can open as many messages in separate tabs but within one main window with one swift middle-click of my mouse (although I am using Linux just now, so a three-button mouse is supported). Best of all, Mozilla is free, and doesn't suffer from the scary security problems of the Internet Explorer/MS Office combination.

  4. I wonder, Dr.Shoe, if the guys on this board generally wear, or buy, what they find to be sexy on the opposite sex, regardless of what it makes themselves look like. Are we "trying to have our cake and eat it too"?

    I'd never claim to speak for everyone, but for myself I tend to only wear black ankle or knee boots. I must have every possible variation of ankle boot by now :lol:

    But I find a much wider range of styles sexy on women, so I don't think I'm trying to win both ways. I've learned only to wear what I'm comfortable in (or, in the case of the shoes I wore to a friend's party, slightly uncomfortable after walking thru Stevenage :) ) instead of anything I can get.

    Just my 0.04 euro :(

  5. I was shy as a child, but now I'm (apparently) incredibly outgoing. But then, I work on-site, so I have to be. It's an interesting theory about shy people being interested in shoes because they're always looking down, but I'm not convinced.

    On the other hand, when you're a small child, crawling and learning to walk, adults look like a pair of shoes and a blur to you. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    Overall, tho', I don't really ever wonder how I ended up this way, I just try and remember to enjoy it :lol:

  6. Belgian humor ...

    Works for me :lol:

    how come you've joined this list long after me and you laready got 552 postings while i'm struggling to reach 100 ?

    To be honest, I don't really pay any attention to the number of posts I've managed, but I do like to talk, and I like to keep the conversation going. And, oddly enough, I've no problem talking about shoes. I wonder why that could be :(

  7. I have a 1999 Pugeot 406, 2 litre, which I drive for work. It's got climate control and a CD auto changer, and that's about it. At weekends I drive my BMW 325i, which is the 2.5 litre straight 6 engine. It has M-technic suspension (apparently) and is a total blast. I may post some photos when I get around to taking some. ObShoe: I can drive the Pug perfectly well in heels, but I haven't dared try this in the BMW yet. It's wet out here just now, and I've already startled myself a couple of times in it :lol:

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