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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I tend to slide my jeans down a little when wearing heels, but I'd always claim that it's to hide my heels a bit. I like the look of just a heel appearing below a trouser leg - on me or anyone else. It's not because I feel more sensuous like that. Honest :lol: !

  2. Hayway staff are very friendly and it's a factory unit so no other shoppers (they only allow 1 at a time in the showroom).

    I can recommend going there - they're in Leicester

    Hmmm... I'm not far from Leicester - where exactly are they.

    I wonder if several members of HHPlace could claim to be one person and all sneak in at once?

  3. I was wondering where to post this, either in the fetish section or the how-to, so I thought this would be best... I was interested in either making or purchasing some pony boots, that is shoes on a high incline, without a heel, so it kind of looks like a hoof. I am not interested in the animal roleplay or anything, I just thought the shoes were neat and would be fun to wear.

    I'm attaching a picture from someone's personal website, I haven't done this before, so it may take a few tries to make it work...

    pony1.jpg (alt+p)

    I know these were from Kayser's in Australia. I wondered if any other company made these boots as well? So far, I can only find them as a retailer..

    It didn't, but this might:


    Jezebel, make sure you only have the URL to the image enclosed between the url tags. If you quote this message, you'll see how I did it.

  4. Sorry Bubba, I thought my English was good but here I've got to look it up in a dictionaire because I never heard those words before

    Worry not, Highluc! I know what those words mean, but I doubt I could define them clearly in writing. And most of the people I know wouldn't know what they meant either, and they're native speakers of English!

    Your English is excellent, and no end better than my command of foreign languages!

  5. TallSwede, I suspect it may be a vision thing. I'm slightly long-sighted, and an optician suggested I buy some instant reading glasses. They didn't help much, but I must admit I nearly fell over when standing firmly on a floor wearing trainers (runners). Yikes! I haven't worn them since, and I think I'll just stand further away from things for the time being. That was the only time I've ever had anything like vertigo, and it was horrible.

  6. I can't understand why these "band aids" aren't manufactured in more colors than those ugly caucasian "flesh" colored strips. After all, aren't they designed to hide blemishes?

    I have a feeling that they just say 'there's no demand'. Hundreds of times a day, sometimes. Just like larger size shoes with heels on :lol:

    [Currently being a smug 8-9UK]

  7. Apparently, a fear of heights is pretty much built-in to humans. Babies old enough to crawl won't crawl off a fake drop, even though they'd crawl on to perspex and wouldn't fall.

    I'm not scared of heights at all. I love open elevators, flying, leaning off tall buildings, anything. Bring it on, I say. For those who know Silbury Hill, in the West Country, UK, me and a couple of pals spent a happy hour leaning off the top of that into a very strong wind. Awesome!

    (Silbury hill is an artificial hill, with about 45-degree sides. It's a great place to go, but I think it's all fenced off now).

    And I must admit, I didn't like the extreme plats. They look far too heavy. Sorry :lol:

  8. I must admit that I drive past two or three shoe shops on my way to the office. But it's a complete accident. Honest. ...but I do arrange customer trips to pass shoe shops. Off to Bluewater (err, Kent-based customer) next week :lol:. Oh, and the boots are great, both of you.

  9. I'd use frames too. However, as a 'not quite so lazy programmer', I have before now knocked up a quick C program to maintain menu bars. But then, I have several UNIX machines around here, so it's a bit easier for me.

    Frames are a pain in the butt, but then again, so is trying to do without them.

    As for the Dreamweaver solution - wouldn't know. I use vim on Windows or UNIX Posted Image .

  10. Thanks Yamyam but it's thanks to having a digital camera really as you can retake the pics until you get the ones you like, and believe me I have had to erase quite a few rough ones :lol:

    You should give it a go I'd love to see your collection and I'm sure so would everyone else.

    I will watch this space......

    Julietta xx

    Oh, I have a digital camera. It's just that the only ones I take are rough ones :( . More practice needed, I think. Some of my shoes are online at some borrowed space: they're at http://www.rhysw.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/o4hsyy/ but I'll do some more photos when I can.

  11. YamYam, um, no. I am not covering him in velvet. Chris will remain unmaligned in such a fashion. :lol: Any other comments are censored on my part.

    Oh well. It'd have made for an interesting diary entry, anyway. Oh, and also like Julietta, and many others, I enjoy your writings too. Another standard for me to aspire too :(

  12. A comment was made to me during the week, that the two words most brought up in my diary are Chris and velvet.

    So, all we need to do is to cover Chris in velvet, and... :(

    Actually, I'd quite like to try 5" as well, but not at the stupefyingly steep prices that I've seen them for so far :lol:

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