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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. FFox is correct (again :lol: !) - I've been in a couple of Stead & Simpsons, and they're generally OK. As for Schuh, I love 'em! I don't know about 'less guy-friendly styles', a couple of my fave pairs are from there. I was well seriously gutted that the Lakeside one wasn't open when I was there a couple of weeks ago - it's on the store directory :( The rest of Lakeside was quite nice, and I got a pair of great stiletto boots from Richport (also recommended). Oh, and while I'm on, gothic, punk, kinky, all fine. But what the heck is 'greb'?!? I know I'm a parent and all, but what's all that about?

  2. Amazing, I can wear my 9" heels around him but not 3" :lol:

    No, actually I can see that. 9" is a fetish item, and it's kind of OK to have a fetish. 3" is 'everyday' wear (I wiiiiiiiish!) and that's odd. Why would someone want to wear heels every day? So, yeah, I can see the logic.

    Keep it up guys


    Excellent advice there!

  3. My most positive reaction was actual praise and compliments at the Brum meet! And the worst I've ever had was some giggling from a carload of girls.

    My brother knows; he just calls me 'Imelda Marcos' when no-one else is around :lol:

    My old Uni mates either didn't notice or don't care. The worst I had from them was very broad smiles when I had to run up a street to the pub as I'd got distracted by a model shop and they'd carried on.

  4. You go for it! I wish I'd had the support, self-knowledge and other stuff to go for it when I was at University! Damn, all that wasted time. Oh, what the hell. As long as someone can take what I said and build on it, then maybe it wasn't a waste. Enjoy, and let's hope we hear more from you in due course! (Uh, didn't mean the pun. Damn this alcohol :lol: )

  5. Next seems to do some bigger sizes, but they're bloomin' expensive. I'd suggest Brantano. They do bigger sizes, tend to have a good selection, are great at customer service, and have lots of nice racks for you to hide behind :lol: Brantano also have two different ranges, one in artificial materials and one in genuine leather, so you can pick and choose.

  6. Try Matalan - the branch near me had something similar and they were only about £12

    Thanks for the tip!

    I found a similar pair in Stead & Simpson for about £17, which I quite liked, but they didn't have the exact style I liked the best in UK8. The best they had was on a 2" kitten heel, which I didn't like.

  7. Trolldeg: "All generalisations are dangerous - including this one!" :lol: This whole 'men are good at this &c' thing is a bit of a red herring, I think. I don't fit the typical 'man' description either, in that I have to turn maps around, and I can multitask, although not always :( . I also can't park for toffee, to the point where people have been known to look again as I unlock my (very badly parked) car. I also have excellent verbal and written skills, according to some psychometric test or other. (And I have been known to ask for directions :) ) On the other hand, I'm really untidy, don't notice washing up when it needs to be done, and forget to change toilet rolls. I think we're all a mix, with some people being nearer the male or female 'extreme', and some people slightly nearer the middle, with a mix of characteristics. Do people agree?

  8. To be honest, for a lot of companies, it would just be marketing what they do slightly differently. Many shoe companies do 'large size women's' ranges, so all they'd need to do would be to publicise the styles differently, and we're there. As for skirts, I'm not so sure on that one. I can't claim that much experience in this field, but I'm sure it can't be all that different. But if David Beckham can cause a run on pink nail varnish in the Midlands, all we need to do is get Posh to persuade him to go for a pair of hh and we're done. (And I know I've said this before, but I still think it's true)

  9. Okay, does that make any sense? Ah what does it matter, I know what I am trying to say.

    Ah, sure sign of true love - when someone completely stops making sense :grin:

    In time, I am sure we'll get better at the pictures, and maybe even share a few more. :grin:

    Looking forward to it! And I thought the photos were just fine, but then, I take absolutely terrible pictures myself :smile:

  10. I was browsing the Internet looking for a pair of shoes like this: Posted Image (hope the image works, but if not, they're kind of like sandals, but with a closed toe, a cuff around the ankle, and about a 3.5" heel). I fancied a change from plain black ankle boots (twenty pairs should be enough :smile: )

    Anyway, I found some quite nice ones, but at 45 quid (or only 33 from Argos) they seemed a bit steep. So I decided to 'check for alternatives'. Both the Kay's and Argos site seemed to think that men's trainers were an acceptable alternative! How does that work?

    I might treat myself to a pair from Argos, if I can't find anything I like in a shop. I don't really want to buy online, as I like trying them on too much!

  11. Those are nice. I must admit, I'm normally a boots person, but I quite like the asymetric slingbacks (the top two photos). And the Saxone boots are quite nice too. They are what I'd assumed a blade heel to be. And you're lucky being able to swap with the wife :smile: !

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