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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. What if you open someone else's closet - and they're in there? Could lead to an interesting discussion. I sometimes wonder how many people there are wanting to do stuff, and never do, because there's someone else there who'd be cool with it, but the topic of conversation never comes up? I know a couple of times people I've worked with have said "Wear whatever you want here!" and I've thought "Oh, if only!". But would they have minded? No idea. But if I'd caught them in my shoe room, then I'd have known. Darn these wasted opportunities!

  2. Well, of course, I missed you and your writings too, and I'm glad to welcome you back. As for long boots and knee-length skirts, this seems to have been a fashion fixture here in the UK for the last couple of years. Great for me, as I love that look on women. So, I guess the trend has hit here too. So, go for it, and I like the new-style postings! Keep up the good work :lol:

  3. I don't really know Yamyam. I posted this out of curiosity really. I'm one of those people who always asks a person their birth sign. Have read a lot about it and find it is a good talking point as most people a) know their sign and :) like talking about themselves which as a listener I enjoy and c) it breaks the ice. :( I have noticed however that we do not have any Capricorns, or none that are owning up anyway :lol:

    I was just wondering. I did a similar exercise at work with the old rhyme about "Monday's child...". We ended up discussing it for days!

  4. She knew from the start of our relationship that I needed for her to wear high heels. But I didn't let her know that I liked to wear the as well. It wasn't until a few months later that she draged it out of me. For the first time someone else knew that I liked wearing high heels. For us, high heels is all about sex. If one of us puts on a pair the other one knows where it's headed.

    I'm not sure if English is your first language, 7in_pumps... but you've achieved an awesome pun in it - 'liked to wear them... dragged it out of me' :lol:

    OK, so I'm addicted to puns as well as shoes, but it worked for me!

  5. I have no idea what my typing speed is, but since I don't often get to type lots of text, it's probably better than it seems. What does me in is changing keyboards. In here just now I have two different Compaq laptop keyboards, a standardish full-size keyboard, a mini IBM keyboard, and a VT420 terminal :( I do know that whenever anyone hears me typing at work, they tend to go 'Bloody hell! That's a bit quick!' Just as well the delete key sounds like all the rest :lol:

  6. Try your local fetish fair :lol: They're a bit difficult to buy in 'normal' stores, so I'm told. Alternatively, you could get creative with light chain and luggage padlocks :( To be honest, I'd quite like a girlfriend to do that to me, too!

  7. Hiya. I know what you mean about lacking style &c - I had to take lessons in looking okay before stepping out the door, and this isn't an easy one. My advice would be to try wedge heels, as they're a lot more subtle. Then go for it and have a wild outfit on. That way, no-one will notice the heels. But I and many others here wear heels while dressed as men out and about, and the very worst reaction I've ever had was a severe giggling! Feel free to message me if you'd like to talk some more. Whereabouts are you? You might like to meet up with some other members of the board for a chat over a pint or two. I usually turn up in most places in the UK every so often!

  8. It seems everyone has a pair! I'll start to feel left out soon! I wanna pair!

    *starts whinging and whining*





    It's OK, SH - I don't either. *Joins in whinging and whining*


    *stops too*


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