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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Argos have a great range and allow deep linking into their site, which some places don't. The only problem is that you can't try shoes on in Argos, so you won't catch me in there very often. It's a shame as I'm busily collecting Nectar points to spend on heels, and I don't like any of the styles in Debenhams :wink:

  2. I got 1 correct answer out of 10 (and that's only because I know what to do with a rescue diskette and a text editor).

    The telling comment about all of this is the bit at the beginning where the site author says that as many as 9625 people out of 10,000 (or about 96%) may be neurotypical, and that 'with training' they may learn to manage with autistic people.

    I think this is put together by someone or a group of people who are at least partially autistic, and are angry with society, for its perception of them and treatment of them. The whole site, at least by my reading, comes over as very very angry. I found it a jolt as my perceptions of the situation were challenged. I must admit, I read it thru, then spotted the 9625/10000 number, and had to go back and read that several times. Then, I think, I began working it out.

    Then I found this comment:

    # This site is an expression of autistic outrage.

    So there you have it. It's not quite what it looks like, but it's jolted my perceptions, and made me think. An excellent link!

    I'm sad that we, as society, make people this angry. I don't think I know anyone autistic, but I hope that if I did I'd know how to treat them.

  3. Do you know what amazes me with all this? That to all my emotional posts it seems that it is the men that are more forward in answering and responding. It's fantastic I really like this board the people on here (especially the men) are unique :D

    Julie xx

    Ooh, ta (IRL: blushes)

    Perhaps us men here are more used to breaking the mould, as we're all breaking away from social norms from the knees down :wink:

  4. yeah but just think what would happen in general society if he did wear a few pairs of high heels, the papers would have field day but at least there might be even more acceptance of men in heels in public. here`s hoping

    I've been saying this for ages :wink: !

    Perhaps he does wear them at home, but Posh doesn't think the world's ready for it yet!

  5. I don't think I'd do an earring. Not really my style. A tattoo perhaps, it'd have to be tasteful and in the right place. I could easily get away with either though... Shame you can't get away with heels like you can with earrings! *sigh*


    Not so long ago you couldn't get away with earrings either... now you can. Things change. Perhaps heels will be the same?

  6. Hi Hoverfly! I am just getting more confident in wearing heels publically so it will only be a matter of time before my boots will make their public debut! I know 3 inches isn't what we would call 'overly high' but I just fell in love with those boots the first time I saw them! Saying that, it would be great if they had a six inch metal spike on them! :lol:

    Oh, I don't know. I think if you're going to go out and about on heels, you'd better be confident on them. Much as I'd love six inch metal stils, I'm not going to go drinking in Stevenage in them as I'd just fall over at some point. So, starting on 3" makes sense. You can always work up to more extreme heels.

    I'm just about getting to be happy doing most things in 4", but I've bought a pair of lower boots that I want to wear all day and forget about. I think that just being in them elegantly is more important to me right now than falling over in 6"

    Plus, sometimes you just see a pair of boots and love them, no matter how high the heels (as long as they're there :( )

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