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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Ah, but if you want total confusion, just come to the UK. If you buy a short and a beer in a pub, you get 25ml of whiskey, but 1 pint of beer. But if you buy them in a supermarket, you buy them both in milli-litres. Eh?!? If you want to buy honey or jam, they often come in 454gram jars, because that's one old pound. We refuel our cars in litres, but then drive them in miles. We can buy 'quarter pounders', with the uncooked weight in grams (112g?) Best of all, my car has 225(mm) x 65 tyres on 15 inch rims, so that's one object with both units on it! Most of what learned at school I do in metric, but the stuff that my Dad taught me takes place in inches. So I lay out printed pages in inches, but when I have to fix the car I use mm. And when a chap came over to quote for some shelves, he measured them as 2m x 4in x 1in. Eek! But as for why computers generally measure in Imperial units, I think that comes from America.

  2. Apparently his adventures in nail varnish and sarongs caused shops to run out of those items. I personally would *love* to see all those football-shirted lads in Barratts squeezing themselves into heels. I honestly think I'd laugh myself sick (or until I fell off my heels, whichever happened first)

  3. Very funny, Yamyam, very funny.

    Glad you liked it. Couldn't resist a chance to tease you :wink:

    If only that were a power I could use for real...


    Chris - best invest in a lightning conductor, just in case :D

  4. I think sizes are quite variable, plus the style has an effect too. I know I've got pairs marked 7UK, 8UK and 9UK, plus anything from EUR40 to EUR43, and they all fit me. Odd, innit?

  5. I have two Compaq laptops - lucky me, eh? One's work's, and one is mine. My machine is a new Presario 700, and that's got a great keyboard. Work's Evo keyboard is OK, but the machine has no feet on the back to tilt the keyboard, so not so good. My fave keyboard at the moment is a chunky Digital one, attached to a VT510 terminal. That's the console of my UNIX server, and I sometimes find myself sitting there to bash in text, as it's one of the best keyboards ever. Old IBM keyboards are great! They're nice and solid, and have a great action. I'm typing this on an Advent wireless keyboard, which I've got used to. At first I wasn't so keen, but it's quite heavy, thanks to the radio unit, and it's wireless, so I can stick it on my lap, put my feet on the desk and still type. And I like that! What really grinds my donkey about the laptops is that I have two laptops from the same maker, but the keyboards are completely different! Well, okay, the QWERTY bit is the same, but that's about it! Argh! (ObShoe: Having my feet on the desk means that I can admire this nice pair of 3" spade heels I've got on :wink: )

  6. I'm going to disagree with Laurie, and say...

    FX: ZAP!

    Ouch - what happened there? Anyhow, I quite liked those. I'm not sure I'd wear them myself, but I liked the pics, and I liked the shoes.

    (Edit - D'oh - just got the joke in the post title. IRL: slaps self on forehead)

  7. I hid stuff in the attic when I lived at home, or behind the drawer under my bed. Thankfully I left home at 18, and had a car then, too. These days, I have a 'shoe room' opposite my office on the top floor of my house. Who needs to hide? (The only problem is putting everything away before the cleaner or my little one arrive :wink: )

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