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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Whatever heels you buy, don't wait until the last minute to learn to walk in them. It takes practice. After you have master walking in private, going out in public is LOT more fun because you aren’t falling all over yourself. The same is true if you change heel height very much. Also, don’t be too aggressive with your first pair of heels. 6” stilettos is not the place to start. There is a BIG difference in walking on a 4” heel and a 6” heel. Whatever you chose, enjoy yourself.

  2. In a former life I taught data processing and I used to refer to some problem situations as a three sock syndrome. Those were situations where you didn’t know exactly what was wrong but, like having three socks, you knew something was wrong. On a whole other topic, the silver boots shipped yesterday and are scheduled to arrive next week. I still don’t know if I have the nerve to wear them but …

  3. This site has been mentioned on the forum before but they have the “wildest” stuff I’ve seen for a while. There is a whole section for their metal shoes and they will even make thigh high cowboy boots. For the folks that love very high heels there’s plenty for you to.

    They seem to be based in Canada and others have reported good experiences buying from them.


  4. I found a pair of Pleaser’s BEVERLY thigh boots

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    for $35 (including shipping) at How Cool today and ordered them. Yep, I ordered a pair of silver thigh boots. This may take some getting used to. This will also be my first pair of non leather boots. I really don’t expect to get much outside wear from them until it cools off but air conditioned places may be Ok.

    These boots will stand out more then my white pair do so I’ll have to see if I have the nerve to get out of the car.

  5. I wore my granny boots on the outside of my jeans today. I stopped at Bigg’s on the way to work for yogurt. I carried a hand basket in the store so there was no cart to hide anyone’s view. I got one disapproving look from one lady. Several others glanced including several workmen but no one said anything.

    On the way home I stopped in again and this time I used a cart. Even though the store was busy, very few noticed my boots and I got no reaction at all.

    The boots are leather and are becoming more comfortable each time I wear them. The shoe is a little narrower than by thigh boots but natural give of the leather is forming to my feet.

    JeffB -

    At least your pair had a chance to get out again. :P ;

    Shafted -

    I’ve mentioned in other posts, many of the group I work with wouldn’t understand heel wearing and I’m not ready to take on their education.

    Dawn HH -

    The boots are great for general wear but they are not designed for a lot of it. This was not an expensive pair of boots. I’ll do my best to wear them out.

  6. I wore my granny boots to the grocery last night. I wore them under my slacks but the heel and the pointed toe were clearly visible. Only two girls noticed and they just has a funny look on their faces. Guys in heels must have been a new idea for them. Other than that, no one noticed or said a thing.

    JeffB -

    You are a major style barometer for the site and you gave your granny boots to the Goodwill. Oh well, I still like mine. :P

    As Shafted suggested, they are cooler than my thigh boots. Since Friday is a jeans day at work, I’ll try wearing them over my jeans (before and after work).

  7. Fex

    Welcome to the board. I’m glad to see you are starting with a nice pair of boots. Congratulations on going into a store to buy your boots. There are many members that are still having trouble doing that. It looks like you’re a step ahead of some of us.

    I hope you enjoy wearing your new boots and it’s nice that your girlfriend also enjoys heels.

  8. I just bought a pair of granny boots on e-bay

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    and they came with a 3 1/2" heel, 6 pair of speed hooks and a side zipper. The fit nicely but putting them on and taking them off has been a bit of a pain.

    My first outing with them was at lunchtime. I keep my heel wearing and work separated but I really wanted to try my new boots so I went out to my car and put them on and discovered what a pain it was to put them on.

    This was the first time in a long time I was wearing heels and I didn’t want to be noticed. (I normally wear thigh boots outside my jeans so being noticed is expected). Anyway, I got a carryout lunch and went to a local park and ate at a picnic table. The outing was uneventful but uncomfortable so close to work. I won't do that again.

    I did solve the problem of the laces falling out of the speed hooks when I put the boots on or take them off. I noticed the hooks had a hole like eyelets did so I laced the boots by running the lace through the hole in the speed hooks. The trick is to start the lace through the hole then use needle nose pliers to reach under the hook to pull the lace through the hole.

    I now have a fun pair of boots that are easy to get into and out of.

    JeffB has suggested several outfits to go with these boots, “I think flared or narrow legged jeans, paired with a black t-shirt would work well with those boots. Or, as another option, you could go all black from head to toe”.

    Any additional ideas are welcome.

  9. I just bought a pair of granny boots on e-bay and they came with 6 pair of speed hooks and a side zipper. They were a real pain to put on and take off because the laces fell out of the hooks. Then I noticed the hooks had a hole like eyelets did so I laced the boots by running the lace through the hole in the speed hooks. The trick is to start the lace through the hole then use needle nose pliers to reach under the hook to pull the lace through the hole. The granny boots now fit fine and are easy to put on and take off.

  10. Well my Granny Boots arrived while I was out of town and I tool them out for a spin at lunch today. I wore them under my slacks. I went to several stores in the town where I work (something I would not do in thigh boots). The outing was a different experience for me because I didn’t want to be noticed wearing heels so close to works.

    I had forgotten what so many on this board had expressed about trying not to be seen or noticed while wearing heels. When I wear my thigh boots there is no hiding what I’m wearing but the granny boots allow that option. I’m not sure I enjoyed the game of wearing heels and trying not to be seen. I wore my granny boots because I liked them and it bothers me that I was inhibited and always wondering if someone noticed.

    I think the answer is to not wear heels so close to work again.

    By the way, the granny boots are lace up boots with a zipper. These boots are more trouble to get on and off than any other pair of boots I own except the chap boots.


    The flat heel boots are Pleaser 8826. They are pig leather. I normally wear a 14 in a heeled boot and I have a pair of size 14 8826s but the shaft is too large and the shoe is a little long. They are, however, very comfortable but won’t stay up on my leg. I use them as work boots and have had to re-glue the sole on the boots twice. That is something that you should not have to do with normal wear. The pair I wore to your museum and the DC Art Museum are a new pair size 13. The shaft is a little tighter so they stay up better but my toe can touch the toe box and after several hours it irritates my toes to the point walking was painful.

  11. ChantalTV –

    Glad to here you tried your thigh boots. Were they outside of your trousers or inside? I didn’t understand what would have been “too much”.

    Dawn HH –

    I really did put some wear on my boots, and enjoyed every minute of it. I’m happy that Mickey enjoyed hearing about my adventure. Tell her I said “Hi”.

    JeffB –

    A car does make changing into and out of thigh boots more convenient. I hope you get to try your boots out and about soon.

    Jimnj3 –

    Warm weather has been a concern, however, the times I was outside wasn’t too hot and all the rest of the time I was in air-conditioning.

    So far I have been taking it easy when I go outside and I’m not out for too long so the warm weather hasn’t stopped me yet. I was doing some yard work with the stuff I bought at Lowe’s and I wore shorts and regular shoes for that. Several weeks ago it was cooler and I did similar work in jeans and thigh boots.

    All –

    Thanks for the kind words and support.

  12. I went to Lowe’s (hardware warehouse) this morning to buy some sand and a grounding rod, but also as an excuse to wear my boots. I wore shorts with a 4” inseam, a blue pull over short, and a pair of black thigh highs with 4” stiletto heels. I walked in and made no concession to what I was wearing. If I present myself as doing something unusual, people will take advantage of it so I walk around like “I do this all the time and everybody else was out of step”. I had to walk over the entire store to get my items and lots of folks noticed but no one said a thing. After wearing boots for a full week, I missed them.

  13. Well I’m back home and have slept the night and my calf muscles are still sore. The story is in why they are sore.

    Yesterday was my last day on my trip so I decided to go for broke. The day was WHITE boot day. The problem was to put together an outfit that looked good with them. I wore a white satin long sleeved blouse, denim hip hugger shorts with a 1” inseam, nude hose, a blue woven sweat band on my head, and white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The top to bottom blue, white, blue, white tide the whole thing together and looked good. The problem was having enough nerve to go out like that.

    The first thing was to take all my other boots out to the car. I had to do this anyway since I was leaving, but it left me with only one pair of footwear. Oh well it was the last day and I wouldn’t get the chance again so out I went. My room was on the second floor at the end of a wing of the hotel and the room door opened onto an outdoor hall. The outdoor stairs were in the middle of the wing and my car was parked near my room so it was a nice walk to the car. The lobby was even further in the other direction.

    First I went to breakfast at the hotel. As I walked into the lobby the first desk clerk registered surprise. When manager came out of a back room she also looked surprised but then I got a big smile and she said they were nice boots. This was the first time she had commented on any of them. I got my food and ate with some of the other guests. I made several trips across the dining area for seconds. Other than a few glances, there was no reaction at all. Confidence was building.

    There was one museum I still wanted to see, the Air and Space Museum at Dulles airport. This is an extension of the Smithsonian Air and Space in D.C. I drove to the Museum and got there before they opened so I got to stand in line outside for about 10 minutes. Several of the Museum workers came by with literature. After a quick glance they didn’t miss a beat. The other folks in line noticed and ignored me.

    Its kind of hard not to notice a guy standing 6’5” (in heels) with a white satin blouse in the bright sun.

    By the time the doors opened there were a hundred people in line. The security guard checked my bag without comment.

    This is a HUGE museum housed in a airplane hanger that has been fitted with elevated walking paths so you can get back far enough from the planes to see, as well as walking right up to them on the floor. How big is HUGE? The plane I wanted to see was a Concord. I was parked crossways in one end of the hanger.

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    I said these 8899s were my museum boots so I got to prove it. I wanted to see a Concord close up. I had seen one fly and land at Cincinnati and fell in love with the plane. I walked from one end of the Museum to the other and also around the space shuttle. I was there for over an hour, walking all the time. The museum guests ignored me and the guards were polite and loved talking about the planes. As I left and walked back the car, more guests noticed me but just kept on going without comment.

    I started driving for home. After an hour or so I realized the effort in the Museum had dehydrated me so I stopped at a Burger King for a snack and the biggest soft drink they had. Of course I went in (rather than the drive in) and had to go back to the car because I had forgotten my wallet. The other guests noticed, some with amusement, but made no comment at all.

    Later I stopped at an expressway rest stop in Maryland. As I pulled into a parking spot, three guys on motorcycles pulled in beside me( not a gang, just three guys that liked to ride). I thought about it for a minute then got out of the car. The guy who was talking, stopped in mid sentence, took a second look, then went on with his conversation. After that every one ignored me.

    An hour or so later I stopped at another rest stop without event.

    By the time I got to West Virginia I was tired so I pulled into a rest stop and slept for 15 min. Then I got out of the car and went into the building and refilled my drink glass with water. Some noticed, one stared, but no one said a word.

    After several hours I wanted supper so I pulled into a Bob Evans (family style restaurant). The hostess greeted me with a big smile and seated me at a table. The waitresses noticed and all smiled. I ordered and while my food was arriving, I went to the men’s room. This was the first time I had had to use the facilities in heels. Fortunately, the stalls at Bob Evans are solid walls and very private.

    When my waitress brought me my food, I commented that I hopped my boots weren’t causing a problem. She gave me a big smile and said, “not at all, you should wear what you want”. She did ask me why I was wearing them (seems that was the discussion topic in the kitchen), and I told her I just enjoyed wearing them and she said “that’s great”. It turns out she is a theater major from New York, being a waitress while working on her second major in school. She said she has been trying to convince the local people where was life outside Centerville. As I left I wished her luck and thanked the hostess for her hospitality.

    As I was getting closer to home, I stopped at a rest stop and changed into a blue pull over knit shirt, jeans, and black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I had wanted to go shopping in my white boots but it was too late and the stores were closed so I changed into “home clothes”. The black boots were pull on so they are easy to change.

    I stopped at a convenience store about a mile from home and went in (wearing my black boots) and bought a gallon of milk. I sure two girls commented to each other, the clerks ignored me but in the parking lot a guy came up to my car and through a closed window and said he loved my boots. We exchanged thumbs up as I left.

    Now I’m back home with sore calf muscles but what a great day.


    The lace tie on the 8899s is functional but my thigh isn’t anywhere close to requiring loosening the lace so for me they are decorative but I like look.

  14. Well I’m back from dinner. I wore my dark blue jeans, a dark blue silk blouse, and my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. This is really the best looking outfit I have with me. I went to an Italian restaurant and had a fine meal with two beers (my limit). When I walked in, there were guests outside the door waiting to be seated, some of whom noticed my boots, but when I went in, the restaurant was almost empty and I was seated immediately. As it turned out everyone wanted outdoor seating for the fireworks. Not being a fireworks fan (that’s a whole posting in itself) I was glad to be served quickly. Inside the restaurant no one noticed my boots at all. As I was leaving, the fireworks were just starting and the whole restaurant staff was outside. I just walked to my car and drove back to the hotel. All dressed up and no party. I really am tired so I’ll sign off.

  15. I’m back at the hotel from my trip into Washington D.C. For the trip I wore a blue knit pull over shirt, brown shorts with a 3” inseam, nude hose, and a new pair of black thigh boots with flat heels. I was going to a place with thousands of people on the street that I hadn’t been to for years so I thought the flat heels were a good compromise. I took public transportation into and back from DC. The hotel had a shuttle to Dullis airport and from there it is an hour bus ride into DC. The trip was uneventful. When I got into DC I walked about 6 blocks to the National Gallery of Art. This museum really is one of our Nations treasures. There aren’t too many places in the USA where you can walk into a two room gallery of Rembrandt, and the next one is Vermere, then Rubens and I was just getting started. I was there for four hours and my mind was in full overload. I have to do that again. Now back to what people thought of my boots. Many noticed but must just ignored me. There were a few exceptions however. One guard ask me if I had ridden my motorcycle to town. She said they looked like motorcycle boots. I assured her they weren’t and she said they really looked nice. A few minutes later she asked me what kind of work I did, and at the same time a guy asked me if I was an actor. I told her I was just a computer geek and I just liked to wear boots. I offered that I even sometimes wear a heel. She raised her eye brows and said, “with the right shorts or jeans, that could look good”. I said I thought it did and we went our ways. In another gallery I was sitting on one of the couches and a lady commented that she really liked my boots and went on that they looked like fine leather. I thanked her for the complement but told her they really weren’t expensive boots. She said the still looked great. Another guard asked me where I was from. I told him Cincinnati but they don’t wear them there either. He laughed and bid me a good day. As I was walking around the outside of the Hershorne Museum a girl with a group called out “Nice boots”. I thanked her. I overheard other comments like “I got to get a pair of those”. This one tops them all. I was walking past a stopped empty city bus on 7th Ave when the driver opened the door and called to me. He got off the bus with a digital camera and asked is he could take a picture of my boots. I said sure and pulled them up for his picture. Somewhere in Washington D.C there is a Metro driver with a digital picture of Thighbootguy in boots. The trip back to the airport and hotel were uneventful. Next time I’ll make the trip in heels and make sure the boots are REALLY comfortable. The toe box of new flat heel boots touches the side of my toes. Wearing them for a couple of hours is Ok but after a seven hour trip, with a lot of walking, I was glad to take them off. I still have to go out to dinner tonight. I’ll let you all know how that goes.

  16. JeffB


    The Pleaser 8890s

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    are cow leather pull on boots with an elastic lace in the back above the knee and 4” stiletto heels. In my size 14, the shaft was a little too large to say up so I ran a seam down the inside of the back to tighten them up. The leather strap behind the knee is a useless decoration. With an insole, these are the most comfortable boots I own. Since the I tightened the shaft, these are my favorite out and about boots. They don’t scream HIGH HEELS like the 5” boots do. Most people really don’t notice that I’m wearing heels.

    The Ellie 8868s

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    are pig leather pull on boots with a 4” stiletto heel. The pig leather is a little stiffer than the cow leather which means the boots will stay up a little better. With an insole, these are also good boots to walk in.

    The Ellie 8899s

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    are pig leather boots with an ankle zipper, a lace tie in the back above the knee and 5” stiletto heels. If you can wear a 5” heel, these boots, with an insole, are more comfortable than the 8869s. The shaft of these boots is tighter so there is no problem with them staying up. I have a pair in black, royal blue and white. These are my favorite museum boots.

    All are well made boots. The toe of each of these boots extends past the sole and I have worn a spot on the bottom of the tow on each style. That may be from the way I walk but it is consistent on all the boots. I have gone through several pair of heel tips on all the boots. By the way, it’s great fun to take them into a shoe repair shop.

    Hope this helps.

  17. For dinner I wore a mid arm length cream blouse, dark green slacks and black thigh pull on boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    First, I went to Nordstorm’s Rack (their discount store) and after walking through the shoe department, bought a pair of hose. No one batted an eye.

    Next I went to a large shopping mall (4 major stores) and just walked the length on the flower level and back on the upper level. I stopped in the Payless but saw nothing of interest. I was walking for at least 45 minutes and only 2-4 people even noticed my boots (at least that’s all I saw). One, however was a very cute girl who did a quick double take and her eyes got very large. I got a smile.

    After I left the mall, I went to the Uno’s in the shopping center and had dinner. The host and one waitress saw my boots but until I got up to leave no one else did. I had a quite dinner, paid and left.

    When I got back to the hotel, I changed into the hose, and a very short pair of shorts (1” inseam) and pulled on the Tony crotch boots. I had on the same cream blouse but wore it not tucked into the shorts so it came down past my waist (too many restaurant meals). The proportion looked better with the tall boots.

    I went out to get gas for the car at a nearby station. I don’t think anyone even saw me. It is still too warm to be outside wearing boots so I came back to the hotel. I think this outfit is a little too much for me.

    Not being a party person and being really tired, I think I’ll call it an evening.

  18. This morning I wore my Tony U black crotch high boots with a 5” stiletto heel down to breakfast at the hotel. I wore them over jeans with a pull over short sleeved shirt. The proportions of the outfit are a little off. I really think the boots are too tall (I don’t believe I wrote that) in proportion to my belt waist line. Anyway I got big smiles from the front desk folks and no reaction at all from the other guest.

    I did get the strangest question from one of the Hispanic workers. She asked me if I was going to be George Washington in the parade. She said I looked like him. It had to be the grey pony tail and the tall boots plus the heels put me at 6’5” but I don’t think she meant that George wore heels. I thanked her for the thought anyway.

    The Tony boots were not comfortable enough to go very far in so I switched to a pair of pull on thigh boots with 4” heels. These are much easier to change out of and into in the car.

    Work was exhausting and I am tired. Now I’m looking around for a place to eat tonight. The temperature is very warm so I won’t be spending too much time outside. I’ll post again when I get back.


    Some day I’ll have to get a digital camera, but until then that’s what you have an imagination for. Thigh boots in an air conditioned car aren’t too bad if you don’t have to spend too much time out in the heat.

    DawnHH -

    Mickey68 - I really am having fun. Work is over and I hope to get in some sight seeing.


    JeffB – Consider a pair of Pleaser 8890’s. They are cow leather and more comfortable especially with an insole. This is the pair that I ran a seam up the back of the shaft to tighten them a bit.

  19. After work I went back to my car and pulled on my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I was also wearing a long sleeved dress shirt, and dark blue jeans. I think the combination really looks good. Anyway I wanted to go to dinner so I went to an upscale outdoor shopping district in Herndon Va. I parked in a city parking garage and started walking to the shopping district which was several blocks away. The sun was still high in the sky and there was lots of bright daylight. I really was a little nervous because I had never been to this area before and at the first twinge of concern, I was ready to be out of there. I walked into a Uno (Chicago based chain) restaurant and the hostess seated me with light conversation about looking forward to the weekend. I ordered and had a good meal. I was sitting in a two person booth and my boots were clearly visible to all who walked by but only one person even glanced. At the end of the meal I asked my waiter if my footwear would be a problem. He said this was a very multi cultural center and there shouldn’t be any problem. I thanked him and left a good tip. I walked out onto the main street and saw a crowd in front of a movie theater and since it was hot, and I hadn’t been to a movie for a LONG time, I decided to go in. The only comment I got all night was from a lady in front of me in the line. “Nice shoes”. I thanked her. I walked through the theater lobby and took the escalator to the second floor and went in, found a seat and watched the show (War of the Worlds). After the show I took the escalator back down and out of the theater then walked the rest of the way around the block through several crowds of people. No one batted an eye or paid any attention at all. I thought I had pushed my luck far enough and walked back to my car on the garage and drove back to the hotel. At the hotel, I went into the lobby and asked how I should get to the National Gallery in Washington D.C. Both clerks recommended against driving and suggested I take the hotel shuttle to the airport then get a bus into D.C. I asked if my choice in footwear would be a problem and backed up to be sure they could really see what I was wearing. I said I was concerned about others reactions but he said he didn’t think there would be any problem. I may take a pair of shoes with me just in case. So far this has been a great trip.

  20. Last night I went to a busy Italian restaurant for dinner. I was wearing dark green slacks, a black silk blouse, and black pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. After parking I had to walk (ran actually) to the restaurant in a light rain and no one reacted to my boots at all. When I went in, the hostess seated me at a table and I had a good dinner. Several dinners noticed my boots but gave no reaction.

    After eating, when I was leaving, I stopped and asked the hostess how late they were opened and still got no reaction at all.

    I then walked the length of the parking lot to a large bookstore and spent some time wandering around (it had started raining again). When the rain let up I walked back to my car without notice.

    I failed to mention on the trip here, I stopped at a McDonalds on an expressway plaza and went in for a snack. I was wearing the same pair of black thigh boots. The service was very slow so I wound up standing in line for a long time (and somehow I wound up in the slowest line). I then went to a table and ate. No reaction from anyone.

    One amenity the hotel has that I don’t have at home is a convenient full length mirror. It’s placed so I see myself getting out of the shower (I have to cut back on the Italian restaurant meals). Anyway, it lets me see myself as others do (at least visibly, who knows what they think).

    Today, I am wearing dark blue jeans (ladies jeans so the waist is a little higher than men’s jeans), long sleeved light blue dress shirt and my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels Posted Image like these.The boots and the jeans blend very well so the first thing you notice is the heel.

    At breakfast in the hotel, some folks bid me good morning, including the folks at the front desk, but most just went about their business. No one said a word or gave a second look.

    Another thing I am doing a little differently is that most of the time I have a pair of boots in the car so I can switch from my shoes. Now I have my shoes in the car so I can switch from my boots for work.

  21. I wore my work clothes (dress shirt,slacks) with my black pull on thigh boots with 4" stiletto heels to breakfast at the hotel. One lady guest was checking out of the hotel and gave me a troubled look and another guy at breakfast looked at my boots and smiled. Other than that nothing. Oh well off to work. I'll change into my shoes when I get there.

  22. Well I have finally made it out of town on a business trip. This time the goal is to go as many places as I can while wearing my boots. The business part is off limits but the rest of the time I plan on wearing a pair. I have brought several pair with me. I’m in Reston Va. Again. On the way here I stopped by to visit with DawnHH and his wife. I stopped by his place of work and since he dosen’t mix heels and work, I wore a pair of flat heel thigh boots. What do three high heel fans talk about when they meet? Model trains of course. If you hadn’t figured it out from their posts, these are great folks and I want to thank them for spending some time with me, and happy anniversary! When I was driving I wore my black Pleaser’s 8890 pull on thigh boots with 3” stiletto heels that I did the shaft modification on. They felt and looked great and they stayed up. I stopped at a couple of rest stops and just walked in as if I was wearing regular guy shoes. Some noticed, most just went on about their business. When I got to the hotel, I walked in the lobby to register and the guy at the desk dropped his chin almost down to the counter top. He didn’t say a word. He welcomed me to the hotel and hopped I would enjoy my stay. I wore the same pair out to dinner at a Longhorn Steakhouse. (It was late and that all I could find in the rain and dark). When my waitress finally saw my boots she was speechless. She said she had never seen a pair like them before. I wasn’t up to going into an explanation of the fun of wearing thigh boots so I just let it pass. Anyway this looks like it is going to be a fun week. I’ll keep you posted. Dalecep – Sounds like you has fun again. Soon you can wear them over your pants. Like you said, ” you only go around once in this life”.

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