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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Bubba136;

    This thread is about publicly wearing thigh boots fully visible. I wear them outside my pant legs just like the avatar image.


    Thanks, complacency was the word I was hunting for. I am really going to try and avoid it. Besides, 5” heels kind of keep me on my toes (sorry about that one :D ).

  2. When I started wearing thigh boots, it was a matter of mustering up enough nerve to go out in public but now I kind of expect to be accepted. I doesn’t take anywhere near as much nerve to get out of my car, while wearing boots, as it used to. As I have mentioned several times, I still try to pick where I go in boots with some caution. I don’t wear boots around my neighborhood (at least in the daytime) or around work. It’s one thing to encounter someone that does things that are out of the norm and then go on your way, It’s entirely different to have to live next door. My part of the world is paranoid about sex offenders living in the neighborhood and this paranoia can easily expand to include someone that dresses out of the norm. Work is just not a place for me to be too far out of the norm. As others have written, going out of town allows you to be out of the norm and not permanently in someone else’s face. And like I said before, if your paying, people seem to cut you a little more slack. Pictures… I don’t have a photographic record of my exploits. I haven’t joined the digital photography revolution yet but that’s another issue. I’m still thinking about making pictures though. If/when I do, this will be the first place to know but thanks for asking.

  3. I had to replace the tire I ruined at the Columbus Art Museum so I went to Sam’s to get a replacement. I wore 4” heel thigh boots with jeans and walked into the tire department of the store. This isn’t like the other sections of the store, it’s more of a guy part of the store. Well anyway it took about 45 minutes to get the tire replaced and I chose to just wait around. I didn’t get any reaction, no comments, no stares, just professional courtesy. After getting the tire replaces, I went on a normal (note the use of that word) shopping trip in the rest of the store and tool my time. I was in the store for at least an hour and a half. A few customers looked twice but that was it. I’m starting to feel very comfortable wearing my boots which means I have to be even more attentive about where I go. I don’t want to assume too much about how accepting the public is. I suspect that if I’m paying to go into a place, there is an incentive on management’s part to keep me spending money there, and that tempers the reaction of the staff.

  4. I am checking out today so I packed my stuff and realized there was too much to carry in one trip so I made a trip out to the car with part of my stuff, wearing 5” thigh boots, then came back and had breakfast in boots.

    I went back to my room and packed the rest of my bags to check out. Then I realized the stuff I still had left was very bulky. Walking in 5” heels is a matter of balance so I had to learn how to carry this stuff very quickly or I was really going to walk badly. Smaller steps seemed to be the answer so I more slowly went to the front desk and on out to my car.

    After class I stopped at a supermarket and went in with a pair of 4” boots. There was very little reaction until I was leaving when I heard a lot of laughter back at the registers.

    On the drive home (2 hrs.) I was wearing the same 4” pair. These are pull on boots so there is extra room in the ankle and above the arch of the foot. When I am standing my foot conforms to the arch of the sole and the boots fit fine. When I am sitting, however, my foot will straighten a little and, after a while, cause come discomfort where my toe is pushed forward into the side of the boot. That’s a long explanation for why I didn’t wear them all the way home.

    I seem to have encountered four reactions to my wearing high heel thigh boots:

    Disdain - The persons body language said, “that’s disgusting, go away”.

    Indifference - People just went on their way like I wasn’t doing anything unusual. People would also engage in conversation and not acknowledge anything unusual.

    Amusement - laughter

    Mildly supportive - The persons body language said, “that takes nerve”. Or they commented on my boots.

    I think I was lucky that I didn’t run into hostility, but I do try to be careful where I go.

    This has been a great trip. I have another one planned in a week to Reston Va.

  5. Ahh, breakfast in boots. What a great way to start the day. I was wearing a pair of black 4” pull on thigh boots. I wore those boots back down to the lobby and out to my car and drove to class. I stopped for gas and when I got to class I almost forgot I had them on and started to get out of the car. Realizing my mistake I changed into my guy shoes and went to class. Tonight is museum night so I changed into my chap boots and drove back to the hotel. These are 5.5” heel black chap boots. At the hotel I put on a black turtleneck, black slacks, and a black blazer with the chap boots. I was thinking this is too warm but I’ll be in air conditioning, and I was thinking this 5.5” heel is a little higher than I’m used to but…. I went back out to my car and drove to the Museum. As I turned in the parking lot I must have caught a sharp curb because I cut the sidewall of a rear tire and it immediately started to go flat. One of the guards came by and saw my problem about the time I was getting the spare out of the trunk. He saw I had things under control and went on his way. By this time I had taken my jacket off, the turtle neck is sleeveless and did I mention I was wearing 5.5” heel chap boots. Oh well, I finished changing the tire and I was drenched with sweat (no delicate way to put that). I put my blazer back on and went into the museum and headed for the rest room to get cleaned up a little. This was the first rime I have gone into the men’s room with heels (never been into the lady’s room, not my style). Of course there were other folks in there. Did I mention I’m wearing 5.5” heels chap boots? The tour of the museum was nice except it wasn’t as cool as I was expecting so I had to take is very slow so I didn’t overheat. I finally took my jacket off and cooled down again. Hasn’t someone in this thread cautioned about making sure your heels are comfortable before you go out for an extended period? :roll: The extra .5” started to get to me and my feet started to hurt. The guard I met in the parking lot asked if my car was Ok and I asked for directions to a gas station that had an air line. When I left the museum, I stopped and put more air in the spare tire then drove back to the hotel. I changed into my 5” black thigh boots and blue jeans, same turtle neck and a light blue blazer (much cooler) and headed out for dinner. I went to the restaurant across the hotel’s parking lot. The waitress I had really didn’t like my boots. I asked her about them and she really strained to say they were Ok. With dinner I has two LARGE beers (my limit) and had to navigate on 5”heels. At least the manager and both the reception clerks bid me a cheerful good night. Back at the hotel I have the urge to pull on a pair of shorts with my 5”thigh boots and go for a walk around the neighborhood but I think that’s the beer so I will pass on that. Besides I’m pretty well exhausted so I think I will just crash. This has been a fun week and I’m going home tomorrow. Hope everyone enjoyed the chronicle. BobHH; Read back on this thread. The whole thing is about wearing thigh boots fully exposed.

  6. Breakfast as usual, 4” thigh boots. (How's that for status quo) After class I really needed a reference manual. (Bad class, bad instructor,…) so I got dress in a black turtleneck, black jacket, leather jeans and 4” heel black thigh boots (it has gotten cooler). I asked the desk clerk for directions to a bookstore and he directed me to a Barnes and Nobles in a near by shopping center. In I went and toured the store (couldn’t find the book I wanted). Since it was dinner time I started looking for somewhere to eat and found a Hoggy’s (ribs house). I walked in and was seated in a booth. The waitress was one of these people that is so active I got tired just watching her. I asked her if my boots were too much for the neighborhood and she stepped back a little to get a better look. Then I heard, “WOW those are neat, I really like them”. I thanked her and finished my dinner. On the way back to the hotel, I saw a book store that was still open. It was a place called Half Price Books that buys and sells used books. I have wanted to go in all week so I took the opportunity. Inside was an eclectic bunch of people. These folks were book lovers and just a delight to be around. Everything from a guy digging through engineering books to another guy very excited about finding a Monty Python CD (for 1$). I think I kind of fit in. I wondered through the whole store and had a blast. (I’m not really a party kind of guy). I came back to the hotel and got giggled at again. Oh well, ignoring the class and the giggles, this has been a great week.

  7. Kneehighs; Thanks for the tour advice. My hotel is right up the street from OSU. My the resturants have been on West 5th. I am planning to go downtown to the the Art Museum Thursday night (only night it is open).

  8. Breakfast in 5” heel thigh boots was uneventful. Folks looked up from their newspapers then back at their papers again. It looks like if I wear thigh boots like they were just my normal shoes, and present the front that “I always wear these”, most people are accepting it. On the way to my class I was wearing the same boots and went into two supermarkets. There aren’t too many people shopping at that time of morning but the folks that saw me had little or no reaction. I wore a pair of Mary Janes with a two inch block heels to class with jeans that covered none of the shoe. At lunch I dropped my pair of 4” heeled boots off a local cobbler for new heel tips. After class I discovered I had locked my keys in my car and had to get a locksmith to get in. My 5” heel boots were on the back seat. I switched to my royal blue pair of 5” heel boots to go back to the hotel. I get the impression the desk clerks are waiting to see what I wear next. I am always getting a friendly smile that seems natural (not part of the job). For dinner I will be wearing light blue jeans, black turtle neck, light blue blazer that comes down to my boot tops (ok, it has shoulder pads) and my blue boots. Dinner was at a small “family” restaurant. The waiter noticed my outfit (I think that means he wasn’t blind) and seated me in a booth. After I ordered I asked him if my boots were too much for the neighborhood. He took a good look at them and said he didn’t think so, “this is a pretty good neighborhood”. He looked like he wanted to try them on. We chatted on and off for the rest of the meal. Then I got back to the hotel, I wanted to go for a walk. I pulled on a pair of leather 5 pocket jeans, black turtleneck and black blazer with 4” heel black boots. As I was leaving the hotel by a side door, a group of the softball girls got the giggles. Ah there is strength in numbers. I was expecting it to happen sooner or later. The proverbial “peals of childish laughter” rang through the hall. When I came back into the lobby, I asked the female desk clerk if my boots were causing them any grief. She replied, “What do you care” and I said, “Well, not much but if they were I could back off a little”. I got a nice smile and she said, “Don’t worry about it” then a bigger smile and she continued “I kind of like them”. It still isn’t cool enough for the leather jeans. Guess I just have to settle for thigh boots. :roll:

  9. They serve a complementary breakfast at the hotel. I walked in and was noticed but by a bunch of coaches and parents (no kids). No comments and hardly a break in the conversation. Oh well, off to class. The class is business so I will be wearing regular shoes, but I changed in the car. After class I changed my shoes for a pair of black 5” thigh boots and drove back to the hotel. I was reminded of my caution about slick surfaces and 5”heels. Be ready when the carpeted floor changes to something hard. The desk clerks are starting to recognize me and I get a polite nod and smile, which I returned. I went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Conversation took a minor pause when I walked in and had to wait to be seated. Two ladies were leaving and took a good look at my boots and gave me a very nice smile (not a laugh). Of course I returned the smile. I walked across the restaurant to a booth and had dinner. When I left I had to s\walk back to the parking lot. Some folks in the lot commented to each other, “Hey look at that guys boots”. This wasn’t shouted, just conversational, but it was the first comment I have heard. At dinner I was wearing a black turtle neck shirt, black slacks (the zipper went up the back but you couldn’t see that) and a black blazer with 5” heel thigh boots. I think the outfit looked kind of sharp, but that is a biased opinion.

  10. Well I made it to Columbus, and I’m staying at decent hotel. Registration was a breeze. I walked in the front door into a lobby full of kids and I thought “what a way to start” but no one said a word. When I went up to the desk, the counter hid my boots from the clerks but there was still a lot of traffic in the lobby. On my way to my room I had to take an elevator. The first one was full so I had to wait for it to return and road up to my floor with a bunch of folks. Everyone complained about the slow elevator but not a word about my boots. The hotel has an Internet connection available but I forgot a cable so I went back to the front desk to borrow one. The lobby was still full of kids. In the elevator going back to my room a lady told me there is a softball tournament going on (girls I think). So much for a quiet week. There is a nice restaurant right across the parking lot from the hotel. I went down through the lobby again (a coach must have said, “let’s all meet in the lobby”) and out across the parking lot to the restaurant. I went in and was seated in a booth and had dinner. There was only one strained look from a guy that had seen me in the hotel (first elevator trip). ). On the way back to my room the desk clerk finally saw my boots. I told him the Internet connection worked great. I should mention all this time I was wearing jeans, knit shirt, and black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. Heelfan; My answer to you question about the major appeal of wearing thigh boots is: yes (a and :roll:.

  11. I had a morning business conference in Indianapolis Indiana today and this gave me the chance to go to the Indianapolis Museum of Art www.ima-art.org in the afternoon. As I have written before I usually wear a pair of thigh boots when I tour a museum and I didn’t miss this opportunity.

    There is a lot of construction going on at the museum and there isn’t any close by parking but they do have a shuttle running around the parking lots. I got to the parking lot wearing a pair of boots with 4” stiletto heels just as the shuttle was coming by. The driver looked a little surprised but he bid me good day and we talked about the construction all the was to the museum. I walked in and was greeted by a very cheerful lady who gave me directions through the museum.

    I started my tour but after a few minutes realized I had left me reading glasses in the car and I couldn’t see the paintings. So I walked out and walked back to my car and got my glasses. While I was there, I changed into a pair of thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I started back to the entrance when the shuttle came by again. I climbed in, but this time there was a lady with her children in the shuttle. She gave a quick glance and that was all.

    I want back in and spent the afternoon having a great time in the museum. One guard said “Hey, nice boots” and I really think he meant it. He asked if many people ask about them and I said some do and that I just wear them because I enjoy them. He said “Do what makes you happy” then gave me directions to the restaurant in the museum. I had lunch and then spent the next two hours walking around the museum. I chatted with folks about the art but no one said anything about my boots. A few glances but that was it.

    As I said in a previous post, be sure the boots are comfortable and you can navigate a slick floor.

    I present myself as a guy that is enjoying the museum, really getting into the paintings, and having a good time. I think that the fact that I am wearing thigh boots with high heels is so outrageous that people just let it go. Whatever the reason, they do just let it go.

    When I left the museum I walked back to my car. I haven’t mentioned it was over 90F (32C). Looks like I can wear my boots in hot weather

  12. As usual, Genebujold has the right idea and great advice. Start with a less aggressive strategy and work up to the more (socially) demanding situation. I love wearing thigh boots but I do (carefully) pick my places. However, if you are going to wear 5” stiletto heels so they are obvious, you might as well wear boots that are obvious (outside your pant legs)… and if you are going to wear boots, they might as well be thigh boots. There is other stuff to consider though; do your wife and your beautician know each other? The stereotypical image of a beauty shop or a barber shop is that it’s a great place for gossip. Sounds like a hard place to be anonymous.

  13. I went grocery shopping on the way home tonight and wore my black thigh boots with a 4” stiletto heel. I think the clerks at the store expect to see me wearing them. I wondered around the store as I usually do but as I was checking out, and chatting with the register clerk, I overheard a comment between two “good ole boys” (bib overalls and all) in line behind me. The comment was, “I sure ain’t never seen anything like that before”. Since the store stocks mostly standard items, I assumed he meant me. I glanced back and got two head shaking grins in response. I’m sure I’ll be a topic of conversation for some time to come and an used as an example of the decline of the moral fiber of the country. Other recent reactions have also been from men who seem a little angry or upset to see another guy wearing high heel boots. No one has said anything, but if looks could kill… Most women just glance and keep right on going or maybe smile, but the hostility seems to emanate from the men. I haven’t had any problems, but I am a little more wary around groups of men. Oh well, the warm weather prevents walks outside, or much activity inside. As long as the inside is air conditioned I’m Ok, but even then too much fast walking generates a lot of heat and becomes uncomfortable. I guess that means I’ll just have to walk slower.

  14. Bootish; I’m not quite sure what you mean by going out “well equipped with a quite fashionable men's black outfit”. Would you please provide a little more detailed description (or maybe a picture)? The black outfit with the white boots must be stunning. The eye is drawn to contrast so people didn’t have a choice but to notice. Did you give any thought to all black? Tell us more about your outings.

  15. I went back to the museum today and wore my black PL8890H5 boots. Three hours on a 5” heel, like I said before, be sure they are comfortable. Also, just to make it interesting, the main floor is all polished stone and ready to amplify the first false step. As I was walking in from the parking lot a woman looked me over and said, “I like your shoes, they really look nice”. I smiled, and thanked her and went on into the museum. The 5” heel made me aware how slick the floor was and I was determined not to have a misstep, so I carefully went across the main hall and up the stairs to the European gallery. Several people saw me go up the steps and than went about their business. I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the museum sketching and just getting the great feeling of being around the art. Wearing my boots also added to the great feeling. One of the guards really didn’t want to acknowledge I existed but he was the only exception. I ran into one of the other guards I had chatted with the day before and he was glad to see that I had come back. We chatted about the are for a while and he finally said, “I really have to ask you about your footwear, that’s not the same pair you wore yesterday”. I said it was a different pair and that I really just wore then for fun. He invited me to come back again soon. On the way home I stopped into our local shop (The Thing Shop) that carries boots and “stuff” and found they were going out of business with all their “stuff” on sale. They had a pair of Pleaser 8826 thigh boots (flat heel) in a size 13. I normally wear a 14 in a heel but the 13 flat fit nicely so I bought them for $50 (including tax). And I did wear my PL8868H4 into the shop. They are a pull on style boot and since I was hopping to try on something I thought they would be easier. The parking for the shop is on a busy street and I had to walk from the car to the shop. On the way back to the car I heard my first negative comment, “Hey look at that guy” from somewhere up the street. I didn’t miss a stride and walked to my car. All in all, this has been one of the best days I have had for a long time. Bubba… This is Cincinnati. Most of the art community and certainly the museum audience are very conservative dressers. You see a few pair of baggy jeans and combat boots but for the most part, slacks and sport shirts. Mark Twain said, “When the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati, things always happen about 10 years later there”. I’m sure I presented a unique experience for the guards.

  16. I took a day off work and went to the Cincinnati Art Museum. I spent the afternoon walking around the galleries and trying to again become a member of the human race. I tend to get way to wrapped up in work. I was by myself and the museum wasn’t too busy but a guy walking around with a sketch pad and wearing Pleaser’s 8868H4 black thigh boots, http://www.pleaserusa.com/pleaser_product_detail.cfm?ID=222 did get a little attention. The emphasis is on little. Everyone that noticed (man most did), did a quick glance and went on their way. Most folks returned my smile. Several of the guards talked to me about the paintings and my sketching but no one said a word about my boots. Wow, great paintings and a place I can wear boots…Needless to say… I had a great time.

    I used to go to the museum on at least a weekly basis but work has kept me from doing that. I plan on going back very soon (later this week if I can) and I will wear my Pleaser’s royal blue 8890H5 http://www.pleaserusa.com/pleaser_product_detail.cfm?ID=224.

    My only caution about going to a museum is it is a lot of walking. Be sure you are comfortable in the shoes you wear. Other than that, the people at a museum seem to be open minded enough to accept most anything.

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