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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I actually started with women’s gloves. When I was 12 or so I used to take my Mom’s gloves into my room and wear them. I never tried her shoes because I’ve always had big feet and they didn’t fit. I finally bought a pair of nylon opera gloves but it took me long time to discover where to buy them.. Back then department stores had a full time glove counter. Anyway, my first pair of boots were when I was about 14. Knee high boots were just coming into fashion (at least that I noticed) and I went into a store and bought the largest pair they had (:). There was only one style and it had a very low block heel. Of course I hadn’t tried them on and they didn’t fit at all so I cut the shafts off and attached them to my regular shoes and wore then under my pants. I also remember when stretch thigh boots first made the scene when I was around 16. I bought a pair from JC Penny’s catalog. These were skin tight and I had to wear them under my jeans or with shorts. I found lots of other boots and gloves in thrift stores but never ventured out in public. After a stint in the Army, I found a pair of suede over the knee boots with a high (at least 4”) chunk heel. I had never seen boots that tall in a shoe store before. I had a great time with these boots and wore then until they fell apart, but almost always under my jeans. I made my first pair of thigh boots by sewing together the leather shafts and attaching them to a pair of boots. I remember wearing these outside, but never in public. I found my first real pair of leather thigh boots in a discount shoe store in Dallas Texas (business trip) about 20 years ago (wearing them right now). Its just been the past 3 years that I started wearing thigh boots like regular shoes in public. I still love opera length leather gloves but haven’t worn them in public without a coat. Sorry this was so long but it brought back a lot of memories.

  2. Several years ago when I was riding my bicycle on a regular basis I would go out with a pair of thigh boots on. One pair had 3” stilettos heels and the other pair had 1.5” block heels. I wore the stiletto pair on early morning rides when no one was around, and the block heel at other times. I only remember getting one comment from a couple of girls about the block heel boots, “Hey look at those boots” (lots of smiles).

    Sadly, I have been at desk too long and have gotten away from riding my bike.

    Here is a fantasy image I made back then.

    Posted Image

  3. I stopped at Biggs and Sams on the way home last night and tonight. Both nights I was wearing black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. Last night was totally uneventful. As I was leaving Biggs a young kid in front of me noticed what I was wearing. He looked back ans down several times and it was hind of fun watching him process the information - "that guy is wearing high heeled boots" Tonight I stopped in the Goodwill (thrift store). I walked around the store for a while and as I was leaving I stopped at the shoe rack. Two women walked by one loudly spoke to the other, “Those sure are high, I’d break my neck on those heels”. I looked over and smiled and said “There fun”. They went on their way talking loudly about something else. When I was at Biggs, I wandered through the store. At the checkout, the cashier (young female) asked me, “Weren’t you in here last night”? I said I was and asked ,“Are the boots that memorable”? She looked at me with a puzzled expression and said, “I didn’t even see your boots, I just remembered you”. At he register the counter was blocking her view of my boots but…. I was speechless. This is the second cashier that has remembered seeing me in that store on the previous night. If I’m that memorable, my career as a bank robber is over before it started. I’m still not sure what astounded me the most, remembering me, or not noticing my boots. At Biggs and Sams when people would notice my boots I would just return a pleasant smile and generally got one back. I really do feel comfortable wearing these boots. I’m starting to think I can wear them anywhere. But I keep remembering don’t get complacent, pick your places carefully.

  4. bluesman

    Welcome to the site. As heelRus points out, this is a good group.

    Business trips are certainly fun in a pair of boots/heels. I’m looking forward to reading about yours.

  5. Mantorok

    Welcome to the site. Don’t worry about being “the odd duck”, we all fit into that category.

    If your going to buy heels anyway, why not get a pair that fit you. If you find the sound of heels a form of communication, join in the conversation. There might be a lot to be learned by “standing in the other persons shoes”.


  6. I left work at noon today (after having worked all night) and stopped into Biggs and Sam’s on the way home. I was wearing black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. At Biggs I got a real double take. The guy noticed my boots, looked up at me, his eyes got bigger, he looked back at my boots and heels, his eyes got bigger, and he looked back up at me, and he kept on walking away. I haven’t gotten one of those in a long time. In the checkout line there were several ladies behind me that were in their seventies. They didn’t say anything but they keep looking at my boots again and again. Everyone else just glanced and gave no reaction or didn’t notice at all. I really thing if I have a shopping cart, may people really don’t notice that I am wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels. Often when I go to Biggs, I don’t use a shopping cart and just carry a hand basket (I also spend less money that way). Sam’s was a typical wearing my thigh boots shopping experience. Hardly any reaction at all. Now that winter is here, it’s also cold that wearing thigh boots doesn’t seem as out of place as it does in the summer time. (I don’t believe that for a minute, but it sounds good).

  7. I had another fine afternoon at the art museum. I wore cream stretch jeans, a dark turtleneck, and white thigh boots. I’m finally over the flu and was able to walk with a 5” stiletto heel with no problem. The jeans are high waisted, and the leg is tight enough to pull the boots over and the leg stays in the boots. It produces a very long looks which looks and feels great, close to what bootish has shown us in Stiletto jeans surface again. I wouldn’t wear those jeans without boots but they are exactly what I want with boots.

    The museum has a large guard staff that rotates duty. I think a lot of them are part time. There are a few I see every time I am there and others I only see occasionally. The guard at the door (female) is full time and she gives me a big smile when I come in. We usually chat for a minute about what’s going on at the museum. While I was sketching, one of the guards (male) I hadn’t seen for a while asked me if I panted in gouache (type of water color paint). He said he remembered talking with me about it in one of the galleries several months ago. After a minute I remembered the incident and we talked about painting for a while. I’m sure what triggered him memory was that I had a gouache painting in my sketch book and not that I was wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels :) .

    Today people seemed to notice my boots and seemed to be more puzzled than anything. There were no bad reactions but no really good ones either.

    After the museum I went to Sam’s and went shopping without incident except for a nice smile from a lady in the parking lot. I really think most people don’t see past the shopping cart.

    Looks like the images from bootish are not there any more but here is the style I am emulating:

    Posted Image

  8. My WHITE boots arrived! I bought them from Bob and Angie on e-bay (great transaction). They were advertised as factory seconds that were not a bright white. They are more of a bone white or off white and I think they will be better than if they were bright white. I broke them is at Sam’s. I wore my tan suede jacket, black turtle neck, and off white slacks and the white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. As I was shopping I didn’t get any reaction at all. One lady looked, smiled and went on, but she worked there. When I was done at the checkout I asked the clerk if these were too much for the season (and indicated my boots). She glanced down, back at me, then looked down, and I turned my foot so she could see the heel. She smiled and said, “I kind of like them”. The clerk at the door was giving me a cool look as I approached so I asked her the same thing and made sure she saw the heel. She also smiled (warmly) and said “I’d break my neck in those”. In the parking lot several ladies looked and went on their way. I think the boots and the slacks blended so well they didn’t make an immediate visual impression. You had to look to really see what I was wearing. I saw my reflection in one of the freezer cases and thought the combination looked good. Later that day I had to go to Portsmouth Ohio. Folks on this site have mentioned that people that are used to diversity are more accepting of it. Portsmouth is not used to diversity. I had to go to Lowes hardware. This is a big warehouse store like Sam’s. The parking lot was full of muddy pickup trucks with rifle racks in the rear windows. I wore my flat heel thigh boots. Several folks turned and stared. Nobody said anything though. Later I had to go back for an additional part. The parking lot didn’t have all the trucks so I went in with my black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. No one seemed to notice. Go figure. All in all it has been a fun day. I’m really looking forward to wearing my WHITE boots.

  9. Sunday was another museum day. I was wearing my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. After the museum I went shopping at Sam’s.

    The whole time I was out it seemed I was getting more attention than normal. Several times people turned and stared and there were a lot more double takes. People seemed to have a look of stress when they went by, as if they were uncomfortable. Oh well, maybe my armor was a little thin, or there really was a different crowd at the museum, it wasn’t quite as much fun as it usually is.

    I also noticed I was dragging a heel on the floor when I walked. I thought that was going to the 5” heel from the flat - 4” heel I had been wearing most of the week. I had to make a conscious effort to not have the heel touch the floor when my foot came forward. I also noticed I was walking more slowly and deliberately than normal. My sketches were poor to bad (normally there fair to good). I finally dawned on me --- you have the flu.

    By the time I got home I was running a low fever. I took some Thera-Flu (great stuff) and went to bed. I’m feeling better now and considering ripping several pages out of the sketch book. AHHHHH I hate having the flu. I’m going back to bed. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz………

    Dawn HH

    I don’t think of wearing thigh boots as an act of bravery. It’s having armor thick enough to not to react to others. It’s all a head game. These are my boots, and I enjoy wearing them. But, as I have said over and over again, I am cautious about where I go when I’m wearing them.

    Mickey S

    The shaft of the boots in your avatar seem to be too tight (I’m sure they feel great) to wear over jeans. A boot that is not skin tight would be a lot easier. For me, once I got past wearing a stiletto heel, the boot height didn’t make any difference. The logic for stiletto heels thigh boots went something like this:

    If the heel is visible, so is the shoe.

    I like boots better than other shoes, so I’ll wear boots.

    If I’m going to wear boots, why not thigh boots.

  10. Mickey S.

    Yep, I wear them over my jeans and clearly visible, just like my current avatar. Look back at the beginning of this thread. I’ve chronicled a lot of how I started wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels in public.

    I have had very little negative feedback while wearing them.

    It’s all about being comfortable and enjoying with what you wear.

  11. In my part of the world, people seem to be very tolerant of what I wear. Sure folks notice, but that’s part of the fun. Moderation should always defined from your side, not the rest of the world’s. If you think flat wing-tips are moderate, they are. If you think 2” block heels are moderate, they are. If you think 4” stilettos are moderate, they are. First you have to be comfortable wearing whatever you wear. Second, at your option, you can consider other's definition of moderation.

    JeffB is right. You do need to “built up that defensive armor that allows them to shrug off any and all reactions to the footwear they choose to wear”. This works for me. Admittedly, it took a while to develop the armor (it’s all mental, and that’s the hard part) but after a while it gets there.

    Moderate means not doing something that rocks your boat too much. But just to keep alive, you should moderate moderation and rock the boat every once in a while.

  12. I have been stopping at Biggs for the past two nights on the way home from work. Both times I wore light blue jeans, a dark turtle neck, tan suede jacket, and black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. It’s not that I’m that bad at planning shopping trips, the second trip was just an excuse to go somewhere wearing boots. Both nights were cool, rainy and dreary. People in the parking lot didn’t pay any attention to me. The first night, I did avoid parking around a cluster of young males but that was my only concession. When I got out of the car, I made sure my boots were pulled up all the way (they tend to ride down) and across the lot and into the store I went.

    The first night I wandered around the store from one end to the other and had a good time looking at “stuff”. I left my cart sitting, and went to the deli counter and got to stand there for a bit while I was waiting and being waited on. This is where most people noticed my boots. I was away from my cart so there was nothing to get in way of their view. No one said a thing, just a few glances. After I filled my cart I went through the checkout line. The clerk noticed my boots but didn’t say anything.

    The second night I really didn’t need anything but that didn’t stop me. I wondered around again, and went to the deli again. This time I saw a guy that works in a different build than I do. I has my cart in front of me and I said “Hi” he said “Hi’ back and went on his way. I’m not sure he even saw the 4” heels. I really expected a comment but he appeared to be in his own world. There were lots of families with kids in the store. I try to avoid those groups, but there was no chance to do that. No one said a word and the kids hardly seemed to notice. After I went through the checkout line (and there are 20 of them), the clerk asked me, ”Weren’t you in here last night”? I said I was and she said, “You were in my line”. I really didn’t plan that but, I think she really did notice what I was wearing. I’ll have to ask her next time.

    I think I’m getting close to believing “these boots just being my boots that I can wear wherever I want”. I’m still not throwing caution to the wind, but I’m a lot more relaxed wearing them and having a lot of fun.



    Dawn HH

    Thanks for the comments. I WILL keep you posted on adventures in my white boots. They haven’t arrived yet (only been 2 days), but as soon as the get here I’ll break them in.

  13. I really try moderation in most things. JeffB said,” I think everyone has to find their own level of moderation and stick with it”. For me, thigh boots with 4” heels is moderation, the 5” heel is pushing my limit.

    You should be in control of the image you present. Do with it what you are comfortable and enjoy doing.

  14. Your profile didn’t indicate what part of the world you in, but in my part, people seem to be much more accepting of letting me express myself with what I wear. You get to decide what image you present to the rest of the world. There your shoes, if you enjoy them, and they fit your image, wear them. Have a great time.

  15. I just won a bid on a new pair of boots! WHITE thigh high boots, 5” stiletto heels and a ankle zipper.

    Posted Image

    I want to try the look that bootish has shown us in Stiletto jeans surface again. With white slacks/jeans and the white thigh boots. I ought to be able to simulate the look for a lot less money than the stiletto jeans cost.

    I went to the museum again tonight. Black thigh boots 4” stiletto heels. Had a good time talking to the guard at the front desk about the “First Wednesday of the Month” party. As it turns out, the theme of each party is a different nationality. There is a $6 cover for food and drinks but the museum is still free.

  16. Tonight I went to Joseph Beth Booksellers I look for a CD and a couple of propeller head computer books. This is a great bookstore. All the employees give the impression they have read most of the books in the store. They are a most unusual, and delightful group of people.

    The store was busy (as usual). I was wearing the same thing I wore at the drug store, black turtle neck, slacks, tan suede jacket and black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    The parking lot was packed so I had a little way to walk to the store. Most of the clientele didn’t even bat an eye. A few glanced down but that was it. I felt completely accepted as if people wore boots in here all the time.

    They had the CD (Brahms Requiem ) but not the books.

    The CD is now the pride of my collection, it’s that good. A great CD, great store and people, and a great night out wearing boots. Doesn’t get much better.

  17. I had to stop in a Wallgreen’s (chain drug store) this morning before I went to work. I was one of the first customers in the store. I wore slacks, black turtleneck, tan suede jacket and black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I caught my reflection in the refrigerator case and thought the combination looked well together. I did my shopping and went to the checkout. The lady running the checkout noticed me as I walked up to the line and bid me “good morning, is that all for you”? After she had rung up my items and I was signing the credit receipt, she said, “Well, you have more nerve than I do walking in heels like that. I’d fall”. I replied, “I practice a lot”. She said “Practice”? (which I took as “yes, I guess you would have to”). I wondered why she commented on the heels and not the boots? I'll have to go back sometime and ask.

    Bengal’s and Red’s Games -- Although I am within walking distance of both stadiums (see High Heeled Sneakers) I would never occur to me to go to a game (with or without heels). It’s just not something I would do for entertainment.

  18. I have been a little busy lately and haven’t kept up my posting so let me catch up. The Cincinnati Art Museum is open on Wednesday evenings and I thought I would take advantage of the hours. I arrived about 06:00 PM and the parking lot was almost empty. I was thinking, “great I’ll have the whole museum to myself.” I was wearing jeans and a turtleneck bulky sweater and royal blue thigh boots with a 5” stiletto heel. These boots look great with jeans but they really stand out so I haven’t worn them too often. The museum has a large room for an entrance that is two stories high. There is an open stairway on the side that goes up to the European gallery where I like to hang out. I went up the stairs and settled in with my sketch book. The Museum also provides folding stools for sketchers to sit on while they work. These stools are short and I have to fold my legs up to sit on one. Adding another 5” to my leg makes sitting on these low stool a challenge. Anyway, I was working away and I started hearing loud music….loud live music….loud live Jewish music. I asked the guard what was going on and he said that the first Wednesday of each month there is a party at the museum. I’m not a party person so I just kept working and went into a quitter room. When I finished sketching, I walked back out of the gallery and was overlooking a large room packed with 100-200 people and an open stairway that went down into the middle of the room. I’m still wearing royal blue thigh boots. I thought, “why not (especially since it’s the only way out)” and walked down the stairs and across the room. Several people noticed (how’s that for an understatement) but no comments. I gave my stool back to a guard and went outside. The empty parking lot was now full and there was a police man directing traffic. He asked me if I was leaving (which meant a parking space would open up), I said I was and he directed a car to follow me to my parking space. What a hoot! After I left the Museum I want shopping at my Sam’s club, still wearing my boots. What a great day. The next day I wore my blue boots to work (not at work) and back home. I stopped at Sam’s again and Biggs on the way home. Wow two days of running around with those boots has been really fun.

  19. I was shopping at Sam’s tonight on my way home from work. I was wearing black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, slacks, black turtle neck and a tan suede jacket. A young girl (12 - 13), who had wandered away from her mom, looked at me and asked, “You in duh army”? I said I wasn’t and she continued, “Then what are you wearing dem big black boots for”? I was speechless for a few moments and then replied, “Because I like them”. That seemed to satisfy her and I wheeled my cart away. Being in the army was the last thing I thought I would ever be accused of because I was wearing thigh boots. I also try to avoid chatting with young children if their parents are not directly with them. The last thing I want to deal with is an upset parent.

  20. Kerridwyn

    My 100 year old aunt used to (and still does) tell me "Quality work takes time".

    I really prefer leather boots because they are more comfortable and breath a little, but they are still warm.

    Have a great time with your boots. Some day try wearing them outside of your pants. You don't have to worry whether someone notices... they will and then most folks just keep going.

  21. Micha; What a great looking pair of boots. I wish I had a pair with that kind of heel. I’d be wearing them everywhere like I do my flat heeled boots. It’s the stiletto heels that make me exercise so much caution. Tell us a little more about the “self modified heels”.

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