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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Maybe this should go on the shoe modification forum, but since it deals with my thigh boots I’ll put it here. I have a pair of Tony style U boots. These are the crotch high boots with 5” stiletto heels. I haven’t been wearing them too much because they run a little small and not a comfortable as my other boots. Another problem is that the top of the boots from the knee up flares out too much and I never liked the look or the feel. I decided to see if I could fix the problem so I folded the leather inward in the shape of a V from the knee to the top of the boots and ran a seam that holds the leather inside the boot. The result is a pair of boots that are straight from the knee to the top and fit my legs like gloves. The seam is almost invisible and the boots look and feel great. They fit closely enough that I will almost have to wear hose to wear them comfortable. I also have a pair of Pleasers 8890 pull on boots that always slide down my legs. So… I turned the shaft inside out and ran a seam from just above the ankle to just below the knee and this tightened the shaft so it won’t fall down my leg. I haven’t had a chance to wear either pair out and about yet since the temperature is hitting 90F (32C).

  2. Last night I pushed the envelope a little further. I stopped at Meijers (supermarket) on the way home. I was wearing a long sleeved white shirt, black suede shorts, white sheer hose, and my white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. This was pushing it even for me. I liked the look, but I almost got back into the car.

    I got mixed reactions. One lady had difficulty not laughing, but most just glanced and went on. I did use a shopping cart and a lot of people really didn’t see what I was wearing. I didn’t think that was possible. I had to get produce and milk, which were on the opposite ends of the store, so I walked the full length of the store twice. I caught myself taking long strides, like I was in a hurry, and changed to smaller more leisurely steps as I wandered around. I even walked through the hose and shoe sections but didn’t see anything I wanted. I caught a look at myself in a full length mirror… The white boots really do stand out.

    At the checkout everyone ignored me. I’m mot sure being ignored is the reaction I want. Not noticing that a guy is wearing thigh boots is one thing but being ignored because your wearing thigh boots is quite another.

    Walking back to the car was easier than walking from the car. I must have been getting used to the look a little more. The sun was very bright and all the white really shone. White on top and bottom with black in the middle was a real study in contrast and it is contrast that catches the eye.

    After Meijers I stopped in the Payless (shoe store) in the same shopping center. I was still wearing the same outfit. The store was reasonably busy. As I walked in one of the sales clerks glanced head to toe and welcomed me to Payless. As I started for the size 12s the second clerk gave me the second head to toe look (must be something shoe sales people do). I looked around in the size 12s and didn’t see anything that caught my eye. As I was leaving I asked the first clerk if they had anything in a ladies 12 with a heel and she said the whole stock was on display.


    Part of the fun is the writing.


    The impression that I go where I want anytime I want while wearing thigh boots is not quite correct. I still chose where I go with come care and I am ever on the alert for becoming complacent especially dressed as I was last night

  3. I stopped at Thriftway this morning on the way to work. I was wearing a long sleeved white shirt, grey suede pants (that I had forgotten I had), and black pullon thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    As usual most folks ignored me but one guy (who turned out to be a butcher) really stared at me in an unfriendly manner. I went about getting my stuff and ran into him again at the other end of the store and he was with another one of the butchers. Both stared at me. I was glad I was in a very public place.

    As I checked out, things got a lot better. The register clerk noticed my boots (glanced twice) so I said, “I couldn’t help noticing that you noticed my boots, are they too much for a guy to wear”?

    She leaned over the counter to get a better look and said, “No, there ok”.

    I’m not sure why, but I was at a loss for words.

    She went on, “I’ve never seen boots that high before, there cool”.

    I finished paying for my stuff and was leaving and she gave me a real smile and said, “Yeah there cool”.

    I thanked her and bid her have a good day.

    I’m not sure she saw the heels, but it would have been kind of hard not to have seen them. Anyway the conversation brightened the morning considerably. Great way to start the day.


    If there is a fun way to go to the doctor or dentist, it sounds like you have found it. Your style is a little over the top for me but if you enjoy it go for it. I’m not sure why but the shoulder length gloves have always been too much for me to wear in full display. I have a pair, and love wearing them, but the image is not one I am ready to present. For now I’ll stick to a normally dressed guy wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels.

  4. dalecep

    What a fun adventure. Sounds like the lady that cuts your hair is a good person to know. Your first post was July 8, 2004, almost a year ago as you said and we would like to here more from you.

    What brand are your black boots and the red and black leather pair?

    Is the hair salon set up for private appointments or is it more public? In a little while you might even try wearing your boots over your pants.


    Today I went to Lowes (home improvement warehouse) to get some cement. I wore a pair of black pullon thigh boots with 3” stiletto heels. Hardly anyone batted an eye. I purchases 8 80 pound bags of the stuff. The real fun part was getting from the store to my car. I had a flatbed push cart and the parking lot was sloping down toward the store so I had to push it uphill. The only way I could do it was to push the cart at a running pace, so I was running after the cart in 3” heels. That’s the first time I had run in heels. The cart provided a great handle to balance on since I didn’t let my heel touch the ground when I was running. It must have been a fun sight. Next I went to the garden center for some more stuff. There I got to stand in line for a while (they were selling more flowers than cement). Several people noticed but no one said a thing.

    When I got home I switched to my flat heeled boots and pored a floor for a cold frame. And no I wasn’t stamping around in the cement with my boots. That would have been the ruin of any leather boots.

  5. I just had another great afternoon at the Art Museum. There is a new show being displayed, “Drawn by the Brush”, oil sketches by Peter Paul Rubens. I spent an hour out in the general collection sketching, then I went into the show and spent another hour just standing there looking at the works. The last hour was out in the general collection again sketching.

    I wore a sort sleeved dress shirt, blue jeans, and white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels (thanks Micha for reminding me I had a pair). A couple of folks looked but most just went about their business. I had several conversations about the Rubens paintings, one with a museum docent and another with one of the visitors. Neither mentioned my boots or even seemed to notice the guy they were talking to had on white thigh boots with 5” heels.

    It has taken some practice but I am very sure footed wearing a 5” heel. At the Museum I have to negotiate a staircase (up and down), walk on hardwood and marble floors. Each of which is fraught with challenge.

    I had a great time at the museum.

    Last night at Sam’s I was wearing my black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, one of the mangers, out of the blue, commented that her dad knew me. She then went on to describe a person I had never met before and locations I had never been to before. Could it be that there is another person in Cincinnati wearing thigh boots? She moved on before I could ask her. Next time I see her I’ll find out why she thought her dad knew me.

    I was cutting the grass on a lot my family owns in another part of town. Normally I wear my flat heel thigh boots but today I wore a pair of black thigh boots with 3” stiletto heels to cut the grass. Most of the time no one is around but today the new neighbor from across the street came over and was being chatty. I don’t think he noticed the heels, at least he gave no indication that he did. This guy is a “good ole country boy” and I was very surprised he didn’t say anything.

    I really do present myself as not doing anything unusual and I guess must people buy into it. Whatever it is I’m enjoying wearing my boots and having a good time.

  6. slaneyrw

    What a gerat looking pair of boots! Wish I could find my size in a shoe store. It sounds like the shopping experience was a lot of fun. Did the clerks say anything when you wore them out of the store?

    What do you wear the them with? Is there enough room in the shaft to let you wear then over jeans?

    Ahh too many questions. I really hope you enjoy your new boots.

  7. sscotty727

    One of the common things about the group on this board is that they wear shoes styles that are not worn by everybody and they enjoy wearing. I enjoy thigh boots, some with stiletto heels, some with flat heels, (I think I still have a pair of Earth Shoe boots with a negative heel) but I appreciate reading about what other guys are wearing. You never know when another style will be something you want to try or someone’s experience may be something to watch out for.


    Sorry you got negative feedback in the past. I would encourage you to keep posting. As Shafted said,” Variety is the spice of life”!

  8. I have worn black suede shorts, a short sleeved shirt, opaque black or sheer white hose, and black thigh boots with either 4” or 5” stiletto heels to the grocery every morning this week. There are too many people in the store in the morning but the only reaction I have gotten was a nice smile from one lady. That’s all. Most others glance and go on their way. The morning staff is used to seeing me and treat me like any other customer.

    On the spur of the moment I bid on a pair of granny boots on e-bay and won them.

    Posted Image

    As soon as they arrive I’ll start another thread and let everyone know how it goes wearing them. I’m still thinking about the image to present but granny boots under jeans keeps comming to mind. If they are tall enough, wearing them over narrow legged jeans might also work. All suggestions are welcome.

    Shafted -

    I’ve been missing your posts. Welcome back. Your posts in New pair of boots starts me serious street heeling are great. It sounds like a fun place to work.

  9. The past two mornings I have stopped at Bigg’s on the way to work to buy some yogart and as an excuse to wear my thigh boots :P . I have been wearing a short sleeved dress shirt, black suede shorts, opaque black hose and black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I’m not quite happy with the look but I’ll keep tuning it until I am.

    Since I’m only getting a small item I don’t use a shopping cart so there is nothing to block seeing what I am wearing. I really think people done see past a shopping cart. The reactions form others are stronger than I normally get. With a shoppinc cart, most of the time most people don’t see what I’m wearing but now there is little chance not to see. Most of the reactions are surprise and disbelief but so far nothing negative.

    I am finding wearing hose very comfortable and with the added benefit that it makes putting thigh boots on and taking them off much easier. The boots with the ankle zipper fit my leg closely and these boots feel much more comfortable with hose. (Thanks again for the tip JeffB).


    Thanks for the kind words.

  10. Larry

    What a great adventure. There really are a lot of tolerant people out there and many of them are “smart, well educated, and have a great sense of humor”. They appreciate that we aren’t all cut out of the same mold and variety is interesting.

    I was kind of wondering what reason you gave her for not wearing your heels? :P

    Sounds like you had a great morning and made a new friend. Like you said, “what a great way to start a day”.

  11. I have just spent another fun afternoon at the museum. I thought I’d push things a little farther so I wore a dark short sleeved knit shirt, black suede shorts, sheer white panty hose (thanks for the tip JeffB) and black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. When I am standing, the shorts come just to the top of the boots. I have worn those boots enough that I can walk with full confidence and that REALLY helped me pull this off. By the way, this combination really feels great to wear. I had worn panty hose and jeans with boots several times but I had never worn just boots and panty hose before. The last time I wore shorts and boots I wore them over bare legs but the hose look and feel better.

    As I was sketching one of the guards came by and commented that she hadn’t seen me for a while and was glad I was back. Another couple came by and commented (favorably) about the sketch I was doing. Lots of folks noticed my boots but no one gave much of a reaction one way or the other. Considering I was sitting on a folding camp stool in the middle of one of the main galleries, that says a lot for the tolerance of museum goers.

    At the end of the afternoon I went to the front desk and asked if one of the curators would check a painting to see if it could have a better restoration process done to it. The lady sent me back upstairs with a comment form to get the exact name of the painting and to note the problem I had seen. I was glad I could walk with those heels with confidence because I had to walk quickly because the museum was closing.

    I had a great time.


    I was only in the Army for 19 months and 3 days because the Army realized that draftees returning from Vietnam with less then 6 months left on their enlistment were more trouble than they were worth and offered them an early out program. I was glad to take them up on it.

  12. JeffB

    My military career was much shorter, 19 months and 3 day (Vietnam draftee) but it was enough to let me know it wasn’t for me. Some things about a military society are great but for me the negatives outweighed the positives.


    I try not to pick and choose the comments I report. I have mentioned the occasional wolf whistle and shouted comments from moving cars (some of which were lost in the crash). For them most part the reactions I get are neutral to mildly positive. If I ran into too much negative feedback I would probably try something less obvious.

    When I do take the opportunity to ask someone what they think of my boots, I really am interested in what they have to say (and how they say it). I wear thigh boots because I enjoy wearing them and I am curious as to how others see me.

    Let me offer a short story that might explain why I ask people that they think of my boots.

    By profession I am a computer geek and I work with IBM mainframe system and large Unix systems. Several years ago I took a computer graphics course and I had to use a Mac to do the work. I had never used a Mac before and I was having all kinds of problems using it. It wasn’t that the Mac was hard to use, it was that I didn’t understand what was going on when I clicked the mouse button. I bought a book on Mac assembler language programming and read enough that I understood how the system worked and what was really going on. After that, I had a great time in the class.

    I really need to know how I am being perceived when I’m wearing thigh boots and the only way I know to find out is to occasionally askand I only do that when the opportunity really presents itself.

  13. I went to a Kroger’s supermarket today to get a prescription filled. This means standing around in the store for about 20 min with nothing to do. I wore jeans, short sleeved shirt, and black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    The only reaction I got was from a guy. I started walking down an aisle and he was at the end of a the next aisle. He backed up and looked down the aisle I was in and commented to someone he was with, “I just wanted to see if I saw what I thought I saw”.




    If it were the people of “the society” didn’t want to express some differences, the acceptable clothing would be a uniform as it is in “military societies”. The problem we present to “the society” is that we are crossing the gender line when we wear high heels. The “military society” has written and enforceable laws about how you have to dress while “the society” only has accepted norms. I know of some “religious societies” that still won’t accept a women wearing pants. If she wishes to be a part of that society, she has to conform to the societies rules.

    The reason I/we wear heels is because we want to be a little outside the accepted norms. It’s kind of fun getting noticed and I really don’t like to conform to all of societies rules. The attention we want is the kind given to celebrities that dress outside the norm (mostly contemporary musicians) who, for professional reasons, want to be noticed. I/we are expressing our desire to be individuals.

    I suspect the different gender specific styles of dress goes all the way back to allowing the more aggressive of the species to easily tell the difference in the sexes thus making procreation easier. Today however, I suspect marketing has a lot to do with keeping men and women dressing differently. There is a buck /euro/pound to be made in satisfying our desire to be different from the norms.

    What would I/we do if everyone (male and female) started wearing heels or thigh boots? I suspect I/we would find something else to wear that would be distinctive. I suspect I/we will never let society, as Jeffb says, “catch up to the rest of us eventually”.


    I’ve always thought black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels were a little hard to miss but some people really don’t notice. I guess If I wanted to be sure they noticed I would wear my white pair with dark jeans, but I do have a look that I like to present that keeps me from doing that. As Jeffb teaches us, clothing should be coordinated. People do seem to notice though when I wear thigh boots with shorts. It looks like those posts got lost in the crash so I’ll have to redo them.

    When we dress outside the norms, we have to be aware of other peoples reactions. Although most have little or no reaction, some have more aggressive or violent reactions. When we do anything outside the norms we should never be complacent. In other words, we should stay on our toes :P .

  14. I went shopping at Meijer’s and Sam’s on the way home from work this evening. I was wearing jeans, a short sleeved collared shirt and black thigh boots with 5” heels. Both stores were busy but I was in a bit of a hurry so I didn’t just wander around like a normally do, I just went in and selected my items and headed for the register.

    At Meijer’s the parking lot was busy but I hardly thought twice about getting out of the car which, for me, is the hardest part about wearing heeled thigh boots. There were several families and a group of young guys watching as I picked up a shopping cart and went into the store. I gave no outward impression that I was doing anything different that anyone else in the parking lot and no one said a word.

    In Meijer’s several folks gave a bit of a glance as I was selecting items but that was all.

    At Sam’s, I had an item to return so I wound up at the service desk twice before I got the transaction straightened out. Both times I left my shopping cart well away from the service desk so there was no missing my boots. Other than a few glances, there was no reaction at all but I was just a guy standing in line so why would there be a reaction? (At least that’s the image I tried to project).

    In the checkout line, I had a cart with only two small items in the child seat of the cart and their was a lady in front of me with her arms full and no cart. I offered to let her put her stuff in the basket of my cart. The conversation went something like this:

    “You can put that in my cart if you want to”.

    (Looking to see if there is a shorter line) “I don’t know if this is worth the wait”… Oh Ok thanks”.

    “Those cookies you have there are really great”

    (looking at the package) “At 110 calories each I guess they are”. There for the baseball team I have out in my car.

    …….We chatted about how busy the store was, her husband out in the car with the kids etc. After about 5 min the line had moved ahead by 2 shoppers I said, “Can I ask your opinion about something”?


    “Are these boots too much for a guy to wear”?

    For the first time she looked down and saw my boots. I turned my foot so she could see the heel. She paused, thinking, and I thought I’m going to get a politically correct answer, then she asked, “Are they comfortable”?

    “Yes there very comfortable”.

    “Are you comfortable wearing them”?

    “Yes, I am”.

    Another pause for thought. “They look nice on you”.

    “Why, thank you very much”.

    “I like to wear heels but their not comfortable to walk in”.

    “I’ve found, especially with boots, that you should wear a size larger than your normal size”.

    I’m giving advice to a very attractive lady on how to wear heels!

    “Are those unisex”?

    I turned my foot again and said, “No there a ladies, but their my boots”

    “Oh I understand it’s just that most men’s shoes are wider. I wear an 9 and when I buy men’s athletic shoes I get a 6”.

    “A 7 might be more comfortable”.

    “I like to wear heels especially when I dress up but they make me too tall. I’m 6’2” with heels”.

    I’m 6’5” with these.

    The line had moved forward so she was checking out.

    As she left she thanked me for the use of my cart and I said, “Your welcome and I really enjoyed the conversation”.

    The clerk at the register knew me because I’m in there so often and we chat every time I see her, often about the reaction I get to wearing boots. I said, “I talked to her for 5 minutes and she didn’t even notice my boots”.

    She just shook her head and we both laughed.

    What a great shopping trip.


    I keep my heel wearing away from work. The group I work with are great folks but heels would be too much for them. (These folks plan major system upgrades so they don’t conflict with deer hunting season).

    I did find a pair of thigh boots with a western heel at 6 Inch Heels Forever and Pleaser’s style 8828 which does not come in a size above 11.

  15. Since I wear my thigh boots while I drive to work, I have started stopping at grocery stores that are open that early to by yogurt and soups. It makes an inexpensive lunch and another opportunity to wear my boots.


    I have only found twp pair of thigh boots with western heels, neither of which come in pearly gray color. I wonder where he got them.


    I’ve worn thigh boots in Portsmouth Ohio several times. I have a post from Nov 3, 2004 that describes one of them.


    If I overhear a question directed to someone else about my boots, the only reaction I can give is a smile and a nod. If the question is directed to me, “Are those women’s boots”, I reply “Their my boots” and that seems to answer the question..

  16. Magickman -

    Welcome to the forum.

    What a great shopping experience! I went into a local Famous Footware in Newport Kentucky several months ago when the boots were still on display. I had fun trying to find a pair that might fit but I wear the same size as ShockQueen. Sometimes a smaller size will fit though depending on the style of the boot.

    The sales staff wasn’t able to be helpful though. There were other customers and the register was busy. By the way, I went into the store wearing black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels and I wear them outside my jeans. No one seemed surprised I was trying on ladies boots.

  17. I stopped at Sam’s Club tonight on the way home. I was wearing my black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. No one paid any attention except one little girl who was about 9 years old and was with her mother and slightly older brother. I was in the checkout line when they were in a line near me. The conversation I overheard went something like this. “Mom…Mom can guys wear high heels”? “Mom… Listen to me, can guys wear high heels”? Her mother is doing her best to ignore her. “Mon he has on high heel shoes”. Her brother ended the conversation with the authoritative statement, “Those aren’t shoes, there boots”.

  18. I don’t normally wear my 4” and 5” heeled boots around my neighborhood except when I’m walking out to my car in the morning but this afternoon I had to do some work in the yard, I started off wearing black leggings, a tee shirt, and my flat heeled boots and after a while I thought why not and switched to my 4” pair. I was behind a low hedge so people couldn’t really see the heel anyway. I was cutting weeds out of the hedge and had a big pile in the yard. The next step was to run the mower over the pile. I was wearing black boots and black leggings so there wasn’t any contrast to show where the boots started. I changed to the 5” heeled boots and went out with the mower and attacked the pile. The mower is kind of like a shopping cart, people dont see past it. I don’t thing anyone that drove by even noticed I was wearing boots with 5” heels.

    Last week I went to Lowes hardware again. I was wearing my black boots with 4” heels. I couldn’t find the item I wanted and had to ask a clerk. I saw that he noticed what I was wearing but he didn’t miss a beat and lead me over to the department that had my item and showed me where it was. I tend to get harder looks in a hardware store than most other places but most people, like the clerk, notice and go on their way.

    The weather has stayed cool enough to wear my boots comfortably with jeans. I’m still thinking about the image I present wearing shorts and thigh boots.

    JeffB -

    I do recommend a cushioned insole for those boots. I’m looking forward to hear how you get on with them.

  19. I went to Portsmouth Ohio today to help a friend remove a tree that was downed by a storm. Driving there I wore black thigh boots with 4” heels. I stopped at a grocery in Portsmouth to get some stuff and wore my boots in. There were a few raised eyebrows. I asked the register clerk if my boots were too much for Portsmouth. With a big smile, she said they weren’t. Then she asked me where I was from.

    For the tree work, I switched to a pair of flat (3/4”) heeled thigh boots. With all the saw dust, the boots were very practical. I normally wear them when I’m doing yard work at home.

    Micha -

    I have never associated myself with the term "hh-punks". The term has a bit of a negative connotation over here in the States. When I’m out I dress conservatively (jeans, nice shirt, jacket) but I wear thigh boots with heels. I look very much like the image in your picture.

    By the way, I really like the white boots (I have a pair just like them).


    The board crashed about the time you were getting your thigh boots. Have you worn them out yet?

  20. WOW it looks like we really have some catching up to do.

    I’m still out and about in my thigh boots every chance I get. I really treat them as just another pair of shoes and don’t think twice about wearing them. (That’s not really true. I still pick the places I go with some care and work hard at no becoming complacent). I am going out to more places all the time.

    Let me repost a few pictures that were lost in the crash.

    Here are my blue boots. If you imagine her hair in a pony tail, and take the fur off the jacket, that’s close to my look.

    Posted Image

    I had also been wearing my chap boots:

    Posted Image

    As the weather has started to warm I tried wearing thigh boots and shorts. I haven’t been pleased with the reception I have gotten in public so far but I will try it a few more times.

    Here is the image I like:

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    These pictures are from a site called thighboots.com that I was surprised some members of this board hadn’t seen.

    I’m glad the board is up and running again. I really missed reading the posts.

  21. I have been wearing my 8868’s (see JeffB’s picture above) on the drive to work in the morning. Today I stopped at the post office in Milan Indiana. This is a small office (one employee) and I wanted to see how someone in a rural town would react to me in thigh boots. As I pulled into the parking lot, another car pulled in beside me and a lady went into the office to get her mail. I went into the office and mailed my letters. The lady glanced at my boots and bid me a good morning, which I returned. As it turned out the post mistress was busy getting the ladies mail and didn’t even se me. I’ll have to try that again.

    A very busy work schedule has kept me from going out for a week or so, but last night I went to the museum and Joseph Beth Booksellers. I was wearing slacks, a dark turtle neck, a tan leather jacket, and black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. Everybody noticed and nobody said a thing. The disapproving looks about matched the admiring ones.

    I’ve mentioned the staff at Joseph Beth’s is great. I was chatting with the lady at the register and she used the phrase “that’s somebody else’s problem”, I said, “that’s called an SEP”. She didn’t pause and said, “Oh… 42”.

    We have been conditioned to react to disapproving looks. You knew you had done something wrong when you parents gave you “that look”. That’s the part of the head game you have to get past when you are wearing something out of he ordinary. The few disapproving looks at Joseph Beth’s tonight almost got to me (these were practiced, parental, disapproving looks). I had to remind myself that I didn’t think wearing thigh boots was wrong.

    It looks like more guys on this site (and maybe some that haven’t posted yet) are trying thigh boots. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

    Shafted -

    Your outfit sounds great and the outing even better. I have never had anyone want to touch my boots. That must have been a great ego boost.

    JeffB -

    Those are the boots I wear the most. I can’t imagine you not wearing them out and about. I recommend a Dr. Scholes cushioned insert for them. It makes them much more comfortable.

    kiltsrgr8 -

    There is no reason you can’t wear thigh boots.

  22. Shafted -

    As usual Dawh HH has good advice.

    My first outing was in a pair 5” stiletto crotch boots. It was a real rush, but I have had to start over with boots that make less of a statement to discover how much fun wearing thigh boots can be.

    I would recommend either a pair of Ellies 8868 or 8890. Both are 4” stilettos with no zipper (pull on) and very easy to walk in. I have a pair of each.

    The 8868 is pig leather which is a little stiffer than the 8890 which is cow leather. That means the 8868 will stay up on your leg. My 8890’ tend to ride down my leg and I have to pull them back up more often (but that is part of wearing thigh boots). The 8890’s however, are more comfortable and better looking . You can find either pair on the web at a good price.

    I’ve said before this is a head game. In my head there is a big difference in wearing thigh boots with a 4” stiletto and a 5” stiletto. For me the 4” heeled boot is about wearing thigh boots but the 5” heeled boot is about wearing heels.

    If people are used to seeing you in flat heeled thigh boots, they may not notice the 4” heeled boots (no kidding). That might be a good thing but it can be kind of deflating.

    Enjoy wearing your boots.

    JeffB -

    Thanks for the reinforcement. Avoid complacency however, There is always someone who might take offence.

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