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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I worked in the yard yesterday wearing my flat heeled thigh boots then went out shopping wearing my black thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels. I was wearing tight jeans and a tee shirt with my boots and the look was very casual.

    I went to Sam's and took my time and wandered around a bit. I got very little reaction at all. Most people just went about their business and paid no attention at all.

    The clerk at the register chatted with me a little but made no mention of my boots but I think she would have noticed more if I had not been wearing them.

    This was the first time I had worn my boots since I tried wearing them with a skirt. (see: My Session in a Skirt & Heels). I had gone for a week after the skirt outtings wearing only guy shoes and clothes. This is unususl for me because normally I wear my boots almost every day. I still haven't figured out exactly what happened in my head that caused that reaction but I just didn't want to wear my boots. Yesterday, however, I found that I was missing something that has become a part of me and what I do so I pulled on my favorite pair of boots and out I went. It felt great.

    DawnHH has advised me to, "Give yourself some more time to experiment before you make any snap judgements on the subject (of wearing a skirt)". That's good advice.

    I keep comming back to the idea that I like the look I present wearing jeans, and thigh boots with heels. I also enjoy wearing my boots but that is seperate from liking to present an image. I also enjoyed wearing the skirt and it really did look good but I wasn't comfortable persenting the image. I'm also not sure I understood the image I was presenting either. Grocery shopping in a short skirt and thigh boots may have been too much especially since it was s guy doing it.

    For the time being, I think I'll jiust keep the memories of the skirt outting but stick to jeans. I keep advising others that if you are not comfortable doing something, you probably shouldn't be doing it. I think I'll take my own advice.

    JeffB -

    Have you gotten your new boots yet?

  2. tightlevisandhhboots -

    The pair I have are a little tighter in the toe than my thigh boots but not uncomfortable. Both are size 14. I can wear my granny boots for a long time without discomfort.

    I really do like the look of the granny boots outside tight jeans.

  3. dr1819

    I do have a long black leather skirt that comes to just above my ankles. It looks very nice but it completely hides my thigh boots. The goal was to wear my thigh boots with a skirt so I didn't consider the long skirt. I might try it with my granny boots.

    JeffB -

    I don't think people had me pegged as a cross dresser, rather a guy that wore odd footware. Part of the reason for the outting was to gage reaction. I was surprised at how little I got. Most people that saw me seemd to go out of their way to ignore me. I really took that as their being uncomfortable around me.

    Shafted -

    Skirts in public may not be for everyone. They are, however, a very physically comfortable garmet.

    I have said before, If you are not mentally comfortable with what you are wearing, you shouldn't try to present yourself wearing it in public. I was mentally comfortable wearing a skirt and the outfit did look good. I'm still working on deciding if it is an image I want to present.

    Bubba136 -

    I have a black leather mini as you describe and it looks great with either black or white hose and either black or white thigh boots. The combination really does look good but it isn't an image I'm ready to present. I don't like to think about what the guy that was ODed on testosterone would have done if I was wearing my mini with thigh boots.

    DawnHH -

    Thanks for the advice. I try to not make snap decisions. Going out in a skirt wasn't one. I did have a good time with my outtings and I may try it again before I make a decision.

    All -

    The one reaction I did get from the girl at Sam's, I felt, was a very honest one. She said that the skirt REALLY made a difference. Her addition that didn't look bad was an afterthought and I think it was offered so as to not make me feel bad about her first comment. I may have to ask her what the difference was (from her point of view).

    The outfit I choose, short black leather skirt and thigh boots with 5" stilettos, may have been more suggestive than I realized, I am wondering about how a long cloth skirt and my granny boots would have changed things. I know, there is only one way to find out.

    Thanks all for the comments and advice. Additional discussion would be appreciated. I am really trying to wrap my head around skirt wearing.

  4. On the theory that going over the falls in a barrel the second time is easier than the first time, I wore a skirt again today. I really thought the one I wore yesterday was too long to wear with thigh boots, so I wore a black suede, mid thigh length skirt with my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels, a white long sleeved dress skirt and black hose. I tried several pair of boots until I got a look I was happy with. I even tried my white pair but that was a little too much. The skirt is about the length that JeffB modeled for us. First I did my morning grocery shopping. This time I walked around a bit and (your not going to believe this) but nobody noticed. When I was checking out there was a guy two people in front of me that really did notice :wink: . I think he had never seen thigh boots before and I’m sure he wasn’t ready for a guy in a skirt. He as also a little over charged with testosterone, his eyes got real big and I think he made a snide comment to the cashier. When I got to the cashier there were too many people around to engage in a conversation so I left the store. After work, I stopped in the same store again and went shopping. This time I took a shopping cart. The store was more crowded so I thought I would get more of a reaction. A few guys did a little double take but everyone else ignored me. My conclusion is if you a guy that wants to be ignored, wear thigh boots and a skirt. After the grocery store I went to Sam’s. There were a lot of people in the store and I was using a shopping cart. I recognized the girl that was greeting shoppers and asked, “Is this pushing it a little too far”? She gave me an embarrassed, “Well …”. I took it that it was. Anyway, I went on shopping and most people again ignored me. One guy did speak to me, “Hey, how are you” (just to be saying something), but other than that … nothing. When I went to checkout, there were looooong lines. I only had a few items, so the guy at the deli counter motioned me over. The deli counter is past the checkout registers and placed so that everyone in the checkout lines can see the food. Well, there I was in the deli line in front of everyone. Still not a word or a harsh look. When I got back to the car I realized I had forgotten an item so I went back in without a cart. The same girl was still greeting people and gave me a big smile. I got my item and wound up back in the deli line again. This time when I got to the register, it went blank and the clerk had to call for help to get it going again. The line got longer and longer with me standing at the head of it. As I was leaving the girl that was greeting had moved to the bye bye station and I said, “I normally wear these boots with jeans”. “I know”. “Does this (skirt) make that much difference”? “OH YES … but it doesn’t look bad”. Now I have to reflect on the day. The “guy in boots” image is one I’m very comfortable with and enjoy presenting. The guy in a skirt with or without thigh boots is something I can do but I have to decide if it is an image I really want to present. I’ll have to give this some more thought. All in all it was a fun day. (Edited to clean up a few typos)

  5. Well after DawnHH’s comments and JeffB’s pictures, I tried the skirt thing this morning. I went on my morning grocery shopping venture wearing a long sleeved blue dress shirt, black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, and a black, smooth leather, below the knee length, skirt. That length skirt falls below the top of my boots but often the top of the boots catches on the hem of the skirt which I think detracted from the look. I was really having second thoughts about this but I thought what the heck, let’s see what happens. After I got out of the car, I walked across the parking lot and saw my reflection in the glass door. I didn’t think it looked too bad so I kept going. As I got into the store I recognized one of the register clerks so I wouldn’t be talking to someone that had never seen me wearing my boots. In I went. I didn’t go shopping. I went directly for the items I wanted and right to the register. The clerk was out in the main isle and watched me approach. She asked how I was and if I had found everything as normal, but I said “I’m having second thoughts about wearing this (indicating the skirt), what do you think”. She thought for a second then gave me the “everybody to their own thing” answer, which meant she didn’t like it too much. Other than that comment, no one said a thing or even appeared to notice. I went back out to the car and switched back into slacks and my boots and went back in another entrance of the store. I went into the produce department and selected another item and went to a different checkout register and chatted with the checkout clerk there and got no reaction. Going back in without the skirt was kind of a sanity check. I wanted to compare how I felt wearing a skirt and boots in public with just wearing boots. I’m not sure it was a fair comparison. I am very comfortable wearing thigh boots, and the skirt was a whole new sensation. It was sort of like when I started wearing boots, fun, but afraid of the reaction I would get. I’m also still trying to get used to the look and making sure it isn’t something I mind presenting.

  6. Sunday was a museum day. The weather wasn’t too hot so I wore jeans, a short sleeved light blue dress shirt, and my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. As I was walking across the parking lot to the museum I noticed four young people (mid 20s) sitting on the steps of the museum. As I walked up the steps, it was obvious I had become the center of their attention. One of the guys gave me a grin and I nodded back. The one of the ladies spoke out, “I’m going to take those boots away from you”. Smiles broke out from the whole group. I kept walking but turned and said, “There a lot of fun”. Then the other lady in the group said, “You really do look good, those boots look nice”. I thanked them for the complement. The first lady continued, “Your not from Cincinnati are you”? She said that more as a statement than a question. I replied, “Well, yeah I am”. Second lady, “You don’t look like your from Cincinnati. … I mean that as a complement”. The first lady introduced the group and asked if I had seen the Rubens’ show. “Yeah, a couple of times. I’m over here almost every week”. We said good byes and I headed into the museum. Looking back on the meeting, I should have stayed and chatted longer. In the museum I said “Hi” to the guards and went to my favorite gallery and started sketching. Several of the guards coming through said Hi and asked how I was. In another gallery, an older family group came through and the elder lady in a wheel chair was commenting on the pictures and noting the ones that had recently been replaced with others from the collection. I got the impression they were rather well to do. They did their best to ignore the guy in thigh boots. As they came through again, I asked if they had seen the new Renoir and pointed it out to them. No they hadn’t. They thanked me for pointing it out, spent some time with the painting, then came back and asked me about other paintings. All of a sudden it didn’t matter that I was wearing royal blue thigh boots. After the museum, I went to Sam’s club for some stuff. The only eventful thing was I notices a young black girl who was about as tall as I was with my 5” heels and she noticed my boots. Later, she asked me if she could take my picture. “I’ve never seen a male wearing boots before”. I said, “Sure”, and struck a pose that showed off a heel. It didn’t occur to me to ask her if she had ever seen a female wearing thigh boots before. Oh well. Another fun outing. Dawn HH - I hope I made a good a good impression on your co-worker. I was trying to be conservative and wore my flat heeled boots. I will stop by again if I can arrange another trip in that direction. You gave a great tour. JeffB - I think you will see the difference between the 4” and 5” boots as soon as you try them on. The look and feel of the 5” boots is much more about “I’m wearing thigh boots with heels” than the 4”. I really enjoy both styles. I wear the 4” pull on boots when I don’t have time to mess with the tighter 5” boots and when I’m presenting a more casual look. The 5” are my museum boots and for when I feel like showing off a little. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do. The 5” boots are the ones I have glued the penny under the toe tip to prevent wearing the leather on the toe of the boot. What color did you order?

  7. On the way home last night I was wearing high waisted jeans, a blue short sleeved dress shirt, and my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. This is a fairly tight fitting pair of boots especially when worn over jeans. The top of the boots, with the back lacing, opens wit a bit of a flair which I hadn’t realized really changes the look of the boots. I stopped at the grocery (Bigg’s) and did my shopping and managed to walk all over the store twice. I also found a long line at the checkout. I only got a few glances and not one comment. I chatted with the girl at the checkout, complemented her glasses frames, and groused about the warm weather, but she never commented on my boots. Next I went to a Walgreen’s drug store. Again, I wandered around looking for my stuff and here a few people noticed my boots but again no one said a word. This Walgreen’s has a very high ceiling and one end of the store has mirrors at ceiling height that are tilted so that if you look up from anywhere in the back half of the store, you can see yourself. This was one of the few times I have had the opportunity to see myself actually walking in public. Those boots are really REALLY striking. I hadn’t realized what effect that little flare at the top of the boots had on the overall appearance. Without the flair (like my 4” heeled pull on boots) the boots would blend into the jeans, but the flair the boots really stand apart from the jeans and make the “WEARING BOOTS” statement. The 5” heels don’t hurt the image either. It is a great look. Extra points to the designers. I have mentioned before that there is a big difference in wearing thigh boots with flat heels, 4” heels and 5” heels. I thought it was just the heel height that was making the difference but I was wrong. The heel is a part of it but the design of the boots is the major factor. The 5” heel, tight ankle, tight thigh length shaft and the little flair all add up to a big WOW. Also, the line of my leg continues and the high waisted jeans doesn’t offer any horizontal line to break the flow. I really am surprised I don’t turn more heads.

  8. The past two days I have been wearing my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels with shorts. I have been wearing a short sleeved knit shirt, beige guy shorts with 2-3” inseam, black hose, and my boots. It took a little while to get used to this look and second thoughts about getting out of the car but the outfit seems to be working. I have had no negative reactions and only a few second glances.

    Yesterday I stopped at the grocery and a roadside vegetable stand on the way to work. I think the folks at the grocery are used to having me stop by wearing boots in the morning. The farmer and his wife at the vegetable stand only talked about the corn I was buying and not a word about my outfit. It was like a guy in thigh boots with 5” heels was no big deal.. The important thing was the corn.

    After work I went to the Cincinnati Art Museum. The place was almost deserted. There were four guards and eight visitors. I spent most of the time walking around rather than sitting and drawing. No one said a word about my outfit (or even looked twice). I had a nice chat with one of the guards as I was leaving but she was used to seeing me wearing boots whenever I come in.

    This morning I stopped for gas and then went on to the grocery. I’m sure folks at the gas station saw me but I got no reaction at all.

    The only reason I keep posting about outings where I get no reaction is to emphasize that a guy can wear thigh boots with stiletto heels in public especially if you take the conservative approach and wear them over jeans.

    The more I wear my boots the more convinced I am that the secret is having the right attitude. If you present a positive - no doubt about what you are doing image, the message gets across to people around you. If you express self doubt, that message gets across as well.

    On my soap box - At the museum last night one of the guards (black female) was complaining about how tough it was to be a black female in the USA with all the government conspiracies and financial institutions working against you, and how hard it was to get a job you were qualified for. Without a doubt, she was having a tough time and she may have been right about some of the stuff but … with the image she was projecting, I wasn’t surprised people were not interested in hiring her.

    It’s all about the image you project.

    If you want to wear boots and/or heels, first convince yourself that you are dressing the way you like, and that you are mentally comfortable. That will let you project a positive confident image. Don’t try to project a lie. If you are not comfortable stop thinking about going out. Second, go out and enjoy.


    If you met someone that was 6’6” 220 lbs :wink: (Jeff is 6’2” and those are 4” heels) I don’t think wolf whistles would be the appropriate response. But then again, with his 4” heels you may be able to outrun him. :rofl:

  9. JeffB -

    Great look. I have been advocating thigh boots over jeans for a long time now. I have a pair of those boots that I wear a lot. I refer to them as a pull on boot. I recommend a cushioned insole and with it in place those boots with 4" heels are good for miles of comfortable walking. Most of the places I go are now used to seeing me wear my boots and I get little to no reaction from anyone.

    Have a good time, they look great.

  10. On the way home from work Friday, I was wearing my black pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels when I passed a road side stand selling fresh corn. I had to turn my car around and drive back and park. As I was getting out of the car I realized I had my boots on and decided to keep on going. I had to walk about 40’ to the stand but the guy running the stand didn’t give any reaction at all. I bought a dozen ears and walked back to the car. I had previously stopped (several times) at other roadside stands wearing my granny boots, again with no reaction. Saturday afternoon, it was hot but I needed to go to Sam’s so I wore a white knit shirt, beige guy shorts with a 3” inseam, black hose and the same pair of black thigh boots. Since I haven’t wear colored hose and shorts I was concerned about the reaction I would get. The boots tended to ride down my legs so they were often only knee high or just above the knee. Other than a few glances, I got no reaction at all. I even commented to the girl at the register that “It’s almost too warm to wear these” and she didn’t realize what I was talking about. I don’t think she noticed my boots. The pull on boots with hose are not so tight as to prevent a little air circulating so they are not uncomfortable and I was only out in the heat while I was pumping gas and walking across the parking lot. All in all it was a nice outing.

  11. The past two mornings, before the temperature really got up there, I wore my pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels when I stopped at the grocery on the way to work. One guy glanced my way to be sure of what he was seeing, but other than him, I got no reaction at all. The folks in the parking lot and in the store just went about their business and I think the staff and register clerks are used to seeing me.

    I really am looking forward to cooler temperatures.

    JeffB -

    It is cool enough to wear your boots in the mornings and most Toyota’s are air conditioned.

    The next time you are shooting skirt pictures, try a pair with your boots

  12. I had the opportunity to go out again this afternoon. I got to thinking that my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stilettos would look good with those tight jeans I wore this morning. They did look good but I’m still partial to my black boots.

    Anyway, I thought I would go to the thrift store in Newport Ky. To see if there were any bargains to be had. I hadn’t bin there in the middle of the afternoon for a long time and I wasn’t expecting the place to be packed but it was. I walked up and down the isles but didn’t see anything that caught my eye. I certainly caught a lot of other eyes. Picture this, a guy 6’5”, wearing royal blue thigh boots with stiletto heels walking through crowded isles looking at skirts and blouses. No one said a word. Not even a snicker.

    As I left the store and was walking back to my car, a woman called to me, “I’ll take those boots, I surely will”. I turned and gave her a big smile in acknowledgment of the complement.

    Next I went to one of the few cobbler shops left in my area. This was the first time I had ever been in the shop or worn my boots in the neighborhood. The old guy in the shop was behind the counter and I’m not sure he saw what I was wearing when I walked in. I asked,

    “Do you have any blue shoe polish”?

    “Well let’s see, Royal blue”?

    “Yeah, like this”, and I walked to the gap in the counter to show him the color I wanted.

    “My goodness … lets see if this will do”, and he opened the jar and put a sample on some white paper.

    “Yeah that will work. I have another question. I have a white pair of these that are getting a little scuffed up. Do you have anything that will clean them up”?

    “I think so but the guy that just came in will know for sure”. I think the guy was the owner of the store and he had a clear view of my boots as he came in.

    The old guy said, “He says he has a white pair of boots like the ones he has on that have gotten a little scuffed up. Can he clean them”?

    The owner said, “White is tough to clean. We can re-dye them but if it’s down in the leather that’s about all we can do. You might try some saddle soap and see if it works”.

    Well since I was buying stuff, they were willing to talk to me. The walk back to the car included crossing a busy street in the middle of the block. I did notice that traffic slowed down a little.

    By the way, the saddle soap did clean up the white boots, but I still need some white polish. I’ll get that the next time I go in.

    The white boots got dirty when I was driving. The carpet under the peddles tends to accumulate a lot of dirt and, when I’m driving, I let my foot lay over on it’s side, right in the dirt.

    This was a fun outting.

    Shafted - A small warsher might do the trick. Anything to take wear rather than the toe of the boot. A cobbler might be able to put a small tap under the toe.

  13. WOW Jeff. Those poses look great and a leather skirt is the way to go. I have several leather skirts ranging from very short to ankle length, but I rarely wear any of them outside. I wear a 14 - 16 so I have been able to find them in thrift stores, usually for under $5. I really enjoy wearing them, but it’s not the image I’m ready to present in public. I understand what you said about wearing a skirt in public, “but it would take a whole lot of courage to do something like that” and have some agreement with that but it is really more about being comfortable with the image and enjoying presenting it. You wear heels to work and I wear thigh boots in public so I don’t think it’s a courage thing.

  14. I haven’t posted anything here for a little while because it has been too hot to wear thigh boots outside. I have been wearing my granny boots to and from work every day including shopping but they aren’t as much fun as my thigh boots. This weekend I have been taking care of in 98 year old Alzheimer patient and she doesn’t care what I wear so I have been wearing my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels with hose and shorts for three days. When I have to help her move around, I wear a pair of flats to be more sure footed. I can walk in 5” heels but there is no sense taking unnecessary chances. I haven’t been able to go out for those three days but this morning I needed to go to the grocery and the temperature hadn’t gotten too warm yet so… . I went to a local Kroger that have gone to before because it was close. I pulled on a pair of tight jeans, a blue pull on shirt and my black thigh boots with the 5” stiletto heels. Those boots really look good with those jeans if I do say so myself. I hadn’t worn those jeans for a long time because they are too short, but tucked under thigh boots, who cares. They are actually a pair of bell bottoms and that should give you an idea of what a long time is. Anyway, I went shopping. That means I went all over the store whether I needed anything in that section or not. Nobody batted an eye. Two ladies were uncomfortably quiet but that was the only reaction I got. Most people just ignored what I was wearing and went on their way. Oh well, I still had a good time and the boots and jeans really did look good. I’ll be wearing them again. I have mentioned that I have been wearing a hole in the leather on the toe of my boots. It is either my stride is too long, the sole is too short to protect the toe, or as someone suggested thigh boots weren’t meant for walking around in. I thought I would try to keep my black pair from wearing further by gluing a penny under the toe of each boot. Some epoxy seems to be holding the pennies in place and I can hear the metallic click when I walk so it might just working.

  15. Shafted


    I did solve the problem of the laces falling out of the speed hooks when I put the boots on or take them off. I noticed the hooks had a hole like eyelets did so I laced the boots by running the lace through the hole in the speed hooks. The trick is to start the lace through the hole then use needle nose pliers to reach under the hook to pull the lace through the hole.

  16. What a difference 30° in temperature makes. This morning the temperature was in the mid sixties and I pulled out a pair of black thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels that I haven’t been able to wear for several weeks now. It has been way too hot and I have been wearing my granny boots, but some cold air has moved in and I thought why not.

    On the way to work this morning I stopped and bought gas, and when to the grocery to pick up a few items for lunch. I was wearing a blue dress shirt, blue jeans, and my black boots. I did hear one, “oh my god“ from a lady at the grocery but that was the extent of the reaction. The cashier just commented on how nice that cool weather was and bid me to have a good day.

    It had been several weeks since I’d worn of 5" heel and the muscles and my legs let me know it. Heels require constant practice for grace and stamina. It was good to be high heeling again.

    JeffB –

    Dawn HH –

    I thing Jeff is right I probably would’ve tried them, but I doubt if they would’ve been every day wear. I guess for now my white pair will have to do for special occasions.

  17. JeffB -

    I tried the granny boots with black leggins but didn’t like the look. The leggins are skin tight and the texture break where the boots starts makes them look like there hanging on the ends of legs. I prefer the look of the granny boots over close fitting jeans. They look like they are a more natural extension on the jeans.

    The appearance of wearing them under dress slacks is just a little different than pumps. Only the heel and base of the shoe are visible. Wearing them over dress slacks was just a little more show off then wearing them under the slacks.

    I also prefer my thigh boots over jeans. I have also worn them over dress slacks and leggins but really prefer the look of jeans.

    dr1819 -

    The pair I found were size 14. I’m not sure I could get myself to wear a wing tip. :wink:

  18. I have mentioned how good cushioned insoles feel in my thigh boots and it finally dawned on me to put a pair in my granny boots. These are nice leather boots that have stretched a little where they needed to and are now very comfortable. The insoles really make them a pleasure to wear.

    I was out and about this afternoon and wore them outside my dress slacks. It didn’t look as good as with jeans but I liked it better than trying to hide them under my pant legs. I know most people (men and women) don’t display their heels when they are wearing slacks, rather they let the heel and toe pick out from under the pant cuff. I would do that with pumps but I like to wear boots and I think they look better fully displayed.

    Anyway, while I was out I went to a different Sam’s Club than I normally go to and then to a Wallgreens (drug store). Some folks noticed but there were no comments or adverse reactions. I did get a few pleasant smiles and nice greetings. I had a good afternoon.

    All -

    Aren’t kids fun. Some of the most overt reactions I have gotten while wearing boots with heels have been from kids. I then realized that their reaction is a window into what they have been taught and even if their parent are not displaying a reaction to a guy in heeled boots they sure are thinking it. I have often wondered about the conversations the parents and kids had after I was gone. I doubt if the kids let the subject drop. I’m either an object lesson of how sick some people are or a lesson in how free spirited people can be.

  19. Well today was the day the UPS truck drove up and delivered my silver thigh boots. I opened the package and unpacked the boots and started to wonder again if I would wear them. The sure did look great so I decided to go ahead and give them a try. These are not leather boots and I was concerned that they might not be comfortable so when I started to put them on I wasn’t too surprised that they were a little tight. They are well lined with a soft material that should be comfortable but the shoe was really too tight on my foot. I thought they will give a little so I kept going. I was unable to get the zipper past my ankle. I finally came to the realization that these boots were really too small and I wasn’t going to be able to wear them and if I could get them on, I wouldn’t be able to walk in them without killing my feet. I have packed them back up to return them. Now the real question is would I have had the nerve to wear them in public?

  20. I have been wearing my granny boots all week (with the exception of “at work”). I have even worn them at lunch a couple of times.

    Most days I wear slacks and the boots are under the slacks but on Friday and weekends, I wear close fitting jeans and the boots look great over the jeans.

    Yesterday I went to Sam’s and had to stand around while one of the associates helped me find an item. This took about 10 minutes and lots of people passed by. Most noticed but, other than a few confused looks, there was little reaction and none of it was negative.

    I got the strongest reaction on Friday when I went to Wallgreens (chain drug store). As I was in the checkout line, a little girl and her mother passed by me and the little girl was pulling on her mothers arm and pointing to my boots and saying, “Look mommy, look”. The lady did her best to ignore the whole thing and keep going.

    I actually feel more comfortable wearing the boots over my jeans than under my slacks. There is no sense of feeling like I’m trying to hide something or tension over whether someone sees my boots. The only reason I wear them under my slacks is that they don’t look good with the loose pant leg tucked into the tight fitting ankle where the close fitting jeans look great.

    Kneehighs -

    I’m not sure I’m ready for shinny jeans yet but I’ll keep it in mind.

    Dawn HH -

    I’ll do my best to wear them out in both sense of the word.

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