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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. Hi Charlie,

    Did you receive your order yet?

    How do you find them? Have you worn them out yet?

    Can you handle the 5" heel?


    I got them. The fit is good. The extra 1" height makes a huge difference when compared to 4". I can walk in them, but it's noticeably more difficult. I wouldn't wear them to work but would consider wearing them to dinner or any other event that's more sit down than standing up. What's cool about them is they are of the pointed toe variety so the extra length in the foot obscures the 1" higher heel height when worn with longer bootcut pants that I typically wear. They actually look more 'manly' because of this.


  2. I would read it as such as well. It's been my experience that we make our niches and others are generally quite accepting of them. I get the same thing if I wear anything less than a 3" heeled boot. LOL Charlie

  3. I guess I'm a selfish SOB because in my 30's when I felt like indulging in heeling I just did it. It's convenient that my boot preferences happen to easily pass in public, but I can also imagine how tough it must be for those amongst us who are married with families and prefer skirts and strappy stilletos. That's a much tougher sell and my heart goes out to those guys. Charlie

  4. pussyinboots,

    Your comments and views are right on the mark. And what really gets to me is when I see a "youngster" dressed what some might deem "outrageous," and they look down their nose or snicker at me when I'm wearing high-heeled footwear, and I'm even talking higher-heeled cowboy boots or men's boots with a higher block heel, I can see where peer pressure and contradiction come into play with this group. As you say, sad, but true.

    You haven't lived until you've received fashion critique from a jackass with his pants hanging below his a$$. LOL

    That happened to me once and I threatened to pull his pants the rest of the way down and hang him from a tree branch with them. LOL


  5. Good deal SleekHeels! See how easy it is? I recommend staying at this level until it becomes your comfort zone. You'll know when that is when you come home and don't give much thought to the boots you had on when reflecting on the day. From there, it's completely up to you as to how far you want to go. I personally stayed right where you are now and am totally happy at that point. It's been a decade for me now and I still love the feeling of my elevated heels when standing in line at the local Subway or whatever. Charlie

  6. I still think that a compromise must be struck. Compromises come with concessions on both sides. It's obviously a bit much to expect the wife to blindly accept your wearing of skirts, hose, and heels while with her in public. I dare say that most women wouldn't go for this. I know my wife wouldn't. It probably wouldn't have been an issue when you first met. Had you been wearing the same outfit she probably wouldn't have been interested in the first place. That's what makes springing such interests so tough after the fact. I still say it's going to come down to a consession on your side or a seperation. From my perspective, you've got some real thinking to do. I hope you find happiness. Charlie

  7. If anything it could have a negative impact for men wearing heels because men tend to shy away from women's trends so as not to even suggest a hint of not being masculine. Of course the guys I'm refering to here are the insecure type who wouldn't deviate from the normal drab male wardrobe so who knows for sure? Charlie

  8. Charlie,

    Based on you recommendation, I bought a pair of 4" heel boots from Mighuel Jones (Cowboybootsusa.com). They were great to work with. Had to return the first pair for size (9s, a hair too long). Exchanged for 8 1/2. They were so narrow the foot wouldn't go in the boot. Without returning, they then sent 8 1/2s a bit wider, which fit great. Next, apropo to nothing, a second pair of 9s show up. I now have 2 pair to return to them. Only problem, US mail from Virginia to Mexico is $ 36+!!. Oh, well, cheaper than flying to Mexico to try 'em on. I've worn them out twice; post office, supermarkets, restaurants, and nobody even glanced. I guess its the rounded toe, no stitching, and distinctive "cowboy boot" heel style. Good leather...stiff!...will take a while to break in. Again, thanks for helping me out on this a coupla' months ago. To answer the topic, anything heel-wise thats higher than the usual mens' boring brogans qualifies. Even if the more unnoticable style doesn't attract any looks, the altered gait just might. My wife noticed immediatley; thougt it all looked strange. Guess they're big & heavy enough to at least not look like a womens' style. Checked the reflection walking past a store window, and it didn't look all that different to me although it feels VERY different....different good!


    They are magical in that they virtually nullify any glances that only the most masculine looking women's boots would do and yet the feeling is of a bonafide 4" heeled boot! I'm glad I was able to help! I love them and wore them today and yesterday for work. Tomorrow I plan on stepping a little down to the 3.5" heeled custom ones I had Miguel make for me. It's important to mix things up a little bit here and there. I have a pair with 5" heels coming from Miguel, but I have my doubts that I'll be able to manage them well. My right foot isn't as flexible as my left and will most likely be the limiting factor. I just want to be able to say I gave 5" a go. lol


  9. Here are some size 12: (size 12.5 will be tough! The choices will be more numerous in 12 and to a lesser degree, 13..)



    I like the ones in the second link better. Either could be worn in public though.


  10. I'm all for seeking approval from our wives and/or girlfriends but if the shoes that we're talking about have a reasonable chance of passing unnoticed by the general public, it then becomes a matter of taste and IMHO the man doesn't need the woman's approval. For example, if I had a girlfriend who said I couldn't wear these:


    Then I'd not have to worry about having a wife that would give me problems if you catch my drift..

    Now if I was trying to convince the girlfriend to tolerate me wearing a skirt and stiletto heels while in public, I agree she should have a say as such an endeavor won't go unnoticed and her skin would need to be as thick as mine.


  11. Okay.... I just ordered a pair exactly like yours Rob. We'll see if I can handle the 5" heels in this style of boot. I incorrectly stated the heel height of another pair I bought sometime ago when I claimed 5.5" heels. They were actually a 4" heel height, but for some reason are much tougher to walk on than the ones I'm wearing today? I made the claim from memory. LOL Anyway, with these boots the heel necks down thinner and the boots are 1/2 size too large but I can't wear more socks as the tall shaft is too tight to get my socked feet through easily. Charlie

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