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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. Hi all,

    I know that this is not exactly matching the topic, but I wonder If any of you could help me. I found these http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/clearance/womens-shoes/heels/69617340-frimeli/97 at Aldo's which I would really like to have as replacement for my pair of street heels that are totally worn out. Unfortunatelly, I had to learn that they do not ship to Germany. My question now would be: Is there any UK fellow heeler willing to help me in a way that I could make them ship to him and he would forward them to me. Of course, I would pay (in advance) for shipment from UK to Germany.

    So in case any of you is willing to help me, I would very much appreciate if you sent me a pm.



    I like those! Hope it works out for you.


  2. Just high heeled boots, preferably masculine looking that blur the line between a man's or woman's boot. Thank God the designers are coming out with designs that do just this! Other than that, jeans and henleys, turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks for the top. Charlie

  3. LOL What I was trying to say was that it seems everytime women adopt a style that was once a men's style like these shoes you so accurately described, most 'regular' guys avoid that style out of fear of being even remotely identified with something feminine. I call it the 'Burlap Bag' theory because soon that's all that's going to be left for options for guys that think this way to wear after the women have adapted all the other traditional male wardrobe items. Chuckle chuckle.. Charlie

  4. That's a great look in the photo. Many of us couldn't make it work but you really can. It's the sort of image that says "a guy can look really good in heels".

    I couldn't agree more! Very nice look in that you still retain all your masculinity. Nice!


  5. I agree that the shoe fashions in the 1959-64 period were almost invariably stylish and exciting in a way that has never been equalled since. And of course, as others have said, stilettos (often well over 4") were almost universal and usually teamed with winklepicker toes, tight pencil skirts and stockings - and a lot more besides. (Sorry, Charlie - I liked the beehive hair too!)

    I don't know why there is such a strong desire to ignore or abandon things from the past which were tried, tested and well loved. OK, fashion moves on and there is plenty of room for innovation and fresh ideas, but the true 60s stiletto heel is very rarely seen on any more modern shoe. The shape and positioning is scarcely ever quite the same (and is therefore 'wrong' to my eyes). And peep toes and thick platforms go back to the late 40s (before stilettos were invented) and should have been left there.

    I figured I'd be alone on the beehive thing.. LOL

    As for shying from the past, it certainly doesn't occur in Hollywood? They seem to have no new original ideas and instead keep remaking classics..


  6. I don't know what 'Tres male' means, but if I were the type of guy who thought that I couldn't touch anything female in my footwear choices this would threaten my ability to wear cuban heeled shoes or boots.. I'm so glad I don't care! Charlie

  7. Actually, most of those ideas are exactly the way not to do it!

    The best way is to go into a very busy place. You will NOT be noticed in a busy place. I know this freaks most people out but if you were scurrying about in the dark and someone did notice, then you are about 1000% more likely to be picked on.

    This is true. It's really just a head game with yourself. I'll bet many here can remember the early days of mastering a higher heel height at home and then bumbling on them the first time in a public setting without understanding what happened? For me, it was my inner self telling me that I'm doing something that's even less 'normal' for a man in society. My stress level increased and my body reacted by my muscles tightening up. I've since convinced my inner self that there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. It took some practice but I accomplished this. Now I don't even think about the boots anymore and I'm as good in public as I am in private. The closest non-heeling experience I can relate to this was when I was on a pistol team shooting bullseye competition. I'd never miss in practice but would get the shakes during a match..


  8. I figured that with the way winter his wacking us with a vengance this year that I needed a pair of tougher boots to wear so that I don't ruin my nicer western ones.. I wound up ordering these just a few minutes ago..


    I have another pair of the Harley Davidson boots in size 11M with 2" heels and they're well made and really stand up to the abuse. I think the ones above offer a little more style though.. They're both go anywhere boots.


  9. Actually, because of all of the waffIeing, I really wonder? If anyone was so anxious as he was about wearing heels in public, it would only be logical to wear a pair heels that weren't so conspicuous, wouldn't it?

    I don't know. I just located the post where he made this claim.


  10. When I first made the then terrifying decision to wear a higher than average heeled boots out in public I did so with the assurances of the older men's high heels board. This was the original board before this one. I wound up purchasing something very similar to these:


    The heels on mine were a little thicker and the heel height was about 3.5" instead of 4". I never got a single comment or stare in public. I also wore jeans with a boot or flare cut that covered the heels. My wife was my girlfriend then and she used to stay with me at the house I rented on the weekends. I was already for the big 'showdown' as I was wearing them on a Friday night when I expected her. She came and I cringed all evening waiting for the 'moment'. Nothing! Saturday came, still nothing! I wore a shorter length pant on Sunday and still Nothing? She didn't make a single comment or act any differently than if I'd been wearing sneakers. The following weekend, we were sitting on the couch watching TV and the cat started batting at the fully exposed heel of my boot and she noticed this and 'scolded' the cat saying "Watch it kitty! You'll scratch the heel on his boot!" with a chuckle. That was it! That was 19 years ago and she's been my wife for 18 of those years. Higher than average (3" or above) heels have been a fixture of my regular wardrobe since. In those 18 years she only made a single comment. I purposely wore a very thin heeled boot just to test the limits (years ago) and she said "Those heels look a little too feminine" and I said she was right and that I was just testing her eyesight. LOL I actually didn't care for the boots anyway. Everybody is different and I'm sure there are as many stories as there are people here. Like what was said in the movie Jurassic Park... "Life finds a way". I sincerely hope everyone here finds their way.


  11. If a guy wants to wear any kind of higher than 'average' heeled shoe or boot in public while minimizing notice and ridicule from dimwits, then no, pink heels are very likely to not bring success in this endeavor. If the guy has very thick skin or has simply reached the point where he doesn't care at all what others say, then yes, go for it. There's virtually no limit to the shoe or boot choices for home or bedroom wear. Charlie

  12. There is no 'rule book' or Law anywhere in the FREE World (apart from some fanatically religious countries that is) - that tells people what clothes they should or should not wear.

    Even the Bible restricts itself to saying that 'cross-dressing' is a sin - only when done by soldiers going to war, who try to disguise themselves as women to avoid being attacked by their enemies - but that's the ONLY time it mentions it.

    And.... that wouldn't work anymore in the Russian army. I believe women fight on the front lines along with the men.


  13. I'm not at home, but at a timeshare. The maintenance man came to look at the door latch after I told them it

    was difficult to close. I was working and didn't have time to run and change, so answered the door and let him in while wearing my 5.5 in. Karo wedge slides, with frosted & glittery blue nail polish (custom mixed by a lady friend at a salon). Wearing shorts and a T-shirt, by the way.

    I stood there while he worked on the latch and talked. No reaction, don't know whether he noticed, but I was calm and acted normally.

    I'm sure he noticed. He's probably seen it all and wasn't shocked.


  14. Hard times? What hard times are those? What exactly have guys had to "endure"??

    Put on a pair of 5" stilletos with the whole shoe showing and walk past a construction site during lunch and you might get a taste? LOL


  15. Most of the time when I wear a skirt I don't wear heel's since most of my skirts are just a regular jean skirts! I do have a biz suit skirt and the dark denem skirt that I feel you should wear heels with. I have had mixed feeling's about wearing skirts and heels. I am just trying to find the right look and combo. One thing I will never do is try to pass my self off as a women. That is not what I am trying to do. I am trying to find a way to be able to combine the best of both worlds!

    Honest data should be taken in stride objectively when solicited.


  16. You look great in trousers but not in a skirt.

    [Personal opinion]Personally I think if you're going to wear a skirt you will be better off either "going all the way" or doing away with the heels. I always think that a guy who's femme from the waist down looks a bit absurd like something out of monty Python.[/personal opinion]

    I tend to agree but try and keep an open mind. On the other hand I'm sure there are people who'd say a pair of heels on a guy looks ridiculous no matter what he's wearing with them. It's all about that point on the great curve of life we're personally comfortable with when the day is over.


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