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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Hey, TBG! Our dishwasher died a couple of months ago and we haven't found anything in the $1 price range yet! I'll offer you $2 if you deliver the one you fixed (wearing thighboots, of course!) - you can double your money. Not everday you have a chance to do that. What say?





  2. HiH, Good to hear from you! I'm glad to know you're enjoying your trip to Europe and I'm especially happy that you're enjoying seeing lots of heels there. Mostly gals in flat heeled boots around here, although I saw a nice pair of heeled boots in Starbucks today and another (stilettos) later in the pub, too, so at least there are a few!


    Safe travels!



  3. The links still don't work; follow Pumped's suggestion above. I found the shoes and boots that way.


    The shoes are nice, but I'm not into platform stilettos personally. I don't care for the boots very much. Might as well wear flat boots.



  4. W6,


    Sounds like a fun party and if you're the only guy there, you'll probably be the center of attention. Let us know how it goes and if others wear heels, too!


    Nice heels in the photo, btw.



  5. A couple of weeks ago I had a birthday coupon for 25% off at Payless and I saw a pair of heeled knee boots in black that I liked, their "Mara" boots, so I ordered a pair. They arrived promptly and I put them on, and wore them around the house for a while to be sure I wanted to keep them. I did and wrote a positive review:




    Since that review will no longer exist when the style is discontinued, here is what I said:



    Outstanding value!

    November 22, 2014
    Pros: fashionable, comfortable, snug fit, warm, secure rubber soles, great arch support, calf fits great
    Cons: only one color
    I've had these boots for a couple of weeks now and they're getting nicely broken in. At first I had the sense that they may be a bit short for a size 12, and that the toe height was slightly too low (I have a hammertoe on my second toe on my left foot, so I wear a bandage). But after having worn them for a while, they fit okay and I'm very happy with them. The heel is 4 inches on my pair, which is about at my limit of comfort and being able to walk gracefully and confidently. I own and love Payless's "Marcie" boots in brown from last season and they are very similar with 4 inch heels also. The Mara boots are even better! They fit perfectly in the calf. The circumference is just right, with room to tuck jeans in if the snow is deep. There is ample padding under the ball of the foot, too, and the rubber soles make for good traction on floors and sidewalks; I feel quite secure walking in them. And talk about warm! They are almost too hot to wear indoors! Today I was making several trips bringing some boxes up from the basement. When I was done, my feet were warm as toast! I'm sure these boots are going to be my favorite boots this winter when the temperature is cold. I love them and would recommend them to anybody who wants a fashion boot that's well made and fits snugly with nylon hosiery. Thanks, Payless, for making these great boots in larger sizes for us fashion forward guys!
    And of course that was exactly how I wrote it, no editing. They've never edited any of my reviews.
    Below is a pic of the boots. Oh, I forgot to mention...of course, right after I bought them for 25% off, they lowered the price by 25% for everyone. Ah, well...


  6. Henri,


    I do have a passion for pantyhose, as well as heels, so I was not about to let the opportunity to promote pantyhose slip by without comment. But what brand people choose to buy is their choice, and I try not to be too blatant on this forum about promoting my brand :clap: (Activskin, available at www.activskin.com) :clap:  or any other particular brands. It so happens that I wear other brands, too, at least to learn about the competition! And now, back to JeffB's thread...



    Shamelessly yours, :penitent:




  7. Having seen you in outfits with and without pantyhose, I have to say that your legs look far better with pantyhose on. The pantyhose evens out the skin tone, hides blemishes, and adds a little sheen that gives your whole outfit a "finished" and "put together" appearance. You ought to wear pantyhose more often, even though the fashion trend these days is bare legs. Most people don't have the perfect leg skin to display bare legs in an attractive way, so as long as you're blazing your own trail, do it the best way and wear pantyhose!



  8. I have done very well over the years, buying and selling on ebay. When buying, I always check the track record of the seller, and if it looks dubious, I pass it up. I have only been burned a couple of times buying something that was clearly worn but sold as new. If the fit was ok, no problem. If not, I never paid much for it, so I can re-sell it. Even selling can be tricky. I once sold a pair of shoes to a woman who claimed that when she got them they looked in terrible condition. I can only guess that the plastic bag I wrapped the shoes in must have melted in a hot truck or warehouse and I refunded her money. I've always wrapped shoes in paper ever since. Lesson learned.


    While I still check ebay on a regular basis, I find myself more and more buying heels in the 20-40 dollar range from discount places like 6pm.com, DSW, Target, and Payless, or close-outs from Aerosoles, Naturalizer, Born, Amazon, etc. Every now and then a must-have pair comes along at 50-70 dollars, and I stew over it until my wife says, "Go ahead, stop sulking, and buy them!" LOL She knows I'm a cheapskate and I'm my worst enemy in that regard.



  9. I love it when people discover it for themselves: "I went out in heels, nothing happened, I had fun, and my confidence went up!" It gets easier each time. Pretty soon, you'll be disappointed when people DON'T notice your heels!


    Keep up the good work. We can preach all we want that public heeling is ok, but when you discover it for yourself, that's what really counts!



  10. Just because she says it looks great does not necessarily mean she thinks it looks great enough to go out in public. So just be careful how you interpret her response and act judiciously to make sure she is not drawn outside of her comfort zone. It might take you a long time to stretch the envelope and keep her comfortable, and you'll have to take a lot of baby steps, but it sounds like you are making progress. The outfit looks great to us heelers, but your SO is the one you have to live with. Good luck.



  11. May I suggest you treat her extremely nicely the next few days? Tell her how special she is. Buy her flowers or candy or jewelry. Take her out to dinner at a special restaurant or to a movie, play, or concert. Tell her it is just for being so wonderful, no special reason. Melt her heart and she'll have a difficult time being critical of your footware. Remember, women don't want to be upstaged, so show her you have your priorities in the right order! She's #1; shoes are #2.


    Good luck!



  12. Good advice above. I'm in the same situation as you are, in that my foot's flexibility is limited, too. I can wear 3 to 3.5 inch heels just fine, but any higher than that and it's past my comfort zone. The only difference between you and me is that I don't have any desire to wear anything higher. I've tried and I just can't do it, and it's not worth the discomfort, aggravation, and potential risk for me to go that route. I have decided to be happy where I am. You might reconsider and just be thankful that you can wear shoes like that black pair in the fourth photo. They're gorgeous!



  13. W6,


    Awesome shoes! Tall enough to wallpaper the ceiling if you needed to! Be careful!


    Thanks for posting about the party. Good read. I'm glad you had fun. Please continue to enlighten us with your exploits!



  14. Hh_pe, wow, the door is open! Practice is all it takes. Make your goal 168 hours (1 full week) in heels and you'll start to walk gracefully and with confidence. Be conscious of where you step so you don't slip or skid or fall. After a while, it will all come pretty automatically, like driving a car, and you'll be qualified for the matching boot award she's offered. Go for it!



  15. Great story, Estar! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad Halloween was the excuse you needed to see that a guy wearing heels in public is not as difficult or embarrassing as we think, and sometimes you get nice comments from people who wish they were in your shoes! Happy Anniversary!



  16. Yes, it IS fun when a gal you've never met notices your shoes and compliments you on them. I've had it happen.


    I love Aerosoles. The sandals in my avatar pic to the left are Aerosoles "Platonic" sandals with a 3.75" stacked heel, and coincidentally I am wearing them right now! They are among my favorite.



  17. Larry,


    First of all, thank you for sharing your latest adventure with us. You've really been on a mental roller coaster! But on balance I think you came out pretty well. You kept in control of all of your reactions, which for the most part sounded exactly like the right reactions (or in some cases no reaction). You know people are going to notice. The real question is whether they are accepting of what they see (most are) or whether they act immaturely, rudely, or terribly impolitely (a few but they're the loudest and most memorable). A long day can contain any or all of the above.


    But looking back on the day, you did well. Your head is still on your shoulders, you didn't get beaten up, and your enthusiasm, though a tad diluted, is still intact (or you would not even be considering a next time). So I think you had a good time in heels on balance (pun intended) and I think you should repeat it again as soon as you have the opportunity. The more often you do it, the easier it gets, to the point where you don't even notice people noticing you (or caring if they do).



  18. Although I personally prefer leather, it's true that polyurethane and other faux leather materials have opened up an enormous amount of footwear choices to vegans who disdain wearing animal products. Nobody gets upset at all the little "fauxes" that have been killed for their hides! :bawling:





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