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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. i definately get what you mean aussieheels. I like women's flats too, although i don't own any, i wouldn'y mind picking up a few pairs. I don't think i'd feel the same about womens sneakers/trainers. I do like my Nike high tops ALOT, although if a pair came out that were slightly fem, i'd have no issues buying them for myself if i liked them enough. I think women's flat's look really good with a nice pair of jeans, and i'd definately wear them in public, but then i figure, if you're gunna get looks for wearing women's shoes, why not go all out and wear a pair of sexy heels instead? i guess practicality is the only reason..

  2. Thanks everyone, i'm definately not gunna stop there! the sky's the limit! :wave: Can't wait to get out in a skirt and heels now! although still unsure i have the nerve for that. It'll definately be throwing myself in the deep end! but then i think about how i built up being seen out in public in my heels in my head, then when i actually did it, yea i got the looks, but i showed them i was confident in my heels and they backed down

  3. Heelguy – Sounds like you had a fine outing and are starting to understand this “being confident in your look” thing. It’s a great feeling and your outing gets a “Well done”..

    Jedi mind trick worked well then... "These are not the heels you are looking for."

    I think SArmeah is referring to “Stars Wars” where Obywan Kanobe tells the storm troopers “These are not the droids your looking for”. He did it by controlling their minds. Assuming you can’t do that, you have to tell people “These are my shoes and this is the look I want to present.” You do that by looking people in the eye and showing confidence.

    Thanks Thighbootguy!

    ahh now i understand, im not a sci-fi fan personally, so the referance was lost on me :wave: but i see the signifacance and similarities in the qoute regarding my actions on my outing. I stared him down and made him feel like he was the one doing something he shouldn't be! it was a fantastic feeling! can't wait to get out in my heels again for the world to see!!!

  4. BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!:wave::):clap: So today is my one day off, i decided to head back to the shopping center i visited last week where i bought my new clothes and shoes. I went there with the intent to visit my ex again as i had seen a pair of tight black jeans in her store i wanted to try on but didn't get chance to last week. I walked in and we chatted for abit, and then i went into the changing rooms to try them on. Of course, in my bag, i had my recently purchased black hidden platform heels, because i wanted to see what they looked like with the jeans. Great! is the answer, they look awesome with my new skin tight black jeans. So i took them to the counter, paid for them and what-not, had a small conversation with my ex, and off i went.. I also decided to go back into payless, lo and behold Donna was working again, she greeted me with a friendly smile and a "hey! how are you?", "heyy :smile: good thankyou" i replied. I had a quick look around, i was in the market for my first pair of boots today, but they didn't have anything with a 4/5inch heel. So i said goodbye and left the store. Now, i parked my car in the downstairs carpark, and i knew that the area's i'd have to walk through are pretty crowded being a food court and other misc shops etc etc. So i bit the bullet, i found the nearest mens room, changed into my heels, wearing my current (not so tight, but still skinny leg) black jeans, took one deep breathe, and walked out into the hustle and bustle of the shopping center floor. I remember reading alot on this site about being confident when out and about in heels. My girlfriend who knows about my heeling also knew about my broad daylight outing i had planned for today, and she was extremely supportive, wishing me the best of luck. This also helped me build up the confidence i needed because i know that even if the general public don't accept me in my heels, my girlfriend does, so stuff 'em! :P As i walked out of the hallway for the restrooms wearing my heels, a couple of ladies walked by, i kept my head up and showed the upmost confidence i could, neither of them batted an eyelid, im sure they had other things to think about than a guy wearing high heels. I continued on through the shopping center, constantly checking out my crowd and anybody who i thought would be more likely to look than others. People of the older generation don't seem to pay anybody else any attention, so i wasn't worried about them one bit. The only times i got slightly nervous is when i saw somebody/a group of people around my own age to around the 30year old mark. They are the ones i knew would be looking most. The shopping center floor is solid shiney concrete (im guessing it's concrete) so the tapping of my heels was quite loud and definately noticable. As i walked past the stores i was browsing in them, but mainly not looking at anything, more trying to look like i was going about my own business with not a care in the world, infact at one point, i actually forgot i was wearing heels! it was fantastic. I got to the food court where i knew i had to go through to get to my car, but i was having wayyyyy too much fun being in my heels in full view of whoever was around! so i walked past it and carried on further down the shopping center. I knew there was a coffee shop coming up, and decided to get myself a coffee, as i walked toward it, two guys (i'd guess at around 28years old?) were standing not far from the coffee store, I saw the one guy look at my face, then look down at my shoes, so before his eyes could reach my face again, i stared him straight in the eyes. I thought to myself "there's no way you're going to make ME feel uncomfortable, you are the one staring!" So as his eyes reached mine, he saw i was looking directly at him, and he swiftly looked away. I walked past him feeling so powerful, knowing that at that moment, i was actually more comfortable in my heels, than he was looking at me :D I walked into the coffee shop and it was fairly busy, but everybody sitting down was busy in their own conversations, im sure some people saw, but i wasn't paying them any attention. As i got to the counter i saw a sign that said "minimum $20 on card" and realised i only had my card on me! oh well... i left the store with the tapping of my heels still being loud enough to hear over the conversations of all the patrons in the store, and i noticed a few people in the line behind me did a quick double take as i walked past them. I decided to call it a day (and what a day it was!) and headed back to my car, which was suprisingly un-eventful, i was checking for people's reactions and making sure to keep my confidence up if they did look, but not that many people that i noticed were looking, a few couples had a quick look, but nothing that phased me in the slightest, and to be honest, by the looks on their faces, it didn't phase them either. When i got back to my car, i called my girlfriend straight away and told her that i had done it and how amazing and natural it felt to be in broad daylight wearing my high heels, she was so happy for me and congratulated to, even told me she was proud of me :) all in all, i'll never forget this, the first time i wore heels fully in public. And definately not the last, by a long wayyyy! Heelguy x

  5. Bit drastic, and i don't think blocking males/females from seeing each other's sections of the forum is a good idea at all. Although neither is allowed to post in the opposing forum, it is still nice to read what the girls have to say, even if my input isn't wanted. Thanks for joining us all here at HHP and hope you find something to fill the void, i wish you good luck and farewell heelguy

  6. Just a little more to add to this story/experiance. When i got home from my day of shopping, i felt so happy with the service i got in the shoe store, i decided to email payless's customer service department telling them how impressed i was, the email reads as follows: (with store location and my name at the bottom of email removed for privacy)

    "Dear Sir/Madam,

    Today i visited your ----- Store in Melbourne, Victoria. I am a young straight male, who is interested in women's high heel shoes. I went into the store and was immediately greeted by a member of your staff there named Donna. I asked her if i could try on a pair of your women's high heel shoes (now, i know this isn't something you would come across everyday. A guy wanting to try on high heels?!) But Donna was great with me, she said "sure! no worries! and helped me in finding the other shoe and helped with sizing and all. I was really delighted with the help she gave me and how comfortable trying them on she made me feel. I've had instances at other stores (not payless stores) were i felt extremely out of place and the staff were less than happy to help a male member of the public with a women's item of footwear, with the intent to purchase them for myself. I am very happy with my purchase and would have no problem shopping there again!

    I wanted to express my complete and utter satisfaction with my shop at one of your stores today, I also work in retail and people are often quick to criticise, but not so quick to compliment, so i thought i'd show my gratitude and send you this quick email.



    Today i received a reply from their customer service department and it reads as follows:

    "Good afternoon -------,

    Thank you for your email and the time you have taken to write to us with such a wonderful compliment about one of our team members.

    We appreciate all feed back, but we especially enjoy hearing about the positive experiences our customers enjoy whilst visiting our stores. I have contacted Donna to inform her of the lovely comments you have made. Donna was overwhelmed you had gone to such efforts, and even went on to say that you too were very nice and that it was an absolute pleasure being able to help someone so friendly.

    To ensure Donna’s excellent Customer Service skills are recognised I will forward your email through to Donna’s Regional Business Manager and Store Business Manager, as well submit your comments to be mentioned in our next company newsletter.

    Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us with such great feed back. We look forward to being able to assist on your next visit to our store.

    Kind Regards,


    Customer Service

    Payless Shoes PTY LTD

    Phone. (02) 9741 4199

    Fax. (02) 9741 4405

    customerservice@paylessshoes.com.au "

    I am super happy with the outcome of something as simple as a complimentary email. It's great to know that not all contact between customer and store beyond the purchase has to be negative. Also, the fact that Emma, the girl who wrote the reply email to me has taken my original email with great pride, will be as stated, forwarded on to the regional and store business managers, and also published in their next store newsletter. Maybe by doing that, it will open alot of eyes to the world of men and high heels! Who's have thought such a small thing could turn out so well? :wave: I actually feel quite proud and that i may have just achieved something special within their stores with my actions


  7. Heelguy

    You look great, if I had pins like yours I'd be running around in a G-string bikini, :) lol. The shoes are absolutely fabulous :wave:.

    CPB, ohh don't think i haven't thought about it :clap: haha but there is definately no way i could get away with doing that!

  8. Great pics!Thank you for sharing outfits not only from the waist below - you look fantastic.

    Thanks skirtedvik, i did actually think of you when taking these pictures because i remember you asking for pictures of the whole outfit before!

    I really like the shoes. And, you look better wearing the skirt and dress than about 80% of the female population on earth. :wave:

    awh :) thanks bubba! i really hope to look good when i wear skirts and dresses and what not, sometimes i wonder if im just kidding myself trying to pull off the short tight stuff like that, but your comments fill me with confidence that i can infact wear it!

  9. So the other week, my ex girlfriend got in contact with me as she wanted a DVD of hers back that i still had. We arranged to meet up at a local macdonalds and had a coffee and chat about whats been going on in both of our lives, and obviously the conversation about heels came out because she knew about my passion for them. Anyway i also told her that i venture further into women's clothing other than high heels, to which she said "that doesn't suprise me actually". She works at a women's clothing store a little while away from me, so as the conversation went on, i suggested i may come in looking for some clothes for myself if i was lucky enough to get a day off when she had a shift on her own as to not arouse her co-workers suspicions. Well what a spot of luck i got! I got the day off work the day she had a morning shift with the store to herself, so i arranged with her to come in and try some stuff on. I got up early to ensure i had enough time to browse the whole store and try as many clothes on as i could, she was very helpful with me, and i was coming out of the changing room and showing her the outfits to which some she said actually looked really good! I finished trying clothes on and decided on a few things i wanted, i bought two short skirts, a short tight button dress and a 3/4 sleeve basic top which came to around $100 in total. I had also arranged to stick around and have lunch with her on her break, so as it was still early, i thought id have a browse around the shopping center and see if anything caught my eye. Well of course i HAD to go and have a look at the shoes. I've already posted about my experiance with buying the shoes, so to save readers from finding the other thread i posted in, i'll re-post it here qouted: "I tried on and bought some heels today VERY blatently, with the young sales lady's help. The last time i tried heels on in a store i kind of hid away out of sight down an isle, quickly put one on, looked at them in the mirror, and rushed them back in the box and straight upto the counter without much fuss at all. This time, I took the shoe (as there was only 1 of the pair on the shelf) upto the young woman and said "Hi :wave: do you mind if i try these on?" She said "sure! no worries! i'll just find you the other shoe to try too!". I couldn't believe how good she was with me, i was talking to her about sizing as i stood there infront of the mirror quite openly with other people in the store and the sales lady standing right next to me helping, she did stumble her words when she first saw me wearing them, but composed herself and was exceptionally helpful. They were on the shelf for $59.95, so as i approached the counter that's what i expected to pay, and then she informed me all shoes are 30% off and i got them for $41! BARGAIN! i left the store feeling ontop of the world :D" After buying them i felt very confident and was closer than ive ever been to putting them on and actually walking around in broad daylight shopping wearing my freshly purchased heels, by this time it was getting to around lunch and unfortunately alot of school kids must use that shopping center as "the place to hang" on their lunch breaks and they knocked the confidence right out of me just seeing them, school kids can be among the meanest people on the planet! haha That pretty much sums up my day anyway, i decided to treat myself to a small shopping spree for working hard lately :) Here are some pics of the heels and outfits i bought, hope you like my style! =]






  10. I tried on and bought some heels today VERY blatently, with the young sales lady's help. The last time i tried heels on in a store i kind of hid away out of sight down an isle, quickly put one on, looked at them in the mirror, and rushed them back in the box and straight upto the counter without much fuss at all. This time, I took the shoe (as there was only 1 of the pair on the shelf) upto the young woman and said "Hi :) do you mind if i try these on?" She said "sure! no worries! i'll just find you the other shoe to try too!". I couldn't believe how good she was with me, i was talking to her about sizing as i stood there infront of the mirror quite openly with other people in the store and the sales lady standing right next to me helping, she did stumble her words when she first saw me wearing them, but composed herself and was exceptionally helpful. They were on the shelf for $59.95, so as i approached the counter that's what i expected to pay, and then she informed me all shoes are 30% off and i got them for $41! BARGAIN! i left the store feeling ontop of the world :P

  11. My new recent purchases

    Black hidden platform pumps, but i got the matte black leather, not patent.

    Guess - Carrie, also matte black

    and a cool pair of red open toe platforms

    so hard to choose what to wear now !

    Wow! i love the black TB's and the red pumps, they're gorgeous! i cant wait to get myself a pair of Tony Bianco's, my girlfriend is mad for them! there is also a tony bianco store in the center i work in :) haha

    These arrived today. Nice craftsmanship, although my blue patent Argentine knock-offs have little to envy on these Louboutins -besides the size, of course-.

    Very, very comfortable. Size 42 (IT) insole measures 28.2cm, heel is 11.4cm -4.5"-.

    JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!! I think you'll get the same reaction from everybody else here too... just amazing looking shoes.

  12. If her mum knows about your passion for high heels and is also aware that her daughter gave her concent for you to take the heels, then i'd go round there and ask to take them. I dont think sneaking in when nobody is home is such a bright idea, for something that is actually quite innocent, it could be seen as breaking and entering, and no pair of heels are worth doing jail time for in my opinion! lol, it also depends on how comfortable you are in asking her mum for pemission to go and get them? i strongly advise against sneaking in when nobody's home. heelguy

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