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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Mal this is sounding awesome so far!!! im shocked she didn't notice what you were wearing, but then again, it sounds like she really was in her own world in her head while she was there, so there'd have been more pressing issues on her mind. I think the fact that you were wearing your heels and skirt was great for her to see because it gave her something out of the ordinary to think about rather than the recent break up that was obviously on her mind alot, sounds like you were in the VERY right place at the VERY right time! can't wait to hear more!!

  2. luvfemshoes, you say you just mean shoes that society deems to be mens shoes, say you have none, but then tell us you have some hitops? :S hitops are traditionally mens shoes.. But yes i have a pair of puma hitops and a pair of nike hitops, some lacoste lace up slip on style shoes and some asics onitsuka-tiger. Not only do i have a liking for heels and other womens brandad shoes, but i LOVE my hitops, im always on the hunt for a new unique pair that i really like :)

  3. Mal, the outcome of your date really sucks :rose: i was looking forward to hearing all about how things were going swimmingly with this lady. Oh well! her loss for keeping the doors to new avenue's closed! atleast she wasn't nasty about it, but it still really annoys me to hear that she couldn't get passed the "cross dressing" as she called it. Seems like she wasted your time a little. I have noticed lately myself that the women who work in retail are actually really nice to a guy wearing heels, im not sure wether it's because they fear being complained about if they're not, but when they start conversation with you it's always a good sign, just like my outing the other week :) Hope to see you and ShoeDre again sometime soon! maybe other member's too if they see we're having a meet and want to tag along! it's been a while now and im dying to try a skirt! :)

  4. i love driving in my high heels whenever i get chance, i love driving all together, it's another one of my passions along with high heels. As it is a passion of mine, of course i drive a manual, and do find it abit tricky to press the clutch in to change gear wearing my heels because not only is my foot already arched from the 5inch heel, i have to push it down and arch my foot as far as it will go to disengage the clutch for the gear change. It feels good to drive wearing heels though, makes the experiance even more exciting! :)

  5. I was born in the UK and lived there for the first 17years of my life, i grew up watching top gear on british television, and have been an avid viewer ever since the shoe was revived. I moved to australia over 2years ago now, and although we do get top gear on our TV over here, i also like you, download the torrents as soon as the show has aired from the UK, because although they dont edit out the star in the reasonably priced car, they do cut 5minute sections for some odd reason... :S I thought this season wasn't as good as previous, as they spent alot of money on guests and documentary style movies. I think top gear became so popular for there stupidity and how people love to watch them do silly things and go on epic journey's. There was none of that this year.. it was dissapointing. Also, the fact they only made 6 episodes this season shows that they're blowing their whole budget on stars like tom cruise and cameron diaz, when really i dont think half of the viewers could care less who it was in that section of the show. I only hope they rectify this next season.. it'd be a shame to watch the show decline again after such popularity.

  6. HELLO AGAIN! Unfortunately, due to the unique way this website's rules are set out, i got myself banned for 10 whole days, but im back! :D There's not much to report lately to be honest, I re-visited the shopping center i went to on my first ever proper daylight public outing wearing my black sort of snake-skinish pumps i got from payless there. I was abit nervous driving there in my car, but once i got there, i slipped my heels on and just walked straight in with my head held high. It was actually pretty busy compared to the last time i went, but it didn't phase me.. I went straight into payless shoes to see if the girl who helped me in there last time was working and to have a look around but she wasn't. Although, the woman who was working there this time around came over and offered her assistance, i said hii, no thankyou im fine just looking for now. To which she smiled and walked away. Now, i thought instantly that she would'av noticed my choice of footwear, but seems she didn't as when i walked to the middle of the shop she came over to me with her eyes wide open and said in a pleasantly shocked voice "you're wearing a pair of our shoes!! omg! they look amazing! are they comfy?! i can't even stand in them!" This was my FIRST ever compliment whilst out in my heels and it felt amazing to be out in them at that very moment :) i then asked if they got the company newsletter in which my email was meant to have been spoken about, she said to me "ohh that was you?! that was soo nice of you to email in and say those nice things!" She then showed me the company newsletter, to which i was abit dissapointed that it simply read that the woman who served me "gave A CUSTOMER great service and made them feel extremely comfortable and welcome". I said to the woman who was working there that it's a shame it fails to point out the fact that im a boy! to which she agreed but said the other girl was soo pleased about the whole thing. Anyway i wanted to have a look around the whole center so i told the lady i was chatting to that i was gunna have a look around and that i'd be back abit later. I walked through the center feeling full of confidence, nothing was going to stop me today, it was fantastic :D i went to a coffee shop and grabbed a coffee, i was getting looks from everybody, left right and center, but whoever i caught looking, i just looked them straight in the eyes asif to say "yea, they're high heels... so what?" i was having such fun! haha I walked through the center with my heels on my feet, coffee in my hand and browsing through all of the shops. Some looks, but most of the people shopping weren't concerned with what was on my feet.. As i was in one store though, i saw two middle aged guys outside the store, tradesman looking type, both looking in my direction and making a laugh and a joke about me im assuming.. but hey, atleast i brought some joy to their day! :) By this time it'd been about an hour and a half walking around on a slippery solid hard floor in my (not the most comfortable) high heels, and innevitably my feet and legs were starting to hurt, so i headed back to payless shoes. I was one shop away from the store when a young couple around my age walked past and i heard the guy mumble to his girlfriend under his breath "WTF?!" I was still in high spirits from having such a good, comfortable, relaxed time shopping in my heels, so nothing could bother me right now! I walked back into payless to which i was greeted with a smile from the woman working.. "im back :)" i said, she then helped me pick out a pair of flats as i wanted some for when i was out in my heels and i physically cannot walk in them anymore, but still want the lovely feeling women's shoes have on my feet. I wasn't really too fussed with the design or style of them, aslong as they weren't pointy toed and fitted me well, i was happy. I tried some on and decided on a pair, then asked her if she needed to scan them or if i could wear them out. She only needed to scan the box so i stood up in them, put my heels in my bag and walked to the counter to pay. I chatted with her some more, said thankyou and goodbye and walked straight to my car, i then drove home wearing my brand new flats :rose: It was such a nice day! i cant wait to do it again very soon. I'll post some pictures of my new flats at the end of this post. I'm doing the 10hour drive to see my girlfriend again in 2weeks time, im only going for 3night, but im taking my grey heels with me (she has the same pair and is bringing them too) and it'll be the first time she's seen me wearing high heels. She's also been thinking of places we can go both wearing our heels, i said that there's no pressure to go out in public with me wearing high heels, but if she feels comfortable and confident doing that then we will, so im super excited about that! :D Hope i didn't ramble on...




  7. I've found myself having alot of time off lately as i recently quit one of my job's as the latest job has allowed me to work half the days i was for the same and if not more pay. I woke up this morning wearing my gladiator heels as i fell asleep wearing them last night, i slipped on my high waisted rear zip skirt and went and got the mail in. I'd been going about my business browsing the internet, making myself breakfast and a coffee etc all in my heels and skirt. After all of this i decided i'd get out all of my heels and take a few pictures for you all to see the start of my collection. I know it's probably knowhere near as many pairs as some of you may have on here, but still living at home, i have to keep it relatively small as storage space is becoming slim to none! Here are the pictures in question for you all to gaze over and enjoy (hopefully!) How many pairs do you all have? and which are you're current favourites? Mine are my latest pair (the grey platforms)




  8. I think Swollen gave a great answer. However, i don't think that your partner has to find it arousing to be accepting of you in your heels. I share my passion for high heels with my girlfriend, it's taken her a while to accept and get used to it, she still is.. but has come leaps and bounds in a suprisingly short amount of time. I'm eternally greatful to her for accepting me as i am, with my high heel wearing preferance, but not once have i assumed that she'd be aroused by it, and thinking about it, i wouldn't expect her to either. I've put myself in her situation just like Swollen said, what if she liked dressing in something overly masculine? i'd accept it ofcourse, but i wouldn't be aroused by it in the slightest, so why should she? Anyway, the point wasn't about wether she gets a similar level of pleasure seeing you in the heels as you do wearing them, it was about acceptance. The two are totally different.

  9. So tonight i was having a little heart to heart with my girlfriend and i brought up the situatuon with me liking to wear high heels again as we hadn't spoken about it for a while, and i just wanted to touch base with her about how she's coping with it, what her feelings are about it and we're she's at with the whole thing. Well.. did i get a shock! A really really pleasant one! here is what she said.. "i had a little.. epiphany so to say, the other day and to be honest, it doesn't phase me anymore :wave: like i even want to see you actually wear them" My excitement as you can imagine was through the roof! i finally get to share a big passion of mine with the closest person to me in my life! :clap: I asked her what happened and what she was thinking during this epiphany and wether she would be comfortable going out in public with me while i was wearing high heels? She replied.. "Well it just hit me even more that this little quirk that you have is something that you like and that's never going to change and fact is, that there's even weirder and stranger things out there and this doesn't even come close :) I just feel so relieved now! Mmm i dont know about that just yet, however i'm not afraid of doing that with you" Could i have asked for a more perfect answer? what a girlfriend i've got! she is truely amazing! :smile::D

  10. The shoes are a little tight (size 10). I would recommend going up a size if you can. The TB brand is my favourite, got a few pairs from them.

    yea? i guess ill just have to try some on to make sure i get the right size, i love trying shoes on anyway! :wave: i kinda like them abit tighter, i hate the feeling of them falling off my feet, TB's are my girlfriend's favourite aswell, if me and her had the money, we'd both have a pair of every tony bianco shoe's each! (minus the ugly ones) lol

  11. Saw this advertisement on facebook for a local Chocolate/Coffee Shop in Melbourne called 'The Chocolate Master' and had to share it with you all!! They make these awesome edible Chocolate High Heels!

    "Award Winning handcrafted Chocolate Jewels made on premises using Belgian Couverture Chocolate, with no artificial Preservative or flavours. So ...when you bite into a Strawberry delight, you will taste pure strawberry puree blended with ganache."

    Location: 38 Beecher Street, Preston, Melbourne, Australia, 3072





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