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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Well, it'd been a while since i'd been out on a public adventure heeling, and last night i decided to change that, It was a very uneventful outing so i wont take up too much of your time telling you about it. I threw on a pair of dark jeans and a dark v-neck top, with my blue platform peep toes on, and drove to a road near me which runs parralel to the beach. As i was driving down, scoping for a place which would be quiet enough for me to be comfortable but not too quiet so i may atleast be seen in my heels! this was not the case when i chose a spot though. I parked my car on a side street and walked out to the main street i was going to walk along in my heels. It was a pretty long straight bit of road, and there was a bottle shop around 900metres away, i decided this was my point of return. So i start to walk down the street, with only a few cars passing, but i never worry about them anymore. I got halfway down the street and i could feel my legs starting to feel slightly numb from the walk, but i carried on, knowing that i wanted to push myself further and further away and endure wearing the heels. I got to the bottle shop and as i had decided before hand, i turned back towards my car. I knew it was going to be abit harder on my legs and feet on the way back because they had already started hurting abit, but never the less i got to my car and even though it was a very uneventful outing, it was one i was pleased with as i think it's the furthest ive walked in heels so far! I then drove home wearing the heels! I realise that wasn't the best experiance of mine to read about, so i took a picture for you all to enjoy aswell. This isn't what i was wearing, but we all know pictures make posts so much more exciting! :smile:


  2. Aussieheels1, thanks for having a read through! glad you liked what i had to say and my experiances. You sound far braver than me though, as i will avoid any human contact what so ever while public heeling unless im literally forced into the situation where i have to be. I have also done the servo in heels a few times, but the counter is so high that i doubt they even notice. My heel outing in the city a few weeks ago was the boldest step ive taken in going out in public. Boots4me - i'll get an aussie thread going where we can all post up where we're from, and maybe even organise meets in the near future if people are game enough?

  3. Wile E Coyot,

    Those are some magnificent heels! i would love to indulge myself in a pair that high, even just to try them on! i think i'd have to start off with a very cheap pair though as i doubt i could even take one step in those, or even stand to begin with! Great purchase, hope to hear about you wearing them alot more soon!

  4. I just thought that i would share my latest purchase with you all.

    I recently posted a little story about when i went to london to buy these shoes called "I know its no big deal for most of you, but", in the for everyone section. I thought as i am wearing them in the office today under the desk so no-one actually sees them especially my fiancee in the next room, i would share them with you all to see how great they are.

    Hopefully after the great response i had to the previous post, i might actually venture out in these soon.

    They're absolutely gorgeous! hopefully you venture out in them V.soon and let us all know about how it went! :smile:

  5. Wow!! Thanks for the amazing welcome and its great to see a few fellow Aussies are members here. Well we do love our boots down here and we certainly do love to tilt convention and play a little outside the rules. I think it might be a convict thing. :smile: As for 11 cm heeled uggs....ummmm Knowing that they originated from sheep shearers wearing leftover fleece on their feet to keep them warm whilst shearing, kind of kills the romance of them. Its leather all the way for me and my boot & shoe style is definitely on the more feminine side as I wear boring old oxfords for my working day. If I could, I'd wear heels all the time but unfortunately I need to balance my love for heels with earning a living. Somehow I don't think my current conservative employer would appreciate me turning up in a pair of sexy stiletto knee high boots. But hey...I still have my dreams....:)

    don't we all!! hope to hear about any outings you go on in your heels and the like..


  6. it is rare to find somebody who actually follows through with that statement though, because once people are confronted with something that they deem to be out of the ordinary, they simply forget their so called "open-minded" ways. So thankyou and thankyou to everyone else on here who is so accepting! :smile:

  7. well done! it's always hard finding the courage to go out knowing you could be face to face with discriminating people, but your first heel outing sounds like a good one to me! you didn't shy away from people you came across, and even though you may have gotten looks, nobody did or said anything harming to you. Hope you keep on heeling in public and tell us all about it very soon!

  8. Wow, thankyou so much Ginaveve, It's so nice to recieve compliments like that from a female (not that i don't appreciate any compliments/constructive criticism from our resident male members). If only the world had more women like you, i think the male population would be alot more caring, considerate and deserving of somebody like you. Your words are far too kind, if only everybody in society could see guys like me who enjoy endulging in female attire from time to time as fashionistically as you, rather than a confused cross of gender. I appreciate you taking the time to look through my thread and having an insightful opinion, i shall definately take your advice and any other you have. I look forward to reading about yours and your husband's heeling, and hope to see some pictures along the way!

  9. You look great!That is what I meant, a good 'female" top look great on a male if the model is appropriate.I train a lot and have good muscular chest that also helps giving the top a better look. The idea is to lack those parts and wear everything as a guy, not as a TV/CD or whatever that is called, when impersonate women.And if it is not a problem post complete outfits when it is possible, I am also a freestyler myself and I like the fact that there are other guys like me.

    i do like to wear female branded clothing as a guy, but if i do go out in public wearing that, then i would try and make my body look as fem as possible to attract less attention. It looks alot more natural seeing curves in a skirt/dress than it does seeing a male figure wearing the same attire imo.

    From all the pictures I have to say I like the one with the red pumps the best. Perhaps because I really like the pumps!

    Thanks! i like the red pumps best too! even though the peach and red sort of clash, i absolutely LOVE my red pumps!

  10. skirtedvik - The reason i didn't post my top half is because my leg's don't see much of the australian sun, where as my upper half does, so it looks rather odd, quite embarrasing infact. Also, i like to try and keep as much descretion when posting pictures as possible.

    With that outfit I'd put them in the order 4,3,2,1 in preference. Be honest though, these photos aren't really you are they - I think you have a hot (female) model who you take photos of really? :smile:

    Unfortunately dbert, they're 100% me! I'll post a fuller pic for you and skirtedvik, you'll notice i lack the upper female body parts!


  11. It's been a small while since i posted, and i like to keep things frequent around here so people can enjoy my stories and photo's as i do other people's. So tonight i decided to try on each of my heels with a fitted peach boob-tube dress. I'll let you be the judge of how each pair of heels looks, hope you all enjoy! heelyguy





  12. i had an older lady serving me at a myer store and i could tell she was very straight laced and traditional, i dont think the thought even came into her head that they could possibly be for me, i found her to be quite stubborn and rude, not even an offer to try them out or anything, she even said "if they don't fit HER they can be brought back". I didn't say anything, but it annoyed me a little. Where as i was served by a younger/middle ages woman in the store i tried my newest heels on at and she obviously knew they were for me, she didn't seem to have a problem with it at all, but she did seem to want the sale to be a quick one, i wasn't sure wether it was because she was uncomfortable with me buying the shoes and talking to her about them or wether she just wanted to go on lunch! :smile:

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