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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Mal, The physcologists advice sounds great, she pretty much agree's with you and everybody here that you are doing nothing wrong, and also i think, gently said that it is not you with the problem, and maybe it's your ex wife who should be having the councilling? It's great that you went to see her for a professional opinion. Have you approached your ex wife about her maybe going to seek a professional opinion on her thoughs toward the way you dress? her reaction to you suggesting that would give you the answer you need so you can decide on where you want your's and her's relationship to go from here. If she's open to the idea of councilling, then that's a positive! if she's still totally shut down and dismisses it straight away, then to me that would be obvious im banging my head against a brick wall. Just aslong as it doesn't strain your's and your daughters relationship.

  2. Im cautious to say where i keep mine, but needless to say, im running out of space rapidly! WHAT TO DO?! WHAT TO DO?!?!?! Can't wait to move out with my GF so i don't have to hide my heels anymore! we can get a huuuuuge wardrobe and shoe rack and have them all sitting there neatly next to each other looking all pretty! :wave: haha

  3. What can I say? Very nice pair of plats. I wouldn't say these legs could belong to man if I hadn't seen them earlier on hhplace. You're lucky man. On the other hand living with gf/wife is a fantastic opportunity to know better each other. I hope it will be good time for both of you because sometime such decisions determine whole life and could be a test for your relationship. Take care.

    Thanks so much! :wave: i do like my legs and think they look great, if i was to criticise them myself though i would ask for them to be slimmer from and above the knee, but that's just me being picky! my girlfriend also says i have fantastic looking legs in heels! Yea we know living together will be the true test of our relationship, renting a place is really our only option as getting a mortgage so young could end badly if things were to go sour (which im sure they won't though)

    These are really great shoes! I checked some websites where these manufacturer's shoes are beins sold but the sizes are too small for me. I'm really waiting for the time when all manufacturers will be making shoes in sizes 42/43 because it's really unfair to stop production at size 40. Even my girlfriend is angry when not every pair in size 40 fits her.

    What size do you usually take? because like i said in these shoes i took one size smaller, and they had them in a size 41 in the store, which i would say would be more of a size 42 because of the big fit they have to them. So you might just be in luck! Im usually a 40 like your girlfriend, but these i bought in a 39, 40 just hung off my feet! which is unusual because i have other size 40's and they are a much tighter fit, even sometimes a little small, but alot of it also depends on the temperature of your feet. I find it alot easier to slip into my heels when my feet are warm, but when they're cold, i have a few pairs i have great difficulty getting into

  4. Doing Shotokan Karate again after a 22 year break. Also like my hooligan bike TL1000. Also busy with restoration of a Reanault R8 Gordini and in my spare time I make time for PC gaming Especially Guildwars and loads of facebook.

    Suzuki TL1000S or TL1000R?

    although the TLR was the sportier looking with full fairing, i preferred the look and sound of the TLS, they make the ground shake even when just idling. Also the amount of torque those things have to give gave them the nick-name "wheelie machine", as it was supposed that you could just pull back on the throttle without clutch kicking and the front end would lift up easily.

  5. Argh, i know right! it's so hard trying to balance shifts at all 3, i've pretty much given up on trying to organise any shifts at the one place, i just call them when i have a free day (which is never) to see if they need somebody to cover or something.. I actually had the 3rd job interview on my birthday and me and my gf went shopping and then my parents took us out to dinner in the evening, was very nice and relaxed :wave: My gf's good, we actually went to look at a couple of houses for us to live in while she was down here, really made it sink in that it's really going to happen and that sometime in the next year hopefully we'll be living together and not have this huge distance between us! :clap: I haven't shown her my heels in person or worn them infront of her, but i always show her pictures and talk to her about heels, maybe when i go to see her in August i might take a pair of heels and show her me in them if she's comfortable with that, if not no biggy.. just takes alot of time, which im cool with. Awesome! i'd really like another meet up in the city, it was fantastic being out and about with you and ShoeDre that night! i had great fun just being in heels and jeans, thinking about trying out a skirt next time, so yea let's organise one very soon! Today i had the overwhelming urge to buy a new pair of heels (which i tried to fight, but lost of course :)) My girlfriend actually has exactly the same pair and when i showed her she called us shoe twins! XD haha I tried them on in the Williams Store i bought them, luckily because i actually took them in one size smaller than i usually take! They are a Mushroom-Grey colour with an almost crocodile skin pattern and have a 13.5cm heel and a 2.5cm platform, Here's a few pics of them, hope you all like! :smile:






  6. hey mal! yea i haven't been on this past week because my girlfriend has been down from sydney for my birthday so i've been busy spending time with her and what not... nah nothing to write about, i also got a 3rd job so it's been a very busy week organising that to intergrate with my other 2 jobs! i might give the commercial a miss at the moment, bit far for me to travel, but maybe sometime soon we can get together in the city again?

  7. oh wow Mal, im so sorry to hear about your predicament. I'll keep it short.. I dont think professional help is what you need. I think that if seeing and being a part of your son and daughter's lives means more to you than being who you truely believe you are, then the only way to over-come the it is to go completely cold turkey, throw out the clothes and the shoes, make it so that if you even think about them you can immediatly distract yourself with something else. On the other hand, i have a friend who i once spoke to about cross-dressing (she had no idea about my indulgences) and she told me about one of her friends who's father is a cross-dresser, who's family abandoned him and wanted nothing to do with him because of it, the end result being him forced to move to Queensland from Melbourne and have absolutely no contact what so ever with his family. His Daughter still see's him maybe once a year, and is definately not comfortable with the fact her father is a cross dresser, but is old enough to realise that no matter what, this is her one and only father, so she loves him either way. I hope you find what works best for you, and that someday you can look back on all of this safe in the knowledge that you made the correct and right descision. Heelguy

  8. Hi Beckysshoes!

    I think ripped jeans and heels go great together, here's a couple of pics of me wearing my bright red stiletto pumps with grey ripped jeans to give you an idea, hope you like them. I will say though, if you are going to wear loubies with ripped jeans, make sure the jeans are designer too, because people who know shoes, are bound to notice the gems on your feet and check out the rest of the outfit!



  9. I did say that, didn't I... :wave:

    Yeah I'm Melbourne too!

    Well if you did, i don't remember. Awesome! another melbournian! You should come along to our next little heel meet, Me, malinheels and ShoeDre all met up on brunswick street in the city the other week for coffee during the late evening, was great to be out with other people with the same unique interests!

  10. well, i love heels, flats, skirts, dresses, you name it THE LOT! and i like the fact that i enjoy wearing that stuff :wave: makes me the person i am, but doesn't change my personality. I'm still the same person i am while dressed in jeans and a hoody as when im wearing high heels and a dress.

  11. And the more you wear high heels in your public outings, the more confident and comfortable you will be.

    oh i plan to! I've definately caught the public heeling bug, I just wish i could do it everyday and night without a second thought! damn females being so lucky!! :wave:

  12. Hi heelguy you mentioned you were a little uncomfortable in your heels and i can simpathize with you but let me say the way you walked in your heels & the way you carried yourself you looked to me that you were at ease. The good old mind telling you things when from someone elses perspective you looked cool ,calm & collected

    cheers malinheels :wave:

    Hi Mal, I was maybe apprehensive at the start, but didn't feel uncomfortable in my heels on wednesday night with you guys at all. It felt great to be out wearing my heels and to be honest i felt a little under-dressed with both you guys wearing your skirts! Very much looking forward to the next meet up so i can try out a skirt too!

    Thanks for the compliments on the way i walked in my heels and the way i carried myself, i like to think i can strut it with the best of them in heels :)

  13. TBG - Unfortunately it was me who was not wearing a skirt :wave: although it was cold and only my second time out in heels, so the sensible choice of jeans was the one i took! It was a big difference going out to bars in the city at night to going out in a shopping center in the middle of the day, im not sure wether it was the company that made it alot easier, or wether the amount of other unique characters walking around made me feel alot more at ease wearing heels, but i definately found it alot harder in the shopping center. This could also be because that was my first time out in public in heels too. I can't help feeling like i want to go out in my heels again very soon and quite often, trying new things and hopefully at the next meet up of heeler's in melbourne i'll be wearing a skirt to compliment the heels too! I just want to wear my heels literally all of the time now, it actually makes me a little sad that circumstances mean i cant :/

  14. So tonight we had our very own little Un-official Melbourne "heel meet". Me, Malinheels and ShoeDre met up in fitzroy. I got there around 9o'clock and met up with ShoeDre first. The place we'd planned to go to was actually closed, so we walked across the road to a small bar and i grabbed a drink and we sat outside just chatting, then Mal turned up! Was great to meet the guys and be out with other people who enjoy the wonders of wearing high heels and being out in public not caring what people are thinking! We found a nice little bar/cafe with a band playing and ordered Coffee's. The lady serving us was really nice, and complimented ShoeDre on his amazing looking nails! She was also telling me how to pour good coffee's as i've recently started a new barrister job :wave: I noticed we were getting looks from alot of people in the cafe but 3 guys wearing high heels and two wearing skirts is bound to attract some attention, it just felt good to be around like minded people to share the experiance with! After the coffee's at the first cafe/bar we proceeded next door to a REALLY funky mellow bar with a very retro/classical feel to it and excentric people all around. The bar man had a very 50's slick back hair cut and ShoeDre even started up a conversation with a woman dressed straight outta the 1930's! Unofrtunately after one quick drink there i had to leave as my parking ticket was out of time :/ All in all it was a really good night and was good to finally put faces to usernames! haha, hope to do it again sometime and maybe brave it out in a skirt along with ShoeDre and Malinheels! Thanks to both of you guys for taking the time out of your night's to meet up and have a couple of drinks and good chats, until next time! Heelguy

  15. Welcome jarod81! no need to be worried about being judged here, we all share your passion for heels, and alot of members also enjoy other womens attire. Also good to see a new member from aus, let's hope your a little more active around here than a number of aussie members we have, we need to start representing guys in heels down under! if you dont mind me asking, what state are you from? im in melbourne's south east suburbs. Cheers, heelguy

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