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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Well, i was sitting here planning what to wear on my next high heel outing which will be when i take a drive to see my girlfriend, at a mcdonalds in a service centre along route. I really want to be obvious about my heels this time instead of hiding them away, so i think i've decided that i'll wear my reallyyyyyyy skinny ripped grey jeans with my bright red heels so they are fully on show and just shouting for attention, what do you all think about this? i think the outfit is a little edgy with attitude which might make a person less likely to approach me about how i am clothed, but definately catch their eye!



  2. I have sometimes phoned a shop before visiting and asked if they stock shoes in my size. The response will be very informative, anything from being called a pervert to a very friendly of course we do come in and try some on. Guess where I go?

    :smile: that's disgraceful! please inform everybody of which store/s it is that said such rediculous and horrible things to you so we can all avoid giving them any business at all. I work in retail and would never dream of being so blatently rude to a customer! At the end of the day, the person behind the counter is there to sell, not to judge.

  3. Dawn HH, thanks for the advice, i make sure to back right off as soon as i think she becomes uncomfortable, and then i also make sure to leave the subject to cool off for a few days or so atleast. Since posting that i haven't sparked that conversation up with her again, but keep leaving little hints about it. For example, i was on webcam with her and she was asking me if a certain pair of her shoes went with the outfit she was wearing, and i gave her my advice and ended it with "see, my little heel quirk has it's benefits! :P" to which she agreed, and i left it at that :smile:

  4. Well, both really but only wear around the house when alone. I am really into the more 'fashionable' heels, ones I love at the minute from Schuh..


    I have gone out and bought a fair few pairs and rly enjoy shopping for them but never tried on instore, maybe because I'm a young guy i dont feel as confident..

    Great shoes UKHeels1! I'd love a pair myself, unfortunately we don't have any schuh stores over here in Aus! I'm no expert in the field, but i have tried on high heels in a store, on my last purchase of shoes actually and i, like you am young. I dont think you should let your age bother you about trying heels on in a store, yes i know that you may think people closer to our age may be judging you alot more, but really most people are in their own little world when shopping, and there aren't too many guys in high heel shoe shops, if they are they're usually with their partners and are looking bored and wanting to leave asap. So i say, walk in with your head held high and try some on! Think about it.. your doing nothing illegal, your not offending anybody, and you're more than likely never going to see these people ever again, where's the harm? :smile:

  5. Hi All,

    Thanks for the welcome inn answer to a couple of questions im in the sth eastern suburbs of Melbourne. No one around me knows about this passion of mine and I bought a pair of 4" heels from target size 11 but returned them the next day as they were a touch too small and i was worried that someone would find them! So still need to find a pair to keep!

    Thanks for the reply! oh wow so your very close to me then! it's nice to know that your not alone in your passion for heels, even locally! If you feel you need a helping hand or just another person there with you at anytime to boost your confidence please don't hesitate to contact me! It's great having an outlet for your passion.

    Don't be worried about somebody finding them, just hide them well if you plan on keeping your heeling a secret! :) I recently opened up to my girlfriend about my preferance for high heels and she was very accepting of it and supports me 100%. It's still fresh to her so there are some aspects to it that she is yet to get used to, but in time i know she will become oblivious to it ever being anything at all :smile:

  6. welcome melbguy!! always great to see another aussie member join up, we've had quite a few lately! im also in melb, the SE suburb's more precisely, where abouts are you? so your an admirer of all things high heels and have tried some on, that's awesome! do you own any yourself? are you looking to buy some? does anybody around you know about your passion for heels? hope you enjoy HHP as much as i do!

  7. Man, I have to laugh at myself, no sooner did I write that last post than someone showed up at my door and I quickly change out of my skirt and shoes to meet them. Yes I chickened out and feel a little ashamed thta I didn't leave my heels on but I was concerned about exposing myself to someone I know, so maybe it'll give me more courage the next time around. Still makes me laugh though.... what'ta maroon...

    Thanks for the compliment! :smile:

    you should check who it is that may be knocking at your door first before deciding to quickly scramble to put something more conformist on. If it's somebody you know and you don't want them knowing about your preferance for heels and a skirt, fair enough take them off, but if its the mail man/door to door sales people/religious preacher types then give them something to go home and talk about!!

  8. Great advice DDWW, I have only ever tried on heels in a store once, but infact it was the last time i bought heels and the bright red pair im wearing in my avatar. It was afternoon so the store was fairly busy, and i was unsure of what size to get and knew i would not be coming back to this particular store anytime soon (if it all as it's 2 hours away from my home). I think the best advice you can give to anybody is to just bite the bullet, waltz in and try those shoes in at your own leisure! you may get looks from people, but i assure you, people are either too distracted in their own shopping or too gobsmacked to see a guy trying on high heels to even comment. Once you've tried the shoes on and have made your purchase and you walk out of the store, you feel ontop of the world, seriously. It is the greatest feeling knowing you acheived something you wanted to do so so badly. So, plain and simply my advice is nike's tagline... "Just do it". You'll feel alot better for it :smile: I'll definately be doing it again the next time i see a pair of heels i simply must have or every now and then when i get the craving to just buy a new pair of heels! heelguy

  9. Thankyou again everybody, yes since telling her i have opened up the me wearing high heels conversation again just to see where she's at with it, she said she is totally accepting of me and the fact that i wear high heels, but it's still very new to her and it's gunna take her a little while to get her head around it, which i think is fully understandable, i even took shoedre's words and used them to help her understand. I told her it took me years to understand why i do it, i asked myself alot of questions etc etc, but in the end, it really came down to me just simply having a preferance to wear high heels! and nothing more (especially not in a sexual way) can be read into it. But i also said to her that i want to keep on talking to her about it and seeing where she's at and what not so that she doesn't push it into the back of her mind and kind of forget that i wear high heels and then for her to be uncomfortable everytime it happens to come about, which she was fine with :smile:

  10. Your question got me thinking back to my earliest memory of going out in public in heels, and i then infact remembered, that my first outing in heels was also done whilst wearing a short brown skirt! I was about 13/14 and waited until it was dark out. I walked out of the house and many streets away in my everyday attire with a pair of ankle strap round toe 4inch grey suede stiletto's and a brown mini skirt in my bag. I found myself a nice quiet street to use as my first outing, made sure nobody was around and quicker than ever before got changed into the skirt and heels, threw my bag on my back and off i went! i remember being so wrapped up in not being seen that i wasn't even thinking about how good and free it felt to be wearing a skirt and heels out in public! I walked the whole length of the street which took only about 5 minutes and turned back, as i was walking back though, i saw the silhouette of a person walking towards me, without thought i quickly moved onto the other side of the road, only to be met by a couple walking out of their house into their car, i kept my head held down so they couldn't see my face, but for sure they knew i was a guy as i didn't even think to shave my legs! (how embarrasing to think back at myself now!) I remember walking past them and my heart racing, thinking to myself, wow this feels absolutely thrilling! so much so i walked ALL the way back to my house wearing the heels and skirt, but took great care in making sure nobody's curtains were open or anybody was out or any cars were coming in my street AT ALL, as if anybody had seen, then the chinese whispers would'av definately started. That is my earliest memory of public heeling, and it took me another 5/6 years to enjoy that feeling again! My advice to you is grab the bull by the horn and get out there in your heels! it's invigorating, and even though there may be fear in your head, the feeling of satisfaction overwhelmes that fear, you'll want to do it again and again and again! I hope you take pleasure in reading what we have to say about our first times out and feel confident about going out for the first time, im certainly looking forward to hearing about your experiance and what you got from it :smile: Cheers, heelguy edit - i just noticed you are also 19 like me! we're the new generation of male heelers, be strong and confident in your efforts to dress and feel any which way you desire, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

  11. you definately have alot of bottle going about your business dressed how you feel comfortable and to not even think twice about people's generalisations. Your an inspiration for every male heeler and skirt wearer and for that i admire you greatly. keep up the good work! heelguy

  12. Thankyou EVERYBODY for your kind words and congratulations! I'm still amazed that she accepted it so easily, the bad reaction thoughts were definatly all made up by myself in my own head, and you never really know for sure somebody's reaction until you tell them. I've even woken up these past few mornings wondering if it was just a dream i had but then i realise i did actually tell her and she loves me like she did before she knew, and infact, i think i did our relationship a favour in telling her, because now she knows that i have the confidence in her to be able to tell her anything and not have to worry so much anymore. It's definately brought us closer together as a couple, as i now have no secrets from her what-so-ever. It's an amazing feeling, and i hope all of you someday share the same feeling!! it's only fair that all of us high heel wearing males and females get the same chances, choices and acceptance (if your seeking it) as each other.

  13. Thanks Majo! it was one of the hardest things i've ever done, but definately no other feeling with as much relief when she said it was cool :smile: I now feel like im not hiding it anymore, and that's a great feeling to have

  14. I'VE GOT BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!! Last night i told my girlfriend i had a secret that i wanted to share with her, but that i was too afraid to tell her in fear that i may lose her, anyway, to cut a long story short, tonight i told her that i like to wear high heels. I was literally shaking and my heart was pounding faster and harder than it ever has, but i told her, and she was absolutely cool with it!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't believe it! i'd built it up to her so much, to the point where she even told me i was starting to freak her out, but i re-assured her not to worry because it really was nothing big, it was just big for me because of how much i care about her and how scared i was to lose her over it. We had a little chat about it and she asked me questions like what heels do i have and stuff, i told her all about the heels i have, the walks i take, the first time i tried heels on in a store not so long ago, even mentioned this place and you wonderful people!! she was fine! :smile: Then after we discussed that for abit, i asked her what she would like her involvement to be regarding me and my heel wearing, not expecting her to want to be involved at all, and i wasn't going to hold it against her if she said she didnt want anything to do with it, as far as i was concerned, her just being cool with it was amazing for me! But she answered my question by saying that she wants to be a part of it, there's no way she wants me to keep it my own secret and out of sight kinda thing, but at the same time, needs a little bit of time to get used to the idea before seeing me in heels and what not, but as far as seeing my heels without me in them and stuff, she's totally cool with! I'm so lucky! i cant believe i have such an amazing woman that loves me as much as she does :):D:D:D:D

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