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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. This is a high heels website, for everybody to enjoy, but its not a CD/TV themed website, and as such, we dont want cd/tv content here...

    It is indeed a thin line to tread, but that line sits firmly at the point where "A person presenting themself AS the opposite sex/gender, is over the line. Simple as that.

    That's funny, im pretty damn sure that one of the members on here who also happens to MODERATE the forum fits this description to a T?

    So howcome it's acceptable for a moderater, but not a day-to-day average joe member?

    btw foxyheels, you look great in your outfit and i love your shoes! they're HOT! :silly: you're very lucky to have such a wife...

  2. Yo Heelguy hows things with you buddy i read your getting out & about and i did get your text prior to christmas but was just so fuc%&ng busy i didn't have time to get back to you ,sorry dude.

    Anyway i beleive all as good with your lady friend and hey i'm up to have another high heel adventure with you and whoever else may wish to strutt along maybe a saturday arvo / evening soon What do you think

    cheers malinheels :silly:

    Everything's going good thanks, just working my butt off trying to save for a new car and to move out with the GF :unsure: how about you? That's okay mate, i guessed things might have been abit hectic on your end!

    it would be great to catch up again very soon, saturday night would probably suit me better as sometimes i work on saturdays during the day, i haven't seen him around here lately but hopefully ShoeDre would be keen for coming along again, and im sure that ilovetights would enjoy getting out and meeting us! i went to visit him at work one day as it turns out he works in the shopping center where i did my first public heeling, he wasn't working that day though so we still haven't met! feel free to organise something as im usually free most weekends, apart from the weekend starting the 11th feb, my girly's down from Sydney then :-?

  3. Mal! it's SO good to hear from you again! i've been wondering where the bloody hell you've gotten to! :silly: please continue with the story soon! im dying to hear the rest :unsure: when's the next meetup? im sure ilovetights would be keen to come along too! i haven't heard from ShoeDre for a while either...

  4. Long time no post! So here's abit of an update.. It'd been quite a boring few months with nothing really happening in my world regarding heels. I could feel the itch SO SO badly and needed something new to happen. I have a male friend with who i am also good friends with his girlfriend. I'd always considered telling her about my liking for high heels and other female attire but was always abit scared to tell her as obviously she's only one conversation away from my whole friendship group. I was chatting to her one night trying to cheer her up and take her mind off some things but nothing was working, so i saw this as a perfect opportunity to really give her something to think about :P I told her all about my interests in this subject. She recieved it very well although almost refused to believe me before seeing it in the flesh as she said there is no way in the world she would ever pick it out! So a few nights later we arranged to go and get coffee together and i said i would wear my heels. Turns out that when i went to pick her up, she had a friend with her! so now her friend also knows too, but it turned out to be a short but pleasant evening all 3 of us out having coffee together all wearing heels :silly: As most of you who have read my previous stories would know, my girlfriend is aware of my high heel wearing. Well she was still unaware about the fact that it didn't just stop at high heels :P i'd been telling her for a while that there was more i needed to tell her, and she'd said to me that she thinks she knows, she'd just rather not hear it just yet, because she wasn't sure she'd be comfortable with it and give me a good reaction, so i held off. Anyway one night we were talking like we do every night as we live in seperate states, she asked what i was wearing and i told her "you'd rather not know if you get my drift..." to which she said "ohhh, well... i think you should tell me :)". I was nervous as hell even though she practically already knew. I told her all about what else i enjoy wearing and her reaction was fine, she told me that yes, she had assumed that it went further than just high heels and i'm now completely open with her about everything i wear :unsure: We're seeing each other again in february and we're going to go out and have a day getting pedi's, go shopping and have coffee and lunch in our heels together, i can't wait! i'll be sure to update you all on that! I also have a female friend who i've stayed in contact with that i met in my previous work who knows about the way i dress too but had never seen it, one night she called and asked me if there was any chance i could pick her and her friend up from a party they'd been at, so i said of course! i put on my heels and a high waisted skirt and went to pick them both up. Turns out her friend is the same size shoe as me so we're soooo going to borrow each others shoes! :D haha Anyway... this same female friend called me again the other night asking for a lift very apologetically at 4am in the morning as she needed to be home but had no way of getting there at all. I was glad she called as id rather her wake me and i get her home safe than her being stuck somewhere she didn't want to be. I put on a short, tight front button sailor dress which i got from a store over here called "supre", my grey high heels and picked her up and took her home. Nothing was said about my attire at all, it was like nothing was out of the ordinary which was actually quite dissapointing, but she'd been round to my house between these two occasions and i showed her everything then, so what can i expect? :-? On my way home from dropping her off at her house, it was now about 5.30am, i'd NEVER been outside in public in a dress/skirt before so i decided to stop at the servo to get petrol even though i didn't need to. Before now all i'd worn out in public was high heels and skinny jeans, so this was a first time for me, and the dress i was wearing was my shortest and tightest one i own! ;) As i stepped out of the car i could feel the crisp morning air on my legs, it was an excitement i hadn't felt in such a long time! There was a small truck also in the servo with the driver filling it up too but he didnt pay me any attention. I walked in to pay for my petrol and the counter was very low with quite a distance to walk to from the door so the cashier could clearly see from top to bottom whatever his customers were wearing. I was greeted with a smile and hello just like normal, as i walked back out of the store i used the glass to see if he was looking at me as i walked out, he couldn't keep his eyes off my legs! haha it was a huge thrill, not half as scary as i'd imagined :) hope you all enjoyed reading! :) im hoping to get out more in my heels and skirts/dresses, they make wearing heels much more fun! :P

  5. Saturn said:

    Okay, I've got one.

    I'm sure most of you have seen the Lady Gaga "Alejandro" video, with the guys in heels. Well, same situation with this Ke$ha performance, most interestingly the fact that the two male back-up dancers are the only ones wearing "true" high heels.

    wow, and this was on Australian morning television too! shame i didn't see it at the time it aired.. i probably would'av freaked! :silly: in a good way ofcourse...

  6. I am sorry for the unshaved legs and thank you for the advice. However I never appear feminine in public, so unfortunately it is not possible to shave my legs... although I know it would improve very much my appearance in heels!

    I have 2 more pics... One of them answers your questions Heelster I suppose... they are from Pleaser! I gor them from High-Feelings.de.

    What about all those guys who ride pedal bikes or swimmers? they all shave their legs, maybe you could just tell people you've taken up swimming or riding? i shave my legs and it hasn't been any problem for me, most people don't even notice.....

  7. My first pair of knee highs, will keeps these for home use I think. Not my fav. style however at £25 reduced from £50 I had to give them ago.

    Should get them in the next few days!

    For £25 i think they're amazing! :) it would be a huge shame not to share those with the world and take them outdoors!

  8. Welcome to the group and thankyou for your background introduction :) I'm not sure exactly how the situation turned out with your ex managing to tell everybody about your heeling and such, but it sounds like it could have been the best thing that ever happened to you, because you can be open about it rather than have to hide the fact you like wearing what makes you feel comfortable!

  9. It's not just me then :) Cheers mate!

    not at all! you're definately not alone in your interests :lmao: im sure there are hundreds, if not thousands more out there just like us, but are just too afraid of social stigma to explore it a little more

  10. It was about time I signed up, I've been browsing this site for a while so I thought I'd say hi! 20 year old male from the south west of England. I'm a massive car nut, shoe wise it has to be 5 inches plus and preferably a stiletto heel. So, hi...!

    Hi HaH! I'm also a 20yr old male high heel lover and wearer, although i now live in Australia, i only moved here 3 years ago from Birmingham, UK :) I agree about 5inches plus! although i do have a few pairs less than that, they were too amazing not to have! :lmao:

    hope you enjoy the site!

  11. Aren't I allowed an opinion? :lmao:

    Of course, when did i say you weren't? I said you should change your name to Dr. Negative, meaning your opinion and tone was that of what i depicted to be either bitchiness or jealousy.

    Please, correct me if i'm wrong though and point out to me the characteristics that Gregory shows to render him "another frustrated tranny". I'm genuinely interested to know where that comment came from :lmao:

    That's all :)

  12. Naaah, looks more like a frustrated tranny to me.

    BTW, I'm already living that life...

    Maybe you should change your username to "Dr.Negative" :)

    I think he looks like he's having a ball! and i think he looks awesome too!

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