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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Hi guys, thanks for your feedback. After alot of thought about the whole conversation i realise that it may well have been just a coincidence after all, as we were talking about somebody we know who has recently announced his bisexuality quietly, and my da's fiance was saying how him and her son used to play dress ups in pirate outfits and such, and my dad said "wonder if he ever ventured into your wardrobe?" then the gay comments came out.. So im guessing that the cross dressing was brought up because he linked the dressing up as a young child maybe in womens clothes to his recent announcement of bisexuality. That's my conclusion anyway :) heelguy x

  2. Well, this wasn't an adventure, but something that happened that i would like to share with you all and get feedback on. As you may all know by now from seeing the pics i post up, heels are not the only feminine items of clothing i enjoy wearing, but as i still live with my parents, i keep them all hidden away. The other day my parents were in my room and actual doing work on my room in the place i keep my clothes and shoes hidden, but the only way they would'av been able to find them, is if they went snooping around looking through some stuff. Anyway, tonight i was sitting down with them and SOMEHOW we managed to get on the subject of cross dressing (coincidental?) My dad expressed the emotion that most people do thinking that if you cross dress, you MUST be gay, and when his fiance told him that no, actually most cross dressers are infact straight, he was shocked. It disheartened me a little because even though i have/had no intentions of ever telling him about my passion for this, i now know that i never can be truely honest with him in fear that he would not see me in the same way anymore. As far as im aware they aren't wise to my dress tendancies, but i just found it very suspicious that this subject happened to come up only a couple of days after they'd been hovering around my stuff. I've been thinking about confiding in his fiance about my heels only, and even asking her if that conversation was in relation to it. I don't think i could talk to her about it though, it's just a though. Heelguy

  3. Well done in not being too intimidated by those imbosiles. You look great in your heels, you have a natural look about you wearing them, so i wouldn't worry about whatever comments you get, i bet you anything that neither of them would have said anything on their own. Keep on wearing your heels with pride, you do it extremely well.

  4. Hey there heelguy i think you would have agreat time if you decided to come to one of my usual places but i'm also finding that new places are just that tad more exciting & wait till i recount last night on( friday 28th )

    my thread in the guys section cheers malinheeels:wavey:

    Mal, i think i would be more comfortable going to somewhere you've already been knowing that they are accepting of a man wearing heels, im really excited for it! :)

  5. Mal, although it may not have been one of your more eventful nights, the fact you still went out in your skirt and heels and managed to strike up conversation with people is a fantastic result in my book, can't wait to join you on one of these nights, i know it's awkward for us to organise but i assure you i am keen. Keep the posts coming, i love reading your experiances and everytime you post one it makes me want to have that night out right now!

  6. Well, last night i wrote abit of an update on here, but me being the clutz i am, closed the web browser window before posting it :/ Anyway, asof late has been abit of a quiet time for my heeling, im still trying to ease my girlfriend into becoming more and more relaxed about me wearing them, slowly but surely we're getting there, she's still not ready to see me in them, but knows that someday she'll have to, so that's progress :) I took a short outing to the petrol station the other night in my modest black stiletto pumps and tight jeans, it was late at night the the fuel pump was pre-pay, which meant i had to walk across the forecourt as i parked as far away as possible for maximum walking distance in my heels, hand my card to the clerk, walk back to fill up with petrol, then go and pay and walk back to my car. The clerk was a tall young guy, he could definately see my choice of footwear being so tall, and i looked in the reflection of the glass door as i walked out to see if he was looking and i caught him having a little peak as i went back to my car. I found myself feeling a little dissapointed when getting into my car that my little adventure was so short lived and got no real attention. Hoping to have a night out with our fellow member malinheels sometime very soon and hopefully i'll have a more exciting story to tell you all about! For the sake of it, here's a couple of pics, because we all love picture posts! Enjoy! :P



  7. I had to pass Lakeside last week, and saw these in newlook, they are a size 8 UK but the over the top padding in the toe box reduced them to a 7, so that had to go, and now they fit perfectly.

    Those are lovely looking shoes you have! wouldn't mind a pair of those myself! are they comfortable to wear for long periods of time?

  8. Heelguy is the winner for me so far.He has the the best looking legs and I wouldn't call them female looking.

    P.S. I am straight if it matters. Also I continue to maintain that such comparision should be based on male vs male and female vs female.

    Why thankyou skirtedvik! your comments are very flattering, i also am a straight male too btw.

    Good thread!

    My opinion for best ones...so far at least:

    Male: Wile E Coyot, Heelguy

    Female: Amanda, Karen



    milehiheels, thankyou also! both your compliments are much appreciated and mean alot!

  9. you're certainly a brave man wondering into the city on a busy friday night wearing heels and a skirt. i'd be scared enough just about the heels, let alone pairing them with a skirt, i can only imagine the drunken ridicule of melbourne's party go-ers. Well done to you malinheels! i'm looking forward to hearing the rest of your story and can't wait to have a meet up somebody very soon hopefully in our heels! :)

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