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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Welcome Karen! glad you found somewhere to talk about your love for high heels! Sounds like you've had abit of a shock realising so many guys actually enjoy wearing heels too! you seem to be accepting and inquisative, so if you have any questions about guys wearing heels aswell as the ones you've already asked, there are more than enough of us who can give you the answers :)

  2. Well everybody, im sorry to be a let down, but my big blatent outing didn't happen unfortunately :P I planned on leaving my house around 2am to get to my girlfriend's 950km's away by mid-day and my heel adventure was planned along route. I set my alarm to wake up around midnight to get ready to leave for 2am, but over-slept and woke up at around 6am instead! so in my hurry to get to my gf, i decided to skip my plans and just concentrate on getting to my destination as soon as possible. Im hoping to make up for it by having another outing somewhere soon, so stay tuned and i'll keep you all updated! :) regards, Heelguy

  3. Well, tonight's the night i go out in full view of everybody i come across in heels, all be it far far away from home, im already nervous as hell!!! wish me luck! and i'll be back around may 8/9th to tell you all about it! :) heelguy x

  4. prepare to be mocked. There is alot of peer pressure at school/college and students will try and prove their self worth by putting others down. By wearing heels to school you're giving them an easy target and one which they are sure not to turn down. The worst thing you can do is fall prey into this trap. Wear your heels with confidence! if you feel comfortable in them, then who care's what anybody else thinks/does/says? I for one admire your bravery of even considering wearing them to school, because i know for a fact there is no way i ever would have contemplated such a thing. You need a very strong mind to over-come the fear and ridicule you will face, prove everybody wrong, show them that you're not afraid. You will get others who will be totally the opposite with you, and be intregued by your attire, embrace those people whoever they may be, because somebody who accepts you for who you are and not what you wear is worth their weight in gold. I wish you the best of luck in college, and hope that you get the satisfaction you deserve from wearing your heels without the shame that others try and force us into. Good on you mate, and let us all know how it goes. I'm sure i wont be the only one eager to hear your experiance! heelguy

  5. hahaaaa.... aussie pride eh :)

    yeah... love the highest ones.... but they are also the ones i'm most likely going to chicken out on.... so might go a little conservative so as to actually go through with it....

    haha, listen to me and i'm not even aussie! Im actually english, but have been living over here for 2years now! i absolutely love it!

    That's fair enough, wear what you feel comfortable in to begin with to get your bearings being out in heels, then go for the ones that excite you the most! you'll find that once you've been out in your highest and favourite pair, the more conservative heels feel even less abnormal and you tend to think about the fact you're wearing heels alot less :smile:

  6. Thanks for your response and encouragement aussieheels! yes i was pleasantly suprised how good the gladiator heels look with those jeans too, i only tried them on so i wouldn't use up two posts showing them to everybody! I know what you mean about the blue heels, i just like them alot because they are my most comfortable piar i own. The easist pair i have to wear are my black pumps, but i really want to be noticed on this outing, which is directing me more towards the red heels! ahhh... im so torn!!!! :smile:

  7. ok, well here they are, please take a look and comment if you like, there are favourites, any particular you would like to see being worn then add a comment to those as well and we'll see what we can do



    Amazing! personally i'd LOVE to see every single pair being worn! pretty much all of them are shoes i would like to own myself. Any pictures your girlfriend is willing to pose her legs in wearing any of those shoes would be fantastic. Just seeing the fine collection she has is great! :smile:

  8. thanks aussieheels, i would too normally want to cover the heels, but im building up all my courage and bravery for this next outing and having my heels on full show to everybody! im getting really excited about it now! i just hope i dont chicken out at the last second.. im 99% sure i wont though, so i can't wait to tell you all about how it went! still deciding on which heels to wear though... any thoughts?

  9. Thanks imrotar :smile: She hasn't yet seen any of my heels, let alone me wearing them. But i highly doubt she will be jealous of my legs.. her's beat mine 1million times over hands down! :) Here's what the jeans look like with the blue heels, also while i was at it i thought there's no harm in trying them with my gladiator heels too, and i actually quite like the combination!





  10. no worries Dawn, thanks for your interest and advice :smile: so what does everyone else think about the jeans with my red heels? im also considering my blue heels with the jeans. you can see them in other various pictures i've posted. The reason being that they are more comfortable to wear than the red ones and have a slightly higher heel and platform which makes them slightly more challenging to walk in.

  11. Tiffany, i would be much abliged to talk to somebody about the heels if they approached me and asked :smile: DawnHH, no no i think you're mis-understanding me, i won't actually be with my girlfriend in my heels at mcdonalds, i'll be stopping off at a mcdonalds on route to going to see her...

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