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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Thanks, I forgot to mention in my earlier post that i bought some knee socks too, i love this look, although i think i need a different coloured skirt/dress to wear with them, maybe a lighter colour? (ie cream/white) to match the shoes. I really want to wear this outfit to the city this coming weekend, any melbournian's want to meet up? Malinheels? ShoeDre? Melbguy?


  2. Hi everyone! :) Just a quick update.. Like many of you probably do, when i have abit of free time, i browse the internet just shopping for shoes and the like. Well last night was no different, I jumped on ebay and spent a couple of hours going through all the fantastic high heels that were for sale, I've been looking in particular for two pairs of Zoe Wittner stiletto pumps, one pair are zebra print with a red heel and the other pair are a platform snakeskin pump. As these are older styles i've been having alot of difficulty tracking either pair down. My girlfriend is obsessed with Tony Bianco shoes, and because of that and the amazing shoes they do make, i wanted to get myself my first ever pair of Tony Bianco's to start matching her collection! :) There were many styles of TB's on ebay, but as i still live with my parents i'm not too keen on getting any posted to my address. I searched the nearest distance results and what should come up, but a pair of Tony Bianco's IN MY SIZE in the snakeskin colour i was searching for in the Zoe Wittner heels AND the items were only half an hour from my house! They were brand new in the box and retail at $179.99AUD but were on Buy it now for $79.99!!!! I messaged the seller asking for some details about the shoes as i'd never tried on a pair of Tony Bianco's before and wanted to make sure a size 9 (which i usually am) would be the correct size for me in their shoes. The seller got back to me within half an hour which i was suprised about as yesterday here in Aus was the AFL Grand final day! i replied to them asking if i could pick them up that very night and they said sure no problem! so before i knew it i was driving to go and pick up my latest pair of heels! :rose: it was quite exciting how it happened to fast! I wore my tight black skinny leg jeans and mushroom coloured heels to the sellers house. Once id got there and gotten the shoes off of them, i jumped back in my car and i couldn't wait until i got home so i moved my seat back and tried them on! i was nervous that the size wouldn't be correct even after talks with the seller about sizing and how i would go about getting my money back if they didn't fit and wether i even had the right to go and ask for my money back, but lucky for me they fit perfectly! :D I love my new Tony Bianco's, i showed my girlfriend the picture of me wearing them and she said they look cute! lol I'm extremely pleased with my latest purchase, here's a few snaps i took for you all, let me know what you think! Heelguy






  3. bubba

    they will mainly be indoor shoes (i know im chicken!)

    i have a pair of brown skinny jeans to go with them or leggings


    yep the sole is great,very easy to take off in but hell to stop! lol

    these i am really after

    hey bladerunner, great shoes, can we see a pic of you in them whilst wearing these "BROWN" jeans you speak of. I just can't see brown jeans looking good with anything at all in my head!

  4. Thanks everybody, i've only ever been and tried a dress on once before, and it was in a shop run by a lady who speaks poor english, so i felt comfortable knowing that if she did say anything it would'va been in her language and i wouldn't know about it :) haha To me, the model looks pretty flat chested in the first place, and with the ruffles down the side, im pretty sure if there is any extra material to accomodate the female chest then the ruffles will hide it pretty well without me hacking the dress to pieces! :) i guess there's only one way to find out..! Shame the only free time i get now is saturdays and sundays when retail stores are at their busiest :/

  5. Whenever i have abit of free time i always browse around the internet looking for my next purchases :) i came across this outfit and love it!


    what do you guys think? from what you've all seen of me, do you guys think i could pull it off? i love both the shoes and the dress, but don't want it to look terrible on me. I think it'd suit me well as the neck line isn't too low, so my flat chest wouldn't be so obvious

  6. Thanks everyone! :) I'm very pleased with the way things are going between me and my gf regarding me wearing high heels. Sometimes i sit back and just think about how lucky i am to have someone as amazing and accepting as her, feels like i don't deserve it somehow... I visited the shopping center i always go to in my heels the other week to send a birthday card and see the girls in payless as they know me as abit of a regular now :) I wore my new light denim jeans that my GF gave me and my grey heels. I think the jeans attracted more attention than the actual heels did! I've started a trial for an apprenticeship this week so haven't had any time to get out and about in my heels, and when the weekends come i go and see friends (who are unaware of my heels) so that's been taking up any spare time i get too. Im hoping to get out in them within the next few weekends, but we'll see if i get chance... I'm really just waiting to take my girlfriend out with both of us in our heels, that'll be one of the next steps for me. Although im going to take my time with it still, not push anything on her, i really like the relaxed attitude we've both got going on about it, if i tarnished that i'd be devastated. Thanks again for reading everyone! hope to hear your thoughts/comments/anything you'd like to post really.. :rose:

  7. Hello and welcome from another Aussie! :) If you dont mind me asking, which state in aus are you from? I'm in Melbourne along with a few other members here Bubba, the "down under" section may be growing in numbers, but the amount of ACTIVE aussie members doesn't seem to change, as many sign up, post an intro and never post again :)

  8. I went to see the website at Wittner and I haven t seen the same shoes in the store video. In the video at 1:35 to 1:38 there are two pairs on the shelf in black and the other in red which are superb and I love it. I wonder what brand they are. Is there an Australian member who knows this shop and this mall and tell me what city and also help me to find the phone number of the shop ? Maybe I can order directly to the store by phone, explaining what model I have seen on the video.

    So help wanted if possible !

    I realise i forgot the first question : Does this store located in Australia ?

    Have a good day mates !

    Unfortunately, you won't be able to find the shoes featured in the video any other place than ebay now as they're last years styles. I too was looking for a pair i saw on that video, and know a few women with them, all bought in last years collection :)

  9. Sounds like your going at your own pace and are thinking about making the next step which is good, just make sure you have the confidence (or atleast fake the confidence) when you are doing it. I went from going out under the cover of darkness to going out in broad daylight to a shopping center. The key is to just bite the bullet and walk out in your heels with your head held high! all it is, is a pair of shoes at the end of the day... and in your mind, it's always going to be alot more daunting than it actually is being seen out in heels. You are doing nothing wrong, if you get people staring then that's THEIR problem, not yours buddy! Good luck with your next outing, make sure to take your time and be really comfortable in your surroundings :)

  10. Okay, so here's an update.. As you might have read about, i took a two week period off with my girlfriend as we live quite far away from each other and i planned to show her me wearing heels while we were together. It was around 3/4 of the way through us being together and i knew us being apart again was coming soon, i was keen to show her my high heels, but a few previous attempts got short reactions so i was abit unsure.. Anyway when the time finally came to show her i got extremely nervous, even more nervous than i was the very first time i went out in public wearing high heels, it was crazy! I asked her to put her's on too so i'd be more comfortable wearing mine with her. Earlier on in the time with her she'd shown me a pair of very light colour denim jeans that she wasn't happy with and i said that i was looking for a pair exactly like them, to which she said "you can have these if you like? :)" So i gladly took her offer. I put my new jeans on to wear with my heels as i was showing her because she agreed they looked good on me earlier without the heels, and i thought they'd go perfectly with my favourite grey heels (they do!) :) We both stood infront of my mirror wearing our light jeans and matching high heels, it was a fantastic feeling to be standing with her both in our heels! but unfortunately was very short-lived as we were running a bath and were about to jump in! I mentioned to her that i wanted to take her to a bar that myself, malinheels and shoedre had recently been to as i think she'd really enjoy the decor and style of it, but i wanted to make it a night out in my heels too and didn't wanna push it with my heel wearing, so we didn't end up going to that bar. The day my girlfriend got home from out time together she text me saying she really wanted to go to that bar i told her about. I told her that i wanted to go too, but i wanted us to go wearing our high heels together, to which she replied "that'd be really cute :) we should next time". So i'm looking forward to that the next time we're together down around my town. Overall i had an amazing two weeks with her, we went shopping and i told her i wanted to get my first pair of tony bianco's while we were out shopping, but i'd seen a pair of HiTop Nike Dunk's i wanted that were $200!!! so decided not to get any tony bianco's even though she asked if i wanted to go look in my size section, but i declined as i had my heart set on these Nike's and couldnt justify spending that much on two pairs of shoes, let alone one! Anyway here's a few pic's of the jeans she gave me with my grey heels, they're pretty poor quality pictures, which im sorry about.. but my phone refuses to stand up on it's own or i think have the ability to self time :/ Damn blackberry's....




  11. aussieheels, thanks! she really is! tonight's the night i leave melbourne to go see her, i'll be taking my mushroom colour heels with me to wear with her, im more excited than i've ever been! :D haha The best advice i can give you are words that are posted on this forum over and over again. You just have to get over the fear factor in your head, because honestly i swear to you it's nowhere near as scary as you make it out to be in your mind. I wont lie, the first few steps out in public in daylight are always very nerve racking, but once you're out in the open with nowhere to hide your heels, what can you do? nothing except wear them with pride! :) So what if people look? so what if people make little comments to themselves? you'll be experiancing something which they will never get to feel. The sense of being your true self finally exposed is one that i'll never ever get tired of! Just think back to something you used to be terrified of, which now doesn't seem like an issue at all... for example, when i was younger, i was terrified of riding on rollor-coasters, until one day we had a school trip to a theme park, where i was forced by my friends to join them on THE BIGGEST roller-coaster in the whole park! i was literally fearful of my life, i hated all of my friends for those few seconds as we strapped in, but once the ride had gone round and we were at the end, i was filled with excitement and wanted to do it again and again and again, so much so that i was the one who ended up dragging them onto the other ones, consequently making us late back for the bus and got us in trouble :rose: Once you're out in public wearing your high heels and whatever else you choose to wear with them, make sure you look yourself in the mirror before you go out and say "i look damn good, and i feel so comfortable and confident in these heels" and like the Nike tagline says... JUST DO IT! i promise you won't regret it, quite the opposite, you'll wonder why you made such a fuss about it. I hope to be hearing from you very soon about your first full daytime outing in heels! it's an amazing one! don't chicken out, you've gone to all the effort of finding a great outfit, a place you feel reasonably comfortable wearing that outfit, so don't waste it! Mal, pm'd you buddy! Cheers Steve, no worries, i dont take offence :) lol

  12. Ami, i totally agree with hh4evr1, I was a complete closet heeler, then i found this website, after hours and hours of reading about other guys on here going out in public in their heels and having all the fun, i finally decided it was my turn to have some of that fun! :) and im so glad i did! Just tell your bf over and over again, the key is confidence. The more confidence he shows (wether he really has it or not doesn't matter, aslong as he appears confident and comfortable in his shoes) then the easier being in public wearing his high heels will be. If he's already told his parents, which i would assume (from my point of view) would be the main people to keep it quiet from, then he shouldn't care less what anybody thinks about it, as they already know! I hope to hear about your bf going with you out and about both in your heels!

  13. Thanks Allez rider! If i could give you any advice, it would be to forget your instinct in trying to hide your heels, and just get out there in amongst it all! go somewhere far enough away that you feel relatively confident nobody you know or care about knowing will see you, but close enough to home that you still feel in your comfort zone and know the area relatively well. The shopping center ive been going to is about a 20min drive from my house, but i know the people there are all going about their own business, and dont expect to see a man wearing high heels, so dont tend to look for it either. Just be confident in your heels like you were born to wear them! you should feel completely natural in your heels, and if people see that you are comfortable and confident in what you're wearing, then it's less of a big thing for them. You will obviously get one or two that may mumble a comment as you walk past, but it's THEIR problem, not yours :) Thanks for the compliments, im really comfortable going out in my jeans and heels now, im going to see my girlfriend in exactly a week today, and we're both planning on wearing the grey/mushroom heels together as we both have the same pair, im SUPER excited for it! we're also going shopping when she comes back to melbourne with me, and im hoping to buy my first pair of tony bianco's when im with her, fingers crossed she's comfortable enough with me wearing them to go out together like that and maybe even go for dinner together both wearing our heels! i'll let everybody know how it goes when it's all happened

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