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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. i've never really thought about spending a whole weekend in heels, but im starting to think i'd really like to do it :wave: unfortunatly living at home still means im limited to exactly how much of the whole weekend i can spend wearing heels, cus at some point or another im going to have to see somebody in my house :/

  2. I think her *giggle-giggle* at the man in the bright red/orange sneakers was no reason not to mention the fact that you wear high heels, you should have arrived on the date wearing a pair! that would have really thrown her in the deep end. People judge people they don't know or people who aren't in close proximity to them. Also, the feeling towards the person in question come into affect, for example.. She may have been laughing at this guy for his tan and shoe choice, but if she was genuinely interested and keen to find out more about you, then im sure you would get no such reaction if you told her straight up about your heels :wave: anyway, better luck for next time!

  3. Thanks Zebra, oh i must have forgotten to mention that! Yes! i did! we came back to my house to hang out for abit and i got out ALL of my heels, we both tried them on (she is one size smaller than me, so thought that some may fit her, but none did :[ ) as i pulled out my grey heels she said "ooo those are my favourite!" then i pulled out my snakeskin tony bianco's and she then changed her mind saying "actually no, these are now my favourite!" :P She's not much of a high heel wearer herself, but im sure i can change :P

  4. Thanks everyone :wave: yea it was amazing. I was pretty hesitant and in two minds wether to open up to her about my heel wearing. To open it up i sent her a message informing her that there was a pair of shoes i wanted to try on and possibly buy. I didn't state anything about the shoes as to not make a big thing of it. Once i'd sent the message i thought well i can either do two things now.. i can go ahead and just get the heels which i really want to do, OR i can either lie and try a different pair of shoes or just not try any at all. But as we were shopping around i saw the store coming up and thought to myself "I actually really want these shoes, whats the worst that could happen?" so just went ahead with it like nothing was out of the ordinary and it all worked fine. She think's it's cool and call's my heel wearing my "hobby" which i like and think is a good way to describe it. I also (although not as passionately) like to look out for and wear high top nike's. I consider this as a hobby, almost like a collector. So the terminology fitted for me :( it's great to have somebody you can share your heels with, and like i said before, i recommend it to anybody who's thinking about opening up to someone, like the nike tagline says.. JUST DO IT! :( haha

  5. Hmm... i think the description of "Sexual arousal of wearing heels" is too vague to describe a Fetish. I do not consider myself to have a "Fetish" for high heels, but there's definately something about high heels that makes me feel sexy when i wear them. depict from that what you will...

  6. Thanks bubba! i LOVE my new shoes! :( Yea the store does have some nice shoes, but you should have seen last season's collection.. WOW! absolutely gutted i missed out on a couple of pairs of those! :( oh well... Thankyou, i was really unsure of what her reaction would be. I thought it could be either of two extreme's, one being her being completely cool with it exactly the way she was, or the other being her totally against it and not wanting to know anything about it. It really does show you how much of a big thing we all make wearing heels out to be in our own heads, just from the judgement of a few people staring.. when really, the majority of people, and the people who really matter to us will accept you no matter what. Maybe if you're lucky enough, they'll encourage it too :wave: I consider myself very fortunate to have these people in my life. The more and more people i begin to tell, the more and more i feel confident and comfortable about my heel wearing!

  7. I haven't posted any updates for a while as i've simply been going about my business sometimes in my heels as usual and nothing eventful has happened. But today was another turning point for me :wave: hope you all enjoy reading about it... I had planned to go shopping today on my own as i knew there were a pair of nude patent heels i wanted to try and maybe buy. One of my female friends contacted me though and we organised to catch up. I'd been wondering for a long time how she would react if she knew about my high heeling, and after i read tech's response to somebody about not making a big deal of it and going about it like it's nothing i decided to try it out... I suggested to my female friend that we go shopping, so we went to chadstone shopping center in melbourne just for a browse around really, but i told her there were some shoes i wanted to try on (i didn't tell her what shoes). As we were walking around just looking, we came to the store where the shoes were that i wanted to try. This store sells specifically women's shoes and absolutely no mens shoes. I walked into the store with her following and pointed out the shoes i wanted. She asked "are these for you or your girlfriend?" to which i said "no, they're for me :)" I have a good friendship with this girl and we often joke about stupid things, so of course she thought i was just joking around, but i continued and said "no really, i want them". We walked out of the store and carried on looking around while still talking about the shoes. She said "i dare you to buy them and wear them around here", i looked at her and said "don't dare me to do that, because believe me i will actually do it". I think from that point she really started to realise that i wasn't kidding. I got the normal questions about why etc.. but literally after 10/15mins of chatting about it, it was like she's always known and that it was just the norm! After that we shopped around abit more, and went back to the store were the shoes were so i could try them on. I asked the sales assistant who served us for my size and she looked at my friend asif they were for her. She brought my size out and i tried them on infront of a pretty full store, had a few looks but i came to expect that.. this was my friend seeing me in high heels after only knowing about it for 30mins or so, she said "wow, they look amazing on you!" so obviously i bought them! As we walked out of the store with my new shoe purchase my friend turned to me and said "wow, it really isn't that big of a deal, nobody seemed shocked or bothered at all, that's awesome" she also said that it would never change the way she saw me or her opinion of me anyway as she knew i was abit different from the start lol Needless to say i had a VERY good day and feel alot more comfortable being out and about in my heels knowing that the closest people around me are so accepting of what i like and also see it as no big deal. I also recommend that if any of you are planning on telling anybody about your heels, that you really dont make a big deal of it, and bring it up like nothing is out of the ordinary at all. Here's a couple of pics of the shoes i bought for you all to see



  8. hmm... i'm sorry, but i disagree with all of the above :/ they are a very nice shoe don't get me wrong! but they're not 'out there' enough to be a statement shoe. I think you'd be hard pushed to wear them well with skinny jeans too to be honest. They're definately a dress shoe. But what colour dress, im not sure, i'd have to see the outfit and the style of dress to have a better opinion. Hope you find something to wear them amazingly with! im sure you will :wave:

  9. Confidence is EVERYTHING, it is the key to wearing and trying on heels out in public. I know it's alot easier said than done, but trust me we've all felt the same feelings you are. If you're feeling extremely conscious of what you're doing then maybe plan a day to go out of your way to a place where you might feel more comfortable knowing that everybody around you is a stranger and there's less risk of your job being affected (although if your job was ever affected by the boss finding out you wear high heels in your own time you could take them to unfair dismisal, so i wouldnt worry too much) Wearing heels, for me atleast is all about indulging myself and having fun, but in your head you're making it seem like you're doing a bad thing which is DEFINATELY not the case. Seriously, the best advice anybody can give you is to just get out there, bite the bullet and do it! i promise you will not regret it and you'll be thrilled with your acheivement and the excitement it brings! :wave:

  10. Heelguy your collection is great. Now do you have the same size as your g/f? Have she tried yours on?

    ps i cant wait to hear more stories:smile:

    Still not feeling any better yet roni, came home early from work today and have a doctors appointment soon :( hopefully i can get some anti-biotics or something...

    Unfortunately my gf has tiny feet! Aus size 6! so no we are not able to share heels, we've had this conversation and both agree it's such a shame we cant :( it'd definately save us alot of money of shoes too!! :wave:

  11. Example: before any of them become permanently attached to a partner, make damned sure that person knows all about the HH thing! MUCH grief can be saved. Take it from an old coot.


    I agree, i may only be 20 years old, but i have been open and honest with my girlfriend about my high heels and we're still going stronger than ever! It's our 1year anniversary coming up this month, she's coming down to see me so we can celebrate it together! oh i forgot to mention there's a 929km distance between us too! We're looking at moving in together at the start of 2011 and i absolutely can't wait! :)

  12. Thanks so much Zebra :)

    As far as i'm aware, my family DOES NOT know about my liking for heels and other clothing. I have 7 pairs of heels and 1 pair of flats, i took a photo of my heels if you're interested;

    In order from left to right, top to bottom -

    Top - Lipstick Red patent pumps, Inniu Mushroom alligator skin platform pumps, Lipstick Black gladiator heels, Miss Shop Black suede round toe pumps.

    Bottom - Tony Bianco Black/White snakeskin pumps, Wayne Cooper Electric Blue peeptoe platform heels, Payless (new look) Black snakeskin pumps.


  13. Thanks everyone, i had planned to go out in my heels and such this weekend, but as ive come down with flu i think i'll give it a miss and just try and get better, hopefully next weekend i'll have better luck and have a night out in my heels with my legs being shown of to tell you all about! As requested by skirtedvik, here is a fuller picture of me wearing the grey gathered dress/top with my tony bianco snakeskin heels, unfortunately it doesn't show the outfit off too well, but the only other pic i have of it, my underwear is on show, so is not appropriate.


  14. So i took the day off work today as i've come down with the flu :) never the less, with the house to myself, not even my sickness could stop me pulling out my latest pair of heels and taking a few pictures! Here's my favourite one, im wearing a grey loosesly fitted upper half dress/top with a tighter fit for around the bum. I think it look absolutely fantastic with my new heels! What do you all think? only problem is i have to keep pulling it down as it starts to ride up and show more than in appropriate :)


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