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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. True, but there is only a small amount of companionship with heels that the internet provides, i still feel lonely and secretive with my heeling and that the only way to cure it would be to tell somebody about it who i can go out in public with wearing heels and other adventures etc etc, it's just finding the right person to tell, who i hope will keep it confidential and appreciate that i've decided to open up that part of my life to them. I did have that person, but for other reasons, we had to part ways.

  2. Malinheels, I'd definately like to have a meet up of some sort, probably of an evening, maybe to one of the places you've told us about in your great inspiring heeling stories? It sounds like these places you go are very accepting of a man in heels and even a skirt. You name the date/time etc and i'll let you know if i can do it as i work alot (including every weekend) Here's a few snaps for everybody just to show what my new red high heel pumps look like with a short brown mini skirt and black top.



  3. After my amazing experiance public heeling the other day and reading everybody's positive comments about trying shoes on in the store, i decided today was the day. I had the perfect excuse as i was working away from my usual location, so on my lunch break i took a trip to the shoe store, they had a sale on! couldn't believe my luck! As i walked around the store looking at all the heels, there were so many that i wanted! i'd already seen a pair that caught my eye and they were only $40! i knew i was going to get them, i just wasn't sure about the size as they aren't european sized. The store was reasonably busy with about 10 women in there. Nobody gave me a second look, so i took a deep breath, found a size that i thought i could fit, took them out of the box, and quickly as i could took off my normal shoes and socks. I was so worried that they would be the wrong size and id be stuck there looking stupid trying to fit into heels that were way too small for me and id have to walk out embarrased. Luckily for me my feet slid straight into them, so i got up and walked to the mirror, checking around as i walked hearing the heels click down the hard wooden floor of the shop to see if anybody had noticed what i was doing. One woman was standing literally right next to me as i stood there infront of the mirror in a bright red pair of stiletto pumps. My heart was racing and extremely happy with the outcome i quickly took them off and put my normal shoes and socks back on, put the red heels back in the box, carried them over to the other pair of shoes i knew i already wanted and picked those ones out in the same size. There was nobody at the register so i had to walk over to the store clerk and ask to buy the shoes. As she was ringing them up i started to chat to her about the zip on the other pair of shoes i liked as i know they can be abit funny sometimes, she knew they were for me as she said "if you have any problems with them, just bring them back and we can get you a new pair :)" I walked out of the store super happy with my purchase as both pairs of heels only cost me a total of $80! i'll definatly be trying them on in other stores very soon, and alot more public heeling for me as i now own 4 pairs of high heels! here are the shoes i bought..





  4. Sounds like your ex-girlfriend is wonderfully open-minded and still into you - an ideal partner. But then it's not really my business.

    Yea, she recently took a holiday and sent me a messege saying she's got me something from her travels. I feel like the only reason i want to get back in contact with her is to find out what she got me and to share my heeling with her once again. So obviously it's a selfish relationship on my part :/ we were a terrible couple, always arguing over anything and everything.

    I have the same question. I don't want to be meeting someone, yet have absolutely nothing else in common. I'm still interested in meeting others, but I guess I need to know more about them first.

    i think the only thing that can cure that is a large group meet so conversation can be brought upon by anybody, rather than two people sitting down being forced to make small talk unless we both went on and on and on about heels all day. As much as i love wearing my heels and obviously would be wearing them at the time, my interests are broader than just high heels alone.

  5. Dawn, I do have a G/F but she isn't yet aware of my likingness for wearing high heels. I've made it clear that i'm into heels more than the average man, but that's all she knows. My Ex girlfriend on the other hand knows about my heels and what not, and actually went on a walk with me in my heels, she was very accepting and supportive, even if she did burst into laughter alot to begin with, but i've recently cut off all ties with her as i felt that her knowing about my heeling was the only reason i was keeping her as a friend, which was very selfish and unfair of me. She recently contacted me but i haven't replied, still in two minds wether to or not? Malinheels seems to be a very outgoing local member to me, so i would like to do a meet up with him someday, i just worry about age difference and wonder if we will have anything else in common apart from wearing high heels? (no offence malinheels if you read this) Heelguy

  6. couldn't agree more, even though broad daylight is still something im lacking a little confidence to do alone, i think if i had somebody with me to accompany me, then id love to do it! There's no better feeling than having freshly shaved/wax areas of your body, it feels so much cleaner and fresher, let alone looks alot sexier imo.

  7. True, although as a straight guy myself, when i look, i like to check out the whole package and not just what's on show. It was a really big thrill to think that not only was i out IN PUBLIC wearing my high heels and a skirt, but that i did it well enough to attract the attention any woman faces day to day (i must be doing something right :smile:). If i saw a group of women walking toward me while i was in my high heels i wouldn't even think about looking for the closest place i could go to avoid being seen, i just feel alot more comfortable with a womans opinion if she has one to share, wether it be positive or negative. I've never even felt the need to tell any of my guy friends about my heeling, but any female that get's vaguely close to me, i almost want to tell them just to know what they think! I say shave your legs! put on those high heels and slide your legs between a nice tight fitting skirt, go out and flaunt what you've got, if women can do it, so can men! and let us all know how it goes. If your like me and are worried about people close to you commenting/asking about why your legs are smoothly shaved, simply just say "i was bored :thumbsup:". It works! p.s please dont contemplate skirting with hairy legs, it's a definate give away, not to mention how terrible it looks lol.

  8. Thanks dbert, if im feeling game again tonight, i might do another outing, but this time in my denim mini skirt with bare legs. The pencil skirt i wore last night is very stretchy, so i was able to adjust the length of it as and when i pleased, so for example when there were more people around i made it longer so it showed less of my legs, and when there was just the 1 person around id pull it right up so it was the mini-est of all mini skirts! :smile: but with the denim mini skirt it's short no matter what, so im forced to wear it like that! i can feel the excitement rushing through me just thinking about it!

  9. Thankyou ShoeDre! i think they're embarrased to be seen staring, unless they're really obnoxious. I also think confidence is the key to a good outing, although i still found myself being weary of guys seeing me, and more so wanting the girls to see me. I think it's more fear of confrontation with guys, where as girls may only laugh and make comments, guys might see it as a great opportunity to "show their masculinity" :/

  10. So last night i decided to go for another public heel outing. I put on the skirt you see in the last picture, with my freshly shaven silky smooth legs glistening, and slide my feet into my 5inch black suede pumps. I drove to the city as people there seem to be either more excepting (or drunk) so thought it would be the best place to go for my first outing and being blatent about it. I found a decent spot to park, on a pretty big main road in the city, but just near the top end, so a little passed all of the clubs. I was so nervous even just trying to get out of the car, so i waited for a little bit untill the street had quietened down, then bit the bullet and jumped out of the car... off i went! :) As i was walking, i was constantly on the look out for anybody else on foot, there were a number of cars driving passed, but they didn't phase me what so ever. Then i see two people walking towards me a little in the distance, i hesitated for a second and almost turned back, but then i thought back to what i've read on here about just standing proud in your heels, like there's nothing out of the ordinary going on, so i continued towards them. It was a male and female, can't have been any older than late 20's, i didn't drop my head or anything, i just kept on walking, they both looked but didn't give me a second glance or anything. Wow! what a thrill that was, to come so close to somebody wearing my heels and a skirt!! my heart is racing by now, but i feel more and more confidence as the walk continues. I decided after that to keep on walking a little further down the street, by now i'd passed a few clubs and pubs but they were all on the opposite side of the road, so i doubt i'd been noticed. I came to a set of traffic lights (now comes the really exciting part!) i pressed the button so i could cross, and two cars pull right upto the line, i can't turn back now, it'll look very suspiscious if i do, so i gritted my teeth and went for it! As i was crossing the road infront of these two cars, i felt like the whole world was watching me, with the headlights beaming on my skirt, legs and heels, i just knew that everybody in the car's would be looking at me. I got to the otherside of the road and felt like i had to try and catch my breath! That was the biggest scare/thrill i've had in a long time! I'd walked a fair way down the street now and decided it was time to turn back, as it was nearing 3.30am. I wanted that thrill again, so i stopped at the first set of lights to cross onto the opposite side of the road, 3 more cars pulled up and i could see two of them were taxi's FULL of people, my heart got a good workout! as i neared my car but still on the opposite side of the road i saw a man walking towards me, and decided not to cross the road to my car untill we had passed each other. As we got closer and closer i could see him looking, but i dont think he actually realised it was a guy in a skirt and heels as he gave me a little wolf whistle just before i crossed the road, even though im not gay in any way, it felt awesome to have that kind of attention :smile: i felt like showing him more than he bargained for to give him a real shock! but held my composure and dignity and just crossed the road without hesitation. I got back into my car, still wearing my tight pencil skirt and 5inch heels and drove home, all the way looking for another great place to stop and go for some more public heeling!

  11. Thanks for the advice everybody, i'll definatly try that outfit with the black pumps! i haven't yet been out in public in broad daylight, but i really want to, so when i get the chance, if i have a day off or something in the week, then i might make a trip up to the city wearing this outfit and just go for a stroll :smile: i dont think i'll attract too much attention as the clothing will blend in with alot of women who you see walking around the city, fingers crossed it goes well! if it happens i shall update you all on it!

  12. Hi and Welcome Evenstar! glad your no longer just a lurker and have become a contributing member, also always a pleasure to see more people from aus on here! tell us about your love for high heels? also if you don't mind me asking, where about's in aus are you from? feel free to messege me if you don't want to disclose it openly Hope you enjoy HHP!

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