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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. Hi and welcome Stiletto69! hope you enjoy HHP! Have you ever thought about wearing your heels out in public and letting people think you are gay if that's how they choose to observe you? After all there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, it is not illegal. Plus you know your own sexuality, so what does it matter what other people think? :smile:

  2. Lately i've been considering broadening my options with regards to my high heels and the way i like to dress. Over and over in my head i've been wondering how it would pan-out if i "came out" about my love for womens fashion, wether it would wittle out the people in my life that i dont really need there and the people that stick around and show me they're true friends and love me for who i am, not what i wear. I've also been considering how it would affect my home life with my parents finding out and all.. But there have been numerous conversations with them when i've been present and they've started talking about transvestite's and crossdressing, all of which have ended positively with either one of them saying that there's nothing wrong with it and actually understanding that you don't HAVE to be gay to enjoy it. Whilst i am a wearer of women's clothes, i dont consider myself a CD, as i feel like the fashion fits me and who i am, rather than being assigned to a specific gender. Well with this floating on my mind i discussed it with my girlfriend and how she feels it would affect her if everybody found out about the way i am. She said to me that really, it doesn't matter how it affects her because she knows how good it would be for me, but i can't help holding back a little to save her any embarrasement she may feel (or maybe im just making excuses for not being out with the truth!). Anyway, i've felt long overdue for another heeling adventure, and planned to go out with a couple of girlfriends to a club in the city called "Priscilla's @ 153" in Melbourne. They hold drag nights on a friday and saturday nights, entry is free and i have a male friend who goes there often during the week who recommended it. Well... with this planned, it begs for a new outfit to strut my stuff in! So after work last thursday, i headed to Chadstone Shopping Centre here in Melbourne to get myself one! I went into a shop called "Supre", which isn't a shop of the highest quality garments, and they're target customer is usually 14-18yo females with little taste. I see this as a stepping stone for young females and a place to start exploring their inner fashionista, so what better place for me to start? :smile: I went in knowing pretty much what i wanted, but when i was approached by a young female sales assistant and asked her for the specific items i wanted, she informed me that they no longer had them and that they were only online :/ bummer! I carried on looking and found myself a few things and took them over to the counter to pay. The young SA who previously helped me was there to serve me and asked "what are they for? :)" I froze for a second and considered my options.... 1. i tell her they're a gift and she's none the wiser or 2. i be honest with her and hope for the best. Well me being my awkward self, out of knowhere i replied "what do you mean?" to which she gave me a strange look.. I then said to her "you wouldn't believe me if i told you anyway" and she said "ahh i dunno, we see all sorts in here! so what are they for then?" i told her they were for me and that i was going out with a few girlfriend's on the weekend and told her all about the place we intended to go to blah blah blah she wished me a good time and off i went to continue my shopping. Okay so i'd already gotten my outfit, plus another dress that caught my eye, so that was my spending done for the day (or so i thought). I just wanted to check out the shoe stores to see if they had any ankle booties that i'd fall in love with because i already tried on a pair with my girlfriend but they were $170 and i wasn't super keen to fork that much out for them. My first stop was a store called "Santini" and to my suprise they had a simple pair of ankle booties with a short side zipper for decoration. Now, this store's SA's aren't the friendliest looking bunch of girls i've ever come across. In actual fact to be honest, they look like straight up bitches, lot's of make-up, super expensive clothing, tackily well groomed. Never-the-less these booties were $80, so i wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to try them on as they were so well priced! i asked the one young woman if she had them in a 9 but she came from the back and told me they only had a size 8 or 10 and then asked me "are they a gift?" i said to her without hesitation "no, they're for me :)". Expecting to be looked at like a weirdo and frowned upon, she then said "ooo very nice :D, did you want to try them on?" so she went and got me the size 10. I tried them and they were a little big, but i wanted them and being ankle booties they didn't slip off my foot. After having 2 very pleasant and quite unexpected experiences at both stores, i left the shopping centre feeling very happy about the whole thing. Unfortunately, me and my girlfriends were meant to go to that club tonight, but we didn't end up going :( so the outfit's will have to wait for another night! Here's a couple of pics anyway, i originally intended to wear the first outfit, but after trying the blazer with the second outfit, i've decided to wear that instead :wave: hope you like!



  3. Well done on your purchase, they're both a lovely shoe, quite envious of them both! im yet to get a pair of slingbacks, it's something i cant wait to add to my collection :smile:

  4. Whenever i try on shoes also, unless the staff member has brought them from the backroom for me, i ALWAYS put them back where they were, and i'll even try my best to arrange them as they were too. I dont even think about leaving them there, to do that i'd have to purposely go out of my way and intentionally leave them sitting there, and that's just not me :smile:

  5. I went with one of my female friends to get a pedicure on saturday! she's just had a baby so i treated her to it :smile: she got a dark blue colour nail polish and i got a very sexy glittery red! :D all the ladies in there couldn't stop staring! the lady who was doing my pedi was asking me were i was going that night and if i have pretty shoes to go with my newly pretty toes! to which i replied "of course i do!" :wave: This was my first ever pedi, but certainly not my last! there's a lifetime's worth of pedi's to make up for! hehe

  6. Welcome back! always nice to greet another Aussie around this place! I'm also curious as to how much exactly your wife knows of your passion for high heels? it sounds like she just thinks you like seeing her in them, but you've yet to tell her you wear them? how do you think she would react if she knew?

  7. Mr.Friske, why do you say it's for the best that your wife doesn't know you tried on her heels? she obviously knows you have a keen liking for them if you do photoshoots of her in her shoes. Worst case scenario is that she says something along the lines of "okay, well just dont ever do it again". OR she might even be curious to see you in some herself :smile:

  8. G'day, Kingnoodle,

    Welcome to the forum, mate. Please don't take this criticism the wrong way; it's meant only to be constructive. The word "fetish" that you used in your post has connotations that don't apply to everyone. A lot of us here don't see heels as a fetish (in the sexual sense), but rather see them and wear them as fashion choices. Perhaps you meant "obsession." That would be a better word choice, and certainly one that almost everyone here can relate to.

    Anyway, great to have you on board, and please don't take offense to my comment. I just wanted to let you know that not everyone feels the fetish aspect of heel-wearing.


    Worded absolutely perfectly and describes my feelings exactly. My attempt at a reply would not have been so well done :smile:

  9. I all guys should have your attitude Mr.Friske. Thankyou for sharing your experiance with us all, it's fantastic that you gave them a try but found they weren't for you, because atleast now you know.. and if you ever get curious again, you'll have something to go back to :smile:

  10. Thanks for the question MrsFoxyHeels. I have female friends that know what i like to wear and also my girlfriend knows. I've been out in public with my female friends in my high heels and such, and it definately helped me alot with having more confidence in my outfit, almost to the point where i don't even think twice about what im wearing, it's a fantastic feeling. On the other hand, i haven't yet been out in public wearing my heels with my girlfriend, but definately hope to soon. We have been out shopping together though, and she was encouraging me to try on some heels with her, but there was just something about being with her trying shoes on that made me feel uncomfortable and not really into it, im not quite sure why.. A number of reasons could be that i'm worried that she'll turn weird about the whole situation (which im sure she wouldn't as she's encouraging me, it's just a thought). Another reason could be that sometimes i feel a little bit guilty for indulging myself in this unusual social activity, almost like i'm putting her through something that maybe somebody else she could be with wouldn't. The difference between not feeling this when im out with my female friends is, i know there are no relationship ties between me and these other girls, so if they didn't WANT to be there, then they have no obligation and could cease being my friend because of it anytime they wanted. Where as with my Girlfriend, it wouldn't be so easy for her as we share a friendship and an intimate relationship. That's my input anyway! hope it made sense...

  11. Thankyou everyone for your kind words and replies :silly: I realised after looking through photo's on my phone that i completely forgot to update you all on another pair of shoes i recently purchased! :-? woops! Anyway.. One day after work i went to a local shopping center, i was headed for a certain store i wanted to get a few things from.. as i walked in a could see some new construction going on inside the building but thought nothing of it and carried on. As i got right up to where i remember the store being, i was struck with dissapointment because ALL of the store's in that section were boarded up and being renovated, including the one i headed there for in the first place! :P never the less it was still early even though i had been at work that day so i decided to visit another one of their store's. I arrived at the other shopping center and walked in, online the store said it was a sectioned part of another store which seemed strange to me as it's a BIG store here in Aus that i was looking for. I found the one it said online that it was but couldn't find this so called section that stocked the certain brand i was after, so i asked one of the sales assistants (an older lady who seemed much more interested in folding clothes than helping me) pointed me to a tiny rack with hardly anything on it. By this point i'd started to lose hope of finding what i was looking for. I remembered that one of the girls i got chatty with at a payless store in another center a little distance away from me had told me she recently started a new position with the same company at another shopping center which was closer to me but i hadn't yet been to visit her, nore had i ever been to the center in which she now works, so decided to cut my losses and go see her! She works at payless shoes so i knew there'd be lots of shoes for me to try on even though i wasn't out to buy shoes that day. Once again i headed off to yet ANOTHER shopping center and wasn't even sure if my friend was working that day, but as id never been there before, i thought even if she isn't working, i can still have a look around and see what it's like. To my delight when i got there she was working and seemed very pleased to see me :unsure: we got chatting and catching up on each other's lives, as we were talking i decided to try on some shoes i'd seen that i liked while i was there. I must have tried on about 7 or 8 pairs of shoes with her helping me with them while we chatted, it was fantastic! But i couldn't decide between two pairs ;) There were other customers entering the store and maybe only an hour left before the shops started to close so i left her to start wrapping things up with her store as she's the manager there, Before i left i asked her if this certain store i'd been after all day was in the center, she told me there was and that it was just around the corner! So off i went.. On my way to the store i saw another store called Supre which i always like to have a look in. They sell all female clothes, i'd say their average customer is aged between 16 - 25, so needless to say, there's some revealing stuff in there! :) i wasn't sure on time so i skipped Supre for now to head straight for the main place i wanted to go to, YAY! i'd finally found it, i spent about 15/20mins in there and got a few things that i was after, so decided to head into Supre after all and have a look around. I was greeted by a nice young lady and asked if i needed any help, i declined and told her i was 'just looking around, but thankyou!'. I found a little white completely lace dress that i liked, so i asked her if she could show me if they had a slip that goes underneath it, she asked the size i was looking for and pulled one out for me. I usually find the service at Supre sub-standard when they're dealing with a guy like me as they wonder what the hell i'm doing in that kind of store, but as the girls in here were very nice just like they would be to anybody else, i decided to buy them! There was now only about 15mins of shopping time left before it closed, and on my way out i had to pass my friend at payless again anyway, i felt kinda bad for taking up her time and not buying anything, and i really did like these two pairs of shoes. So i quickly went back in and tried them both on again, it was between a pair of black peeptoe wedges or wooden heel lace up's. I was going to buy both but decided not to as i'd spent more than intended in two stores already! and as the wooden heels were abit more different to any other shoes i already have, i went for those, i bought them and walked out feeling better about not wasting her time with chit chat and trying on shoes :) plus who of us here doesn't enjoy a new pair of heels even if they're not needed? haha here's a couple of pics of the heels in question



  12. Great find heelguy, the year to track them down was well worth the wait, they look really go on you. Have you stopped gazing down at them yet? :silly:

    Awesome adventures too, heels and coffee with the girls sounds like heaven!

    It definately was! :unsure: thankyou, i haven't had much chance to wear them as i only got them last night and i had work early today, but on my way home last night from picking them up i did stop off at a servo (gas station for any american's reading this) and i already had them on because i couldn't wait until i got home to try them! :-? i walked across the forecourt and there were two other cars filling up with petrol. It didn't phase me one bit and infact as i walked into the store the male clerk greeted me with a smile and was quite talkative with me throughout my purchase!

    Heels and coffee with the girls is AMAZING! i love us all strutting our stuff in our heels down the street :) lol i can't wait to wear this outfit when i go out next!

  13. Nice dress and heels,but it wouldn't be me if i do not say - where is the front part, mate?Keep up freestyling!

    Hi skirtedvik, even though i am wearing a dress in a couple of the pictures, the shots were more so to show what the heels looked like with an outfit i'd be likely to wear them with :silly: So there's less emphasis on the dress, more on the shoes

    You have such a great taste in heels. I love those!

    Thankyou imroter! I love them too! :unsure:

  14. I often spend hours browsing ebay looking out for anything that catches my eye, 99% of the time it's all crap or priced too high. But the other night i came across a pair of heels that i've wanted since i saw my girlfriend in her's almost a year ago! I messaged the seller right away asking for a buy it now price but to my dissapointment they declined to stop the auction for a set price. Never the less i felt optimistic and i thought i'd try my luck and i messaged them once again offering my price and i'd pay on pick-up of the item. I got a reply today with the seller accepting my offer. I called the seller as she provided me with her phone number to arrange pick-up which was only half an hour away from me. Earlier tonight i drove there and picked them up, im SO happy i finally got my hands on my very own pair of these after falling in love with them the moment i saw them on my girlfriend's feet! Hope you all like them as much as i do... :silly:





  15. The mod in question is quite open about trans activities but doesn't post pictures in female mode. Or male mode for that matter. Though you might argue that the avatar is a picture in female mode. (Sorry for the slightly anguished English but I'm struggling to avoid gender based pronouns)

    Do you REALLY want to nit-pick and start this? Re-read what I wrote, carefully and slowly, and read ALL of it, not just the bits YOU want to see.

    Then, go show me where DrShoe is actively posting CD/TV content on the website?

    erhh erghmmmm....


    But yet it's still not acceptable for others to do... how strange :silly:

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