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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Stop treating them as if you are doing something wrong. They're just shoes, albeit nice shoes, but just shoes. The people around you take their clue from you; if you act strange then they're going to think you are doing something strange.  How can the people around you feel comfortable if your not.

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  2. 2 hours ago, nzfreestyler said:

    The flipside of being used to going out wearing heels all  the time is that they become the normal. Once normal I feel very under-dressed without a heel, and furthermore there is an expectation (or I perceive one) that I should wear heels.

    I could have said the same thing. Last month I came out of a pedi and could't wear shoes for a while, so I was barefooted. I ran into the office and our admin told me she couldn't remember the last time she saw me without heels.  The expectation is not only 4-6 inch heels but good looking heels

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  3. Interesting you brought up poster mlroseplant. I am frequently told that I walk like a woman who knows how to walk in heels walk and I stand as a woman. These are mot planned, rather just natural. When I stand, many times I'm on one front with the heel slightly lifted on the other foot. My feet are closer together when in heels, but my calves touch when I put my feet too close together.

    mlroseplant do you also have high arches?

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  4. A couple of you have mention your right baby toe. Let me tell you a precautionary tale.

    Last May I was barefooted at night in my garage putting some stuff in my car when I "kicked" a very large piece of wood with my right foot. It damaged a joint in my number 4 toe and that pushed my baby toe up and out. I had to have surgery to remove the damaged joint and put my baby toe back in place. They put an eight inch pin down each toe and into the bottom of my foot for 12 days. Not fun. 

    So be careful. If you toe doesn't fit right, don't force it, don't buy the shoes.


    PS. My podiatrist loves my nail color.

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  5. Like nzfreestyler, I wear high heels to work everyday and I'm on my feet for 3-4 hours at a time, even more. Unlike nzfreestyler, I don't wear pumps, skirts, or dresses. I have gel pads that keep your foot from sliding down in every pair of heels. The sale associate at Aldos walks into the back room and grabs a pair of gel pads whenever she see's me walk into the store.

    I agree fit is of up most importance and this is often of secondary or tertiary importance to women. That's why I don't wear pumps, never found one that fit. You need to understand your foot too. The triple threat of wide foot, thick foot pads, and high arches, gives me a large girth toe box. That's why I have many lace-ups and sandals, they fit better.

    Genetic does play a role. My daughter has her mother's bunions, no wonder she complains when we go to dinner together that her dad has higher heels - and I usually wear one of my lower heels when I'm around her.

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  6. 5 hours ago, maninpumps said:

    yes they were funky chunky heels I hope this trend continues cause I for one am not looking for the day we all have to wear those gaudy Cruella Deville pointy toed single soled pumps that have been around since original sin .

    I agree, can't get my feet into those pointed toe shoes.  Besides I can feel every stone under single sole shoes.; Can't understand "flats". Maybe I'm just a tender-footed guy.

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  7. I'm asking this question because last week a woman asked me if my feet hurt. I was walking to my car at work and a woman I had never seen before stopped me to tell me she loved my heels (SpeedLimit98 lace-up wedges). Then she asked how much my feet hurt. Somehow she equates heels with foot pain. I told her I only buy heels that fit, so no my feet don't hurt at all.  She was surprised because according to her high heels hurt your feet. 

    So my question to this forum, does your feet hurt when you wear heels?

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