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Posts posted by Cali

  1. First I don't wear pumps because the vamp cuts into my tendons and it is painful. So my "slip on" are mules. I can slip my foot in and start walking. And it is extremely rare when I can walk out of them.  I have a large toebox and that keeps them on, I wouldn't call them tight, just snug. I can take them off hands-free by 'kicking' the heel with the other foot.  I have 4 different styles of mules and they all work the same for me.

  2. At 69 I still wear my skinny jeans and short shorts. How else can you wear you boots on the outside.  However, I have recently obtained a few non-skinny pants.

    Now if only I can find some decent looking sandals.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Please explain what a 1% foot is.   I just had knee surgery, a little discouraged with the outcome so far.  Have quickly figured out that the doc's two week recovery claim was "optimistic".  Really want to wear some boots during recovery, but surely don't want to wear anything that will hinder the repair/recovery time....

    My foot doctor has done one of my ankle reconstructions, toe work (hammer toe), and a tendon leak. She says that the height of my arch puts my foot into the rare catergory.  Then you add the large girth toe box and narrow heel pushes it to 1%. That why she says I should wear at least a 2 inch heel to absorb the arch. Since I changed to women's, I finally have shoes that fit my heel and I have stop having ankle problems (reconstructive surgeries). And 4 inch heels helps my hip.


    Knees ... 4 surgeries, one took 6+ months to recover, the last one's recovery was less than two days (they cut out a fold in my cartilage). Both of my MCLs have been strand over the years and I use KT Tape when they act up. That calms them down.

    But my daughter was off work for 5 months and at 15 months now, she still has limitation. ACL replacement. So count your blessings Don.

  4. I must be the unicorn here because I see several women a week in high (3.5+inch) heels. And mostly stilettos.

    11 hours ago, 5150PLB1 said:

    In the battle between those of us who like to wear or like to see others wear stylish high heels or very high heels and podiatrists, the podiatrists are currently winning. Their lack of fashion sense, taste and, the insistence that everyone wear flats is an abomination to the senses and the imagination.    

    My foot doctors have advised me to wear at least a 2 inch heel, but I have a 1% foot. (1% or few of the population has feet like mine.)

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    This is.  .  . most disturbing, on so many levels.

    This is high level meeting reviewing a large budget. We had a 120 page document (given to us at the meeting) to review and talk about. The tables are arrange in a circle so we are looking at everybody on the committee and she was sitting directly accross from me. I'm just reporting what I saw. Nice T-straps with a zipper in the T-strap. A woman in our team mentioned something to her about it, but I was unable to heard what was said.

    This is no different from a woman putting their heels on to go from the vallet to the table at a high end restuarant, kick them off at the table, then wear them to retrive the car.

  6. There are so maany banks and credit unions around here. There is one block nearby with 5 insitutions. But I live in one of the most expensive places in the world.


    Now back on topic.

    I was at a meeting today. The woman sitting across the room had a pair of T-straps on with 4 inch heels. When the meeting ended, she took off her heels and put on a pair of socks before standing up. Then walked in her socks back to her office.

    • Confused 1
  7. I had about 10 pairs wear out (synthetic materials+ time) in the last year and I haven't been able to find decent replacements, so my total of heels have dropped. I have also designated 5 pairs to 'find new homes for' or adoption pile.

    But I have too many pairs still. Can't wear them often enough.

    • Like 1
  8. As a man who (almost) always has his nails colored and in heels, it depends on the situation. I do compliment women on their heels, but it usually just "nice heels." If she responds about mine, we might have a short conversation. With members of the unofficial ‘high heel club’, we usually only flash our heels at each other.

    I damaged my fingernails, as a result I need acrylic nails with a gel cover. For the last 8 years, I have used gel with color.  The material scientist in me is fascinated by all the different applications. Since I have a professional job with colored fingernails, it is imperative that they are exquisite. I get compliments all the time from men and women. I usually just say "thank you" and move on, but when a cashier comments on my nails, that usually leads to a longer conversation. It’s also interesting how many men have told me they wished they could color their nails.

    • Like 1
  9. I live in a small town, but we have many banks and credit unions around town, each with multiple locations. I bank with 3 different insitutions. At one the women are in heels, precovid they would complare them to mine. At another bank the women are in tennis shoes and everybody is dressed very casual.


    Last week I was exiting a building that houses my dentist at the same time as a women dressed with 4+ inch stilettos. Didn't have time to compliment her on her heels though.

  10. This is what I refer to as large or thick toe box.  Shoes with un-adjustable straps and pumps cut my toe tendons. I have had a little relief using a strip of dense foam under the strap.  The foam coming from packaging of new shoes. I got this idea from a woman shoe sales associate in a Women's Macy's who was using tissue paper.

    I put my heels on early in the morning and go off to work. Many times I have them on until late at night, 9:30 pm, so this method does not work long enough. I will sometimes use this method with adjustable straps.

  11. A few months ago I was making small talk with one of the excutives. She always compares heels with me. I had a pair of blue faux suede impo short sitlettos on (3.6 inch) and she said she wish she could find a blue boot as well. I told her that years ago when I got these, the style also came in black and red, but I only bought the black. Her responce, "Why didn't you get the red?"

    I have three heels in red, two slitghty different styles of Jessica Simpson red suede stiletto booties (1.5 platform, 5.5+ heel) and a burgany Nine West leather knee high booties with a stiletto-ist 3.9 inch heels. I have to pick the time and place to wear them, but I do wear them.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, mlroseplant said:


    Gentlemen, if I have a problem with straps, it is usually the opposite problem--I run out of holes before the strap is tight. I suppose this, among other things, is why I favor mules.

    I purchased a hole punch to create extra holes to increase the vamp.  This is the reason I can’t wear pumps; I have a large toe box girth.  I could never find a pair of men’s sandals that fit my toe box and I could also close the top strap. I would run out of strap to tighten before it was tightened enough. When I converted to only women’s shoes, I found the first sandals that fit my feet.

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  13. I have a new pair in my closet waiting for an old pair to give up a strap so I can lengthen the straps that came with the heels. Or maybe I'll just pick up a pair of old shoes at a yardsale.

  14. My first heel I ever wore out in public was a shootie like this one.

    3 hours ago, Gige said:


    Acquired from my first wife's closet around 1979.  I needed a pair of dress shoes for a wedding.

    Wore them until 1998 when they wore out.

    Good luck with your heeling.

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