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BootsOnly last won the day on October 25 2018

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    Sport, Exercise, Cars, red wine, reading, watching British Comedies, 1970's music and, of course, wearing High Heel Boots...

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  1. Well, the rain cleared last night,  so I drove to one of my favourite secluded spots and set off for a 1 hour walk. Wore my favourite black boots. I know I should dive into my collection and mix it up a bit... :sad:

    But we know how it is... :giggle: We all have that one special pair! :cheeky: All my boots are special. I wouldn't have bought them otherwise!!! :giggle:, But there can only be one favourite pair! :cheeky: 

    Anyway, my calves were a little sore, but my feet were fine. So, my high heel fitness continues to improve!  :happy:

    I used to marvel at the women on the railway station, wearing their sexy high heel boots, I wondered how they would manage a 10-20 minute walk to and from the railway station every day. (Not all of them got driven to the station by car). :shocked:

    Well, now I know it can be done. :happy: Now I can walk in my 5" heel boots for an hour without noticeable discomfort. Fun! Fun! Fun!!! :happy:

    I still watch and daydream about walking to the station in my boots, wearing boots all day at work, and then walking home in my boots at the end of the day. :cheeky:

    For the moment, I'm still dreaming. For the moment I am still discreet. But not forever! :cheeky: The day will come when I stride out confidently in public, wearing my boots! :happy:

    Cheers  :cheeky:










    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. p1ng74


      I agree and have embraced the sound of boot heels now, and I think the audible feedback helps me walk in a steady way with better posture.  It makes sense if you think about how audible feedback is used in ceremonial marching.  

      I admit it was not initially one of my reasons for wearing boots.  My coworkers point out that they always know when I am walking to a meeting because they can hear the boots thump on the hollow floor panels.  I am not adverse to this kind of attention but perhaps others find ways to minimize it.  Perhaps some women wear heels just for the extra height and they don’t want to draw particular audible attention?   

    3. jeremy1986


      Those wedge boots look great @BootsOnly - hope you took them out!

    4. BillieJay


      I wore my 4" boots shopping the other day. It's a learning experience! Trying not to clomp, clomp, and not drag the heel with each step...

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