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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. On 2/25/2020 at 6:29 PM, Jkrenzer said:

    I'd agree with your sentiment as far as the comment could apply to men too, except considering the source. 

    Loubitine is on record of being anti males in heels.

    Still can't figure out why, a guy designing sexy heels only does so because he's attracted to them in a deeper way. Expect he has a fetish for shoes, just saying. Can't see why that should preclude who wears them.

    Not every high heel fetishist wants to wear them themselves. I reckon he is one who enjoys them most seeing them on women.

    And no, he would most definitely not say the same thing today. That would bring down the wrath of the alphabet Twitter zealots upon him. Those people are utterly mental.

  2. On 12/12/2019 at 11:54 PM, RonC said:

    and we wonder why women don't want to wear heels?  Why would anyone want to torture themselves with ridiculous heels such as these.  If you want to sit and look at them, fine, but don't expect anyone to walk anywhere in them.  That is foot trouble for sure.

    Why they would want to wear such heels? Other then a few very rare ones who actually dig it, for a very simple reason. They want to please their husbands/boyfriends. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to please your significant other.

  3. This just feels like hot woke crap, no it is hot woke crap.They're not celebrating men in heels because we like to wear heels, they're celebrating breaking down the Patriarchy (tm), tearing down masculinity and of course the alphabet people. Because normal men (as in non-alphabet people) can drop dead as far as the woke crowd is concerned. Having these cretins embrace us is like having to sit on the lap of that creepy uncle whose touch reviles you and with whom you most definitely don't want to be in the same room with alone. If these people said the Earth was round I would immediately become a flat-Earther. And if these people embrace men in heels they make me want to ditch my heels altogether. Same favors or acceptance comes at too high a cost, and this one of them.

    Stay awake from the woke crowd, for they eat their own the moment one of them steps out of line.

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  4. On 1/6/2020 at 10:30 PM, spikesmike said:

    K2inheels : I have purchased several pairs of their shoes. I am wearing a pair as I scribble this. Been wearing them since this morning. Get the correct size and you will consider it heaven.            spikesmike

    The million dollar question is though, what is the correct size? Are the true to size? Do they run smaller? Bigger? Narrower? Wider?

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  5. As usual these kinds of stories serve as a warning to any member here that you just can't purge your collection when getting into a relationship with a new woman. You ALWAYS end up bitterly regretting it and trying to rebuild it. Either learn to accept it and come clean early in the relationship or google for the nearest storage locker near you. You'll be better off in the long run.

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  6. For me its a fetish. While I enjoy wearing heels myself I enjoy them more seeing them on women. It's part sexual fetish and part also because I like to wear them myself around the house whenever I feel like it. And I reckon wearing heels as a fetish applies to most men, because judging by the number of shops and brands that cater to fetish heels that also stock in large sizes it must be spread wider then we think. I mean, how else could we explain why 7" fetish heels still get made, the almost impossible to wear Scream series, and yet 5" to 6" single sole is sometimes impossible to find? The men here for whom wearing heels in daily life is probably but a small subsection of the number of men that probably have a fetish pair hidden in their closets. If all the men who have ever bought a pair of high heels were to come out male fashion would probably be changed forever over night. But contrary to most people here to these men its not about about fashion but fetish.

    That's my take on the matter. Happy new year by the way!

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  7. On 12/17/2019 at 12:07 AM, Jkrenzer said:

    I think you're out of luck. The only all metal heels i ever see anymore ate not very classy like these. Back in the 90's these were as high as they come and wild pair made reasonably high quality heels that bordered on fetish but were mainstream. Now all metal heels tend to be 6 inch un walkable types.

    I got real lucky amd got them used on ebay several yrs ago. Was amazed whem they actually fit. These are a 10 and i usually wear 10.5 to 11, especially in older models. Convinced 10 these days was 10.5 to 11 twenty years agp.

    That or you previous owner stretched them out.

    On 12/17/2019 at 3:37 PM, power2all said:

    Yah, I guess.
    Too bad fashion went to shit with the full metal high heels :/
    Those unwalkable shoes are just cring worthy...

    I just think that fashion went platform crazy around that time and never really recovered. For a while platforms were everywhere and everything. We've since reeled back from the abbyss a bit but heel wearers still seem intimidated from heights heigher then 4.5 inches in single sole heels that used to more the norm before platforms.

  8. On 12/2/2019 at 10:34 AM, ohnoberty said:

    I've heard this, or read it before too somewhere. A number of years ago I confess but the principle was just that, about the economy and heel height fluctuations.

    I reckon that when jobsecurity and security in general is more precarious people dress more conservatively or more provocatively in the case of high heels. As to not rock the boat at work, or they know it will please their bosses. And another part is probably ostentatious behavior in general to show that they still have work and spendable income and as a way to alleviate daily stress. Whereas when times and security are good people feel more free to rock the boat and what good is peacocking when everybody is doing well?

    20 hours ago, Logjam said:

    FWIW - we are visiting in Scottsdale, AZ and just attended a wedding. I’d estimate that about 80-90% of the women were wearing heels. The older “grandmotherly” types, not so much, but most all of the younger ladies, that I noticed, anyway.

    And in being out and about since the celebration, I’d guess that probably 50% or more of the women that I have noticed were heeled. Maybe not skyscrapers, but heels.

    All is not lost...

    I think you know the answer to the riddle of where all the bought heels go too.

    20 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    Right, I think there is still a strong association with heels and dressing up, which is why people continue buying them and wearing them at weddings and Christmas dinner parties.  The problem is that people have stopped dressing up for regular occasions like work and church so they stay hidden in the closet.  

    It's just dressing up for special occasions. And it's also just that as women wear heels less and less they feel less and less secure in wearing them, so the special occasions that they feel are necessary for them dwindle as well. These heels get bought, then disappear into their closets as they feel they can't walk in them and then end up in thrift shops. It's no mystery, and it is a sign that maybe not all, but a lot has been lost.

  9. On 11/14/2019 at 1:29 PM, pebblesf said:

    Pleasers are affordable, easy to walk in, and look great.  Unfortunately, they are hard to find in leather..The man made stuff isn't going to last that long if worn alot...

    They don't make them in leather any more. At least the boots. I still have an old pair, I should on what they look like these days. I love the matt leather look. Never been a patent guy myself. And they really were the most comfortable 5.5" heeled shoes you could and probably still can find.

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  10. On 11/12/2019 at 9:56 PM, RonC said:

    Being nice and giving compliments should be a good thing, but for some reason when it comes to women and their heels, men who notice and compliment them are often considered as "creepy" shoe fetishes.  Ok, so I qualify for the fetish part :fine:, but I've never thought of myself as creepy!

    If you're an older man hanging around high schools to hook up with teenagers you're a creepy old dude. Turn the creepy old dude into a 2 century old tortured vampire and you a hit book and movie series that has women wet their pants.

    I'm firmly of the belief that women want to be noticed and get complimented by men. It's just a question of being the right man. The right guy complimenting her on the street, romantic, the wrong guy complimenting her, get lost you creepy loser. If the 80/20 ratio holds true there's an 80% chance you're a creepy loser in her eyes, probably even more thanks to social media driving up standards. But if you're part of the 20% and you don't compliment her when she wants you too she'll complain where have all the good men gone.

    Since its hard to know where you stand just compliment her because you think she did a good job and it brightened your day. Do it for yourself, not for her sake, and expect nothing more of it. And if you're very lucky it might turn ou that you are part of her 20%.

  11. 59 minutes ago, RonC said:

    It has been many years since the last time I gave a compliment to a woman in a grocery store, mentioning how nice her heels were.  She looked at me like I was a total weirdo andsaid a snide "ok".  That pretty much told me I should keep my opinions to myself, and I have ever since.  These days, it's so rare to see a decent pair of heels that if I see some, it's really difficult not to comment with a "thanks, so great to see a lady in heels", but I bite my tongue!

    Feminism breeds bad women indeed. Don't say it then for others but for yourself. Be a gentleman not to help others but because helping others, or say kind things to others makes you feel good. And if others are dicks what do you care? It takes just as much effort to be nice then it does to be a dick. So you might as well be nice. And maybe, just maybe that other person will have a brighter day too.

    As my driving instructor once said, being given the right of way is not something you should expect to be given but something that you give to others.

    Of course that doesn't mean you should let yourself be treated poorly. Just that you give respect to others until they do something that makes them lose that privilege. And maybe, just maybe that other person is a dick because others haven been dicks to them as well. Somebody has to break the chain.

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  12. The guy is the poster boy of the lgbt community. His partner is a dude. Norhing wrong with the alphabet people but am I supposed to be happy that yet again men in heels = gay is cemented in people's minds? Its the opposite mental connection that I want to see happen.

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  13. On 6/29/2019 at 6:44 AM, bluejay said:

    Yesterday, I saw a couple walking from a parking lot to a funeral home. The couple probably late 30's. She was wearing a pair of sling back, peep toe pumps with a 5" stiletto heel. You could see that she was really struggling walking in those heels. Just the facial expressions said that, "I don't know why I wearing these heels". I wanted to tell her if they were my size and I doubt that they were, I would put them on and show her how easy it would be for me to walk in those heels. LOL Yes many of us guys can walk much better in heels than many women. Maybe we have more practice!

    Happy Heeling,


    Probably because for her they were a fashion accessoiry needed for the occasion. For us its a passion.

  14. I hate making noise when walking, period. When I moved into my new home I specifically chose to have carpets rather then wooden floors just for that reason. That and it also feels a lot nicer when walking barefoot

  15. On 6/2/2019 at 7:53 AM, Enribote said:

    that means no heels while in connection in Dubai and no heels in Singapore?  

    i was really hoping to spend a week in heels

    Common sense always must take precedence over desire. Certainly in this case. Pack a pair or two in your luggage for in private, but wear something normal for the journey. You are not living in the West, people. The biggest common mistake that Westerners make when they travel abroad is that they continue to behave as if they are still in the West. Like ignore the dress code, the religious code, or the most stupid, use narcotics like weed. And in too many places of the world they get away with it, because the locals have become utter whores for Western cash. Which reinforces that behavior. But there are also many places in the world that don't put up with that behavior. And you know what, I'm 100% cool with that. Their country, their rules. There's endless talk in the West that the new immigrants should integrate into Western society and not become yet another shadow society within the West, so why should we get to behave abroad like we are still back home? Our countries, our rules, their countries, their rules.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Enribote said:

    Why is it dangerous?

    because of islamic laws against LGBT?

    Because it is a Islamic country and because Dubai, as part of the UAE is a BIG sponsor of radical Islam and Islamic terrorism, including ISIS. Not to forgot the terrible war in Yemen. They just get away with it by making themselves very useful to the West. Do not mistake the country's modern look for a modern outlook. They tolerate a lot of what they think is degenerate behavior from Westerners, but do you want to run the risk that they will draw the line at a guy in heels? Best to pack some flipflops.

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  17. No, you're not wearing heels of 5" or higher, you're wearing heels of 5" or higher minus the platform height. So in case of a 2" platform you're wearing 3" heels. It's how far your heels are elevated above the ball and toes of your feet that matters, not the ground. And that's why I call it cheating. You think you are daring, I just shrug and go meh, low heels. :angel:

  18. Am I the only one who thinks that maybe a venue that has drag queen shows is not a place where people will associate men in heels with straight men? No problem if that is not what you're aiming at, and I might be wrong, but that's the impression I got from this.

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