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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. 2 minutes ago, HeelsWearer said:

    I do have Louboutin and Jimmy Chou heels. Unfortunately many of my 6 inch heels aren't made very well and I get them off the web. The store I mentioned sells the same type of 6 inch heels you can get online.  It's difficult to find top quality, non-platform, 5 and 6 inch stilettos unless you drop some big money, which I've done. 

    So what brands do you recommend in the 5" and 5.5" range?

    2 minutes ago, HeelsWearer said:

    I understand your explanation now. It is true that some women give me the stink eye or make rude comments about my stilettos. I really think they're jealous and they don't like the fact their men notice!  Oh the life of a high heeled woman....  (LOL) 

    I firmly believe that women would have ruled the world, if it weren't for other women.

  2. 35 minutes ago, HeelsWearer said:

    There is a specialty female shoe store in a city near me. They sell no platform stilettos (4,5,6,7 inches), they sell platform stilettos (4 inches up to 10 inches, stripper shoes, platform shoes, calf length high heel boots, thigh length high heel boots, etc. Sexy shoes is their business. I have found many pairs at this store. I have also found some online by doing Google searches... for example: "6 inch stilettos, no platforms".  

    Sounds like a store selling Pleaser footwear.

  3. 7 hours ago, VirginHeels said:

    Got them. Lovely shoes. Only problem is they just don’t fit. My ankle is just way too wide. Gonna look at sending them back. New note, shop in person. I think the search will go on in person now and not online.

    Yeah, shoes not fitting properly, or not at all will happen a lot when ordering online. Sadly right now buying shoes online is the only way to buy shoes, thanks to the lockdowns.

  4. 3 hours ago, Cali said:

    Never say never.  Virus mutate all the time. A small change/mutation allows it to jump species.  AIDS, Swine Flu, bird flu, ...  are examples. Keep those face masks, you will need them again in the future

    PRECISELY why I don't want to be reminded of it in pictures or movies.

  5. On 1/26/2021 at 1:21 PM, mlroseplant said:

    I would suggest that when playing the vast majority of instruments, it makes absolutely no difference whether you're wearing heels or not. This is because most instruments do not require the use of feet in any way. The only orchestral instrument I can think of where it might make a slight amount of difference is the tuning pedal on tympani, but even that would be zero problem in heels, as this is operated quietly between pieces, and not when actually playing (usually).

    That leaves two instruments where it would and does make a difference--the drum kit and the pipe organ. I'm not even going to count the piano or the harp. Those pedals are quite accessible in heels, and you don't actually make the music with the feet. Of course, there are so many electronic devices in modern popular music which are operated by the foot, but once again, the music is not actually made through the feet, so I don't think it should count, either.

    Having said all that, I do find a significant difference for me when singing in heels or playing a wind instrument that requires standing in heels. What I have discovered after all these years is that I don't do as well in flats or bare feet as I do in heels, particularly with singing, and particularly singing classical music, which tends to be more technically demanding than popular music (though not in every case). I do not know whether this is a physical phenomenon or a psychological one, but it is all too real. I have learned never to show up to a rehearsal or a recording session in flats!

    You've obviously never played the guitar or bass AND operated a pedal board or controller in heels.

    12 hours ago, RonC said:

    I've never had a problem driving in heels.  Drivers are typically taught to operate the brake and clutch pedals with the ball of the foot, so the heel, unless very, very high, should not really be a factor.  I have driven in heels with a small platform and had no issues, but I could see a large platform throwing things off.  Never had my foot slip off of a pedal when wearing heels.

    I've tried it a couple of times, biggest obstacle for me and why I stopped doing it is hitting the brakes. I'm used to hitting the brakes with my whole feet. And found the heel to be an obstacle that dug into the floor, preventing me to slam the brakes fully down. It obviously requires a different technique, but too much effort for me.

  6. I pretty much stopped buying Chinese heels from Aliexpress because of this. They also never quite look like the pictures anyway. If only because they have models with tiny tiny feet so the big sizes never look as good in comparison with the tiny tiny small sizes.

  7. 15 hours ago, crotchhiguy said:


    Let's not forget the band Motley Crue,they wore some awesome boots and heels.

    I'm really really really trying to forget that band and bands like that.

    12 hours ago, RonC said:

    No argument on the singer vs musician, but there's never a reason not to have a look at Carrie Underwood!

    Yeah, but female singers are such low hanging fruit in this regard the branches almost hit the ground.

  8. On 1/24/2021 at 2:29 PM, VirginHeels said:

    Some artists I’ve seen:


    Carrie Underwood



    Maren Morris



    Kelsea Ballerini


    Carly Pearce



    Karen Fairchild (Little Big Town)



    Maira Bink (In This Moment)



    Faith Hill



    Leann Rimes

    Singers don't count. Not because they aren't musicians, the human voice is the most complicated instrument of all. But it takes no effort whatsoever to sing and walk in heels. You play an instrument and things are way different. Your balance shifts and sometimes, like with drummers and guitar players you have to use your feet. Operating guitar pedals in heels is 10x more difficult then with flats. And besides, female singers in heels are a dime a dozen. Women are far more likely to sing then to play an instrument then with men and women that do play an instrument rarely do so in heels. So when they do they have my respect.


    On 1/24/2021 at 2:29 PM, VirginHeels said:


    Miranda Lambert



    Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless) Also of Gossip Girl fame. xoxo



    Lzzy Hale (Halestorm) Try operating a wah pedal with those heels guys!!!

    I know. Believe me I know.


  9. 2 hours ago, AlexC94 said:

    Lzzy Hale of Halestorm. My personal female musician crush. She has even worn pleaser boots on stage as well as Jeffrey Campbells.


    Does she sing or play an instrument? Because I don't count singers in general as musicians in this regards, if only because the vast majority of women in music are singers.

  10. I reckon if you fancy a girl better tell her you do so right away instead of stew on it like forever. Cause there is never going to be a right moment, so waiting for one is pointless, the longer you wait, the more you going to build her up in your head as THE ONE, and that tends to scare women off, let alone make it more difficult for you to approach and finally, the longer you wait, the bigger the chance she will think of you as just a friend and you will get friendzoned. Also, no point in looking back in as what if. You didn't, you blew it, learn from it. Anything else will only serve to make you feel bad.

  11. This girl drummed in heels.




    Her channel seems to be dead though since 2015 after a knee injury, so maybe it wasn't the best idea of her to drum like this?

    For myself I find playing guitar in heels quite hard. Not the actual playing or standing, but hitting the switches on my controller right

  12. 18 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    I’ve also found that wrenching on cars brings out some of the best human camaraderie.  You’ve already mostly weeded out the lazy and the self-proclaimed keyboard experts.  It seems there are more like-minded people in small towns.  Problem is, we are still all far away from each other, so now I’m swapping motors by myself:


    Building stuff by hand is one of the time honored traditions on how men can bond together.  It also gives you a unique kind of tactile feedback that feels great and just can't be reproduced by creating something digitally. There is something greatly rewarding in looking back at something, a car, a guitar, some now addition or change in your home and being able to say, I made this!

    17 hours ago, RonC said:

    I tend to think that plays a large part in the picture.  In general, hardworking people that don't rely on the government for their subsistence.  

    Sadly cities are not such places. Lots of people who work in offices, shuffling paper and ones and zeroes. Who get to decide upon people but not see the consequences of their decisions. And of course people on welfare.

    • Like 3
  13. This research, at your expense of course, was brought to you by the Open Door University. 'We confirm what you already know!'

    1 hour ago, Puffer said:

    I agree with Shyheels - with the addition that women often wear heels because they want (or think they need) extra height.   That may be empowerment but just as likely to be a form of preservation of stature or status.   In other words - to keep up with (most) men rather than specifically to surpass them.

    At the end of the day (or other suitable cliche), who really knows what goes on in a woman's mind?   I'm not sure that they usually know either! 

    You'd be surprised what men have actually learned, once they realize they could pool their knowledge together via the internet. As men often do when confronted with a major problem, we pool knowledge and do research. I reckon by now men know women better then they know themselves. Of course the results aren't flattering, so they're being kinda repressed.

  14. I feel that as I get older I understand crazy old coots now. You now have decades of life experience to see through the bullshit and yet when you try to tell people about it they look at you as if you're crazy. This truly explains why life is a mess and things keep on repeating themselves. The old know better, but are too old to capitalize on it, the young are able to capitalize on things, know jack shit, but they think they know better.


    • Like 2
  15. 9 hours ago, bambam said:

    It's an unfortunate characterization, perhaps most unfortunate because I agree with a great deal of what you said. I had to think about what you said, and I suppose the correct answer from my camp would actually have to be quite similar to yours, in that, compromise must always be an option in any relationship, so long as it isn't malevolent or dysfunctional. Theres a couple who are both evolutionary biologists that I enjoy (Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein)  whom I admire, who posit that a renegotiation between the sexes in the 21st century is necessary. I'm not sure what more I can say about it, other than I agree,  the old values don't seem to work for anybody, and doing whatever we want seems to alienate us all from the other side, such that communication is completely broken. When I was bartending at a 5 star hotel here in LA, many of my guests were women in their 20s and 30s with very powerful careers, whose company valued them so much that they them up in this hotel, where rooms stat at 800 a night. The constant story they all told in one way or another was that there were no more  men left. The Problem with that is, if you want a high value man, it will become increasingly difficult the higher you ascend in the world. By the time you are staying in this hotel, you are a millionaire, and finding someone who is wealthier, more powerful, and at least as valuable as you is going to be difficult, not least because most men in that position are not going to be similarly minded. So, perhaps the old traditions will hold us together, I tend to think that we have such a poor relationship with reality, that a huge rethink for the sexes is necessary. 

    We can't renegotiate what is hardwired into us. We're mammals. Mammals tend to have an alpha male getting all the women and the lesser males being banished into the wild. Women tend to want the man that is on top of the food chain, and not one that is below even them. And the more choice we get, the more we get messed up with armies of beta orbiters, thank you online dating and social media, the harder it will be to make that decision. And there are plenty of men, most are just invisible. The 80/20 rule, that 80% of women only want 20% of the men. Which some theorize has now become a 90/10 rule. Also, for their to be a renegotiation women will have to become aware of their own behavior and desires. And I don't mean as in thinking it as toxic, just be aware of how your behavior and desires work. And I don't see that happening. Because society, the media, nobody is telling them to be aware. Just do whatever you want and you can have it all. You go, girl! If its not working, it's the fault of toxic men! Not you! Never you! Blame men, get cash and prizes! Those are not messages conducive to becoming self aware. And the only persons who try to tell them a different narrative are us toxic red pill males. Don't listen to us, we're toxic. Sexist, patriarchic. Scum of the Earth who want to chain you back into the kitched, to be de-platformed soon! There can be no negotiations under those conditions, only a dictate of terms of surrender.

    For an optimal renegotiation of terms I, as a man, have to be aware of my desires and behaviors, which still work in this day and age, and which no longer do. What are realistic expections, which aren't, what do I expect of the other, what can the other expect of me. I have no desire to see the return of the patriarchy, even if it did create the most awesome civilization in history, all I ask are reasonable expectations and demands from the other side and some awareness of their own behaviors. And then we can renegotiate in earnest. Although I still think our mammalian brains will have the better of us. I think you really have to be really self aware of your own nature to avoid those mammalian drives.

  16. 13 hours ago, bambam said:

    I won't give up heels at this point, I just think that would be ridiculous. I understand that what women say and what they do/want can be very different, but if I am to believe that we are doing this whole "equality of the sexes" thing, then to expect me to only wear mens clothing without expecting her to only wear dresses and pumps would be patently insane, and entirely unrealistic. Also, if a woman were to say that she would acquiesce to that compromise, I would still say no, it's too late, the cats out of the bag, I would rather be me. I suppose you could argue that some women didn't think their arguments through, some people want what they want when they want it, and nothing can change their mind, but since I won't bend to a toddlers temper tantrum, I also won't bend to an adult who ought to think a bit harder. It just isn't worth it, and letting someone get away with it once, teaches them that it's a viable procedure to get things that aren't fairly theirs, i.e., freedom with clothing selection AND veto power for their partners closet. Men wearing heels is still strange right now, no denying that, all we can do is be unapologetic, clear, brave, and accept no safe space, space is inherently full of danger and unknown, I'll meet it head on. 

    It's not about equality. We've had equality of gender and ethnicity by law for decades. It's about who gets to be the biggest victim by claiming the biggest injustices and who can thus claim cash and prizes, browbeat others and become the winner of the Victim Olympics. As for dating women, speaking in general of course, because there are always exceptions and god bless them, they don't want to be traditional themselves but still expect men to be traditional. So we have to look traditional, act traditional, earn traditional and pay for the dates traditional. Which is why I said, that if I were to manage, by sheer luck, to find that one unicorn that ticks off all the good things that won't put me at risk legally, who I am attracted too physically, mentally, spiritually and sexually, then if my heels are a stumbling block, then yes, I might be open to look for some storage space.

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