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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. ... I have done a quick rotate and crop of the first photo and shown it here. This is meant to be purely for technical purposes ...

    Although, your "rotate" somehow made Foxyheels become shorter and bulkier, but perhaps thats my widescreen monitors' fault. Anyway, viewed sideways, he looked like he was rather slender, vertical, not so much :silly:

    Anyway, heelguy, lets please try to keep it light-hearted, it really is not worth getting all fired up about, it honestly is not. I liked my previous reply to the situation a little better, it was a bit more diplomatic, but hey, that's probably why I dont moderate. :unsure: Anyway, moving on...

  2. Really nice shots there FH.

    I see this very thing in avatars all the time? Isn't that on the website? Besides.. had she only snapped the photos of him from the waist down, it would have been no different than dozens upon dozens of other photos I've seen here?


    Its been kind of a touchy subject over the years, and there certainly is a fine line for many of the pictures posted here. Apparently, a few years ago the site was really pushing the boundaries of becoming a full blown CD/TV/TG site. The site admins decided to draw the line, although that line sure can be a fuzzy line at times, and work to keep the site focused on the namesake, high heels.

    It often doesn't make some happy here, since a good percentage of the members here in fact fall into those categories but I can understand it to a degree. Too much of that can become distasteful to some when the site is trying to be a gathering place for all people that love high heels. It's probably tough to balance for the admins, and I don't envy them for it.

  3. I tend to agree with Waisted Giraffe on some points. While I think you look pretty good actually in the outfit you posted here, I am not sure what your expected goal or outcome is with the therapist / counselor, but it is a rather unusual request she has for you to make your next visit dressed in a very specific manner. Anyway, if the aim is for you to go in there and be your true self, don't spend too much time worrying about making a specific presentation with your outfit or mannerisms, and I wouldn't spend too much time trying to get opinions from us here really. She is right, you do look somewhat comfortable in the pictures you have shown of yourself while dressed this way, so just go with it, be yourself, and relax.

  4. I am really starting to warm up to the thought of wearing sandals more recently (incl. strappy ones) and now I own several pairs to wear out, too. I used to shy away from them, as I felt they definitely look great on women, but used to think they were just far too feminine for even me to wear. But I think my feet look really nice in them and if I look around for styles that are not so extreme on the feminine spectrum, I figure why not...

  5. ok so from now on hhplace members do not count !

    Who else is going to reply here then?


    Honestly Gudulitooo, perhaps if you stated that more clearly from the start. Didn't know we had such a strict guideline to follow here or we might screw up your "scientific study". :silly:

    Anyway, if that is the case, I strongly believe I see at least one or two men almost daily in my work place that also wear women's jeans.

    As far as anything beyond that, no, I don't know anyone personally that will admit freely to shopping on the women's side of the store.

  6. Well for the guys in this forum, it will primarily go with each persons comfort level in showing everyone what they have on. For those that prefer being discreet about heeling, they most likely will never tuck. For those that are completely open about showing their boots to the world, they probably will tuck more often than not. If you eliminate the above conditions from the equation, it would probably align more closely with how women view it, I would think, which for them is much more based on fashion trends and other factors. The article doesn't really apply directly to the crowd here in my opinion.

  7. Even if I could burn money like that, I wouldn't spend that much on any pair of shoes, much less those ugly things. Heck, it took me weeks to get over the fact that I once spent $150 on a pair of shoes. I can easily afford spending $150 no problem, but still don't like spending that much on a pair of shoes, I'm too much of a tightwad. :silly:

  8. You know, its probably going to be a little bit different for each of us, so there is no easy way to generalize why we do it, but it always makes for an interesting debate. I have mentioned this before in a similar thread, my heel wearing originated as a young boy fetish and as time passed, it just became a part of my life and has become a natural thing. I live a "normal" life otherwise, married with children, successful job, and all that. I've worn heels all day without one bit of arrousal being involved, but it affects me in other ways. At times, it relaxes me, there are times heeling makes me feel good about myself and my appearance, and I think it helps with my confidence, in that if I can overcome my fear of doing this amongst large groups of people, imagine what other fears I can overcome. I still do think there is almost certainly some sexual connection deep in me that will never go away. I do enjoy my private experiences with my wife when we include heels or other things of that nature, but its not too often that we do, they most certainly are not a requirement by any means. I won't try to deny it, what I do may still be considered a fetish by many. I mean I can't easily explain away why I still do this, despite all the challenges I face in doing it. Fetishism just a label, just like all the other millions of labels used in society to explain things and put them into tidy little boxes and silos. There is almost always a some people in this forum that easily go on the defensive when the fetish discussions come up, but I don't really care anymore... call it a fetish for me, if that makes people feel better, so be it. :silly: Just enjoy it!

  9. Absolutely agree with Tech. Until all of my friends on FB (which includes lots of co-workers) become fully aware of this side of me (not likely to happen any time soon), my Facebook account will not be linked to hhplace. I love this site and the dialog, experiences, and advice offered by the members here, but I have to leave this part of my life seperate for the forseeable future.

  10. Good thread, and I agree with Dr Shoe, that although it can be rather nerve racking to build up the confidence to enter a place with really large crowds, at least initially, it is typically where you are most likely to be ignored. Its a strange phenomenon, but my best heeling events have been at large concerts. It was scary as hell at first, but almost no one even notices. The most recent concert I went to with my wife was my boldest yet. My 4.5" chunky heel was nearly fully exposed, my jeans only covered about 1 inch of the heel. Out of the entire 3 hour event, I only got one reaction (out of thousands being at the show). I was in a beer garden (a place to get drinks at the concert), I think the guy was pretty damn drunk, but he looked at my feet and then up at my face, then down again, and said "what the hell?". I smiled at him and he then stumbled away looking confused as hell. That was a fun encounter actually and it was an amazing night for me.

  11. Maybe Amour All used for car dashboards?

    I would say that you should NOT use ArmorAll on synthetic leather and similar materials, I have seen a couple of examples of where is has the opposite effect. I believe since it cannot be absorbed by the material directly, it eventually causes it to become more fragile/brittle over time.

  12. Thankfully, my wife knows just about everything about me. However, my kids are still pretty young and I don't feel comfortable talking to them about it just yet. My son probably knows something is different about Dad's shoes by this time, since I do public heeling occasionally around them, but I've always tried to be very discreet and stealthy about it around them. Anyway, he has done double takes and I can tell he looks a bit more closely at my shoes at times. I probably should have a talk about it with him in the near future though, but have to figure out the best way to do it.

  13. I think the suggestions from Pussyinboots make the most sense to me. Shoes with plastic covering (PU Leather) will not hold up well to any sort of strong cleaning products, you will shorten the life of them if you do manage to get the white mark off. First option I would look at is returning them for an undamaged pair, and if that is not an option for whatever reason, I would try to cover it up with black nail varnish which should blend in nicely.

  14. What's so special about peeps that make them exclusively for women? If I make an effort to have well groomed feet - why can't I show some toes? ...

    Well, if those are your feet in your avatar Heel-Lover, I guess I would be showing them off too :lmao: I just think peep-toes and a few other styles like them are further along on the feminine spectrum than I really like for my own tastes, but if they look good on you (and in fact, they do), what the hell, go for it. :)

    Its just the nature of a thread like this asking for people's opinions, not everyone will agree of course.

  15. I agree with Johnie. Even though many of us here are pushing the boundaries of what society considers feminine in what we wear on our feet in public, there are some shoe styles that just look far more appealing on a woman, no matter how you slice it. This style of shoe is included.

  16. I agree with HappyInHeels comments Scrappycoco, that you have really contributed greatly to this forum. You have gone far beyond what I would do in terms of making this as public as you have. I still try to keep this part of my life as seperate from my professional life as possible. While I public heel, it is still rather low key and and I avoid situations where these two worlds can overlap. I would be rather devastated if the two ever did collide, and I should prepare for that as it probably is somewhat inevitable. Well, I admire your bravery and wish you the best as you deal with this and balance it with your work life.

  17. There was a time I fell into this 'addiction', wanting to go as high as I possibly could, even bought some ballet boots at one point. There's a rush in wearing extreme heels, even if I can't wear them very long. Recently, I feel more satisfaction from comfortably wearing moderate 4" heels most of the day. But on rare occasions, I still throw on the 5-6"+ extreme heels around the house, they just don't stay on for more than an hour usually.

  18. Sorry Griez, I tried really hard to make some sense of your post, knowing that English is not your primary language. I was able to extract a few meaningful sentences from it, but overall it was a challenge to catch your meaning... I think you are basically hoping for someone to make more masculine looking heels to choose from, which I think I can understand. A good percentage of my shoe collection leans toward androgyny, and those I have had to work considerably harder to find, I must admit. I am starting to give in more though lately and wear more feminine heels in public and just appreciate them for their beauty. If others don't like what they see, who really cares?

  19. This is a way's off, but, how about during the Folsom Street Fair in S.F. No matter what you wear, you'll just "blend-in" - I've not heard it mentioned before, but, perhaps wasn't looking in the right place. This year, the Folsom Street Fair® is scheduled for Sunday, September 25, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    I had never heard of it before, but checked it out here. That's not a bad idea at all for at least an informal meet, and in fact, looks like it might be kind of cool. Since I make a few trips to the bay area each year, I might have to plan going to this regardless, just to check it out once in my life :)

  20. While I love the near infinite selection, convenience, and privacy of buying online, there is indeed a risk because as others mentioned size varations from brand to brand are totally inconsistent. I have even seen international size conversion charts posted by vendors online that totally contradict each other. So yes, buy with caution. I typically see more consistency when you nail down a particular brand that you like. I think the variance for a single brand's fit can occur when you compare a boot to a shoe or round toe to pointed toe box, etc. Synthetic leathers, suede, and some other materials tend to have some stretch and are a bit more forgiving, while real leather is not too forgiving. I still favor online buying (3/4 of my collection was bought online), as I am well aware of the variations I mentioned earlier and adjust as needed, I have pretty good luck with only maybe a couple of misfires occuring so far. Anyway, good luck... :)

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