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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Not a fan of larger platforms. I think those are nearly exclusive fetish shoes. However, I do rather like smaller platforms of say less than an inch. My collection is about half with small platforms and half with none. I do like that with plats you don't feel rough surfaces on the ground beneath your feet as you sometimes can with a zero platform heel. They also help to not make my feet look so dainty.

  2. There is no doubt at all that by wearing high heeled footwear routinely in public for years now that I've become far more open-minded with regards to the various way others choose to express themselves.


    I would totally agree that is true for me as well.

  3. So I'm not sure where exactly I'd fit on this scale.

    I do wear heels, sometimes even platform stiletto's, but mostly under boot/flare cut long leg jeans. Mainly because I've really loved the whole gooberly long leg look that they evoke. That and I really don't care to show off the heels in general. Not that I care if people notice, just that i love my 38"ish inseam jeans that make me look like some sort of high elf or something.

    I've always liked the stiletto pumps/whatnot under long jeans look. So I'm commandeering it for myself.

    Where would that put me?

    Since it was nearly three years ago that I originally posted this thread/poll, I think I would now re-word some of the choices quite a bit differently to help fit more people, as you are not the only one to question where you would fit on the poll.

    Based on your description, I personally would say you have a bit of discretion (by partially hiding the heels under the jeans), but mostly you are neutral, because you wear heels that would be pretty obvious to see otherwise.

    I am pretty close to what you described myself, I wear long bootcut jeans over my heels, except I usually wear slightly thicker heels (1" - 1.5" in diameter) in public, mainly because I am about 30 pounds overweight and I think stilettos look far better on slender people (men and women).

  4. You continue to display a well thought out freestyle look Jeff, well done :irked: ... and regularly wearing capris and skirts, very bold indeed.

    johnieheel: To be honest, I'm not at all sure where Manville is, or what area that is near.

    I think the Manville that Johnie is talking about is in north-central NJ (about 20 mi north of Trenton), and I am guessing JeffB is near Philly (and spends considerable time in southern NJ based on some recent posts, though I admit I have not read the full thread, so perhaps I am way off :smile:).
  5. Because I think they're over-priced, over-hyped and in general nothing special to look at? They just don't do nothing for me and I just can't understand why people are so obsessed with the damn things.

    ... And to be honest, it wouldn't mind it that much if this Louboutin wasn't spawning so many copy cats. Red soled shoes seem to be everywhere these days.

    I believe that Mr. Louboutin started designing shoes because he had a passion and desire to do it. The money and fame was and probably still is secondary to his love of designing shoes. It's just the icing on his cake.


    So in summary I feel that it's the very nature of humanity that creates the hype around designers, rather than the designers setting out from day one with the sole aim of becoming rich and famous.

    You both have good comments and I see both sides of the coin. I have always been more on the Chorlini side of the discussion, in that I just don't understand how people can spend a fortune on a single pair of shoes.

    However, Benno makes a really good point. Louboutin is in the same category as an artist and has a strong passion for shoes, just like most of us do. For those that do spend big money on his shoes, it is like wearing a work of art for your feet, and good for him for making such a damn good career at it. You cannot fault him for that, I would love to be in his 'shoes' :)

  6. Those are nice, not as flashy, high heeled, and feminine as many around here probably like, but I would certainly wear them for sure. You got my vote for "aimer" as you clarified. :)

  7. While I am really not a fan of the baggy pants look (hasn't that look died yet?) I feel the employee asking the guy to lift his pants was inappropriate. The guy was just showing some of his boxer shorts, which normally just look like shorts, so I feel the guy was probably completely covered. However, the guy probably should have just complied... I mean there is a time to stand up for yourself and a time to say "is all of this really worth it?" I mean if an employee asks me to switch seats or adjust my clothing for whatever reason, you are technically supposed to comply, its a federal regulation. It might tee me off, I might protest a little, but I would stop at the point where it might get me thrown in jail and risk having federal charges on me. I mean, don't be stupid for the sake of standing up for something. The guy with the ladies underwear, well, that little display just gives any crossdresser a bad name, it is tasteless, and disgusting. He should have been asked to cover up. I agree that a woman would have been asked to cover up if she had worn the same thing. Its not at all appropriate for public, especially a flight where a kid could have been sitting next to him.

  8. I am 5'11", and I am around 210 lbs. I consider myself to be about 30 pounds above where I would really like to be, but I don't think I am really overweight. I would just prefer to look much thinner than I do now. My weight does impact what I wear out. I tend to wear thick/chunky heels or wedges when I heel. I do own some thinner (stiletto) heels, but would not wear them out unless I was significantly thinner, I just feel it doesn't look as good for a larger person to be wearing them in my opinion.

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