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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. What a pity!!!!!

    Virgin say this page cannot be found. Cant see them. Same applies to the ebay site, this item has been removed


    Well Muddy, not to be too blunt, but what did you expect, you DID resurrect a 5 year old thread?! :smile: Almost nothing stays the same on the internet after that long.

  2. Similar to b2please, my wife is supportive, but at the same time, I think she would really rather that I didn't have this part of my life. I think she is sometimes uncomfortable the whole concept, and with some of the baggage that goes with it, but she is so understanding and we do have fun together with it. I just know I have to not get carried away with it and know that there are only certain times and places I should bring my heels to go out with her. Roniheels, I think you have a really fantastic gal there to really get into it with you like that, I mean it doesn't get too much better than that for guys like us.

  3. Pretty cool all-in-one poll b2please. I answered: 3-4", moderate point & round toe, I recently started wearing sandals publicly on occasion, I favor block heels & wedges in public, but have worn fairly thin (1" thick) heels at times I mostly wear quiet shoes, but if there is a bit of noise from them, its ok I still partially cover my shoes with pants, and often show 2-3" of shoe below the pants.

  4. My wife doesn't mind me looking at sexy shoes on another woman and often points out the better ones to me. I think as long as I don't get too carried away with the looking (don't blatantly stare, etc), its all good. I do usually sneak in a quick glance at the entire woman, I mean get real, but the legs and especially the shoes would be my focal point.

  5. Great out fit wish I was 20 again. But I did realy like the heels and the out fit was awsome. Thank you for the post.

    I'm with you on that one. I wish this site was around when I was 20 and that I was having as much fun with street heeling at heelguy's age as he seems to be having. Ahh well. better late then never I guess, I'm having fun in heels now, but definitely would have really loved to be doing this back then.

    Anyway, very nice shoes once again there heelguy.

  6. Other than having sort of feminine legs, I could not pass for a woman even if I wanted to, so why bother shaving my facial hair? I am not that hairy, but do have a well groomed mustache and goatie style beard. In public, I wear women's jeans and heels, but I still maintain a masculine appearance above the waist, and in fact, most people don't even notice anything being different for the lower half as far as I can determine.

  7. That was an absolutely fabulous start for your first heeling experience. Very nice story, thanks for sharing! If you ever do get tempted to try a public outing in the future sometime, you might want to try with less extreme heels, and perhaps do it in a nearby city if you are really worried about someone you know seeing you. But that is all up to you, many guys here might never do it, but if you ever do, the experience is well worth it. You have already bought and tried on boots in a store, which is really huge, so its not that much of a leap really. As for being able to post pictures, the mods have put two rules on the permissions for that: 1. you have to be a member for more than a week (which you are already well beyond), 2. you need to have done 5 posts (you've got a few more to go).

  8. Had to google it, I don't seem to keep up with the latest "it" trends apparently. :silly: I don't think it will do much for men's heeling cause, probably won't even affect it at all. Several of the photo's I saw looked like a bunch of ultra skinny women dressed as men, so yeah, don't see how that will matter to anyone, man or woman.

  9. ... endurance work such as walking, distance runnning or cycling will make the muscle leaner and actually reduce in size.

    I feel this is correct, as well as your overall weight being rather important factor. I have done lots of bike riding most of my life, and my legs are pretty solid, but are mostly comprised of lean muscle. I have always been told I have nice legs, but they are rather feminine looking legs I have to admit. Since about 3/4 of any real exercise I do comes from bike riding, I would attribute the current shape of my legs to my biking habit, almost directly.

    I am still about 30 pounds overweight though, but the biking keeps the legs in great shape, so all of that spare weight I have is focused primarily on the spare tire I carry with me around my mid-section.

  10. After carefully re-reading the OP, my thought is either pj22 was having a strange head trip the day he made the OP, or he wanted to have some fun and see where this was going to end up.

    Certainly, he realizes the foot is constructed with solid bones within, and while the length of the foot might compress very slightly (maybe ~2%) if you measured a foot flat on the floor vs one standing in a ballet boot for example, otherwise, the length of the foot is fairly constant regardless of heel height.

    Anyway, it has been a fun thread regardless :silly:

  11. haha :unsure: @Charlie: neither, I believe they fall at the same rate. I get Histiletto's point, which is that the overall surface area where the shoe meets the floor decreases as the heel height increases. Which is obvious. Measure the length of the same size shoe, in flats, 2 inch heels, 4 inch heels, and 6 inch heels, of course you'll see the lengthwise measurement of the shoe's contact area with the floor decrease as the heel gets higher. Basic geometry of a triangle applies (viewing the shoe from the side). However, I am not sure that really answers the OP's question. Perhaps Histiletto was just being sarcastic and I missed it. :silly: Anyway, I think I am with Dr. Shoe... Eh? :-?

  12. I have not seen too many members from Arabian Peninsula, but you have a few options:

    1. You can go to the Member List - Advanced Search, and in the country field, you can search on that. [Try several variations since people can pretty much type whatever they want for their location. For example, people in the UK, I have seen about 20 variations for the location field, and the same goes for the US.]

    2. There is the Real Life Meetings forum, you can start a thread there and see who posts. It might take a while though.

    3. There is the High Heel friends Contact Forum, but that forum sometimes doesn't get much attention, since it is at the bottom of the forum.

  13. If I ever spend $500-1000+ on a pair of shoes, I am not so sure I would wear them outside either. :unsure:

    Anyway, congratulations on the really nice boots you have there, but I guess I am just too tight with my money. I like having money a bit more than I like having a specific brand name of shoes. I know, what a downer I am. lol :silly:

    The shape doesn't quite look genuine, and the box (if that is what they are stood on) certainly doesn't look like a genuine Louboutin box, though it might just be the lighting.

    Ahh didnt see the update you did to your post jo, but you have good point. Now that I look closer at them, you might be right.

  14. I have run a few times in heels, but usually only when its needed, I wouldn't recommend doing any real distance running just for the fun of it. I once had to run a good distance in the airport as I was in 4.5" heels. The flight I was on was nearly an hour late and I had to transfer to a connecting flight and really had to get there fast or miss the connection. I must have been quite the sight, but I had maybe 7 minutes to run what felt like nearly a mile, and wow, my calves were burning and cramping for a good portion of the 2nd flight especially since I couldn't really walk it off and stretch afterward, it was pretty much straight to my seat, shut the door, and off they went immediately. :silly:

  15. Yes, the "Pleaser Sky" shoes linked by Charlie I think is as close as you will get to those shoes. I did a search for all variations of Pleaser Taboo, even at the website of the Australian company ("Shoes Of Hollywood") that posted the video, and that appears to be a discontinued style. So the Pleaser Sky shoes are just about all there is if you want that specific style.

    Also, that was quite an abrupt reaction don't you think Jen-Brin? He was only trying to help.

  16. I think you're confusing curiosity with "attraction"

    I seem to think Amanda has it right. Mainly from my experience, when I am in normal clothing/shoes, I blend in with society as a drone, looking like everyone else, becoming nearly invisible. When there is something just a bit out of the norm, you start to stand out, which increases the further from the norm you go.

    So with heels, even if you hide them fairly well, you still stand out from everyone else. Even if you try your best to walk as normally as you would otherwise, it is still going to look a bit different, and chances are, you are either: A) nervous looking (which would draw negative attention), :unsure: trying really hard to appear relaxed/natural (which will still draw some curiousity your way), or C) showing lots of confidence (which in this case could probably bring some positive attention from women or people in general).

    So I am thinking if by chance they do not notice your heels, you still are standing out from the norm. There will be something a bit different about you that might not be obvious, so whether positive or negative, you will get more attention. So this really was a long winded way of saying nearly the same thing Amanda just said :silly:

  17. I really like the quoted comments from the original post, but I also agree with Charlie, that men are probably a lot more to blame than women for there being such a narrow definition for what is considered normal for men to wear. Of course, its very hard for any of us to go against what society considers the norm. We are constantly pressured to fit in, and most of us have a hardwired sense of wanting to conform to society. The farther you deviate from this norm, the harder it can be to lead a productive life. As others have said before, the biggest hurdle to overcome is ourselves. For most of us it takes time to build the self-confidence to do this, but I have been very proud of myself over time pushing out of this "normal silo". It is still is very hard, it probably won't ever be completely easy for me, but I enjoy the rewarding feeling of expressing myself freely and not always conforming to society norms. I think the confidence I have built up from public heeling has helped me in other aspects of life.

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