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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. I like them. Even if they are more platform than I usually go for and I usually like closed toe as well, still though, they are really nice... oh and I like the black color option for them too over the purple. lol Daniel is right though, they are for you, not for me :wave:

  2. I just ordered a new pair that will be my boldest yet to wear in public. Up until now, my public heels have primarily been either wedges or very large block type heels (more androgynous looking), with round toes, and they usually have virtually no sound as I step, all hidden under jeans. Well these are still round toe, and will still be mostly hidden under jeans, but definitely these are more feminine looking than most of my other public heels and this will have that wonderful "clack" sound as well. I can't wait to take them out for a spin, should arrive end of this week I hope. They still might not be as pretty as some of you prefer, but I like this style, and this is pushing my boundaries just a tad bit more than before :wave:


  3. I never did tell my parents and not sure I could have done it back then... and at this point in my life, my dad is gone, mom lives 2000 miles away, so there is little point to telling her now. In fact, it took me a pretty long time to finally tell my wife (engaged at the time) and I did it when we were both very well inebriated at the time. :wave: Anyway, good going on telling her, you should be proud of yourself for taking that huge step. Enjoy some of the newly found freedom you must be feeling.

  4. Ahh dang, I completely missed this thread altogether. I really need to check this section of the board more often :wave:. Since most of the big heel meets occur in the UK, which I doubt I will make it back to any time soon (have only been in the UK once, for a month long work assignment), so I forget to check in this part of the forum too often. Well, I am interested if there is another Seattle (or even Vancouver BC) meet, I will certainly do whatever I can to join in. :)

  5. Sorry, I'm not sure what you are hoping to accomplish with this. There are countless words in the English language that are used to define multiple things. However, with the use of the word 'heels', it is usually based on sentence context for me, but 90% of the time the word makes me think of high heel shoes. I think most of us in this forum are in the realm of working along the lines of gaining general acceptance of men wearing these types of shoes. I don't know if redefining words or swapping words in place of existing words will do anything for that. Otherwise, not sure what you would like to achieve in this thread or why... :wave:

  6. I am really liking the newer shoes with small platforms in the 1/2" - 1" range, some of which are hidden. I often like them more so than shoes with no platforms at all, which were my original favorites. Shoes with more than a 1" platform do not interest me much. Didn't answer the poll, none of the choices really fit too well... I wear high heels (and usually with small platforms) 2-3 times per week, and that has nothing to do with how much time I have, or any of the other choices.

  7. I use Nair twice a week and it works great! I want to have my legs hairless since I wear skirts almost all the time. I shaved my legs once and got nicked, then I tried Veep. Then I saw Nair on sale and got several tubes at the reduced price.

    Assuming you meant Veet (rather than Veep)... If so, how do you like Nair vs Veet? I have used Veet on occasion, but often go back to shaving because the Veet is pretty harsh and doesnt work as well as they advertise. I am more concerned that its eating away at my skin just as much as its trying to dissolve the hair.

  8. I only hide some of my collection because of my children (not letting them know about this side of me until they get older), and due to the size of my collection being pretty large now I am not putting all of my shoes out in the open. So I have about half of my shoes out in the closet next to my wifes shoes, the rest are stashed in a large chest in the attic and several more pairs are stashed in a large sports bag in the trunk of my car for those spur of the moment times I feel I need to go heeling.

  9. As I get older, I tend to care less and less what people think and feel more confident to show this side of myself. However, I am probably not in a place in my life just yet where I can be completely open about what I do. I am fully open with the wife, but I have younger kids that I am not ready to be totally open about it with. I do wear somewhat discreet/androgynous heels around the kids at times, so they probably know a lot more about it than I am willing to let myself believe. As for my job, it just doesn't feel right to do this there. I feel it could damage my prosperity/reputation at the workplace. I am not ready to risk my career and supporting my family comfortably, just for the sake of being able to wear heels all day. However, I have come a long way in the last 10 years and am now doing things in public I never would have done back then. So in another 10 years, who knows how far this will go. So with all of that, while I do heel in public a few times per week, I keep it very seperate from my work and my close friends, for now anyway.

  10. hi

    Im new here to the site but have been wearing heels in private for almost 2 years.

    been married recently tried to tell her that i fancy wearing heels. She asked if i was gay. that subject stopped right there. I want to express to her my situation but im scared of rejection . I love her very much and dont want this to becoime a problem

    Trev, I wouldn't leave it in limbo like that. Since you have already sort of brought it out in the open, make it clear how you feel, otherwise you both will have this hanging over your head and you will never be fully happy having to continue hiding this from her. As kneehighs mentioned in his post, be as confident as you can be, stick to your guns, and make her understand there is nothing wrong with you feeling this way and she should support you if she cares for you. Hopefully, you can come to an understanding or at least some common ground that works for both of you. Best of luck and I really hope you just dont leave things as they are now because it will not go away on its own.

  11. Agree with everyone else's comments. Go get your own heels. If you like this girl and want to share your passion of heels with her, do it the right way. Anything else you have mentioned borderline on creepy and perhaps illegal.

  12. This thread makes me want to try a professional pedicure sometime soon. I have only recently started putting more effort into taking better care of my feet. I do a self pedicure currently and then put clear polish on my toes (and even occasionally put it on my fingers too). It is really nice to have feet that look well cared for. Though I'm sure I am missing out on a lot by not getting it done by a pro and I am sure they would look even that much nicer.

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