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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Hmm, well I had a really hard time trying to dig any meaning out of this question/poll and once I got there, I had to wonder why would anyone even ask this? :) Well, after wasting too much time on this (can't believe I did in fact), I figure I may as well summarize this for him regardless...

    Here is a summary of question and poll (as I interpret it anyway):


    Does your significant other prefer you wear your shoes barefoot or with socks/stockings.

    ___I go barefoot in most of my shoes (incl. sneakers). My s.o. also likes me this way.

    ___I go barefoot often in heels, but if my s.o prefers I not go bare, I am fine with that as well.

    ___I wear some shoes bare, not often, but if my s.o. prefers I not go bare, I'm not happy but will go with it.

    ___I dislike being barefoot in shoes, with few exceptions. I probably wouldn't deviate from this for my s.o.

    ___I never go barefoot in shoes, either not comfortable or perhaps I don't find my feet attractive.

  2. At higher heel heights especially 5" or above, going without heels for a couple of weeks in the past, I have noticed a definite difference when returning to them. Its like your foot settles a bit while being flat for a while. So no, you won't have to start over on training for them, but it will take a couple of times wearing them for you get more comfortable in them again. At least that has been my experience with it.

  3. Was wearing them for the first time today and coming home I discovered

    that the stitches in the back came loose in the middle.

    Big bummer that is...

    Hmm, really a shame about the stitching on your boots, really hoping you did just happen to get a bad batch or maybe they didn't quite fit you right? I will wait to see further reports from other customers here at hhp before I jump on that bandwagon.

  4. I think the look is fine for a woman if she so chooses, but I just think it looks silly for a man to emulate that look. While I do integrate some feminine items into my wardrobe, I still don't have any desire to wear bright feminine colors, or items decorated with flowery or lacey accents, and so forth. Even patent leather type shoes (ie. very shiny shoes), are not as appealing to me for whatever reason. I just prefer a more conservative look I guess? :smile:

  5. I partially agree with JNR, even though he's essentially saying choose your love of shoes over your fiance. But, I understand why he says this, because I think many of the guys coming to this forum would have a really REALLY hard time giving it up (myself included). But I also agree with Wood&Metal's reply, you really need to sit down and talk with her and let it all out. She needs to know how you feel and you need to understand how she feels, perhaps you can come to a common ground. I have two kids and have come to an understanding with my family that heeling has a time and place. When I am out with my whole family, I usually take things down a few notches, if we are going to see people they might know, I probably will not heel, otherwise if I do decide to heel with them around me, I make sure it is not obvious to the casual observer. I don't ever want to put my kids in a situation where they are embarassed or forced to defend their dad to their friends. When just me and my wife go out, I usually will heel, but I take her feelings into consideration first and make sure she is ok with it. I try not to take it too far. I avoid wearing shoes and outfits that scream out "hey check out what I have on today". When I go out alone, this is where I usually push things further and try to get it out of my system so to speak :smile:. So, I really do my best to put my family first, but still do what I can to integrate this part of my life because lets face it, this part of me will probably will never go away. Well, good luck with it, hopefully you two can work it out, and if she is important enough to you, you will have to try, if not, keep searching, you will find someone more understanding in the long run if this one does not work out.

  6. Two good points you have there: 1. a low cut / open vamp (as you get from pumps) does really enhance the overall look of legs. 2. the enclosed shape of those 6" shoes does help support the foot and distribute the load more evenly than a pump usually and can often be more comfortable even though it is higher. Anyway, congrats on the wife getting more into the higher heels :smile:

  7. I agree with others, its a strange phenomenon but you actually get less attention in crowded places. I've had great experiences heeling at events like concerts and going to busy shopping areas, etc. It can be very intimidating, but the biggest obstacle to overcome is your own anxiety. I remember so many times, it took a huge build up just to get out of my car but once I did it I felt so free. It also helps to go to a nearby suburb or town where you are less likely to run into anyone you know. Good luck and have fun.

  8. Agree that 7 would be the most likely to catch any attention, but primarily only because its patent leather and has a thinner heel, otherwise the heel is well hidden under your pants and shouldn't catch attention 99% of the time. As for how each was sold, they all look rather androgynous looking (except 7), so its a toss up either way, so here we go... (w= womens, m = mens): 1 - W (might see them sold as M too) 2 - W 3 - M (but have somewhat feminine features) 4 - W (could see them sold as M too) 5 - W 6 - W (might see them sold as M maybe) 7 - W

  9. I have seen those jean's. While the idea (in my opinion is good) they should have just called them mens skinny jeans.

    Well, I think Levi's already sells Men's skinny jeans as 510's and 511's, but these ex-girlfriend jeans are really designed to be more like women's jeans (more stretchy) only directly marketed to men. However, since they are selling new for $70, I'll stick with the Levi's women's jeans (518, 524, 535, 545) I already have been buying for years now that fit me perfectly and for half the price. Maybe someday I'll give them a try if the price is right.

  10. So funny that others have tried this too. About 3-4 years back when I was just starting to build up the confidence to go public heeling, I did experiment briefly with trying a high heel inserted inside of a large steel toe type boot. It actually sort of worked ok, but the shoe became really heavy after a few minutes as you walked and ended up looking rather awkward after a while and was not all that graceful looking. It ended up looking like I had some sort of disability/injury or something as I walked in them. Anyway, I'm sure it could be done with the right combination of shoes, but I didn't put any further effort into that as I got bold enough to wear what I wanted out over time.

  11. I personally don't want this move to happen, whether it's for the good of the world or not (I believe AT&T's exact words were based on that concept). I kinda like how it is right now, and definitely don't want to live in a growing AT&T world :smile:

    Outside of the US, there's many other very large phone companies too. But anyway, I just wanted to give you a brief history of AT&T and what you see now is in fact the third version of AT&T that has once again become a massive powerhouse company.

    Originally, AT&T was pretty much the only phone company in the US for several decades. It was forcibly broken up as a monopoly in the early 80's into 7 "baby bell" regional companies and what remained of AT&T "Ma Bell" was a somewhat bruised core company that limped along through the rest of the 80's. In the 90's, the core company reinvented itself and started to grow heavily through several acquisitions, by the end of the 90's they were a large wireless, broadband, cable, computer and network services company that was so unwieldy and poorly organized that they essentially fell apart when the 2000 "dot com bubble" burst and split into 3 smaller companies again, the broadband and cable portion was bought up by Comcast, the wireless portion was merged and became Cingular Wireless, the remnants of the core company was then bought up by one of the original baby bells, called SBC.

    SBC then took the AT&T name for themselves, and started to build back up for a third time. They re-purchased Cingular Wireless and bought out several smaller wireless companies and other baby bells to now become the once again giant company you know today.

    The Colbert Report show did a hilarious take on the history of AT&T around the time Cingular was bought up by SBC(AT&T), it is pretty fun to watch. http://www.phonenews.com/images/2007/1/colbert-report-roasts-att-cingular.mp4 (you might need quicktime to view it).

  12. I used to really like extreme heels, and still have a few of those pairs hanging around, but lately I have shifted toward more practical shoes. Anyway, from those in my old collection, I have two pairs that are about 6" or so with no platform. I can only walk in for a few minutes at a time before having to rest and therefore those won't leave the house.

  13. Well, that might be a really fun adventure for the short term, but it will not end well, no matter how you play it. If you care about your wife at all, don't pursue the affair any further before there is no coming back.

    It seems your love of heels has clouded your judgement and is greater than your love for your wife. If you have to ask "what do I do, my wife refuses to wear high heels, she does wear them all the time, I do feel very guilty even kissing her but curious as to where this will go", your marriage is perhaps already too low on your list of priorities.

  14. At one point, I was really interested in the challenge of wearing heels of 6" or more (with no platform). As a result, I was also interested in ballet boots and even owned a pair at one time. I managed to walk short distances (maybe 50 feet) at a time, but one of the heels started to crack/bend in the middle, so I got rid of them and never replaced them.

    These days, I've pretty much settled on 3½"-5" heels and go more for comfort and practicality than the extremes I once was going for. I guess I still like to see a woman that can walk in ballet heels, there is some attraction there, but at the same time I can totally understand why they don't appeal to most heel lovers.

  15. Swollen, why do you continue to increase the rhetoric in this thread with each reply? Who is belittling who here? Most of the posts here have been supportive of Amanda to express her opinion, she had a valid point in making the statements - and from the perspective of the vast majority of people in the world, men wearing heels doesn't look right, that's just the way it is. There is a small number of guys in the world that want to wear heels, don't you think we realize most of the world does not accept that? We have a small community here at HHP that support each other with all of our differences and consider this site to be a place where we can talk to others that have similar experiences and get constructive opinions. When you make comments like "Some of us simply find the end results laughable" and you keep repeating that, its not constructive to the community here. Yes, you have the right to voice your opinion, but if we want to hear that over and over again, we can go right outside and get that any time, so why persist in stoking the flame? Is that helping Amanda or anyone else for that matter?

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