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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Getting comfortable with a certain heel height is great, that's actually ideal for most. Sure you can proceed to get higher and higher, you can consider it a personal challenge I suppose. For a while there I was always looking to get higher and higher heels as I went through the same thing you did, even got all the way getting some 8" ballet boots. It was fun for a while, but I have settled back at 4" as it was a practical height for public heeling and a very comfortable height for me. Anyway, have fun with it while you are into doing it, you may come back to 4" later or perhaps you'll keep going, its all up to you now isn't it? :)

  2. You're right Maximillian, and I feel bad that I threw some lumps of coal on this great thread. Please pay no attention to my earlier message that came out sounding rather glum. I'm really happy with my career and that it helps me and my family live rather comfortably, and also happy with my "not-so-eventful" adventures in public heeling that will just keep on being that. :) Kneehighs is really a great guy and is living a life full of excitement, all while wearing heels. He should be proud that he helps to lead the way for many of us and I appreciate that he is willing to share so much of his inspiration here. So please carry on kneehighs, carry on :P

  3. kneehighs, I have followed your thread off and on for quite some time. You offer many great tips, suggestions and words of motivation - often to the point that many here practically worship the ground your stiletto heeled feet walk upon. I greatly applaud your confidence and your boldness in how you approach women and life in general for that matter. However, as with any aspect of life, much of that social confidence stems from how you look externally as a human being. It really helps in life when you look like you would easily fit into the pages of a style magazine and if you have spent your whole life having the gift of looks that the average joe-shmoe can only long for. I grew up with friends that always looked a lot more attractive than I do, they always got the girls chasing after them with little effort, and they seemed to have it easy when it came to social gatherings, while I was lucky if I got a shot at the discards at the end of the night. So you tend to remind of these types of guys, where it just comes easy for you. You can show up in a full on fem outfit, a clown outfit, a geek outfit, or just normal everyday clothes, and you still have a lifetime of good looks and the confidence that goes with it on your side, to still come through it looking like a winner. So while your words of wisdom are great perhaps for some to boost them along, I for one can't use them. I am stuck with my plain life, married with children, taking my occasional and relatively stealthy strolls out in public with heels and being happy about accomplishing that much. Sorry, but I could have never pulled off 1/10 of the things you are doing when I was single and your age, even on my best day. Its just how life goes, and all these years later, its what I expect from life. Perhaps life has beaten me into thinking this way, but thats where I am. lol :P Sorry if that sounded like bashing, it was not intended as such, I suppose I am just in a funk today :)

  4. Agreed, for the men its Heelguy, the the women, its Amanda.

    I was tempted to post some updated pictures of myself (some old shots from a couple years ago). However, its shorts wearing season and I let my leg hair grow back a little bit to wear them, and though I've been told I have nice legs for a man, but I just can't compete with Heelguy or Amanda anyway. They are in a whole different class. :)

  5. @skirtedvik and @Thighboots2 Scrappy did clearly state in his post, "Don't pay no mind to the shirt I was just trying them with the skirt and hose. I'll take some better picture's next time." Might want want to fully read a post before shooting down the guy brave enough to post pics such as these and ask opinions. Anyway, looks good scrappy... from the waist down :)

  6. Thank you all for the nice comments :-)

    This site helped me a lot to understand my "addiction" to heels.

    As I already said before, what a relief is was for me to discover that I was not alone !

    I'm sure most (male) members here felt the same way after finding this forum.

    :) Congrats Daniel!

    I fully agree with your comments Daniel. I don't think I have given this site enough credit for helping me to understand my love of heels. Frequently reading so many of fellow heelers thoughts and differing points of view - some of you that are in a very comfortable place in public heeling, then the many that are somewhere in the middle (such as myself), and then others that are primarily at home heelers, admirers, or those taking their first steps out in heels. Thank you all at hhplace for helping me on my journey, it is comforting to know we are not alone :P

  7. Has anyone bought a pair of Reebok easytones? I wonder if they really work as advertised.

    I've seen those commercials, and I thought the same thing. They sure show some very attractive rear ends in that commercial trying to say that if you wear these shoes, you too can have an amazing rump like they do.

    I'm sure its about 99.9% marketing hype, 0.1% reality, just to get you to spend $100 on a pair of sneakers - with a destabilizing bump on the sole that probably ends up hurting your feet more than anything else. But the commercials sure are nice to watch :)

  8. Great topic. I do have to admit, I usually do stay within reasonable proximity of my car, that if I felt a sudden feeling of discomfort (getting stares, feeling threatened or embarrased, etc), I could flee. Although I have never really had to, but it was always comforting to know my car was not too far away. Recently, I have pushed myself to take the lightrail into downtown a couple of times, which was quite a new and somewhat scary experience. It was really hard for me to do, because suddenly, I extended myself far from that safety net I am used to having. Also, during the ride (which can seem like an eternity) I felt boxed in with many others with my shoes in plain view of everyone. But I did it, and I got a great rush from doing it. Nothing happened, just some extended looks or second takes from a few people that noticed, but yes, it was a big step for me to just let it go like that. Best wishes to you, I know this reply probably didnt do anything to boost your confidence. :) Well, just force yourself to do it one time, even if you just get on for a just few stops and get off again. You will be happy you did it, I promise. :P

  9. Sorry about the lack of info the 1st is me in her silver sandals the 2nd is her in them, 3rd is me in her sandals & her in her black peep toes then her on the bricks and the last is me again! Heres a couple more of me in her peeptoes!

    Thanks for clearing that up :) Your toes are so nicely manicured (*ahem* more than hers it seems) that I thought at first it was reversed, that is until I saw the thick hair on the legs, that cleared it up and I knew then who was who.

  10. I am usually pretty open to all music, and I do like a huge variety of music. However, I can't say that I like a majority of country/western music. :) As for rap, as some here have said, the early days of rap seemed to have better style and lyrics, but current rap music, some of it has a really good rhythm and beat, but almost all of the lyrics are just awful, and not really anything worth getting into.

  11. I couldn't find it if I replied to this thread sometime in the past, I probably replied to a similar thread though. Anyway, I'm sure I started out heeling for other reasons, but mainly I have always liked the look of heels and early on I suppose I wanted to be a part of that which is forbidden to me. I think for me today its all about the comfort and style of high heels. They are far more interesting to look at and to wear, there are infinitely more options available than what society thinks I should wear, and they are actually much more comfortable than many people think or will admit to. As long one puts some effort into selecting the right shoes, they often feel better on my feet than many typical male shoes. For the poll, I was going to put 'other', but I think 'both' comfort and feminine feel are close enough for me. :)

  12. thanks for sharing your first time going out stories :smile:

    but i was thinking if it is a good idea to go out dressed as a woman

    just to ensure that nobody recognizes me (haha my walking is good in 4 inches stilletos)

    i think my body type helps me because i am skinny and not so tall (i am 5foot 9inches)...

    Sounds like you are ok with the idea of going full fem, which might be easier if you feel comfortable doing that and you can really pull it off. I say go for it.

    As for me, when I was young I did full fem in public only a couple of times for halloween costume parties, it was an incredible experience for me at the time, and back then I was not at all street heeling yet. I just kick myself for not having the gumption to start street heeling back when I was that young (and could pull it off) and perhaps would have done a lot more in full fem back then.

    These days I have to be content with trying to match my outfits as best as I can to go with my heels in primarily male mode.

  13. Good question, a bit embarassed to say I actually do have more than my wife (about 30 for me to 15 for her). Sounds like its a recurring theme here though, so I don't feel that bad. I really should downsize though, I've gotten to the point where about 2/3 of them never leave the closet anymore, many of them being an impulse buy that didn't really pan out to be a realistic shoe for me to be in public with. Just so hard for me to let any of them go though :smile:

  14. Nope... I'd rather walk side by side, holding hands.... I have nothing to prove..:)

    Very nicely put wood&metal, I completely agree.

    I feel I walk just fine in heels and sometimes I do walk better than some of the women out there in heels. However, I really don't desire to walk just like a woman or better than they do in heels. I aim for a smooth stride and to really look as though I don't have heels on when I walk.

    I truly feel I have the most fun when I am with my wife and we are both in heels. :smile:

  15. I guess if there were "unisex" heel options, that would also mean that high heels had finally become acceptable for men, and that of course would be a dream. :smile: It also would give me more choices as I don't always particularly like extremely feminine looking heels on my feet most of the time. I think they of course look great on many women, but I really just like the feel of a high heel that is comfortable to wear for long periods of time, and I wouldn't mind a little bit more neutral looking options being there to choose from at times. I would hope it wouldn't automatically mean those would be ugly shoes as roniheels mentioned, but who knows. I think it would just open some additional options up for all.

  16. Anyone considering this surgery should have to have their head checked. It goes beyond just typical cosmetic surgery, even many of the strange (gross) body modifications going on these days. This surgery could leave someone permanently disabled and I can't imagine any respectable doctor agreeing to do this. Also, just noticed this thread was started on April 1. Perhaps that was the real reason for starting this discussion. :smile:

  17. I agree with the comment that ebay should definitely add a 4"+ category (or at least tweak the existing categories a little bit). Anyway, my favorite height is 4", most of my shoes are pretty close to this height (w/ no platform or a mini-platform). I have a few higher (and some lower), but my comfort level with anything over 4.5" in public goes down and my ability to walk gracefully also goes down.

  18. Funny I was in a similar situation just a few days ago. I was walking into an electronics store, on the way in I passed a pre-teen boy and his dad going out of the store. The boy seemed very aware of my shoes (which are mostly hidden under long jeans), he stared for the longest time. As I kept going, I glanced back and could see him starting to poke and tug at his dad and say something like, "Dad, did you see that?" His dad seemed to be pretty cool about it, just kept walking and refused to turn around, wish I could hear what his dad said, but whatever he said, it seemed to relax the boy who seemed more excited about what he saw than anything. Most of the time I don't get noticed all that much and didn't get any further reactions during the next few hours of my heeling adventure (this was my first stop of the day), but was taken quite a bit off guard by how interested the boy was in my shoes. Well, maybe I gave him good ideas for the future. LOL :smile:

  19. Bubba,

    Certainly I do not, but reading through the various threads on the board, one could be forgiven for thinking that they are the only style of heel that posters desire to wear regardless of the circumstances.


    Simon, I wear block, chunky, wedge heels in public and only feel comfortable wearing those for whatever reason. I own two pairs of stilettos, but have never worn them outside of the house. I love the way they look on women, I think they even look pretty good on me, but I just don't feel I can pull them off in public comfortably.


    As for seeing other men in public wearing heels and even more specifically stilettos - extremely rare, especially where I live now. A while back, I lived in Northern California for a few years, and did see some men in heels at the time, but only at certain clubs, or special circumstances, etc. Never just out at the mall, taking walks around downtown, or at a grocery store such as how I am doing it now.

  20. Have been doing a combination of shaving, epilating, and using veet for about 2 years now over most of my body (of course including the feet). Its funny when I first started doing it, the first couple of months, I think my body hair went into shock, it grew back extremely fast, even after epilating. The longest I could go back then was two days before I needed to do hair removal again. However, I think over time, I have finally beat my body hair into submission. It now seems to grow much more slowly and less thick. I can go about a week before needing to shave again, and that is all I am doing is shaving now. Not sure how that happened, but I am much happier now, maybe the epilating and veet combination killed off some of my hair follicles? lol :smile:

  21. like i said in an earlier post this was an attempt at humour. i am sorry it offended you so much to the point you have contempt for it. we are a small part of the population and i don't want to start an argument with you about this but you might need to lighten up a little. people are going to have opinions until the day they die. they are intitled to, and we are intitled as well. life is already hard enough don't get wraped around the axel about a picture. unless it's you.

    Relax wxman, I dont think partyshoes was taking a specific dig at you, but more likely the originator of the picture (and text within). I know that you were only passing along something that someone else posted on another site that looked bizzare and it is typical of much of the rude humour found around the net.

    Yes, the picture is so far out there that I can in sort of see why some people would consider it funny, but also feel that it does nothing to help those of us trying to make what we do in public to not look bad. Again, I understand you meant no harm, I personally took no offense, I get why its there, hopefully no one else really is taking offense either. I'm moving on...

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