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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. This will be an update to the first time I posted on this thread. My female friend whom I have been seeing for a while not only approves of me wearing high heels, but she has sold me several pairs of my high heels. She also doesn't mind me wearing them in public and with her in public.

    Ahh very glad to hear you are still seeing this woman :)... assuming this is an indirect update to this thread http://www.hhplace.org/everybody/18326-advice_please.html

  2. ... It would be different if the kid was a lot older, but a 5-year old? At that age, there is no such thing as fashion, sexual identity, or cross-dressing...the dress is simply a toy. In a few years, it's likely that the kid won't even remember playing with dresses. Oh, but wait, he will remember because he will likely be ridiculed by his peers about how his parents had put him on national TV and wrote a book to show how much they support his cross-dressing. Good on the parents for not restricting him to toys that they feel are "for boys", but very bad judgment for exposing him to the world over it.

    Absolutely agree with you. This is very poor judgement by the parents to be using their son in this way to get their 15 minutes of fame and make a quick buck. Perhaps they had good intentions with this at first, but with their website design and the way they have blasted this into the media, its pretty clear they see the potential to make money from it.

    At such a young age, he could go in 20 different directions in his life, but they have now pigeon holed him with this identity. If he later decides he wants to break out of this pigeon hole, and decide he wants to take a completely different path, I can guarantee this will come back at him later in life in a negative way.

  3. The whole package: face, hair, body, legs, how she dresses, speaks, and carries herself, are all variables that add up to a sexy woman. However, I am guessing you will find many here on this forum that focus more on the legs and feet, and that usually includes her shoes. I have to admit, those are probably higher on my list as well. :)

  4. yes, they match, except the first line of address, but i explained that to them as my bank wont allow me to have my full address as my billing address ...

    ... There have been a few occassions that I've had to do this, and typically, its where a customer provides NO landline phone number, and their given address doesnt match the card address, ...

    I would say Tech hit the nail on the head. Most likely it was the variation in your address line (either the company didn't take the time to read your explanation or they just felt there was too much risk), that caused them to refund.

  5. I drive in heels quite often... I know that safety as a factor keeps coming up in threads like this. I say use common sense, if you feel confident you can respond quickly and safely to an incident just as you normally would, then by all means its fine. If however, you dont feel you have complete control of your pedal responsiveness, then don't do it. The way I guage it is this: if it is a sensible shoe that I know I can briskly walk in for a long period of time without any issue, and I test to make sure the heel does not catch on the carpet or the pedal as I move quickly from pedal to pedal, then it should be no problem to drive in. However, I cannot comfortably do a brisk walk in 6" heels for more than about 20 seconds, and I don't feel I can confidently control the pedals while wearing them, so I should never drive in them.

  6. In many office environments low to mid heels are often considered more professional looking for women to wear. Up to about 3.5" is fine, perhaps a little bit higher if she can pull it off and still look professional and not desperate or slutty. As for what Histiletto said about a man wearing them to an interview, totally agree and would take it further, if it is a job you really need and especially with these economic times, I would NOT even consider it an option to be honest. Unfortunately, it is nearly guaranteed to get you dropped from consideration before you even get asked the first question.

  7. Yes, I am guessing this site is pretty much about 10:1 on the men to women ratio, in fact it is probably higher than that. A main reason I think being, women can be rather open about heels to anyone they want to talk to honestly, and would have little desire to come to an online forum to talk about heels, and perhaps have far less eventful situations to discuss when it comes to heels than a man would. For men who admire heels, it is not so easy to talk to a friend or relative about such things, and this is really a great forum for talking openly about it, to get advice and thoughts from others with the same experiences and who face the same things you do. There are a wide spectrum of male heel lovers here, most of them are straight, some are not, but they range from those that just like to see a woman in heels (as you do), to men that wear them in private only, and men that wear them in public. Some do only heels integrated with normal mens clothing, some wear a bit more of the feminine items than just heels, and some are complete crossdressers. Anyway, welcome to HHP (although, it looks like you actually joined last year), enjoy your time here.

  8. All great advice in this thread. I agree you should tell her sooner than later as the impact is almost certain to be much less than if you continue hiding it and she finds out on her own. I told my wife after I was with her about for more than a year and I think she might have already suspected I had a thing for several things considered feminine. I took a gradual approach, easing her into it, sort tested the waters first. Then one night, I really opened up to her after we had gone out that evening and had a really great time. Both of us were a bit intoxicated and in a silly mood, and it just felt right letting it all out. Its definitely not easy to talk about, especially since she was the very first person I told this too. Just like many here, it was a very tightly held secret for most of my life. The feeling I had after letting it out to her, was really great though. It was very similar to the feeling you have when you release a lot of stress after completing a major project or presenting / speaking in front of a large or important group, etc. I don't think you realize you have years of tension built up in hiding this from everyone, then letting someone very close to you know is quite liberating. Well, best of luck to you, hope it all goes well for you. :)

  9. I'm leaning toward this being made up. The entire discussion was bizarre from the start and the last post was even more so. I really doubt her friend would even know to come here to post this, and that she would have her user account information for this forum (most people don't share their social site/forum account information with even best friends), and that her friend would take the time out from her grieving to post here of all places. I even searched a few of Scotland's news sites and the BBC, there are a few other weather related accidents reported, but nothing even close to this. The whole thing is just too ludicrous... I call BS.

  10. There will be no more posts from Pointegirl. She was waiting for a bus yesterday evening and when it arrived it skidded on some ice and hit her. Wearing ballet boots as usual, she was unable to save herself and fell awkwardly hitting her head on a stone wall. She died later without regaining consciousness.

    I am so sad - we have been bosom pals since we were at school tegether.

    May she rest in peace.

    OMG... :) The entire thread from her almost seems like a fantasy (total make believe), especially with that bizarre ending. But if that last post is for real, wow, I am speechless. That's just awful.

  11. I also used to read up on spook in the past (knew her from the Staylace site, and she used to have her own site spook.dk, which has been gone for years now). I can understand wanting to do something to the extreme, pushing yourself to the limits, sort of like she did with a 15 inch corseted waist and 24 hour ballet boots. But, I have to agree with some others in this thread, while its fascinating, perhaps even stimulating to an extent, I do not understand the desire to make such a drastic permanent change to yourself. You may really enjoy doing this now and perhaps even for the next few years, but eventually, it WILL cripple you. You will get to an age where you probably will not be able to walk at all anymore, you cannot ever go back, and that is where this baffles me. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer, but anyway, best of luck in what you hope to do.

  12. But the way this person carried himself, and his attitude was so positive and refreshing, I will call him in the future for a cup of coffee and conversation. I will let everyone know how our conversations transpire.

    Hey Roni, this thread got pretty badly sidetracked there on the whole "pronoun" usage conversation, which often happens in forums. Anyway, I would be really interested to know if you met with Janice again and how it went. Meeting and talking to another man randomly wearing heels in public would be a really cool event for me as well, whether they be straight, TV, TG, pre-TS, gay or anything in-between.

  13. I wear heels every evening when I get home and mostly over the weekends. My wife told me yesterday that I could wear a pair of heels 4 1/2" and jeans that are quite long on our way on the plane to Durban on Friday and then back here in JHB we are going to look for something for me to wear with her out in public, so wish me luck.

    Nice Jay Jay, its wonderful to have a wife/GF like that. I've learned to respect my wife very much for supporting my way of life, and I know it can be really hard on her to tolerate all of this, much less honestly accept it. So I just have to say, appreciate what you have, and don't push it too far, and hopefully you two can have lots of fun outings together in the future.

  14. I've supported servers, PCs, and networks for 15+ years and have tried Apple products in the past and just hated them for not letting you get under the hood. Everything is dumbed down for end users and they're just not as flexible as other OS's. I was just about as anti-Apple as you can be. I have to admit though in the last 8 or so years they have really been firing on all cylinders and are doing just about everything right, even their OS X is strongly based on a Unix backend (BSD/NeXT) and has been far more intriguing to me ever since. I did almost got an iPhone recently, but I really like the service provider I have now, and know AT&T's network in the states sucks (not sure what they use in the UK, O₂I think?). Anyway, I ended up with an Android phone. It does tons of cool stuff very similar to an iPhone, performs extremely well, and it's rock solid, but I do have to admit, I still think the latest iPhones are pretty damn cool and wouldn't mind owning one eventually... lol

  15. I thought I replied to this thread last year, but couldn't find it, so... The reasoning has probably changed somewhat for me over the years. I suppose many years ago I was exploring my feminine side and maybe even some youthful fetishism. As I get older, they don't feel much like a fetish nor do they do much to excite me in the manner that I think started all of this. They just feel natural now and are part of my life. For me, they are more comfortable than flats and I like the way they feel on me. I feel confident and more alive while wearing them, and lastly the styles are just infinitely more interesting and vast than anything going on in men's shoes.

  16. Nice shoes, and I really like how that turned out in that she bought you a matching pair. That's really cool, my wife has done that a couple of times before, but she already knew I wore them, where yours apparently did not. Also, if your wife does get used to them, it can make for some fun outings together. As for a walk in heels class, I don't know how useful that would be, but perhaps it might help. Its just hard for me to understand I suppose because wearing high heels just came natural for me at a fairly young age and I can't imagine it really being all that hard for anyone. It really baffles me sometimes.:)

  17. I don't really see those issues. Auction times seem to end all over the clock, I'm not sure I've seen a pattern that has them ending at "East Coast" or "West Coast" time, or even US vs UK time. It would be a simple (conceptually) change that says, "There will always be 2 minutes of time available after the most recent bid to make a counteroffer".

    What this would directly eliminate would be sniping. I think average ebay users would be happy (certainly dahool would).

    I really like this idea as well, I have lost out on many great deals due to a last minute snipe, and I know how the game works. Don't bid early or you drive up the price, bid in the last 2-3 minutes, overbid if you really want to get something. I have even used some software that ebay snipers use, but I don't trust using that stuff to be honest, so I do the best I can manually.

  18. That is a really tough scenario to deal with, and I think you did as well as you could have in that situation being put on the spot and not knowing the ex would be there. You will have to weigh it in your heart, you seem to be on the verge of a good relationship with a good woman that knows about, understands and supports your interest in footwear. That is a fantastic beginning to a future relationship. It may seem cold to cut off contact with the ex, but it honestly sounds like you were not that close with him, perhaps only marginally more than acquaintances to be realistic. But, I think you should do just that if he feels unable to cope with your budding relationship. Chances are your limited friendship with him would not be able to proceed in a healthy manner as long as continue seeing the woman (at least in the near term), so its best to just consider that closed and proceed with your feelings for her. There is a chance that in time he will get over it and you can someday resume a friendship with him again, but until then, you might have to put that on the back burner. I wish you the best and hope it ends on a high note for all involved. :wave:

  19. As much as some here try to deny it, absolutely... high heels, especially stiletto heels are made to look sexy (or sexual) in the way they are designed. Perceptions of them can vary somewhat, but the sexual connection to high heels is always there to some extent. Though as someone said in this forum before, they are "just shoes", (and maybe it was in a different context now that I think about it) but seriously, lets all be real. :wave:

  20. I agree its probably good to bring it out to her sooner than later. Of course do it when it feels right to you and you are comfortable doing so. You need to feel confident with yourself when you are doing it. From what I have seen of wood&metal's pics, you wear boots that don't absolutely scream out "feminine"... meaning your shoe choice is a little more gender neutral at first glance and with long jeans is not too obvious that they are heels. Of course, this is based solely on the pictures I have seen of you, I could be way off. :wave: At any rate, I like the look. With that said, you can try to make sure when you are going to see her, that you wear some of your lower heeled boots initially to test the waters and get her reaction. Then go from there. Just a thought, good luck! :(

  21. I was throughly confused by the start of this thread starting with Bubba's first reply and then the hyper-defensive retort, for such a harmless topic. I was like what in the heck is going on here... I am glad to see this developed into a much more productive thread. :( I kinda like the Emo look a little bit. I think I am too old to participate, but I feel its sort of next generation punk, or am I perhaps skipping a generation (~goth?). Anyway, I like that it stretches the boundaries of acceptable things for guys to wear in a more androgynous direction. Also, think some of the Emo girls are cute as well. :wave: lol

  22. I have to agree on the corset if you can find a way to add that to your outfit. It really enhances the shape of the body significantly so it looks feminine (hour-glass). Otherwise most men will look like a pear shape body in the dress, which of course is not good, unless he is naturally very slim.

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