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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Semantics can be tricky, i guess i was not aware of how the term could be offensive since english is not my native language, so some things that offend other people are not really obvious to me, or i think they are not as loaded, so to speak.

    I know that this term in particular can be some kind of stereotype, but i definately did not use it to hurt any sensibility, i guess i just like to call my shoes girly.

    Yes, I think traditionally all of our heels are considered girlie, feminine, [insert any word here], just depends on the word you prefer. But I can totally see what you were aiming for in this thread -- shoes that are farther along on the feminine spectrum, which could be based on any one or more of the following: softer/lighter colors, shiny materials, strappy or peep toe shoes, narrow point, skinny stiletto heel, attached bows, flowery patterns, or anything added to them that make them appear even more feminine.

    Most of my shoes are all black, and some brown, lots of chunky heels and wedges, so 75% of my heels are somewhat less feminine. However, I do have black patent strappy 6" strappy sandals and 6" peep toes, both stillettos, anyway, those two pairs are probably the most feminine (or girlie) I have.

  2. i find pointy toes more sexy and appealing than the rounded toe but when i say pointed i dont mean winkle pickers i mean pointed but with a slight curve to them

    lol @ winkle pickers... had to look that term up.

    I like from an almond toe to semi-pointed toe, but I agree with you, and will go as far as saying that shoes with exaggerated or extended points on them looks ridiculous in my opinion.

  3. Ahh nevermind on my last post, found my answer in a google search.

    It seems that's done to keep the buckles from catching on each other while you walk. Probably wouldn't be an issue for me, but it could be for some people... I suppose that makes some sense. :smile: *sigh*

    i now own these as well, and am hoping to soon be able to wear them out and about, as they are a WHOLE 6" TALL, and i cant quite do them yet...

    Oh and those are very nice 6" sandals, I own a pair that is almost identical. Those would be VERY challenging to wear out, I get really tired/sore after just 10 minutes in them.

  4. unfortunately, i have BIG ankles, so it is hard for me to fasten them, and i think i am going to buy some locking heels from the same site soon

    This brings me to a tangent question, why in the world are sandal ankle buckles on the outer side of your ankle? They would be 10x easier to strap on if they were on the inner side of the ankle (facing each other, if that makes sense), because then you can cross your legs and fasten them so much easier. With them on the outside, I am always struggling and bending akwardly to get them fastened, or is just me? haha

    Sorry for that off topic post there, but you mentioning that made me remember this long standing complaint of mine and I had to wonder, why oh why do they do that? :smile:

  5. You know what, you might be right. Im really not a ' caring person ' to those whom would seem to belittle others...



    Really a shame how that turned out, hopefully everyone just cools off and moves on. While her opinion might have been a bit harsh, and stating it more than once was a bit inappropriate, I would like to see Amanda return after her "cooldown", but would be a bit surprised at this point if she did. :D

  6. I know what you mean, I've always wondered what these heels are like to wear. Unfortunately, they don't go anywhere near my size that I can find. :smile:

    Checked out the other styles on that site, they sure have really unique designs and some really bizarre shoes, too. I see a couple of pairs there that would be kind of fun to own, but the steep prices would keep me from doing it. Very cool site though.

  7. I would really like to get just one pair of heel-less shoes, either the punitive pony boots (almost ballet boots), or even something similar to the cantelever style shoes/boots also discussed here. I think they would be fun just to try out, since I have never seen anything like them in person (have only seen them on the web). But, they are always ridiculously priced, so I probably won't ever own a pair, and they dont necessarily look all that sexy either, just really interesting/fascinating to me. :smile:

  8. Ahh legs777777, that is nothing to feel bad about, my nerves still get the best of me at times when going to buy heels. If the setting doesn't feel right for me, like trendy/flashy smaller stores at the mall, often filled with young people, where the only try on station is a big island right in the middle of the store and it feels like everyone there is watching, yep, that one will get me everytime. Just get right back out there and try again at another time or try another store that has a more comfortable setting for you. Not everyone here is at the point where they are comfortable walking into any store they want to and buy anything they want, and that is okay, really!

  9. haha :smile: I see a clear trend developing - in almost every description you focus on falling, failing, or broken straps... You must really get a kick out of that or is it the flapping shoe that results from them? Anyway, sounds like a heel lovers paradise, no matter what. :D

  10. I am just reading this thread, and I agree, the kids and family and their feelings should be taken first. I have been pretty open about heeling in public for about 3 years now, but when I am with my children and especially with my children and their friends, I take their consideration first. I know how cruel children can be to each other, and I do not ever want to put my son in a situation where he has to defend his dad because of my quirks. I currently do a lot of things taking my family into consideration first. For example, I shave my legs about 6 months of the year during non-shorts wearing season (so they remain hidden most of the time during that time), and then I use a groomer to keep my leg hair cut short the other 6 months of the year. So when I wear shorts, my legs just look like I dont have that much hair, but dont look clean shaven. This is a compromise, so I dont embarass my family when I wear shorts and I am out with them. This is just one example, painting my toes is another. I started painting my toe nails as well in the past year, and enjoy wearing reds and such, but I will not wear open toe sandals (I will wear closed toe sandals/shoes instead) when I have red toe nails and I am with my kids. I will however paint my toe nails clear or with a subtle shade or with lighter tips, sort of like a french pedicure, but not as obvious, and do wear those with open toe sandals. Just another compromise I do for my kids. Anyway, its fine for some to say its your feet, your legs, etc, just do what you want. Well, thats somewhat selfish thinking, its fine for a single guy perhaps, but when you have a family, they must come first.

  11. Brought out my boot collection today, and immediately came to the conclusion that I had overdone it. Lol Anyone else ever encountered this problem?

    Yes, I know the feeling, I try to downsize periodically, but over time, the additions outnumber the subtractions, and the collection continues to grow...

    My collection is much larger than I want it to be. I'd guess I am around 55-60 pair now, and would much rather it be around 15-20. I have a really hard time letting any go and I am definitely not the hoarding type when it comes to most things. Sadly, I haven't touched half of my shoes in six months... :smile:

  12. My wife gave me the most wonderful surprise. She brought home a pair of matching "his and her" :smile: Vera Wang 5" pumps with a 1.25" covered platform. She has never suprised me with new heels before and to see a matching pair for her was just icing on the cake. We have gone shopping together for shoes in the past, and we have always bought different pairs from each other, this is our very first matching pair. These are real beauties and are surpisingly comfortable.



  13. Mickey, it's not me that is against it, I have no issues with it whatsoever. I thought your pictures were good in fact. I have posted some such pictures here of myself in the past. So what is your point? I said he is not in favor of it and was explaining his comment, that is all. There have been times the mods have removed some CD pictures, but you are correct there are pently more pics here like that. Anyway, moving on... :smile:

  14. Oh definitely yes... here in the US, women shop all the time in the men's section. Whether buying for themselves or for their male family members, its totally common to see women shopping/buying from the mens section. No one even thinks twice about that one. Yes, my wife does wear some items from the men's section, again, no one even notices or thinks twice about it. A bit sad that men don't have that complete freedom in the stores... well actually we do have that freedom, but it just requires you to ignore or be at complete ease with everyone else around you, which can be difficult at times.

  15. This an excellent thread KH, and I just now discovered it :smile:. I honestly appreciate the deep personal thoughts KH and others have posted here, it really gives me a lot to think about.

    I really am not sure where the roots of this are for me. I had always thought it was the fact that my parents divorced when I was young, and I was raised by two older sisters and my mother, and having an almost non-existent relationship with my father until I was an adult.

    That might have a lot to do with it, but I think I also was rather insecure as a child, I had somewhat low self esteem when it came to social interaction. I was rather uncomfortable in my own skin, and I guess I felt that I was just different from others. I was very skinny, non-athletic, didn't feel all that attractive, and my social life was often just awkward.

    My sisters on the other hand seemed very happy, well adjusted socially, and just seemed so much more confident in life. I have always loved girls/women growing up, always had more female friends, and just felt more comfortable being "friends" with girls, but I didn't have that many "girlfriends" growing up.

    I have never once had any attraction to a guy at all, so I know I was never a closet gay person, but I think deep down inside me I felt, perhaps I would have been better off as a girl. I never considered doing anything as serious as changing my gender, and in fact, I would not even consider myself a TV/CD, very rarely do ever I get the urge to fully crossdress, maybe about once a month I might throw on a dress, if that.

    However, I do like having certain small feminine elements integrated into my daily life and wardrobe, which often means wearing high heel shoes (for me heels are incredibly sexy and one of the finest expressions of femininity). I guess it is a comfort feeling and somehow it gives me confidence and just feels right to me. As I get older, I have become more comfortable in my skin, and am proud of the fact that I am not conforming to what everyone else is doing.

    I am now married and have kids, and I'm really happy to be the way I am. I feel more confident socially than I ever have in my life, but it sure took me a long time to get here. lol

  16. Using a quote from Amanda Snake (hopefully she doesn't mind me quoting her): "I wouldn't date a man who wears heels. Not only do men look silly wearing heels but we/I would be stigmatized for it. I like men who who are gallant and dashing.....not tottering and vulnerable." (http://www.hhplace.org/girls/6167-would_you_date_man_who_wears_heels-3.html#post272584)

    I really appreciate Amanda's honesty, I can understand her feelings there and I am sure there are a lot of women that feel the same way.

    I know my wife loves me and is very understanding of my way of life, although I mentioned in an earlier post that I get the sense she is not always fully comfortable with this at all times. I do make a significant effort to ensure I don't look like a complete ass when I heel with my wife and I want to come across looking as natural and comfortable doing it as possible. I try hard to I put her feelings first and if there is ever a time that I feel she is embarrassed while she is with me, I would seriously reconsider doing it in the future.

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