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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. I've got to admit, after about 4 years of this, I still do what I can to blend the heels in with my over all appearance to avoid undue attention. About 80% of the time, I wear my heels under long boot cut type jeans, but there are those occasions when I feel bolder and I put them out there on full display, even a few times this past summer actually wearing shorts, heeled gladiator sandals (similar to these but wedges), and having painted toe nails... which was extreme for me.

    It still is hard for me when I get any reaction, even the good reactions. I think its the inherent shyness in me that still overwhelms me on occasion. When I a reaction, I often wish I could handle it better, and say something witty or such, but it rarely comes out. So I often just resort to smiling and then ignoring them and doing the best I can to carry on with what I was doing. They will almost always go away just as quickly as they came.

  2. I am pretty sure it was just a typo by the seller, because if you check his ebay store, he is selling hundreds of other heels and all are described as "Womens...", including other size 10's and even another pair of boots that look very similar to the ones in the original post, same size and all.

    I even did a full search of his store. So yep, just a typo...

  3. My favorites for sure are wearing heels to the mall, and I also really enjoy the occasions when I get to go to a music concert. I guess I get a little bit of an extra charge when there are so many people around, but there is so much going on, that almost nobody notices you. I know it's pretty much counter-intuitive, but honestly the larger the crowds, and the more commotion is going on, the less likely anyone will even pay any attention to you. You are more likely to be noticed and get unwelcome attention when you go healing where very few people are around. So yeah, large concerts are my fav (but happen less frequently), then shopping malls (which I can do just about any time I want).

  4. For those having trouble with the original post, allow me to translate:


    :) Outstanding... great job sir.

    I was going to comment that I really had no problems reading the original post, but your interpretation of it just made my day. :)

  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15079620


    Get out there and wear whatever the hell you want. It could be far worse guys!

    Good point... The worst that normally occurs is you get wierd looks or double takes, on occasion there can be a little snicker or similar reaction behind your back, and very rarely someone may actually make a bigger deal about it (which usually would come from a gathering of young teens together). But, in the grand scheme of things, compared to what many others endure in the world to have the right to do something society feels they shouldn't do, it all seems so silly and miniscule in comparison.

  6. Am I the only one who suspects Amanda Snake is a guy? lol


    hah, that would be funny... :) She has made that accusation herself at least a few times toward others in the girls forum.

    But no, I am pretty damn sure she's a woman, whether we like her opinion or not...

  7. In watching Amanda participate in this forum over the last few years, I have seen her definitely taking a less favorable attitude recently toward men in general, but more specifically men in heels. I again now just glanced back at many of her early posts and she was far more open minded back then. I am not sure what has changed, but there has been a consistent tone from her the last several times she participated in one of these types of threads, and it is rather disappointing. :)

  8. Sizes do seem to vary a lot from brand to brand, that is perhaps the biggest factor would be my guess. Although, I have heard claims that the higher the heel, the more the weight of the body forces the foot to be compressed downward into a smaller focal point. But, I don't think the foot is all too malleable in a length-wise direction (maybe about 1/4 inch at the most), but width-wise is much more variable. I seem to be able to get my foot into boots that appear to be as much as 1/2 inch more narrow than my foot is. I have always been amazed by that.

  9. I recently went through and added mine up and got rid of 5 pairs that I never wear anymore. Anyway, after this recent purge, I am now sitting at 40 pairs of heels, I have about 6 or 7 pairs of men's shoes.

    I didn't go through everyone's reply here, but at first glance, it looks like most guys here have a lot more heels then men's shoes. :)

  10. It might have been mentioned here, but there are many scenes where Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man wears 3-4 wedge/platform/hidden heel shoes when he is wearing a suit and is in scenes with Gwyneth Paltrow. Several sites say he is below average height and that she is naturally a couple of inches taller than him. She's always seen wearing very high heels too, guess they had to do something to help him not look so small next to her :irked: There's rumor's he does this quite often in his normal daily life as well.

  11. Recently got a new silver color from Milani that I really like, it shines almost as much as my toe rings :irked: This color might be my new favorite. Sorry its a bit blurry, had to use my crappy cell phone camera. I'm a bit self conscious about my feet, I don't have the straightest toes in the world. Believe it or not, I've had that problem since I was a kid, long before I even touched heels. :smile:


  12. A night out drinking before couldnt hurt the situation either I guess.

    It just so happens this is pretty close to how I did it. I waited until a night we were going out for the evening, we were both pretty well lit when we got home, and I knew she had a great time. She was in a playful and promiscous mood, and I just eased her into it. We already knew quite a bit about each other by that time and that we both have some slightly odd interests in life, and she is really open minded about so many things, so that made it a bit easier, too.

    But anyway, for your situation, I would wait until she is in that right mood, maybe you both having a little bit of a buzz could certainly help. Then just start into it with a great compliment about loving her in heels; what does she think about a guy wearing heels; you have been thinking a lot lately that you might want to try them out yourself.

    At this point, if she scoffs or seems a bit freaked out, explain that you have researched it online and found that there are actually a lot of men getting into this and that there is nothing wrong with you having this feeling, and just continue to build on the conversation from there.

    If she starts to resist it too much, it might be a good time to ease off at that point and let it simmer perhaps for a later time, but hopefully she is open minded. Just don't press the matter too hard, take it slow and keep testing the waters as you go. Finally, if she is accepting of a new you, be sure you dont take advantage of that and always try to take her feelings into account first.

    Hope that helps, but ya, timing, mood, and the approach all matter on this. Good luck!

  13. Of course there will be negativity on something like this on a comment thread on an open website. However, there are a decent percentage of open minded comments mixed in... and the voting trend is surprisingly better than I would have suspected:

    Should Men Wear High Heels?

    598 - No - 64%

    341 - Yes - 36%

    That is not too bad really.

  14. But is how you look more important than how it makes you feel? I mean, we are dudes who enjoy wearing heels, we obviously don't give a rat's a** how others think we look. Am I wrong here? :irked:

    :smile: Funny, but probably true for the majority here.

    What I do however say, is strictly my own opinion, and is often based on extremely poorly co-ordinated dress sense that just makes them look stupid.

    Ah, its just hard to sometimes figure out what you do like, and since all we ever see of you is these occasional coarse sounding replies from the cookie monster :smile:, you will remain a bit of a mystery to me I guess.

    Of course, that's fine, and I agree, there are a lot of pictures of guys looking silly around here in one way or another, and it often depends on who you ask. In fact, you probably have gotten a chuckle out of some of the pictures that I have posted around here in the past, I'm sure.

    As Irishwolf alluded to, we are just a bunch of 'radical' dudes really struggling to make this all work out while in heels, and we all have different thoughts of what looks good. For example, I really think JeffB is lately right on target in my opinion, but that would be my opinion and others may disagree with that, but its all good. We're in this together :smile:

  15. I have to honestly say, you are really looking more and more natural and relaxed in each newer picture you post of yourself in a skirt. I can't think of anything really to improve upon in any of your recent postings, I think you have truly mastered the look.

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