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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Hi Heel-Lover, Wow, glad to hear you are doing OK after that quake, not mention heeling above and beyond the call of survival. You had it all, and survived in skirt and heels, that is amazing. Enjoy your recoup as you deserve it. Look forward to seeing the pictures. I remember Christchurch well when I spent 5 months there many years ago. That is one way to know how ones endurance is in heels. Rest well! Mtnsofheels

  2. Greetings smilin_guy, Yes you are fashion forward for sure, and good on you for just doing it and being who you are. I agree with a bigger picture, the whole look. What else do wear in your outfit? heels of course but what else? I am sure you have put together some good pieces to make it all work. Each area is different with local customs and or not. Rural or bigger cities. I think in a bigger center you have more choice and availability to be creative with acceptance. And being a student I think helps as well. Look forward to hearing more from you, Enjoy HH Place, Mtnsofheels

  3. I voted some ago but now have more positive experience with just doing it. I have posessed heels in some sort of fashion for almost 30 years, but only in the last 10 have I ventured out. Times have changed for sure, so I wore boots and heels before being affiliated with the HH Place. However I do feel I have gained much confidence from all our forum members to just go and do it! Well it has been so worthwhile! Just as SF stated "My advice, get out and try it - see how it goes for you. Yes you WILL be nervous, but it won't be as bad as you think, and it just might be fun!!" Last week I wore heeled boots or sneakers everyday while in Victoria and lower mainland BC, no issues. Not to mention that I also had a french manicure too! It was awesome! Most people care less and that is what I had to find out. It will becoe the norm for me! Our time for heeling in Public is now, be yourselves! and Enjoy Life! Mtnsofheels

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