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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Well I have done so regularly but only waking hours, the 5-6 hrs of sleep with shoes/boots on seems to be out of context. I mean the cost of linen is more than another pair of shoes/boots. So I save the sheets and get more boots. It is just a norm I do whenever possible. Mtnsofheels

  2. Welcome Scarpin! Nice to have you join us here. Geez I thought that Brazil would be more open that way, only because I have seen the Masquerade/Carnival clips and there appeared to be many transfolks and heeled people all around. Well I guess not. Look forward to hearing more from you. Mtnsofheels

  3. Greetings Wobbles and welcome to the HH Place. Nice to have you join us and your friend Johnieheel. Hope you find everything you need here. If Canton were closer I would join you guys, and the whole bunch of us walk around like the long legged newborns. Have fun there! Mtnsofheels

  4. Greetings Foxyheels, Welcome to the HH Place. Wonderful introduction story and thank you for sharing it. Yes indeed you are a lucky man, to be accepted by wife and family and to be able to be yourself! Awesome. I am sure you do, but do tell wife she is a very special person! Plus many regards from us here! I look forward to hearing more from you and your adventures! Regards, Mtnsofheels

  5. Greetings Tigger, Welcome to the HH place. I do sympathise with your situation. It is a difficult and awkward situation to be in. What to do, and this is my opinion after having found out by trial and error (heavy on the errors), key I think, is to be honest, honest with yourself first off. By stating you do have these feelings and it is OK to have them and to feel good about having those feelings. As mentioned by Addicted2HHs, the feeling will never go away, many of us have struggled with that feeling and beaten ourselves up over it. Be kind to yourself you are worth it. The second part is to be honest with your wife (she probably is closest person to you in your life), if she is able to listen to you and your interests, this meaning just listen and not see you with any shoes or clothes on, this is meant,not trying to change her but to hear yourside and ask how she feels about it (you may know already). This sets the terms of understanding of your relationship and what is acceptable by both of you. With that said you will feel better because it is off your chest and then you then would have to decide how deal with it from there, that is the next stage. At least you will feel better about being honest, and knowing what you can or cannot do. Because as much as it may difficult to bring it up, it is way easier than having her finding shoes and clothes and that you have been hiding from her or a litany of other assumptions which can come from these kinds of interests, like, Are these some other womans? etc... You have the support from many of us, but only you can drive your boat. Life is so fabulous, we only have one chance at it and its up to us make the best possible life from that chance! Good luck and hope it becomes easier for you. You can always ask for help.... Mtnsofheels

  6. I think you could wear nylons with or without depending the outfit. A nice pair of red peeptoed boots with a pair seemed off black nylons and a nice skirt would be amazing. Either or! Mtnsofheels

  7. Seems like a case in point, sometimes complimenting someone about/for wearing what they wear just goes sideways. I sometimes think how we can truly give a compliment without sounding like creep. I worry about complimenting someone who looks good with what they wear, but would like to honestly compliment them on their really nice looks. Trial and error will be the test I guess. Mtnsofheels

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