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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Thanks for sharing your stories and posting it Luckyme, Great experience with your GF and maybe new bonding element for the both of you. Hope vacation was fun too. Well the world is now your heeling buffet, and one never knows where it will lead but enjoy the journey however it turns out. Mtnsofheels

  2. Hey goldwings, I have a pair of Siri's and a pair of Clair from Jean Gaborit Boots. I wear the Siri boots lots and have had no issues whatsoever, also like the higher heel on them more so compared to Clancy. They are very comfortable and stylish. Under jeans or pants and if I can find a decent pair of skinny's I would wear them over top. The Clair are very nice as well but over the knee is a little tighter so not as easy to sit down in but great for walking. I am looking at getting a pair of the Chris or Tery for over the pants thigh highs. Also the Bettina is a taller pair of Siri's which look great as well. But, once you start looking at the whole available catalog it becomes a huge buy list....thigh highs and really nice heels, oh so many.... Mtnsofheels

  3. Well I voted for me and confirmed by audit of the closet.

    But as Bubba stated below about men, so I buy more styles and wear more different things than my partner. Hers were more for Office work environment versus mine which are for pleasure and likes.

    But still I am at about 24pairs boots and shoes which has been steady.

    I am buying more but giving a consistent amount to the second hand too.

    Allows for more shopping!


    That is a problem that most men that wear heels have. There are so many more styles of women's shoes, compared to men's shoes, men usually have a great time buying all of the different styles that appeal to them I know that I do, Boots, pumps, slings, plats, etc.,

  4. Greetings shoe-ca, Nice to see another Canadian on board with HH Place, welcome and hope you enjoy the site as much as the rest of us do. Check out groups section for other like minded Canucks that have simliar interests. Look forward to seeing more from you! Cheers, Mtnsofheels

  5. Hi zip up boots, Ya there is interested members in western boots here. Chatted with On Your Toes about his boots from Paul Bond. I have a pair ordered too, in a 3.5-4" heel. Do you have heels on your boots? How high? A good reason to wear boots as much as possible! Mtnsofheels

  6. Greetings and thanks for posting this thread Lady Celeste. I would if I could, my work has me in outdoor boots a lot of the summer months, ski boots in winter. However when not in those I am in heels as much as possible. I forecasting and hoping to spend more time in the future in heels. But 24/7 could be another lifetime in reality though, mindfully I toy with the thought often! Mtnofheels

  7. Yes the places that we love to spend money at, I like your reply Maximilian, the places I would if "I could afford to". Over the years I have found different places which suit my interest at the time they are; Fluevog shoes in Vancouver, as they carry my size in all footwear they sell plus some funky stuff. Gravity Pope in Calgary/Edmonton have a great selection of foreign shoe makers, Nordstroms have great selections during the year. ShoesUSA in LA, I am liking their wedge shoes and boots, and yes I have purchased from Gaborit in Paris, will do more there for sure. I have a similar list to Maxi's as well, I just keep chipping away at the shoe shop block, ....Laboutins....and others.....hmmm... Mtnsofheels

  8. Greetings all, Yes indeed, a good question for sure. I voted yes because in the bigger cities it is more common for women and some men to wear heels as they wish. In Rural areas my feeling is that women would generally avoid heels because of what others (women and men) think of them. Digging out those old standards ( stated lower in the thread) which are still seen as the norm from decades ago. It is a pity that it still exists but it does. My partner moved to our rural location from a bigger city and has hardly worn a pair of heels since. That I am sad about, however to get a few groceries it is not practical to jump in a pair of heels to go into to town and mix with others in the store that have sneakers or crocs on and yoga pants. That said I am promoting our visits to bigger cities, wearing heels as a fun adventure for us to do where others would be commonly seen doing the same. Thanks for the good comments! Mtnsofheels

  9. Hi Brianf, Nice to see you voicing your ideas and wants. I too am like you, heels and hose are common in my daily routine. I like them, the feeling wearing them and trying to be as I am. But we are held back by tradition and morals steeped in perceived weakness of males showing any feminine qualities. That is what keeps us in fear and rejection. Mtnsofheels

  10. Greetings Christy_C, Welcome to the HH Place, yes many of us are in the same boat as you regarding the Laboutins.......sigh, we just have to drool for a bit of time before we can bring wishes to realization. Nice to have another girl join us, enjoy the site! Mtnsoheels

  11. Welcome meeny, Thanks for sharing your stories, that is awesome you have explored that side of you. I look forward to more of you stories/adventures in heeling. It also great to have a few others with you to share your interest. Enjoy, Mtnsofheels

  12. Welcome Karen, Great to have another woman join us at the HH place. Yes we are many men here who have the same interest in wearing heels as most women do. Albeit more than what you would find on the street but we are changing that trend hopefully and maybe you will find one us one day on the street enjoy what you do freely. Lots of information, fun and talk about heeling, enjoy and nice to have you join us. Mtnsofheels

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