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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Hi JimC, Thanks for the article by Margo Demello, and thanks to BobHH and Heelster for finding in online. It would be interesting to find Margo Demello and introduce her to the "Reclaimers" of mens shoe history, that would be us. Awesome, it just needed to be a mans leg to set it off.....haha. Mtnsofheels

  2. That is fabulous bootylover, You have been able get in your relationship where many of us only hoped of getting when we that young. That is so awesome, now for all of us who are envious, tell that GF of yours she is a wonderful person, and also for treating you so well. Have much fun and enjoy your heeling with her! Mtnsofheels

  3. Welcome Mrs Silke, Nice to have join us here as we all lovers of High Heels and fashion. Thanks for the introduction about you and your heeling interests. Look forward to more of your contributions. Cheers, Welcome hhcrazi Glad you 2 have joined us here, welcome to the HH Place, Nice sandals in your Avatar. Look for ward to hearing more from you too! Mtnsofheels

  4. Greetings swenick, Congratulations on your triple win, 1 for the money, 2 for shoes and 3 for your very fortunate partner who is so understanding of shoes and your interest and wearing them. That with your collection of new and perhaps older ones would pretty much sum up what others including me would call the perfect dream come true! You are a fortunate man! I do like you collection of newly ordered shoes, The pink is a bit radioactive for me but still very stylish. Great job on the choice, have fun with those! Thanks for sharing your dream come true! Mtnsofheels,

  5. When I started to wear HH shoes and when I tried them on for fun are two

    ages. 1st time ever I was in my youth years or 7-8, then in my late teens when I bought my own and wore them in private.

    As always when in our youth the shoes were so much bigger than the foot.

    In my teens the HHshoes would go up size 10, now there is much better sizing available.

    But the age "I wish I had started wearing heels" full time would have to be around 16.

    I am sure if I did then my life outcome would be a whole lot different than it is now. No regrets, just now I know it would have put me into a different life path which I fantasize about now. Like shoe designer or store owner.

    Good question!


  6. Hi autumnheels, Thanks for the link, quite good and educational. I had been thinking about converting a pair of my boots and putting a shimano shoe clip which would be rather different. For mountain biking that would be a little interesting as I am sure the heel would not last nor would I if having to push the bike up hill. For regular biking this is a good clip. Thanks for sharing! Mtnsofheels

  7. Right on Zebraheels, Good for you to get out in them and walking around. Maybe she would allow you to go out with some other heels which are less obvious. Keep it up and have fun! Mtnsofheels

  8. Hi Heelsforme, Glad to see you are getting it sorted how post pictures and stuff, and it worked. Nice shoes too! Keep posting, it does get easier the more you do it. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi heels4toni, First off welcome, it is nice to see another Cdn here. You are in the middle of this with no way out it seems. Be kind to your self, do not stress about it. Life is way to short to get balled up in fear and get yourself no where but further into a vicious circle. We all see your situation and feel for you. But now and/or in the end you will have to come to terms with your situation. Only you can really do what is best for you. You have to answer to yourself first, and honestly, then to your wife honestly and then others if needed. The potential is you push yourself dangerously into areas of no return. So if you were to buy a motorcycle or a boat would have to ask or hide it from people? If your wife wanted to do the same does she have to hide it? Then if that was that way she thought of you would it change with anything you wanted to get? Remember now, as John H. stated, we have so many avenues to be able express ourselves. But the longer it is hidden the worse it is to tell the truth and get an understanding from her. It is a perspective, since most women cross dress by wearing pants and other traditional male items we should be able to wear some things without having to worry too. That said you have to have your wants too. Because this will not go away, will all have dealt with these demons but once you embrace yourself there is no demon left to push you around. There are many examples of our types to show your wife, if she loves you and accepts you this should be allowed to ask her without guilt. Hope it allows to proceed to mental freedom....it has to work for you too! Regards, Mtnsofheels

  10. The relaxing part is hard to do but when I am at home I usually have some sort heeled boot/sandal/shoe on. Unless of course I know some company is coming over. As is it getting colder more heeled boots now, a quick trip to town for groceries or other erands is usually done in boots. The only time I am not in boots/shoes is when I am actually taking people into the mountains, then it is specialized climbing or ski boots. Mtnsofheels

  11. Agreed with telling them up front. I think it is much easier (thought it is still a tuff thing) to face the fear at the first opportunity and tell her versus having her find out after which lead to such a big mess because of the potential of thinking they are some other woman's shoes or a host of other problems. I have done the later in my younger years and now up front with all my feminine interests. Honesty works the best! Mtnsofheels

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