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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Welcome neill, Nice to have you join us here. Well you know it is never a good time to say it but it is never to late to do so. It my take many years for us to digest this interest of ours. Once we accept it then decide to go with it or not, it takes time. But we are no different than a woman wearing pants, we just get to wear what we would like to. Explore the possiblity of telling her, cause you will much more of a man for her and a happier person for saying so. We only have one chance at this life, make it the best life! Mtnsofheels

  2. Greetings Well-Heeled,

    Nice to have you join us here. Your sizing is challenging but not impossible.

    Check out http://www.shoesusa.com

    They make all sorts of sizes in many styles as well.

    I have 3 pairs of boots from them, fortunately I fit a size 10 but they do make shoes and boots in bigger sizes. They are well made and fit very nicely.

    They are other makers out there, should be more info coming along.



  3. Greetings confused45, Welcome and thanks for taking the step to introduce yourself and telling us about interest in High Heels. It is amazing to see, many of us finally come out and find this site and discover that many of us had the same interest in our younger years. Geez if we only had this contact way back when. But we are here now and it time to start wearing heels as much as we can and like to. Thanks for sharing your story, it is wonderful to finally realize we are not alone, we are Ok and it is OK to like High Heels. And even better it is really cool to wear them. Enjoy, Mtnsofheels

  4. Greetings Heelfts, I do like your introduction, as you have many of the same elements as me and many others here had in the beginning. I bet you feel that your schooling would be putting you in a difficult position. However you are not dipping into a disorder but understanding self as having another side of you which is perfectly acceptable. Accepting it and embracing the love of shoes and boots is the best way for anyone to be at peace with themselves, it is OK to wear what you want to and and have fun doing so. All of us do and love the fact that we have had the unique opportunity to be able enjoy heeded shoes and boots. In the many years ahead we will be looking back and saying "what were we thinking back then" of course we can love and wear any style of footwear we choose to, we were part of the changing history of wearing HH boots and shoes for everyone. We are living the future history, enjoy the site and feel to talk about it, it is awesome! Look forward to hearing more from you. Mtnsofheels

  5. Yes toes and fingers! I can say now that the toes are done all of the time, pedicure every couple of weeks, fall colors and now looking into some rich color for winter. The GF has hers done too, we do ours together and not always the same but compliment each others choice. Also been doing my fingers in a french this fall, I really like them. JoJo, I did bio-gels too, strong and durable. Nails will be for a long time now. Mtnsofheels

  6. Hi Jarl Ayari, With your question of "natural nail length for men?" That would be no length at all. Well natural is a different term, I would like to read it as "common nail length". Common is 1-2mm past the nail bed. I have been wearing longer nails this fall, a french manicure in Bio-Gel with a length of up to a centimeter, but at the moment I am at 4mm squarish ends. That is my preferred length which lasts for a week, before I finally down size them after 2 weeks they are 6-9mm. I really love a french Manicure, and with the Bio-gel they are stronger than any nails I have worn before. Funny enough I had friends visit this week and no comments, which I would have expected from him. I intend to wear them as long as I can before switching out. Problem is timing to get them redone every 2-3 weeks. Love the nails. Mtnsofheels

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