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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Bionicbabe, Agree with other suggestions about starting your own company and do what you like. But other avenues are possible, esthetics, cosmetic sales, salon services. Movie industry such as make up artist, hair stylist, clothes stylist. Personal shopper for elderly or disabled. Second hand clothing store owner, second hand shoe store. Then again the fashion business as well may offer chances to be who want, like fashion photgrapher, set sylist, style consultant to models, model (like model andrej pejic) who I think has done so amazing and very lucky, working with fashion shows and or fashion designers who all need worker bees. Then things like sommelier, wine merchants, wine retailing for special events. I have been trying to figure that one as well, have been looking at people who do where heels like the Spanish design consultant mentioned elsewhere here, Steve here who has an awesome situation selling mens hoseiry. But as mentioned elsewhere, we are only limited by our unwillingness to try something. However I wish I was 15 years younger in search of my for a new profession in heels. But will continue to do so.....

  2. This week I tried out the new Axxium OPI gel nail care. I have been using gel nail for a few years, The new treatment is lighter in coverage and flexible, but also strong. Have any of you had Axxium nail coverings?

  3. Recently on a couple of occasions I have found my self buying more shoes/boots out fear of missing that style or having them sold out and not getting them. Have you found yourself in that situation? Reading the thread about wedge heel sneakers a comment was made about buying them before that style is gone, so I went and got another pair with that in mind. Then last week I had been looking at pair of sandals, I went by the store only find out they were a spring edition and will not be made again, in a somewhat of a panic state I asked if there was any in my size? reply only 1 left, well I was down to their other store in a heartbeat and bought them on the spot! I walked away feeling like I had been successful in avoiding the a" lunch box letdown" (you missed the chance to buy them and forever regretted it). As there are so many styles and chances to find those perfect shoes/boots and life gets in the way of figuring out if, when and do I need them, and bang they are gone. So to avoid the shopping despair I have gone out my way to make sure I can find my likes. It has blown my budget and theory of shopping with a conservative mind for $ and space. I find I look at shoe and boot pictures in Pinterest and say what have I been missing? When were those available? Do you find yourself in the same situation? I know for some it is not an issue but for others being on a budget and space concerns, how do you manage that feeling? Do you find as your interest and comfort in heeling gets better that finding those styles before they are gone is on your mind? How do you feel about missing out footwear styles that have been discontinued that you drooled over? sigh, so many to find wear and so little time......

  4. I saw this sometime ago but it took some thinking about I go about it. I have worn shoes/boots right out of the store and they have very good from that point on. However on occasion like last week I bought a pair of sandals which fit well at the store and when I wore them out to dinner that evening and now I need some work to fine fit them which I will do but at least I found that out right away. Some purchases I have only worn at home and will continue to do so as they may not see a debut in my local. Ill fitting shoes have not been numerous for me but I have disgarded some which fell apart after my debut. Speaking of which I just ordered some high heel shoe stretchers today which I hope will help me fine fit them for more public versus getting a cobbler to do my stretching for me. Will update once I get those.

  5. Well is can not happen now as my mother checked out last Nov. However in her time living in extended care I wear edge heels while visiting and taking out for walks. But I think that she no longer noticed those kind of things. But years ago I am sure she knew I had some shoes in the house during my 20's. She also wore heels in her prime years which I credit her for my heeling and womens fashion likes. So now there is nothing or any family holding me back.....can envision her comments.

  6. For me I think that Women do inspire me and men. With their style trends and development they give ideas for us to see and try out for our own styling. I agree Kittyinboots that the skinny legged jeans are an example as well legs tucked inside tall boots. But then things like accessorizing and "the Look" even though I cannot duplicate it, it gives me something to strive for. Belts, tanks under button down shirts, hand bags and much more. I do feel women inspire me so I can aspire to a style which I finally say that I have the "Ah Ya" So much to explore! Mtnsofheels

  7. Yup I am a Mac fan, Mac Pro, 3TB, and 4TB back up 4-5 years old now, lotsa ram, as it used for photo stuff. Mac Book Pro, 2 yrs old, looking for new one now, 500gb. It is a job keeping up to the new stuff and keeping the software updated......geez. But that is the game!

  8. Oh yes me like many here do wear hosiery of all kinds and brands. knee highs to pantyhose. Just works better for boots and shoes plus feels way better as well. Spanx, Wolford, Peevy, Comfilon which is Steve's line, Oroblu from Italy are some I do wear. So many to choose and so many experience. For P hose, I am a lg in most but med in other brands, size charts are helpful. I also have more than my GF, she rarely wears any, except for formal events. Cheers,

  9. Have to say that once I started looking at the Gianrico Mori selection on E-bay, I kept going with the bidding. They are very nice boots which feel great and I will be able to use the knee highs in public. That is coming up soon on a trip to big city of Vancouver. Looking forward to that. I was surprised how easy the bidding went too, once I sealed the bid it took a short few days to come from Italy. So glad that chance came up! New areas for looking in the future! Cheers,

  10. Finally I am back at home and now enjoying the pair of Gianrico Mori wedge boots I got on Ebay a few of weeks ago. Here is a couple of pictures as promised of the new boots which are so nice! I am impressed with the delivery from Gianrico Mori and the quality of the boots are really good. Very worth while purchase. Will get a couple more pictures of other pair too. Thanks Richy for leading me to Gianrico Mori ! Here is the OTK version of the ones above, they are so cool!




  11. Yes my my partner knows that I read and post here on HH Place. She herself does not wear heels much anymore so has less interest than I do. I do show her every once in awhile or tell her about interesting topics which come up. The best way, do not have to hide anything or be worried about or what I do here. So I do feel very much supported and accepted for my interests in heeling and wearing what I like. It did take some time to have her understand it all but with nothing to hide, it is so much better. I am lucky and loved for my interests. Mtnsofheels

  12. I got a pair of those last November from Calgary store too, they are awesome! I also picked up a pair of the Janilan womens boots too, both are super comfy. I did send a note to Fluevog regarding more heels for men, they said they were planning on producing more. Shortly after that the Edwardian Swordfish came out which I do not like as much though. Recently they came out with Postmodern Slushy which is kinda like a sandal version of the Swordfish line. I do like those, they can be fond in the womens heel section. I am hopeful that Fluevog will come out with more heeled boots/shoes for men, keeping watching! Mtnsofheels

  13. Hi highheelboot, Sorry for the delay in getting back about the boots. I have been away at work and will be for another 3 weeks so it will be awhile before I can get pics out to you. I did receive them but have only glanced at them. they do look awesome though, can't wait to wear them.. Look for pics in late April. Cheers!

  14. I have run into a fellow I know while wearing a pair of 4" wedge knee high boots under jeans in a coffee shop. Just did the normal conversation exchange, he did not clue into that I was taller than normal, but that helped i had not seen him in some time. On other occasions I just do the normal stuff and carry on. I do not plan on drawing attention to my boots and it should go by without any issue, should someone say something about what I am wearing, will talk about boots/shoes and how I just luv em. Cause that is what happens in normal exchanges anyways. They just don't know how much happier I am! Mtnsofheels

  15. Good points Kikepa and Steve, nicely said. Yes many of the demons are in ones mind for sure, I fretted about wearing heels out a few years back in Calgary,Canada which has a red neck cowboy oil patch city ability about it. And certainly if one were to wear them out to western style bar you may end up with some other afflictions, so read "danger area" there. But after purchasing a pair of 3.5"heeled boots from Fluevog downtown Calgary (last Oct) and wore them out into the busy streets, it was easy to do. That was so liberating to do in a place where I once feared of going before. As many have said before, like Dr Shoe, go for the busy places with lots of people because few will notice and fewer will say anything because its to busy. People may not want to point it out as they become the spectacle and not you. That worked like a charm, and now I just do not care. That gave me confidence. In places where testosterone outnumbers estrogen by a wide margin, those are "danger areas" (like industry towns or work sites). But I do feel that big cities here in western Canada are Ok for heeling but certainly have areas to be aware of, just like any place when you travel. Mtnsofheels

  16. Hi Lvemadomina I do have "high top wedges" 2 pairs. Last week I received my second pair, "Ash Bowie" 's which I have been wearing for the last 2 days out shopping. They fit nicely and sport a modest 3" heel which is concealed by black leather wrap same as rest of shoe. They work well for heeling no can notice them by looking nor hearing since sole is rubber. Good traction as well. My first pair were a Sketchers and not as refined as the newer styles. The ones I just received I purchased through Nordstrom's, look under sneakers and select wedge, geez the selection has many new pairs, will have to look again! http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/womens-wedge-sneakers?origin=leftnav Check em out!

  17. Hey Rockbass19, Well I am assuming that you went from couch to heels with little training? Even women talk of hurting feet from wearing heels, just part of the process of getting used to them. But even standing in a small area for a 4 hour stint I would ache too. Keep on going just do it you will get better and they will not hurt as much. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Yes heeling is empowering and and that is one of the reasons women and men wear them. I have a couple of pairs of Jeffrey Campbells, in fact one pair I had purchased the whole sole delaminated after a coupe wears, I called up Solestruck and they gave me another pair and style at no cost. That sold me on their service which I still checkout. keep heeling!

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