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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Just the last couple of days I have been in and out of a couple of airports, I did see a bunch of good looking women, put together well and wearing boots and shoes with nice heels. One gal had a pair of 6" heels with a platform and peep toe that made her 6"/190cm, wow. Of course there are the flight attendants who wear heels onto the plane after take off on with work shoes, low heel/flats or low wedge heel. City centers and office workers have heels often. That is my limit observations though. Yes agreed, the men do make much effort to support a comfortable atmosphere either, we certainly can help(men that is). Mtnsofheels

  2. Encourage a son to wear heels? Sure I would if he showed an interest to do so, by all means yes! And as mention above show love and compassion to that person as well, it is a package deal. I do not have any kids, but knowing the struggles I had dealing with my shoe/boot interest I would be very happy to help a son or a younger person feel good about wearing heels and be a sounding board save that person the lengthy issues many of us faced. Mtnsofheels

  3. Hi eoneleg, I can see them, they do look very nice, does have SW twist to them......like Sundance style..... Yes a pair of nice jeans and a horse or just hanging out at the stables, they could do all of that. Thanks, Mtnsofheels

  4. Great job in getting out Larry, you are a rock man. Just face the fear it self and go for it as you have been doing. Thanks for sharing your story, it is so vivid, the struggles which many of us can/have and will face with just being able to be or selves and wear what we want to. Your story is powerful and I can certainly understand what you went through......you did well and you will continue to do well. Those kinds of efforts and telling us about them will help many to just go and do it just be you. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your notes on getting out in wearing your heels! Mtnsofheels

  5. Thanks for the comments,

    I agree with all said and yes it is up to the person, and first it is ones own move that will get em out on the street.

    Like jarod91 stated,

    At the end of the day, there is no switch that is going to be tripped that is going to make society all off a sudden accept guys that wear or want to wear heels or clothing from the opposite sex. Although Lady Gaga's movement is a positive step in to trying to get people to accept everyone for who they are in the end it is up to the individual to accept themselves and to be confident, and then those around you will accept you. Just my 2 cents though.

    The one slant I will point at is that many people have similar acceptance issues in society just to be themselves such Gays, Lesbian and other minority groups too many to mention, They all have the same struggles, just as we many guys here do for wearing heeled shoes and boots.

    So when someone of us thinks a person might say something or the fear of rejection plays on your mind, just think that many other folks have the same issues

    just to be in society without heels, but they do it anyways because they have to, so it boils down to " Just do it" as many of said and I agree.

    The movement suggestion was only to have and idea of "safety in numbers" or as stated in many other threads here, " The High Heel Place" has helped many of us

    to dare ourselves and go heeling. That is the movement!

    All good stuff and yes there will always be places not to go and many places we should go.

    Just as any city or country can be.

    Keep pushing the heeling!


  6. I came across a news item about Lady Gaga's "Peace Prize Award" which she will accept in Iceland on October 9th 2012. I was motivating to find her website and then read about the "Born this Way Foundation" which has done amazing amounts of work in the area of Acceptance of who you are. The site is really good for the motivation and acceptance of who you are and to go with bravery and face all that holds you back from dong that. I thought that many us here that have struggled with our own demons and criticism because of the shoes or boots we would like to wear. Just reading through the website gives me more motivation to be who I am. If any one is here is struggling with wanting the courage and motivation to be who they are and what you wear on your feet, you want to check it out. Lady Gaga's song which has become a symbol of this movement "Born This Way" for world wide acceptance. I do like her music, some may not like it but one can only admire her wishes for youth, acceptance and peace. here is the link, http://bornthiswayfoundation.org/ This type of movement and motivation will allow us make our wishes of acceptance for High Heels to be worn by whoever wishes to wear them a reality in the future. Now it is our turn have the courage to be who we are! Go out and wear a pair heels be who you are! Comments? Mtnsofheels

  7. I have experienced that in the past....the "missed purchase and dammed if they are all gone" when I finally did summon the courage, money or whatever block there was to get them. So I have adopted the tact as Amanda has stated buy them now because they will and can disappear. But one of the problems which I come across is I find shoes/boots after they have disappeared and have become a non-produced item, but I want them now! Many fine pairs of shoes/boots have come and gone, now I just have focus on what is available in the present market, get them before they become history! Mtnsofheels

  8. Hey Rockpup, Good score on the Rick Owens Boots. Would love to find a pair of those on sale, the regular price is way to much for me. If you ever find another pair of size 41s please let me know. They look really good! Mtnsofheels

  9. Yes of course I wear boots in snow, I have snow 5 months of the year where I am.

    It really depends on the temprature as -15c / 3f is quite a different story than -1c / 30f.

    Those Hunter rain boots are only in size 10 womens, I tried them but they were narrow.

    However there are some new heeled boots in the Nordstroms winter boot selection, could be

    some there to think about.

    Again wearing a stilletto is not practical but a heeled boot like the new,

    Sorel 'Medina' Rain Boot (Women)

    on the womens winter boot menu of Nordstroms will be just right. They also have bigger sizes than

    the Hunter rain boots. Hmm.....might be a good buy.....

    There also a line of warm heeled boots by La Canadien from Montreal and Blondo. I have seen

    Blondo in ski areas in the USA and they are fully heeled winter boots......like those are the ones I want for

    tromping around in the snow!

    Snow is just one more medium for wearing boots!


  10. Yes when I have not been able to get out and wear them as often as I want to. But that does not last long as I just go and do it when I can. I have finally just given into the fact that heeling is part of me and off I go. Life is to short to think that hard about something I love to do. Mtnsofheels

  11. That is good news, I'll be checking those out too! Bad news for the wallet thought, but then again if the boots/shoes are good a small mortgage will fill my closet them! Just kidding, I would much rather buy from Fluevog rather than footwear which is cheaply made, not only suporting a designer from Canada/North America but the quality is worth paying for. Look forward to his new models. Mtnsofheels

  12. Yup, heels often and up to 4.5 " heel, wedges and lots of types. You got to figure that if you going somewhere wearing heels may as well get use to them on foot all the time. I do appreciate that wear marks will happen and that the floor boards can take a beating but that is everyday wear and tear. Driving a sports car in them is cool! Mtnsofheels

  13. Thanks for post Bootcat, I am agreeing with others that "cocky" is not the term I would use either. Perhaps "accomplished", or "fulfilled" and maybe just "freedom" as that is what I feel like when wearing heeled boots/shoes. Good thoughts regardless..... Mtnsofheels

  14. Hi Bootcat, Oh yes just yesterday, I tried those and the others on. I bought the Miracle Platform Janlian's and wore them around Calgary. Pictures coming soon, I have 2 pairs on layaway, one Prince George and the Leewards. Will be back to em soon. They fit so well and my closet is filling up with Vogs........... Mtnsofheels

  15. Hi Bootcat, Just been over to the Calgary store and saw those in there. I don't mind them but did not try em on. I have been looking at the Prepare Volunteer but have shied away from them too. But I am really impressed with the on course Leeward boots. I'll be trying those in a week or two. Fluevogs are so nice, they fit and are very comfy, love em. Well into my teens of Fluevogs! Mtnsofheels

  16. Well now, I do not have to hide them but storing them is becoming a problem. I have 8-9 pairs under the bed, dozen plus in our shared closet and several more in a second closet, and other nooks and crannies. I would love to be able display them all.....some day. New house maybe..........someday! Mtnsofheels

  17. I have been a Fluevog fan for years, since it was called Fox and Fluevog quite some years ago now. I still purchase from them on occasion. I have sported the "Grand National" boot a clove and hoof boot, several other boots tall and small. The newest most recent boot I am considering is called the "Prince George", a concerted effort to get heels in mens shoes and boots. It has a 4" heel, ankle boot. Will be seeing them next week. They have many good shoes and boots and often different styling but certainly interesting. Sizing, I have been a pretty steady size 11 but trying em on is key. The boots mentioned above are very cool too, LA Griffith were a lure for me too. Much to ponder at Fluevog.... Mtnsofheels

  18. Thanks Dr Shoe, Nicely put. In some places it oftens goes awry with the one is enforcing the law, as to what their mood and tolerance is. But this should be motivating to be who we want to be....just do go for it!

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