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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Agreed, almond is my preferred pointed toe shoe/boot style, however as times and styles change so does my likings, 15-20 years ago it was rounded toe. But for right now pointed! Mtnsofheels

  2. Having boots in many styles zips, lace ups and pull ons, I like them all but in my collection my favorites boots are lace ups, Fluevog "Grand National" a pony boot and a 5" thigh high lace up! But there are so many boots, and not enough time in life to experience them all, but I could die trying too! Mtnsofheels

  3. Greetings Luvyourshoes, Thanks for sharing your story and your situation. Difficult for sure but being comfortable with yourself and loving yourself you can move mountains. The thing that has helped me is knowing that it is OK to have your wants and needs it is OK, because it is for you and nobody else. You are not harming anyone and it is up to them to as how they want to be. In the end, because it is for and only you, to be swayed by what others think means they are uncomfortable with themselves, if they can not respect you for who you are they are disrespectful. To be flamboyant and outrageous is another thing but to wear in good taste will bring acceptance. If they may think badly of you or your father they are thinking badly of God as well since he is supposed love us all for who we are. We are placed to bring a message to whoever listens, this may be yours. Besides life is way to short to not accept self and enjoy it to the fullest. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more from you. Enjoy and be the person you are, and there is much shopping to do! Mtnsofheels

  4. Welcome Solomon,

    Nice to have you join us, as stated many of us here (not me) have the same

    on the opposite end of the scale. But I think you will find some shoes and boots for you.

    One area or place you can search is Asian shoe stores as they are smaller

    fitting feet and you may find something.

    The other palce is Cinderella of Boston, on a website called about.com

    You may have found this already but here you go.


    Hope this helpful!

    Glad to have you join us!


  5. Greetings Julie and welcome to the HH Place. Glad you have joined us here, you will add a lot to our already envious readership. Your interests and fetish for heeled shoes and boots are the same with many of us here as well. Awesome collection boots and shoes and not to mention fun videos too! Thank you sharing and we look forward to seeing and hearing more from you. Mtnsofheels

  6. Welcome Vikki, Nice to have you and your partner join us at the HH place. I am fine with calling the other half -"partner" since that is what I do too. Enjoy the site and I look forward to hearing more about you and your adventures. Mtnsofheels

  7. Welcome Skytopdancer, Nice to have another Canadian join us, With a collection of shoes/boots that size you have found another fun community to be part of. Yes having an obsession for shoes and boots, well it just has to start somewhere and glad it has for you and many of us here. Enjoy! Mtnsofheels

  8. Greetings Violet, Thank you for your introduction and thoughtful points which you have stated very well. You have chosen words which are certainly applicable to many of us here and our desires/passions. I certainly would like to hear more of your experiences regarding your journey. Thank you sharing and welcome to the HH Place! Mtnsofheels

  9. Yes, have 2 pairs of boots from JG, they worked well, I had ordered them from Canada so way no have personal fitting, buy they fit really well when received them. I would talk with Ian and make sure though. "I Love Boots" has 12-14 pairs with no issues fit that recall from him. Hope they work for you! Cheers, Mtnsofheels

  10. Well, I wish I could wear my heeled shoes and boots to work, its where I work that makes it difficult. I work in the outdoor industry in the mountains, like trekking, climbing and lots of skiing. So the shoes I wear need to fit what I am walking/skiing on. But I do have some womens outdoor boots which again fit way better for me. Did get a comment from a young girl this summer asking if those were womens boots because of the colour, I replied yes they are! Soon I am hoping for a partial change in work so I can wear more heels, hope to report differently then. Mtnsofheels Notably: -What sort of job do you do? -Do you work with mainly men, mainly women, or an even mix? -How did you first get to wear high heels to work, and did you talk to anyone about it first? -What was the first reaction of colleagues? -How long did it take people to accept you in them? -How long have you been doing it for? -What style of high heels do you wear at work?

  11. Wedges are my favorite too, wear them often and have many pairs. Nice pair you have too, thanks for sharing the photos. Wedges are easy and comfy to walk in, I am mixed about them being easier though, rolled off a pair wedges into the weeds as well as regular heels. Also wedges are not loud as heeled shoes. Mtnsofheels

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