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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Couldn't work out if it was League or Union. Was that a line-out they tried at the end?


    In case you're wondering, League is a game for gentlemen played by thugs and Union is a game for thugs played by gentlemen. Soccer is a game for thugs played by thugs and cricket is a game for gentlemen played by gentlemen. Don't mention golf, that's just a good walk spoilt.

    Love your description of League and Union, I know feel way more informed about what is what.

    Hockey = League, but where do Baseball, Basketball and North American Football fit into?

    Any takers?

  2. Well that term may have a place in a Psychology manual to describe something for someone else that may need to have term in order to describe

    our interest and love heels and wearing them, however I do not feel I suffer from the said medical condition. I feel it brings a calmer

    more pleasant person who is more fun and cheerful while I am wearing heels. Do I suffer from wearing heels for long hours? not any more than when

    I do not wear them. And it brings much happiness and excitement to the wearer and for the person who observes the many lovely women and men

    who do wear heeled shoes and boots.

    So science has made business of describing and giving everything possible a descriptive term to place it.

    I just feel I do not need to be described that way in order for me to be as I am, love what I like to wear.


    However could you imagine if the fun it would be to put that term down on surveys and medical forms when asked if you suffer from anything!

    Good thread heeleddude.

  3. Another place is Ebay, on occasion they do come up Rick Owens boots, but it is hard to find them now.

    I always check them out in hopes seeing them come again, and depending on foot size some of the womens sizes

    can work.

    I have been trying find some and have come close 2-3 times!


    Need to make more of those, Mr Owens!

  4. Bionicbabe, Well spurs might work if that is what you want do, as you know "The Stampede" would be an excellent place do it. As Dr.Shoe stated whatever statement you want to make do it. My Prince George's, to dress them up with spurs does not fit my style. Great idea for a theme party though.

  5. Good fine on the video Black_Boots, it certainly gives the sense that Yanis and friends have spent a lot of time in heels.

    They are very solid on foot even with the cobblestone rolling ankle scenes (like who would not roll an ankle there).

    While the comment of looking/acting gay can be negative or positive, can it not be said that is way they look without having to tag a gay look/acts?

    We strive for the same acceptance in public for heeling interests no matter how we look, even without heels I am sure many folks

    just have that style which is not along former gender expressions of fashion. So I feel they are who they are.

    Yanis and pals are doing what many of us would like, motivating for sure!

  6. Great story Heals4me, Glad you went for it and everything worked out well, so awesome! I do believe that after awhile with enough pent up eagerness we just have to go for it, after all the fretting and pausing and then finally we just do it and we feel so much better and whole about ourselves. I think it finally boils over and we just got to be ourselves and it feels so good! Its like nobody got killed or injured, but we can finally be us, so why not, just do it, who going fire you? Great effort and keep it up, keep it up! Mtns

  7. So true Jethelsfan, From the way they feel on the foot to wearing them all day and not noticing them during parts of the day. Next day you feel like you have a foot and leg workout. I do prefer the styling and look which go with them. I feel empowered by them, and the forbidden/different allure (as you mentioned) , that too can be addictive I feel. Plus with so many choices and selections from so many more designer/manufacturers, just way more "foot candy" Cool stuff!

  8. Nice purchases JKrenzer, you have picked up some nice pumps for sure. Yes that combo does look really good, nice jeans and great shoes, the look works well. Good stuff! timgh44, Your Italian pumps are very nice as well, looks good with the denim (?) skirt! Good point Blue Jay mentioning that both you and wife wear heels is a very positive step. I do review mine as well, in many of the purchases I do. Nice to see on Steve Madden other men posting reviews of the shoes!

  9. Hey Shafted, Good finds on the 2 articles, yes I would agree, it is on its way and thanks to all males out there doing what we want to do and wear what shoes we like to. Hey! We are making gains on the mainstream beliefs. We'll keep looking for more articles!

  10. Gallux, So nice to hear your wife has accepted your shoes interests. Nice new shoes to start with again! And yes better pictures, good for you and hope to hear more about how your is getting along with your heeling! Be safe and have fun!

  11. He has some good styles and looks, wide variety as well. That is what a look book is all about. Many have a similar brick background, wonder how many he actually wears out. Kudos to him for putting them together though! Thanks sharing.

  12. Yup, back when I was very impressionable at 6 or 7, my 3 cousins dressed me up in a dress and nylons with some shoe I cant remember and paraded me around my grandmother's house. I think those times directed my future interests. Also my mother also wore high heels which also gave me lots wonder about. It has not stopped since, but certainly finding more guys in same level of interest here helped me over those hurtles. Just do it has become my mantra. After all I cant wait until my next life to wear what I want to wear.....it has got to happen this time around.

  13. I recently bought a pair of Fluevog Postmodern Slushy's from one their Vancouver stores. I have been looking at them for sometime and was surprised to find them as a spring edition and were almost out of them, so they had one pair left in my size and bought them in Gastown store. The size 11 fit, did a little stretching and now really nice. Wore them out in Vancouver and Calgary and so glad I got them. They can be worn with Jeans or leggings. I do have to admit they are long in the toe but I am sure once I have broken them in they will just fine. They are similar to other styles they sell like Prince Georges and others in the Swordfish family. Cool Shoes!



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