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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Good job Preston, really nice that your friend is okay about and even interested in heels too! Yes do tell your female friend she maybe very supportive as well. Then life would great and fulfilling! God for you!  ...but it is anyway!

  2. Great picture of the fog, it makes great outings in boots as you have done. Nice job on the boots and red leather jacket, looks perfect for a day out with the camera. Thanks for sharing, you are a great inspiration for the rest of us!

  3. Great stories w6ish, sounds like a fabulous Holiday Season you have had, and Happy New Year by the way.

    Yup every once in awhile a sour grape is found in an excellent bunch.

    A large city has its benefits for sure and you certainly maximize your oppurtunities from my observations.


    Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more of  your outings.

  4. Happy New Year Jeff B,


    SleekHeels: Being comfortable in one's own skin when venturing out in clothing and shoes generally associated with the opposite sex is extremely important. Perhaps if I hadn't already worn a skirt in public before I launched this thread, I would never had envisioned wearing what I had on jaunt #253 back in 2008. Since I don't have anything in the way of an androgynous look, I simply present myself as what I am: a middle aged man with graying hair who wears skirts and heels, nothing more, nothing less. Whether the public accepts me as I am or not, that's fine, the fact people rarely bother to even acknowledge me in the clothes I choose to wear (at least not to my face anyway, what happens behind my back is anybody's guess) says that perhaps I am accepted, or rather the world as a whole could care less.


    Kilty: Thanks for explaining that situation. The notion of wearing a kilt never occured to me, why bother when it's easier, and cheaper to wear a skirt which presents that certain...feminine touch that I like. Meanwhile....


    Jaunt #254, 1/2/2015:
    I'm not sure, but this might well be the earliest I've started a new year with a jaunt as I headed out on January 2nd in my black leather jacket over a magenta turtleneck, the 15 inch denim miniskirt, black leggings, the Pleaser 4 inch heeled thigh boots and a black handbag. I don't know if you could call this a casual outfit, but it was plenty stylish, and that was good enough for me. Despite bright sunshine, temperatures were only in the low to mid 40’s, yet, I still felt nice and warm thanks to the ensemble and how I put it together, even though I wore I short skirt, I wasn't the least bit chilled from the conditions.

    My first stop of the day was to the main branch of the post office as I had to buy a money order, walking in, I saw there was quite a long line, sort of unexpected for eleven a.m. on a Friday morning, no matter. I stood in line behind an African-American woman and her young daughter who I guessed was no more than four or five, as was often the case, adults often ignore me while on my outings, but young children take notice of me, mainly out of curiosity, and this little girl was no different as she looked me up and down from wide eyed interest, so I took something of an initiative and grinned at her, she giggled a bit and grinned back, a nice little exchange. Little over five minutes later, I was at the counter, bought my money order, filled it out, stuffed it in the envelope and left, no fuss, no bother. From there, it was off to downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, took some fifteen minutes to find a spot, about half a block down from the shop, again, no one took notice during the brief walk to the shop, or the longer walk to the conveinence store a block away to buy a lottery ticket, again, no stares, pointed fingers or chuckles or anything else.

    Back in the car, it was over the bridge and into South Jersey and the Moorestown Mall area where I decided to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Hopping out, I entered the store and saw it was plenty full with diners young and old, especially young as the store had an attached play area for the kiddies, so there were a goodly number of youngsters about, some of whom predictably took notice of me, after placing my order, I sat at a table not far from from the counter, so people coming in got a good look at me in my skirt and thigh boots while I ate. Out of the corner of my eye, I took notice of the influx of people, there were a couple of brief stares here and there, but nothing significant, I bothered no one and no one bothered me. Leaving the store, I went to Best Buy for my last stop of the day, there was a pretty good crowd there as well, but no one paid much, if any attention to me in the twenty plus minutes I was in the store before I checked out with a movie on Blu-Ray. I could've stayed in the area longer, but I needed to get over the bridge and back into town before the afternoon rush hour traffic started snarling up the roads. Once again, another enjoyable outing.

    Speaking of outings, I achieved a personal milestone on my previous jaunt on December 29th, going an entire calendar year (2014) wearing skirts on my outings, winter, spring, summer, fall and back to winter again, parading about in everything from 15 inch minis to 40 inch ankle dusters, and it was a glorious experience. As the new year has begun, my days of wearing pants and jeans recedes further and further into memory, I'm fully devoted to skirts (and dresses) now, nothing else will do for me, and my freestyling passion demands I wear nothing else. More to come....


    Very good Jeff B, you have done a great job getting those skirts matched up with the THB's and jacket, you look fabulous!

    Good for you in getting a whole year/4 seasons with your passion for fashion, just amazing. You, THG and 6wish are hugely inspiring for sure.

    Enjoy catching up on your jaunts and outings, thanks for sharing. Looking forward another great year of you posts!

    Be safe and enjoy!

  5. Hey Miro,

    What great gift from your sister, lucky you! They look like very nice shoes too.

    I did not get shoes for Christmas, but one of my neices did give me a gift certificate towards some Fluevog shoes.

    Bless her heart, she may be understanding me more now.

    None the less it was a good Christmas, and for you too Miro!

  6. Okay forgot to add, that I will wear a pair of nice hoseiry or knee highs which is where with any shoes boots anyways.

    Nice jeans or pants with a 34" inseam which what I wear with any shoes boots, then depending on season a nice polo shirt

    or androgynous top.

  7. It is double sided thought that women can wear what they want but will not let men want to wear because they feel is it a bit too

    much and feel others in society would judge them for that. It appears that their worries are based it judgement against them for allowing their

    man to be so feminine rather than the man facing the perceived judgement for wearing what he chooses on his own terms.

    However having spouse who has now accepted me for what I am and allows me to wear what wish, I have created my own terms as not embarrass

    her in front of specific people or her family. I can say that acceptance allows me to be open to any objections which we face as couple if we come upon those judgements. The whole process is based the caring what other people think versus not caring what other people think.

    The world is still a wonderful place!

  8. I have worn heeled boots and/or shoes while specifically shopping for new boots or shoes. However just as many times while not really shopping for heeled shoes I have found nice footwear that I have purchased by bumpimg into nice shops and places unexpectedly. Those times I have have sandals on or something else on.  Just like any shopping, one can really find nice items when you are not looking for them.

    That being said if I am online shopping I most definately have a pair boots on!

  9. I have another pair of new boots to share. These are a bit of a departure for me, in two ways: One, they are kind of low heeled, at 3 1/2 inches, and two, they are wedges. Oh, and three, I gave a bit more for them than I usually like to do. All of this was a conscious decision, designed to increase my total heeling time.

    These boots accomplish this because due to the lower heel, combined with a 3/4" platform, they feel and walk just like a flat--well, to my mind anyway. Because they are wedges, I can now do most, if not all, the things that used to require changing into regular work boots or tennis shoes, like yard work.

    They are Dr. Martens "Marcie," naturally a discontinued style. What is it with me and discontinued styles, anyway? Despite the narrowish wedge heel, these boots are very stable. I don't know how that's possible, I only know that it is so. They have side zips AND shoelaces, which I've never had before. So far, this system seems to be handy, rather than a pain. I imagine that the laces will have to be tightened from time to time.

    And then the pièce de résistance is that these are wife-approved. She looked at these the first time, and asked, "Are those new boots?"


    "Oh, those look very nice! Those are OK. I agree for those boots [sic]."

    Miroseplant, Those are nice wedge boots, I have a pair in camel from a few years ago now, they also made a pair knee highs as well called "Leanne" that are really nice as well. Those wedge boots fit really well, nicely built, Dr Martens does not carry them anymore now which is sad. Good thing you found them on E-bay, I just found a pair of "Leanne" on Amazon but not many left now, they do not ship to Canada but maybe the US.




  10. Hi JeffB, nice looking outfit gotta tell you, TBG and W6ish are awesome in getting out as you wish. Just great to see and hear of your outings that all of you do and very well done I'll add. I dug out a skirt I had'nt worn in awhile and put on with some nice thick tights some boots and had a good day being me. Your an inspiration for doing so. I did not get out of the house since it was -17C or 0F and I did have anywhere to go, but none the less fun day.

    Thanks for sharing your outings and inspiring many of us!

  11. Fun stuff w6ish, sounds like an awesome party coming up. You being the only guy in attendance, weird? No way I would take that as best acceptance one of us could have, that has a keen interest in being and dressing the way we can. I would love to have a party like that out west here, except the next weeks are friggin cold..and snowy.. You may have to wear the 6.5" boots..instead of sandals..

    Thanks for your posts, very inspiring!

  12. Thanks Thighbootguy, great to see you still exploring yourself and wear whatever you feel like wearing. Agreed, once we start we just need to get that pent up feeling out sometimes. Finding the "that feels better" part is such an up lifting part of our day, the Ahh.. now I am feel better. Really after one experiences that feeling of self it is so good. I am sure many of us now know we need that to be fulfilled. You bringing us your adventures can certainly identify with your outings.  Great stories and posts.  Thank you!


    Cool to have seen another fellow adventurer in a skirt!

  13. Do you dig it?

    That is great Miro, like the sense of strutting it brings!


    The image reminded me of a Photoshop image I created back on 2/2/1998.



    One big step for Thighbootguy kind, you have strutted much sine you did that picture TBG!

  14. Thanks for the quote from Louboutin Estar, yes he seems to have an opinion for sure. Agree with you Heelster, I am sure many do have an opinion.

    Funny as Louboutin sold a style a year or so back which was an 85mm heeled boot for men, but nothing like it has resurfaced on his website.


    "So that's why he won't do larger than a 39..."    Dr Shoe, Is this Louboutin's sizing?

  15. I see that many of the past threads on Pony boots are locked so I can not reply to them,  so I'll post it here since we are talking about pony boots.

    I came across a link to a shop in the UK who apparrently sells Pony boots. Been awhile since anyone talked about them and when we did

    I seem to recall someone not being able to find them.

    Here is a llink to the site and boots.



    Certainly are wild shoes/boots for those who are interested in that kind of footwear.

  16. Usually when I go into the city ( closest one) which is 3 hours away, I'll take a couple of pairs of shoes along because I'll spend a day or 2 there and doing a whole lot of different things so I am always prepared. Coming into winter I take extra because it can be snowing where I am and in the city it can be warm and clear so having back ups allows me more heeling time that normal. During summer just having a couple of pairs gives me more options when I do a city trip. If did not take back ups I would be in outdoor boots all the time given my rural locality ( home) and not the city where it is good heeling.

  17. Ilks raises some very excellent points about this subject which we could face.

    It may worth while to do a cheat sheet and have it in your pocket for exactly the occasion which may come up.

    I do have a selection of those questions in my mind should I encounter a curious person who may

    chance a conversation.

    Thank you Ilks for taking the time to write your well experienced points out for us.

    With that it certainly gives one a confidence boost to be who want to be!

  18. Hi Bigfoot 15,


    I hear your pain but I do not experience that difficulty myself.

    However prior to size 11 womens footwear which was not that long ago I too was looking sizes that fit.

    Recently (in last 8 years) I found one shoe maker who I would reccomend for custom sizing. While I can order available sizes in womens

    shoes and boots they offer now, custom sizing for their footwear is available. What I can vouch for is that they make absolutely fabulous quality footwear in

    leathers and heels. They are great to work with and I highly reccommend them to source your footwear. As mentioned elsewhere quality is worth the price

    and time to have something you will enjoy for along time. While these will not compare in price to "Payless" they will outlast many and you will enjoy them for a long time.

    Check them out, they have many styles hopefully this can lead you to some enjoyment.





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